City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 397 Prepare in advance

Chapter 397 Prepare in advance
Brother Hu is a regular customer of the herbal tea shop, and every time he comes to the shop, he always insists on "wanting it all" set meals—as long as the shop can sell him, he will order a copy of everything.

After several months of operation, the herbal tea shop is no longer the monotonous flavors it was at the beginning, but has been enriched a lot, reaching as many as 12 kinds.If it is true what Brother Hu said, one serving of each item, I am afraid that Wei Xiao will have to be busy to finish it.

A lazy guy like him wouldn't do this kind of thing himself.

"Well...Brother Liang, we're almost done talking about things. I'll take a step ahead if I have something to do. I'll see you at the interview." After finishing speaking, Wei Xiao walked out of the herbal tea shop and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Huang Liang was so angry and funny, he could only shake his head helplessly in the end, and went to make herbal tea for Brother Hu himself.

Wei Xiao left the herbal tea shop, not in a hurry to go back, but prepared to continue to visit the next person.

He took out his mobile phone, dialed a number deftly, and waited for the other party's response following the beeping sound from the mobile phone.

"Hey, Brother Xiao, when did you think of calling me?" A familiar female voice came, crisp and clear, it was Luo Mengqing's voice.

"Uh... I happened to think of you, so I called you." Wei Xiao replied subconsciously.

"What? It's been so long, you only think of me this time?" Luo Mengqing asked dissatisfied.

Wei Xiao was suffocated for a moment, and quickly explained: "This...isn't it either."

"Okay, you've passed the test. Tell me, is there anything you need to help with?" Luo Mengqing asked directly as if he had guessed something.

"Well, there is indeed something I need to ask for your help." Wei Xiao quickly picked up the conversation, and then told the story to Huang Liang just now again.

"Huh? How can I help in this situation?" Luo Mengqing asked hurriedly, a little confused.

She is a people's policeman, and it would be okay if she helps catch thieves and fight criminals, but she doesn't understand at all about helping an ugly girl out of autism.

Wei Xiao smiled embarrassedly, and said: "Well... I mainly want you to help convey it, if someone is scared because of my cousin and then goes to the police, please hold it down for now, don't make things worse! "

"Pfft..." Luo Mengqing sprayed out a mouthful of water, spraying it all over the dining table in front of him.

How could this be the case?
How ugly does it have to be to scare people into calling the police?
And this didn't really happen, it was just a vaccination given by Wei Xiao in advance. Could it be that Wei Xiao is so confident that her cousin's appearance can scare people?
There were countless questions in Luo Mengqing's mind for a while, but it was hard for her to ask them face to face. After all, such questions could easily hurt the other person's self-esteem.

"I... I can figure it out. If there are any, I will say hello to them." Luo Mengqing thought for a long time, and finally gave an answer.

"That's fine, thank you very much." Wei Xiao let out a long sigh of relief, and quickly thanked him.

"Well, you're welcome. Are you okay now?" Luo Mengqing asked.

"Haha, there is one more thing." Wei Xiao laughed, and continued: "The one we saw in the fight club last time is your brother, I wonder if he is free recently?".

"Uh...Of course I'm free, why are you looking for him?" Luo Mengqing asked curiously.

"Some small things, I want to cooperate with his company." Wei Xiao said bluntly.

As soon as Luo Mengqing heard that it was a matter of the company, Luo Mengqing immediately lost interest, and said listlessly: "Then I'll tell him, and then you can contact yourself."

"Okay, thank you very much." Wei thanked with a smile, and was about to hang up the phone.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Luo Mengqing who was opposite seemed to sense something, and immediately asked, "Are you free recently? When are you coming to practice boxing with me?"

"Ah?" Now it was Wei Xiao's turn to be dumbfounded.

He thought for a while and replied: "Well, I have time recently, except for tomorrow afternoon, any other time is fine, you decide."

"Okay, after you meet my brother, let's go to the fight club." Luo Mengqing quickly set the time.

"it is good!"

Wei Xiao hung up the phone, rubbed his head, and thought: This matter is finally resolved.

Letting the female demon come out to do things is exactly the plan he has been thinking about for more than half a month. Ever since he knew the method of the female demon's rebirth, he has been thinking of ways to let her quickly integrate into this world.

This is one of the best ways.

If this thing goes well, as long as the female slave really opens her heart and integrates into the world, I believe she will recover very quickly, and it won't be long before she can catch up with Hou Qing's progress.

The most important thing is that this matter is very easy to form a virtuous circle.As long as the customers of the herbal tea shop sincerely accept Nuba and express their kindness to her, Nuba will also sincerely accept this world, the zombie aura on her body will gradually decrease, and her appearance will also recover.

After her appearance is restored, people's acceptance of her will become higher and higher, thus forming a virtuous circle, like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger, and finally achieving the goal Wei Xiao envisioned - to make the female demon Accept the world completely!

Of course, these are just Wei Xiao’s ideas. If the matter doesn’t go well at the beginning, it will easily get stuck, or even be interrupted suddenly. She was completely disappointed in the world and began to exile herself.

If that's the case, unless Hou Qing can stop it in time, it's really hard to say.

However, this kind of situation should not be so easy to happen. As long as he keeps following and pays attention to adjustments at any time, Wei Xiao believes that it can still be avoided.

After hanging up the phone call to Luo Mengqing, Wei Xiao called Lu Yuqing again, asking her to go back to school tomorrow and lie down, come over and help the girl put on makeup, and cover up her appearance a little, at least so that people won't be scared when they see it.

For Wei Xiao's request, Lu Yuqing happily agreed, and said that she would go to the interview with her daughter-in-law, and was willing to help her take this step.

Wei Xiao thought for a while and finally nodded in agreement.

After finishing the phone call with Lu Yuqing, Wei Xiao went back to the dormitory alone.

Now that the rest of the matter has been settled, it can be said that "everything is ready, the only thing I owe is the east wind", as long as I can convince the girl to make up her mind to attend the interview, the rest of the matter will go smoothly.

"It seems that I have more time to learn eloquence. This kind of persuasion seems to be done more and more." Wei Xiao laughed at himself.

After thinking about it, he quickly returned to the dormitory and saw Houqing and Nuba who were seriously watching the video and learning Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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