Chapter 398
Wei Xiao didn't go out for a long time this trip, just over an hour, and the two of them haven't finished watching a single Chinese teaching video, and they are still sitting in front of the computer and staring at the screen intently.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Hou Qing turned his head, saw that it was Wei Xiao entering the room, and turned back again.

Wei Xiao knew that they were studying seriously, so he didn't bother them, but did his own thing first.

After more than ten minutes, the video finally finished playing and entered the commercial time.

Wei Xiao walked over and turned off the video, and asked in as calm a tone as possible: "Bao, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"Huh?" Nuba turned to look at him.

"It's like this, don't you like going out recently, I found you a job, what do you think?" Wei Xiao blinked and said kindly.

"Work? Do you want me to work?" The female demon looked a little uncomfortable.

In Nvba's understanding, she doesn't have the awareness of working to make money, and it's good to be able to think of "labor". Besides, she has mutated into a zombie for thousands of years, so how can she know the skills of work?
"Uh... almost." Wei Xiao nodded, and then began to explain the meaning of working to make money to the two ancestors of zombies.

After a while, the two finally understood.

"Then, should I also go to work to make money?" Hou Qing asked curiously.

"No, don't interrupt, I don't need you to make money, but I want Ba to go out and see the current world. This is the most important thing." Wei Xiao said bluntly.

"Besides, didn't you say that it's boring recently? Houqing usually has to practice on his own, and I can't accompany you, so I want to find something for you to do. When you are all free, you can watch videos and learn together. Chinese, if Hou Qing needs to practice and has no time, you can also go out to play by yourself."

After listening to Wei Xiao's explanation, Nuba and Hou Qing were silent for a moment at the same time.

Although Hou Qing didn't think about the meaning of Wei Xiao's move for the time being, he seemed to realize the importance of this matter. After all, Wei Xiao couldn't do meaningless things for no reason. Since he did it, it must have an unusual meaning.

On the other hand, Nuba herself understands better, and even vaguely knows the key points of her own flesh and blood rebirth, so when she was in the Daming Mountain Scenic Area, she would often come out to play alone, and the subtle changes in her body had already attracted her attention.

This time, what Wei Xiao has done has almost made this key point clear, it is impossible for her to feel nothing.

The two have their own thoughts, both thinking about the significance of Wei Xiao's doing this.

After a long time, Nuba was the first to speak: "But... I am like this now..."

She didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning was clear. Her current appearance is still a zombie, which is very different from Houqing. There is no way to cover it with clothes. Once she goes outside, she will definitely scare ordinary people.

At this point, Nuba is still very self-aware.

Hou Qing obviously knew this too, and looked at Wei Xiao in puzzlement, waiting for his explanation.

"As long as you are willing to go out, this is not a problem." Wei Xiao said confidently.

You must know that there are four major evil arts in Asia in the modern world, among which makeup can well cover up the appearance of a female demon. As long as the technique is good enough, she can be transformed into a normal person through makeup.

Although they heard Wei Xiao's assurance, Houqing and Nuba were still somewhat skeptical. They couldn't believe that there was any way to cover up the ugly appearance of Nuba's zombie.

Seeing that the two still had doubts, Wei Xiao simply came to the computer, found an introduction about makeup techniques on the webpage, and showed them to them. Then he took out his mobile phone, took a photo with only a beautiful picture, and immediately posted the The two old zombies were stunned.

Looking at the photos taken by Wei Xiao's mobile phone, Hou Qing and Nu Yan couldn't help themselves for a long time, and they were almost dumbfounded.

In the photo, the bluish-black skin on Nuba's body has turned into a normal light yellow color, her sparse hair has become much thicker, and even her somewhat distorted face has become normal, and even a little more beautiful.

Seeing this photo, Hou Qing admired Wei Xiao so much that he was speechless for a while.

The situation of female demons is much more complicated.

Although Nuba has not seen her own face for thousands of years, she still deeply remembers her original appearance, and the face in the photo is almost exactly the same as her back then!
"Is this what I used to look like?" The nun stroked her cheek with her right hand, staring at the photo obsessively, and lost her mind for a while.

When Wei Xiao saw Nuba's small movements, he immediately knew that something had happened unexpectedly, but for the time being, it shouldn't be too bad.

Allowing Nuba to see her previous appearance in advance may also rekindle her hope for life and work harder to accept the world.

This should be an incentive for her!
"Ahem..." After a long time, Wei Xiao finally couldn't help interrupting the contemplation of the two, and said, "How about it, will you trust me now?"

The power of modern technology is beyond the imagination of these two ancestors of zombies. Their thinking is still stuck in the barbaric era thousands of years ago, when civilization was just sprouting.

Hou Qing nodded again and again, and stopped expressing any opinions.

This kind of technology has surpassed his understanding, and at this time, the only way to keep silent is the most appropriate.

On the other hand, Nuba seemed a little excited, her eyes were on the photo for a long time, she didn't want to leave, she came back to herself when Wei Xiao asked again, and replied very definitely: "Okay! I promise you, no matter what you want me to do, I agree!"

Wei Xiao didn't expect the nun to be so straightforward, and he didn't react for a while. After a while, he said: "That's good, then I will arrange this matter by myself. You just need to pay attention to cooperate."

With the Nuba side settled, the preliminary preparations for the whole matter have been completed, and the rest only needs to wait.

In his idea, the best way is to put the girl in the current Shiwandashan herbal tea shop as a waiter, so that she can get in touch with ordinary people more, feel the kindness of this world, and really like this world. Into this world.

However, Huang Liang hadn't passed the test yet, and the interview hadn't started yet, so he couldn't talk too much, so after talking about it, he left first.

Before leaving, Wei Xiao played another video for them, also for learning Chinese.

A few minutes later, Wei Xiao found a business card in the room, dialed the phone number left on it, and waited for the other party to answer.

Because of Luo Mengqing's advance greeting, Wei Xiao was very confident, knowing that the other party would definitely not reject his proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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