City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 298 The Poor Man

Chapter 298 The Poor Man

As the saying goes: Poor people must have something to hate!

When Wei Hewei was a weak white woman, Wei Xiao thought he was a kind-hearted person who would reciprocate his kindness, but only now did he finally see his true colors.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, Wei Xiao soon felt relieved.

Wei Hewei was a commoner before his death, and after he died with resentment, he was just a white woman with no cultivation. If it wasn't for the help of Wei Xiao and Hou Qing, he might have been wiped out by those members of the Daming faction. There was no other way. revenge.

However, due to a sudden accident, he was suddenly named the Zhenshan Lord of Daming Mountain, and gained huge rights and benefits.

This transformation is like an ordinary citizen who suddenly becomes the governor of a province. How many people can keep their original intentions?
Wei Hewei didn't keep his original intention, didn't stick to his original promise, instead he wanted to become a demon, to become a demon clan to pursue his own freedom, and even blamed Wei Xiao for imprisoning him in the position of Zhenshan Lord.

Wei Xiao was really angry.

Unexpectedly, after listening to his questioning, Wei Hewei not only showed no regrets, but instead showed a mocking smile, saying: "It was then, and now is now. Now I don't want to be this bullshit town tiger anymore, if If you think it’s not good, then remove my position!”

"Okay! Since you don't want to be an officer anymore, I have no choice but to fire you." Wei Xiao pursed his lips and agreed very simply.

Suddenly he thought of something again, and continued to ask: "Actually, I really want to know, who is helping you behind the scenes? Demonization is not something you can easily get in touch with. What did the other party promise you to make it so easy for you?" Give up the position of Zhenshanjun without hesitation?"

"No one is helping me, I did everything by myself!" Wei Hewei said quite proudly.

"Very good!" Wei Xiao nodded again and again, then fell silent.

After pondering for a long time, he suddenly made a move.

Zhenshan Beast is a very important position in the Wu Clan. It was granted by the ancestor Wu Qin. It has been passed down from generation to generation. Its status is even much higher than other positions in the Wu Clan. Except for the Witch King, it is almost under one person. above ten thousand people.

To canonize the Zhenshan Beast, just like when Wei Xiao was the first ancestor, the process is not easy, a hundred strokes of "Ling" can make people exhausted, and it needs to be recognized by Zhenshanshi.

The difficulty of canonization does not mean that it is easy to revoke.

It is also not easy for Wei Xiao to revoke Wei Hewei's position as a tiger in Weizhen, and it is even more difficult, because there is a high possibility of encountering resistance!

As soon as Wei Xiao made a move, he took out the turtle treasure, then sat cross-legged on the stone, and began to write the "Ling" character.

Houqing and Nuba who were waiting on the side also moved their hands with Wei Xiao.

They pounced on the demonized Bai Mao from left to right at the same time, ready to capture him.Because they had already received Wei Xiao's order, they shot mercilessly and tried their best to take down each other as quickly as possible.

As the ancestor of Feizhiang, Houqing had lost most of his strength due to the rebirth of flesh and blood, but he was still as fast as lightning and rushed in front of Wei Hewei in the blink of an eye.

Nuba is the ancestor of Hanba, and she is not good at speed, but before the person arrives, the raging flames on her body have already arrived, and these flames turned into two chains like spirit snakes, quickly entangled.

When Wei Hewei saw this, his entire body turned pale with shock. When he gritted his teeth, a bright gem the size of a skull appeared in his hand, and then emitted endless rays of light to protect it.

Wei Xiao saw that the other party was still stubbornly resisting, and the last trace of unbearable in his heart disappeared, and the speed of writing in his hands suddenly accelerated a lot.

The last time when he wrote the "Ling" character on behalf of his ancestors, he was only in the fourth level of the young witch, and now he has reached the seventh level, which is almost perfect, and the gap in witch power is nearly doubled, so writing is not as difficult as before. .

In less than 10 minutes, 91 strokes of the hundred strokes of the character "Ling" have been written, and only the last nine strokes are left.

During this period, Wei Hewei had already been captured by Houqing and Nuba, and there was no chance of a struggle.

At the beginning, Wei Hewei tried to use the Daming Mountain's rock to resist, and was even prepared to fight tooth and nail. However, Wei Xiao's plan was dashed as soon as Wei Xiao took action.

Above Wei Xiao's divine sea, there is still a phantom of Daming Mountain. When Zhenshanshi appeared, Wei Xiao just waved at it, and Zhenshanshi immediately flew upside down and landed at Wei Xiao's feet.

Compared to this Wei Hewei who has not completely become Zhenshan Lord, Wei Xiao as the Witch King is obviously more able to make Zhenshanshi return to his heart!

Without the Zhenshan Stone, Hou Qing can subdue Wei Hewei with just one finger based on Wei Hewei's own cultivation.

After Houqing put it down, Nuba's flaming chains also followed, directly tied it up, and tied it firmly.

The chains of flames were constantly burning Wei Hewei's body, making a terrifying "chi chi" sound, and in the blink of an eye, his skin was torn apart, and his whole body was scorched black.

Although Wei Hewei is a zombie, his body has lost consciousness for a long time, but the flaming chains of the female demon are not only aimed at the body, but also burning the soul, and the pain it brings is a hundred times more intense than the pain on the body.

"Ah...!" Wei Hewei kept yelling in pain, his face was extremely distorted, and he looked at Wei Xiao with eyes full of hatred.

Wei Xiao didn't pay attention to this little episode, and didn't even take a second look, but concentrated on drawing the last nine strokes of the character "Ling".

Nine, eight, seven... until the last point, a hundred strokes are finally completed.

After Guibao finished writing a hundred strokes, these strokes started to swim around like fish, automatically looking for their own position, and then the light shone brightly, and evolved into a big "Ling" character by itself!

At this time, Wei Xiao suddenly stood up, with a solemn expression, and said in a loud voice: "Wei Hewei, the tiger of the Daming Mountain Town, has neglected his duty, ungrateful, and used the position of the tiger to demonize. The crime is unforgivable! Today, the Wu Clan Wei Xiao will get rid of it and get rid of it!"

After he finished speaking, the town stone of Daming Mountain flew up, came under the order, and hovered in the air.

Afterwards, the huge "Ling" character went out instantly, and a dim light came out from above, covering Wei Hewei's whole body.

Waves of colorful mist came out of Wei Hewei's body, were stripped off, and then thrown into Zhenshan Stone without leaving the slightest trace.

The whole process lasted for nearly 2 minutes, Wei Hewei had no strength to struggle, and could only let himself be slaughtered, without any arrogance like before.

After 2 minutes, the dense breath on Wei Hewei's body has been completely stripped away, and his status as a tiger town has been completely removed!
After the Zhenshan stone absorbed the stripped qi, it shrunk back to the size of a fist, and lost its brilliance, becoming just like an ordinary stone.

(End of this chapter)

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