City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 384 Tree Boundary Island Camp

Chapter 384 Tree Boundary Island Camp

Half an hour later, Wei Xiao left the school and went to Shujie Island to choose the planning plan for the southern end.

Before going again, he had already talked to Lu Yuqing on the phone. He had a general understanding of the situation on the phone, and knew that the designers of Yunmeng Pavilion had prepared several plans, and he would select them as soon as he arrived.

Of course, if you are not satisfied with the prepared plan, you can also propose amendments on the spot. The designers of Yunmeng Pavilion are already waiting on the island.

Wei Xiao was very satisfied with the efficiency of Yunmeng Pavilion, and immediately said that he would arrive soon, and it would not take too much time.

On the way to Shujie Island, Wei Xiao finally didn't have to go to Beiwei City to take a small fishing boat, but flew directly from Yujian City, Shanjiang City, all the way across mountains and ridges, and then crossed a piece of coastal sea. It only took half an hour Came to the golden beach of Shujie Island.

It was still noon at this time, the sun was shining brightly on the beach, the blue sky was like washing, and tall coconut trees stood not far away, like the guards of the island.

The environment of Shujie Island is beautiful, and every moment has the scenery of every moment. After Wei Xiao got off the flying sword, looking at the beautiful scenery around him, he couldn't help sighing: "It's so beautiful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure walked out of a hut not far away, it was Lu Yuqing who was waiting here.

"Brother Xiao, you came very quickly!" Lu Yuqing walked over with a smile, and looked Wei Xiao up and down a few times.

Although the Spring Festival has just passed at this time, the temperature on Shujie Island is very suitable, around 23°C all year round.

Lu Yuqing was dressed in a purple tulle dress, and her long black hair was gently scattered behind her back. A gust of sea breeze blew past her, combined with her otherworldly temperament, she floated like a fairy in the nine heavens.

Wei Xiao was stunned for a while, then came to his senses, went up to meet him and said, "Of course, no matter how you say it, you can't keep Fairy Lu waiting."

When Lu Yuqing heard this title again, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed.

Wei Xiao was a little puzzled. He didn't know why Lu Yuqing was laughing. He just had a quick talk just now, but he blurted out the title "Fairy Lu" before he remembered to think. Now when he saw the other party laughing, he suddenly felt a little awkward.

"Ahem!" Lu Yuqing cleared her throat and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see the blueprints. If possible, choose the blueprints as soon as possible, so that the brothers in the pavilion can start working as soon as possible." After that, he led the way first.

"Okay!" Wei Xiao nodded and followed Lu Yuqing's pace.

He is not picky, but if he builds a residence, even a small house is enough for him to live alone.However, according to Lu Yuqing, the residence at the southern end is still the site of Yunmeng Pavilion on the surface, so of course it can't be too shabby, at least there must be a building complex.

The two walked side by side into the camp at the northern end of Shujie Island, which is the sub-rudder of Yunmeng Pavilion on Shujie Island.

In the camp, most of the buildings have been built, and they are basically full of people. In addition to most of the disciples responsible for the construction, there are also some elders from Yunmeng Pavilion who are also in charge of commanding the island. While building, he began to practice using the aura on the island.

That is to say, Yunmeng Pavilion has completed more than half of the development of Shujie Island, leaving only some fragments and the southern end of Shujie Island belonging to Wei Xiao.

No wonder they are so anxious, I'm afraid they can't wait to fix the southern end soon, and then they can start to practice, right?Wei Xiao thought to himself.

When chatting with Lu Yuqing before, he once asked the other party why the disciples on the island don't have a holiday, and they even have to work overtime during the Spring Festival?

Lu Yuqing was not surprised at all, and replied very naturally: "They can't wait to build it quickly, and then start their own cultivation."

At that time, Wei Xiao didn't know what was going on, but now after looking around, he suddenly understood.

Shujie Island is full of spiritual energy, and it is a rare blessed place of spiritual energy. Although these disciples who are responsible for the construction on the island have heavy tasks, as long as they can complete the task, they can also enjoy extremely high treatment.

This treatment is to absorb the aura of the island first, and use it for self-cultivation.

You must know that now is the era of spiritual energy exhaustion, even Yunmeng Pavilion, which belongs to one of the three major sects, actually does not have many cultivation resources!Reiki is not a luxury for every Yunmeng Pavilion disciple, but it can be easily ignored.

Absorbing one step ahead means being able to go one step ahead of others, and it also means that the chance of breakthrough becomes greater.

Therefore, this condition alone is enough for the disciples of Yunmeng Pavilion to work overtime during the Chinese New Year regardless of fatigue.

The camp of Yunmeng Pavilion is about the same size as the small town where Wei Xiao’s family is located. It is roughly divided into four areas, southeast, north, and west. Among them, the east side has the most abundant aura and is a specially built training place. During normal rest, the disciples of Yunmeng Pavilion Basically practice here.

The five elements in the west belong to gold, but it is a huge square. Usually, the disciples practice spells and practice flying swords here, and there are no tall buildings around, so they are not afraid of damage to the buildings due to spell mistakes.

The south side belongs to fire, and general buildings such as canteens and utility rooms are located here, so this side is also the most deserted. After all, cultivators seldom eat, and usually only eat once a few days.

To the north are some tall buildings, the meeting hall of Yunmeng Pavilion is to the north, and there are some elders' private courtyards, and even the residence of the head of Yimeng is to the north.

Wei Xiao and Lu Yuqing came in from the west. After passing through the huge square, they headed north all the way to the meeting hall in the north, and saw the builders waiting in the meeting hall.

As soon as he entered the door, an old man with beards walked out first, greeted him with a smile on his face, and said: "Brother Xiao, I finally waited for you."

"Uh, you know me?" Wei Xiao asked with question marks all over his head.

"Of course, is there anyone in Yunmeng Pavilion who doesn't know you, Brother Xiao?" The old man laughed loudly, then turned to look at the other people in the hall.

Those people nodded at the same time and said in unison: "Yes!"

Wei Xiao looked puzzled, and suddenly remembered that he had teamed up with Lu Yuqing to participate in the Xiumeng Grand Competition. It was probably remembered by everyone in Yunmeng Pavilion at that time, and then he suddenly realized, "Thank you, thank you!"

"Brother Xiao is too modest."

The bearded old man was talking, and then eagerly came over and took Wei Xiao's hand, and quickly pulled him into the crowd.

"Look, here is our plan for the southern peninsula, what do you think?" He pointed to several blueprints on the central table, and said eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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