City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 297 Demonization

Chapter 297 Demonization
Wei Xiao sneered when he heard Bai ***'s response.

The voice was so close and still at a high place. The other party was obviously following them all the way. Although they didn't know what secret method was used to cover their whereabouts so that Wei Xiao and others didn't notice it, this behavior angered him.

"Come out!" Wei Xiao yelled angrily towards the hillside.

Afterwards, only a rustling sound was heard in that direction, and a figure emerged from the bushes—it was Bai ***.

White *** Wei Hewei tiptoed out of the bushes. Along the way, he looked up at Wei Xiao from time to time, knowing that he was already angry, so he was even more cautious.

After a while, ***Bai came to Wei Xiao, and then stood upright, waiting for his words.

Wei Xiao frowned and glanced at him, his heart tightened suddenly, knowing that this matter was not easy.

Bai ***'s appearance at this time is quite different from before. The most important thing is that face. When she died tragically before, her face was already rotten, and her whole body was swollen and out of shape, covered with white hairs. Mao, the body of a zombie.

But now, what Wei Xiao saw was a face with clear features and distinct features!

Looking down from his face, Wei Xiao looked at his whole body again, and found that the white hair on his body had almost disappeared, and his body had returned to a normal person's appearance. Smelling the stench of corpses, Wei Xiao couldn't believe that the person in front of him was the white girl Wei Hewei.

At the same time, Wei Xiao quietly opened his supernatural powers, and wandered around Bai Mao's body, trying to find the reason for this change.

Unexpectedly, the reason was not found, but an extremely important place was discovered.

The zombie traces on Wei Hewei's body have almost disappeared!

Just when he was puzzled, Houqing's explanation came to his mind - demonization!
The word "demonization" is not unfamiliar to Wei Xiao. It can even be said to be very familiar, because the main way for the birth of the demon clan, apart from the direct birth of offspring by two big demons, is demonization!
And another word opposite to "demonization" is "becoming a spirit"!
Wei Xiao once read the records in the "Witch Code", all things in the world, except for the human race, if other races want to go further, to have consciousness and soul, there are probably only two ways to go.

Be demonized and become a spirit!
The results of these two paths are similar, but the process is very different.

Among them, becoming a spirit can be accomplished by self-cultivation, or you can seek the help of the witch clan, and with the help of the great witch, you can enlighten the spirit and evolve into a spirit clan.

And demonization is not like this, it can only be done with the help of the demon clan, there is no possibility of it being done spontaneously!

What's even more different is that through spiritual enlightenment, all things that become spirit clans are not bound by the witch clan. After becoming a spirit, they can still be free, and they can live whatever they want; Only the clan can do it, otherwise it will be slaughtered by the monster clan.

And in comparison, becoming a spirit race through spiritual enlightenment, one's own appearance will not change, it will remain what it was before, but it will only produce a spirit body consciousness and evolve into a brand new self.

But demonization is not the case. It must first have consciousness before it can become a demon. After demonization, it can transform into a human form, and even no longer retain its original appearance, and become a completely new species—the demon race!
Right now, in front of Wei Xiao's eyes, Wei Hewei is demonizing, and the progress is extremely fast, his appearance is already developing towards the monster race, and almost all the traces of zombies on his body have disappeared. As long as it takes a while, I'm afraid it will be completely successful.

After being completely demonized, it is a real monster race!

Wei Xiao took a deep breath, and was shocked for a moment.

For him, the new Witch King, the monster race is a sworn enemy, who will be destroyed upon seeing it.

But Wei Hewei, under his nose, there is a demon clan secretly helping him to demonize, and eventually becomes his biggest enemy!

"Huh...!" Wei Xiao suppressed the anger in his heart and asked calmly: "Do you know what you are doing?"

He asked Wei Hewei. Before deciding how to deal with it, Wei Xiao wanted to know if he knew what he was doing, did he do it on his own initiative, or was he coerced or lured by the monster clan?
Hou Qing stood aside with a cold expression on his face, and he didn't have a good look at the Yaozu.

In the battle where he was captured, the enemy was the troops of the Yaozu, and the enemy who attacked the Nuba camp was also the Yaozu!

For the hatred of Yaozu, he is more unforgettable than Wei Xiao!
"Hey..." Hou Qing coldly translated Wei Xiao's words, but it is not known whether there is any private work in it.

After a while, Wei Hewei responded excitedly, and it was no longer a simple roar, but a clean mandarin.

"I know!"

Wei Xiao's eyes widened suddenly, and he was so shocked that it was hard to add.

Unexpectedly, the process of demonization not only helped Wei Hewei restore his appearance, but even his voice was restored, and he could make a human voice again!
But compared to this, what Wei Xiao found even more unbelievable was his answer - I know!

These three words mean that he is not ignorant, and he was not coerced or lured to demonize, but took the initiative to do it.

"Then do you know what kind of consequences you will have if you do this?" After the shock, Wei Xiao suddenly became abnormally calm, even quite rational, and the previous anger had turned into a certain decision.

"I know." Wei Hewei also calmed down, and replied lightly.

"Then why do you still do this?" Wei Xiao laughed back angrily.

"Because I don't want to show people the face of a zombie for the rest of my life, I don't want to be a puppet guarding the spiritual veins for the rest of my life, and I don't want to be so dirty forever. After being demonized, I will become a demon clan, and I will restore my appearance, give me a new life, and give me a new life." My powerful strength gives me a different life!"

Wei Hewei suddenly became excited, as if he had expected that Wei Xiao would ask him such a question, so without any hesitation, he said a lot of reasons at once, which made people feel very reasonable.

"Hehe..." Wei Xiao smiled lightly, and suddenly asked: "Do you still remember what you said when you begged me to let you stay? You said you didn't want to enter reincarnation, you said you wanted to repay me, Even if it’s a cow or a horse, it’s fine, what about now?”

As for Wei Hewei's change, Wei Xiao understood it as soon as he finished speaking.

When he had no cultivation and was about to be sent into reincarnation, he was willing to be a cow and a horse to repay his benefactor; and when he gained power, obtained the position of Zhenshan Jun, and learned to practice , When he can obtain a more promising life through demonization, he becomes a person who pursues freedom.

To mud horse!

(End of this chapter)

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