City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 327 Wuyu Temple

Chapter 327 Wuyu Temple

The silver-white car came to the foot of the hill quickly, and the two got out of the car.

Wei Xiao was carrying a backpack, which was bulging, obviously filled with a lot of things.

Lu Yuqing was carrying a box, and there was a rustling sound from time to time.

As the evening was approaching, no pedestrians could be seen on the hill, and there was only a lonely road up the mountain, which seemed very deserted.

The two of them walked up the hill in silence along the path. Halfway there, a fork appeared in front of them.

Wei Xiao has been to this place many times. He is a person who likes to run in the morning. When he was in high school in the county, he would come here for a morning run every weekend, and because of this, he met many people who ran with him.

Among the two roads at this fork, the road to the right is the road to Wuyu Temple, which has been in disrepair for a long time, and now there is only an old monk struggling to support it, while the left is to the top of the mountain. Lu Yuqing explained, turning to the intersection on the left and continuing on.

"There is a gazebo on the top of the mountain, specially for those who go up the mountain to rest. We can take a rest in the gazebo later." Wei Xiao walked in front and said with a smile.

"Gazebo?" Lu Yuqing was a little curious, pointing to a place on the right and asked: "The temples here are all ruined like that, how can there be a gazebo?"

Wei Xiao looked in the direction she was pointing, and found that she was talking about the Wuyu Temple on the mountain, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Why can't there be a pavilion if the temple is ruined?" Wei Xiaoxiao asked back with a smile: "The ruined temple is the monk's business, and the pavilion is repaired is the business of the tourists on the mountain. The two can't be confused, right?"

In Wei Xiao's impression, there are not many people in the small county who believe in Buddhism, so even if this Wuyu Temple has been dilapidated for many years, no one plans to rebuild it.

Instead, the gazebo on the top of the mountain was repaired a long time ago for the convenience of tourists going up the mountain. It was blown down by the wind, and it was rebuilt soon, and it was even better than before.

After listening to his explanation, Lu Yuqing was silent for a long time.

She was born in Yunmeng Pavilion, and practiced in Yunmeng Pavilion since she was a child. Because Yunmeng Pavilion or the practice method of the whole cultivation world is close to Taoism, many people are Taoist believers, and they value temples and Taoist temples.

Seeing such a dilapidated temple for the first time, she inevitably felt a little unbelievable.

Seeing her being silent for a long time, Wei Xiao also realized something, so he said: "Maybe it will be difficult for you to accept, but if you look at it from the standpoint of ordinary people, maybe it will be different."

After listening to his words, Lu Yuqing tried to bring herself into an ordinary person in a county town, and soon felt relieved.

"It seems that you still haven't forgotten your identity as an ordinary person!" She suddenly said jokingly.

Wei Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Isn't that good? I'm an ordinary person, why should I forget this identity?"

"But you are no longer." Lu Yuqing whispered.

"No? What is that?"


"Heh, cultivators are just ordinary people with stronger power. Don't they want to eat and drink, have emotions and desires, and pursue more powerful power all day long?" Wei Xiao said lightly.

Lu Yuqing was silent for a while, neither of them said any more, they just walked forward tacitly.

After a long time, she finally spoke, "You're right!"

Wei Xiao smiled lightly, and just about to speak, the other party said another sentence.

"But I still reserve my opinion."

Wei Xiao spread his hands helplessly, and said, "Okay, we can't argue about this issue, so let's put it on hold for now."

Are cultivators ordinary people?

This point of view is not something that they can argue about now, at least one has to be at the level of Daoist Yimeng, and only those with certain experience, reputation, and cultivation are qualified to discuss it.

The reason why Wei Xiao dared to bring it up just now was just to talk about it in front of Lu Yuqing. It was a discussion among friends and it was harmless.

However, Lu Yuqing obviously did not support his point of view. Although he did not directly refute it, he still reserved his own opinion.

Lu Yuqing's point of view represents the point of view of most practitioners!

Wei Xiao understood this situation, so he shook his head helplessly, and stopped continuing this topic.

The two soon reached the top of the mountain and saw the gazebo mentioned earlier.

There is an open space on the top of the mountain, and an antique gazebo is built in the middle, with octagons on all sides, a stone table and many stone benches in the middle, for tourists to rest.

The two walked into the gazebo, Wei Xiao put down his backpack, threw it on the stone bench, and then sat down to rest.

Lu Yuqing also put down the box in her hand, gently opened it, and released the golden cockroach so that it could breathe.

Ordinary cockroaches like dark and humid places, and even like to hide in narrow gutters without sunlight all day long.But for some reason, this golden cockroach only likes large spaces, and hates small places the most, just like the box in front of it, if it didn't have its favorite food in it, it wouldn't even be able to stay for an hour.

Wei Xiao has raised it for so long, so he naturally knows its habits. He never closes it up during normal times, giving it enough space to move freely.

When Lu Yuqing took over the golden cockroach, she also learned about it from Wei Xiao, so she always pays attention to it.

The golden cockroach sensed Wei Xiao's presence before it even flew out, and after squeaking a few times, it flapped its wings and rushed out of the box, flying towards Wei Xiao who was sitting and resting.

Wei Xiao's expression changed immediately, and he quickly waved his hand to drive it away.

It's not that he doesn't like golden cockroaches, it's just that there are still many corpses of poisonous insects left in this box. One can tell that this guy has eaten a lot of food on the road, and there may be residues in his hands, feet and mouth.

Wei Xiao would not let him get close to him in this situation!

After rejecting the approach of the golden cockroach, it seemed a little sad, and called a few times in the distance, and the voice seemed to ask: Why are you ignoring me?Do you have other bugs?

Although Wei Xiao couldn't understand the worm's language, he could guess from the golden cockroach's tone, so he curled his lips and took out a bottle of mineral water and a pack of tissues from his backpack.

I opened the mineral water and drank half of it, and then cut off the upper half with a knife, exposing a big opening.A few paper towels were pulled out, stacked together, and placed on the stone table.

After the two things were done, the golden cockroach screamed happily, then jumped into the mineral water bottle, as if taking a bath, tossed and tumbled several times, soaking the water all over its body.

After washing, the golden cockroach jumped out again, pounced on the paper towel, and wiped his whole body with the paper towel, especially the mouth where he had eaten poisonous insects. He kept rubbing it on the paper towel until it was folded several times. Thick paper towels are worn out.

(End of this chapter)

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