Chapter 328 Begins
Lu Yuqing was stunned and almost screamed.

After taking over the golden cockroach from Wei Xiao, she has been in charge of feeding and raising it all the time, but she has never seen it behave in such a human way, let alone bathe and wipe its body!
Could this bug be a sperm?

There was only one question left in Lu Yuqing's mind.

After scrubbing it clean, the golden cockroach flapped its wings and flew high again. It was in front of Wei Xiao in one stroke, and this time it was not blocked.

Wei Xiao opened his palm and let the golden cockroach land on it.

His palm was not very big, just enough for the golden cockroach to stand on. After standing still, he bumped a few times and complained in a low voice: "Why are you so fat..."

When he was in Shujie Island, Lu Yuqing fed him a large bucket of poisonous insects every day, and he didn't need to do anything. He ate well and slept well without doing anything. There was no reason not to be fat!
When Lu Yuqing heard his complaints, she immediately rolled her eyes from choking, and clenched her hands tightly.

"Hey, don't bite me!" Wei Xiao suddenly yelled and almost jumped up.

After he finished complaining just now, the golden cockroach seemed to be angry, and suddenly put its mouth in the palm of Wei Xiao's palm, and then opened it.

Wei Xiao was taken aback, and quickly put it down, not daring to flirt with it anymore.

The two chatted for a while, and soon the sun disappeared completely, night fell on the earth, and even the moon, which had not been seen for a long time, quietly revealed its head.

Wei Xiao looked at the sky, saw that the time had come, and suddenly put on a serious face.

"Okay, it's almost time, we should start."

After all, he took out some prepared things from his backpack.

The first item was a box, square and square, looking like a box for some kind of cosmetics; the second item was a knife, which had been used to cut the water bottle just now.

The third is a Band-Aid...

"Why are you buying this?" Lu Yuqing asked curiously.

"I'll have to bleed later... I'm afraid of the pain, so I bought some hemostatic medicine in advance." Wei Xiao said with a troubled expression on his face.

In the past, too much blood had been consumed to make bloody cards, and he was a little anemic now, which made him extremely entangled: the power of emotional witchcraft is all bought with blood!

"Okay, you continue!" Lu Yuqing spread her hands.

"No more." Wei Xiao shook his backpack, and then took out the last thing.

That's a big pile of newspapers!
Lu Yuqing was speechless.

The backpack that looked bulging before the relationship is actually full of newspapers, and there are only a few things in it?

"Okay, you continue..." Lu Yuqing said weakly.

Wei Xiao curled his lips, ignored her, but spread the newspapers on the table, covering the entire stone table.

Newspapers were laid out neatly.

After laying out the newspapers, he opened the square box, and inside was a mass of green mud, which looked sticky and a little disgusting.

"What is this thing? Why does it still have a strange smell?" Lu Yuqing was curious for a moment, and she got very close, and was immediately suffocated by the stench coming from her nostrils, and asked repeatedly.

"Gu medicine, a good thing." Wei Xiao replied calmly without frowning.

After speaking, he picked up the small knife next to him, dipped the tip of the knife in a little mud, and then tapped it on the newspaper.

The diameter of the stone table was about one meter, and after covering it with newspapers, it still had a large area. Wei Xiao's hand moved quickly on the newspapers, and immediately touched the newspapers without even touching the mud.

Soon, the newspaper was covered with small dots of green mud, densely packed, if there were trysophobia patients, I am afraid they would faint at a glance.

Lu Yuqing is not such a patient, but she still feels uncomfortable with so many green spots, and she doesn't know why.

After ordering the Konjac Foundation Building Cream, Wei Xiao washed the knife with water and wiped it again.

"Oh! I forgot to buy alcohol!" He suddenly yelled, with regret on his face.

Lu Yuqing didn't react for a while, but she suddenly sighed and said, "Oh, forget it, are you angry?"

"Fire? No." Lu Yuqing was stunned.

"Okay then, I'll light the fire myself." Wei Xiao shrugged and continued, "I'll be bleeding later. If this knife isn't sterilized, I'm afraid it will get infected."

He said to himself, and then took out something from his arms, a black brick.

It is the turtle treasure!

Wei Xiao's finger flicked lightly on the turtle treasure, and it took less than ten seconds to complete a witch talisman.

Since he was promoted, he can finally learn the fire character. Although he can't fully use the power of the fire character at present, it is easy to use it to disinfect the knife.

After the fire character was drawn, it was immediately evolved with the help of Guibao, and then lifted into the air and turned into a rootless flame, emitting an orange-red light.

Wei Xiao chuckled, and put the knife in his hand into the flames to completely sterilize it.

The rootless fire formed by fire characters is several times stronger than ordinary flames, especially the temperature, which can be anywhere from 700-800°C, and it only takes a few seconds for disinfection.

After the disinfection was completed, Wei Xiao blew out the Rootless Fire in one breath. After the knife had cooled down a little, he placed it on his index finger and stroked it lightly.

Blood came out quickly, drop by drop, slowly emerging from his fingers.

As the so-called ten fingers connect to the heart, it still hurts to make a cut on your own finger.

Enduring the pain, Wei Xiao pointed his finger at the green dot on the newspaper, and then trembled slightly, allowing the blood to drip accurately on the green dot.


There was a soft sound, and every time blood dripped on the green dot, there would be such a sound, which sounded like concentrated sulfuric acid dripping on it.

After the blood dripped onto the green dot, Lu Yuqing was immediately dumbfounded, because she saw an astonishing scene.

The blood and the green mud blended with each other, and quickly merged with each other, and the color turned into an orange-like yellow.

There were no lights on the top of the mountain under the night, but Lu Yuqing could see clearly.

Because that lump of slime is glowing!

The change in the mud wasn't the only thing. After the color changed, it began to shrink, as if something was wriggling inside, and slowly clumped together, turning into a light ball the size of a ball.

The mud that was originally spread on the newspaper shrank into a ball in less than a minute, and it was still orange in color, which looked a bit like an egg.

These balls are not eggs, of course, but they are somewhat similar to eggs, because life is also conceived inside.

Wei Xiao's hands moved very quickly, because it was dripping his own blood. Due to the strong healing ability of the wound, he could only cut it a third time with each stroke. He could only bear the pain and kept cutting himself. finger.

(End of this chapter)

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