City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 292 Breath Disorder

Chapter 292 Breath Disorder
Wei Xiao's explanation is very simple, not difficult to understand at all.

Every painting on the petroglyphs has a subtle relationship with each other, especially the later paintings, which have traces of imitating the former. As soon as he said these things, Professor Yao and the others would be able to understand them immediately.

But even with such a simple understanding, everyone talked about it all night.

When the sun was rising and the sky was bright, Wei Xiao finally finished his discovery.

"Professor, that's about all I've discovered. I'm afraid I'll have to teach you professionals about the rest that I don't know." He joked and said mischievously.

Although what he said was a joke, there was still some truth in it.

After all, Wei Xiao is just an ordinary history student, and he doesn't know much about archaeology, except for the records about the ancient times in the "Witch Code", he doesn't even know as much as Huanhuan and Li Jiuhuan.

In the archaeology of petroglyphs, many are professional. Even if Wei Xiao knows the content, he does not understand it as deeply as Professor Yao. Therefore, it is best for him to leave archaeology to professionals. good way.

"Good, good, good!" Professor Yao said repeatedly: "It is enough to have so many discoveries. Since you have given it to us, then we will fulfill our mission and resolutely complete the task!"

After speaking, everyone burst into laughter, sweeping away the dullness of the previous chat.

In the next few days, Wei Xiao spent most of his time with everyone, and would often help Tan's deputy, and occasionally ask for a vacation to go out and go to Shewang Village to see the situation of Xiaoshu and Manman .

The growth of the vines was good, and it returned to normal within a few days. The dense vines had already covered the Shewang tree. Looking from a distance, it seemed that the small tree had completely recovered.

The villagers are not surprised by this phenomenon, mainly because of Wei Xiao's warning, and he said that it is good for Lord She, so the villagers are happy to see this scene.

The situation of Xiaoshu is not bad, and it is slowly recovering.

However, it was injured too badly before, except for a few roots, the other parts were dead. Even with the double help of body wash and vines, the speed of recovery is not fast, and it is still slowly accumulating strength.

In Xiaoshu's words, after he accumulates enough strength, new shoots will grow, and then break out of the ground and grow back to his original appearance.

Wei Xiao is quite looking forward to this, even more than Xiaoshu, looking forward to its quick recovery.

The reason why he was so anxious was that in the last few days, he had made a new discovery, and it was a very bad and tricky discovery!

The valley where the petroglyphs are located is getting hotter and hotter!
This is the most intuitive feeling after staying in the valley for nearly a week, and it is also what makes everyone strange.

It stands to reason that the valley is full of trees, and the mountains on both sides block the strong sunlight, and the north and south are relatively transparent, without the feeling of being airtight, so it is impossible to get hot at all.

After discovering this phenomenon, Li Jiuhuan deliberately measured the temperature in the valley with a thermometer. From the initial 26°C, it increased by about one degree every day. After a week, the temperature had already reached 33°C.

This temperature is already quite hot. When we are at school, we need to turn on the fan or air conditioner to dissipate heat.

However, there is no such condition in the valley, so everyone can only hold a fan and fan himself to enjoy the cool air.

After Wei Xiao discovered this phenomenon, he was suddenly startled.He knew that the thing he was most worried about before had finally happened!

The role of the beasts in the mountain is to suppress the spiritual veins of a place, so that the spiritual energy can maintain normal operation, and no strange things will happen.

However, the Zhenshan Beast in Kuzhu Peak has been dead for many years, and the aura here has long been in disarray. Without the Zhenshan Beast's grooming, problems will arise sooner or later, just like the one in Daming Mountain, where the snake demon gave birth to countless snakes Come out and cause a tragic snake disaster.

And the high temperature in the rock painting valley is the result of the spiritual disorder.

The culprit is the spiritual disorder, and the accomplice is the formation map of the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Formation, or Wei Xiao himself.

It is precisely because he activated one of the "fire characters" before that the witch power remained in the witch charm, and it was not completely consumed. In addition, the spiritual energy was disordered, and it was guided by the witch power remaining in the witch charm, which made Jiu Tianxuan Huo Dazhen had a problem quietly.

The Great Formation of Nine Heavens Profound Fire is known as the number one formation in ancient times. The Nine Heavens Profound Fire summoned can burn everything in the world. At the beginning, Hou Qing was burned into a skeleton by it. Doubtful.

Wei Xiao didn't want to see its power at all. At this time, he didn't have the strength to stop this big formation. As long as there was a problem with it, the only thing he could do was to run away from it.

After discovering this problem, Wei Xiao immediately summoned Houqing and Nuba to discuss countermeasures with them.

The Great Formation of Nine Heavens Profound Fire is a formation of the Wu Clan, neither of them is familiar with it, so they can't say anything at all, so neither of them has any good suggestions on this question, so they can only shake their heads helplessly.

In the end, Hou Qing still gave a suggestion, let Xiaoshu and Manman become the suppressing tigers here as soon as possible, and then use the power of suppressing tigers to sort out the spiritual energy, and then slowly stop the affected Nine Heavens Profound Fire Formation.

Wei Xiao was silent for a while, but finally accepted the suggestion.

Regarding the increase in temperature in the valley, although Wei Xiao knew the reason, he could not tell Professor Yao and the others. He could only pretend to be dumbfounded and do more things to compensate them.

When the temperature becomes high, it is most likely to cause people's irritability. When the heat is unbearable, no one will have a good temper.

During the investigation and research of the past few days, everyone in the team more or less had this kind of situation. At first, Wei Xiao thought it was because they had been affected by unknown spiritual spells. After careful inspection, he found that it was caused by temperature. Immediately helpless.

After thinking about it, he tried again to persuade Professor Yao to suspend his rock painting research and continue when the valley was less hot, but he was scolded back.

Moreover, his words seemed to detonate the restlessness in everyone's hearts, and he was scolded by everyone, so he had no choice but to leave in despair.

The rise in temperature was caused by him, Wei Xiao couldn't tell the crowd, and he couldn't lose his temper with them, so he had no choice but to accept the scolding humbly.

Days passed, and when the temperature in the valley rose to 38°C, everyone finally couldn't take it anymore.

Such a high temperature, coupled with the fact that there is no strong wind in the valley, the heat on the body cannot be dissipated, and the sweat will proliferate just by standing, so it is impossible to concentrate on research.

After everyone's discussion, I finally made a difficult decision. This archaeological trip is over, and I will go back to school for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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