Chapter 383 Back to School
The previous part-time jobs were all for earning some pocket money, and occasionally for emergencies.

This time, though, things should be different.

This time, Wei Xiao and Huang Liang partnered to open a herbal tea shop, and they made a lot of money, which was completely different from the usual part-time job, so he planned to say it out.

Unfortunately, he still didn't expect his mother to have such a strong reaction, and he felt helpless immediately.

"Mom, I opened a store next to the school with my friends, not those part-time jobs that take time!" Wei Xiao emphasized helplessly.

"Opening a shop? What do you do? Are you busy?" My mother froze for a moment and asked several questions in succession.

"Not busy, not busy!" Wei Xiao quickly waved his hands, and said, "I'm just selling herbal tea, and I'm in charge of producing technology, so I don't have to do anything at ordinary times!"

The reason why he emphasized "no need to do anything" is to reassure my mother. After all, this is what she is most worried about. If she is very busy, she may be opposed immediately.

"Well... if you don't do anything, how much money can you have?" Mom looked at Wei Xiao with suspicion.

Wei Xiao thought for a while, and said modestly: "There are quite a lot..."

"Forget it, forget it!" Seeing his hesitation, my mother immediately waved her hand and said, "It's probably not much, you can keep it for yourself, if it's not enough, ask your parents for it."

After all, my mother smiled and walked away.

In her eyes, even if Wei Xiao could make money by himself, it would not be much, so Xiaoxiao was done.

"Oh!" Wei Xiao sighed helplessly, looking at the back of his mother leaving, he didn't know what to say.

In the eyes of my mother, he is still just a child, and his occupation is only a student. Basically, he can't make much money. If he suddenly takes out the herbal tea shop and earns 10,000+ yuan, I'm afraid it will scare her.

In desperation, Wei Xiao thought about it for a while and decided not to say it for the time being, and then find a chance to say it after returning to school.

The most important thing is that he suddenly thought about it just now and had a very good idea.

When I left school, I gave Huang Liang a promise to get the herbal tea shop ready and expand it immediately after the Chinese New Year.

If all this goes well, it is estimated that several branches will be opened in Shanjiang City soon. If you have the ability, you can also open to Yugui City. It is best to let your parents go to the small county in your hometown. Help look at the store.

In this way, parents can realize what he is doing, and secondly, it can also make parents feel more relaxed. They don’t have to go thousands of miles away to work. After all, the days of looking at the store are easier than working.

Moreover, the profit of the herbal tea shop is also very good. As long as the parents can successfully open a branch, I believe they can make a lot of money soon.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiao suddenly smiled, and immediately decided to realize this idea.

As for the parents, I will not tell them for the time being, and I will call and tell them when the store is confirmed to open.

After breakfast, Wei Xiao left home in Li Tianqing's car, went to the bus station in the county seat, and then drove back to school.

However, going back to school by car is just an excuse to tell others, Wei Xiao's plan is to go back in the way of Yujian Feitian.

During the Spring Festival period, he has almost matched his witch weapon and sword, and has completely reached the standard of flying a sword, so he is planning to try it with his own sword.

As for the Tianliu that Lu Yuqing gave him for temporary use, Wei Xiao put it away and planned to return it to Lu Yuqing when he saw her again.

Li Tianqing sent him to the station in the county seat, and then drove away.

Wei Xiao also left the station, found a relatively remote place, and instantly called out his own witchcraft - a shining silver sword.

Although this sword was conceived from the heart of a small tree, because the way the sword was conceived was so special, and when the sword was formed just when the sword was protecting Ziming, not only did it not look like a wooden sword at all, but it also carried a hint of chill. , which is more lethal than ordinary swords.

After calling out the sword, Wei Xiao squeezed the sword formula with his hands, and secretly carried the Yujian Feitianjue, his figure quickly rushed to the sky, and disappeared in the sky in the blink of an eye.

Since he has learned from Lu Yuqing before, Wei Xiao is not a novice at Yujian, and his control of Yujian Feitian is still in place. There were no accidents along the way, and it only took less than an hour. It reached the sky above Shanjiang City.

However, because the urban area of ​​Shanjiang City is densely populated and it is broad daylight, pedestrians are everywhere, and there is no suitable place to land.

After circling the sky several times, Wei Xiao had no choice but to find a park with few pedestrians and stop, and lowered the flying sword from the forest in the park.

Half an hour later, Wei Xiao returned to school and returned to the rented room on the West Campus.


Wei Xiao yelled in a low voice as soon as he entered the door, but he didn't get a response, so he asked again: "Aren't you there?"

"Looks like it's really not there!"

After entering the room, Wei Xiao glanced around, but did not find Houqing and Nuba, so he shrugged and said to himself: "Not bad, quite responsible!"

Since Hou Qing and Nu Ba are not at home, they are naturally on Daming Mountain. There should be no third place besides this.

After all, when Hou Qing said goodbye to him, he said that he would go back to Daming Mountain to teach Daming, and it seemed that he was not lazy.

"Okay, let's clean it first while they're away." Wei Xiao walked around the room, and found that it was less than ten days old, and the room was dirty again, so he started cleaning.

Mopping the floor and wiping the table again and again, Wei Xiao was making plans for the next step.

After returning to school during the Chinese New Year, there are many things to do, and each one is relatively independent and takes more time, so I can only do one by one according to the priority.

The first thing to be excluded is the herbal tea shop.

It was still only the sixth day of the new year, and the winter vacation would not end until the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, so there were still ten full days before the date he had agreed with Huang Liang, so he was not in a hurry.

The most urgent thing at present is the planning of the southern end of Shujie Island.

Ever since Lu Yuqing told him, the builders on the island had been waiting for him to confirm the planning drawings, and only after Wei Xiao nodded in agreement could the other side start construction.

"Well, I'll contact Yuqing when I'm done here, and then go to Shujie Island, and return Tianliu to her by the way." Wei Xiao said to himself.

"Then, I will go to Daming Mountain to see the results of Houqing's teachings and solve the Daming matter, so that I can rest assured."

"Go to Daming Mountain and call Houqing and the nun, and take them to see the little tree and the vines, and see if they can help the little tree. If possible, help them become spirits as soon as possible."

"If there is still time in the future, maybe I should go to Yunmeng Mountain and ask senior Zhenchuanxi, who is the senior in Shenpo Ridge, and if there is a way to invite him out?"

(End of this chapter)

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