City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 291 Understanding the New World

Chapter 291 Understanding the New World

"Houqing, if you have nothing to do in the future, take Ba out for a stroll often..."

Wei Xiao thought for a long time, and decided to try this first.

Even if the female demon can't appear in the crowd, then go to a place off the beaten track, feel the new world, and accept it sincerely.

"Huh? Brother Xiao, why is this?" Hou Qing was a little surprised. They usually practiced at home and rarely went out. They would only come out when they were needed. Unexpectedly, Wei Xiao would take the initiative to let him come out for a walk.

"What do you think is better, the mundane world thousands of years later, or the ancient world thousands of years ago?" Wei Xiao asked suddenly.

Hou Qing was silent for a long time, and sighed: "If I were Xiaomin, the current world would naturally be better! It's a pity that I am Hou Qing, and you must let me choose. I still think the original world is better!"

It has been a long time since Hou Qing was born, and he has also traveled to many places with Wei Xiao, and visited the campus of Gui University a few times. , no need to worry about the threat of wild beasts, and there is no endless war. Life is many times better than in ancient times.

Wei Xiao didn't find it strange at all when he said such a sentence.

"What about you? Ba." Wei Xiao turned his head and continued to ask.

"Me? It doesn't matter!" For this question, Nuba obviously had no interest and was quite indifferent.

"You see, if you don't understand the secular world, you will naturally feel that it doesn't matter, so you should go out more and get to know this world seriously. After all, even if you miss the world thousands of years ago, you can't go back, and now Our world is where we live.”

After saying that, Wei Xiao patted Hou Qing's arm, then turned and walked away.

Halfway through, he seemed to think of something again, and added: "By the way, don't practice during this time, go out and have fun, anyway, with Ba's cultivation base, no one in the modern world can beat it. There is no need to rush to practice."

He could only say so much for the time being, and that was it. More understanding would depend on the two of them, Hou Qing and Nu Ba.

As Wei Xiao went back, he thought about it and wondered if he should ask Lu Yuqing or Luo Mengqing to help?Let them take the female slaves out to experience the new world.

As for the invisible appearance of female demons, try to wear as many clothes as possible, and cover them up if you can. If you can't stop them, you can rely on makeup. Anyway, modern makeup technology is so amazing that even zombies can paint you as normal people. As long as you work hard.

Thinking about it, Wei Xiao imagined the appearance of the girl after putting on makeup in her mind, and suddenly shivered and took a breath of air.

"You can give this idea a try!"

Wei Xiao returned to the bottom of the rock paintings again, took pictures of the rock paintings he understood one by one, arranged them in the order of the paintings, and then looked at them again.

Gradually, the time has come to five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun sets earlier in the mountains, and the sky is getting dark quickly, so Wei Xiao had to go back early, even if he didn't finish filming, he had to give up.

When he returned to the camp, the sun had completely set, and only the afterglow of the setting sun was still lingering on the mountainside, refusing to set for a long time.

It was getting late, and Huanhuan and Deputy Qin were in charge of cooking. Deputy Qin was cooking, while Huanhuan was picking vegetables and washing dishes.

Deputy Tan has worked with Professor Yao for more than ten years, and has rich field experience. The trivial matter of cooking is nothing to him, and he will get it done quickly.

Not long after Wei Xiao returned to the camp, he was still reporting today's situation to Professor Yao, when Huanhuan immediately ran in.

"Teacher, Junior Brother Wei Xiao, let's have dinner!" Huan Huan said with a cheerful smile.

"Okay, classmate Xiao Wei, let's continue chatting while eating!" Professor Yao said with a smile.

Wei smiled and nodded.

At the banquet, Wei Xiao talked about today's discoveries while eating, including the order in which the rock paintings were painted, and the discovery that the funeral picture was the first painting.

Of course, he didn't directly say how he discovered it, and it was even more impossible for him to tell about his knowledge of the Wu clan's script. He only took this as his own guess and discovered it through the direct and subtle connection of the painting.

As for why he wanted to speak out, Wei Xiao thought about this question for a long time, and kept thinking about it on the way back.

If he wanted, he could just make up a reason to explain what he had gained today, or he could simply say nothing, and even if it was a bit too much, he could even create some accidents, drive Professor Yao and the others away, and prevent anyone from entering. Go to the valley to study, let the petroglyphs in the valley sleep again, unknown.

But he didn't want to do it.

The petroglyphs in the valley have been silent for thousands of years. From the last glorious era of the Wu people to modern times, almost no one has found its traces. Today, someone finally came to archaeological research, and it is time for them to be displayed. own style.

Wei Xiao didn't know what the painters thought, nor did they know what meaning they wanted to express when they drew these rock paintings, and why they painted them?

However, he felt that since the paintings were painted, they should be discovered by future generations, and let them study, admire and worship them, so that every descendant can understand a period of history in ancient times.

This is Wei Xiao's idea.

When he recounted today's discovery, the dining table was quiet, not even the sound of eating. Everyone gave up eating and put down their bowls to listen to him carefully.

Professor Yao suddenly had a feeling that Wei Xiao's discovery today would bring the study of petroglyphs to a new stage, and even open a door for petroglyph research. Behind the door is a new world that no one has ever set foot in. .

He trembled with excitement, and his soul also trembled.

"Student Wei, did you discover these by yourself?" Professor Yao said excitedly.

Wei Xiao nodded without being too modest.

"Then let's stop first!" Professor Yao made a pause gesture, and then explained: "Let's finish the meal first, and then talk in the big tent, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish the meal Already!"

Everyone smiled and agreed.

"Yes, yes! Only when you are full can you have the strength to study. You shouldn't say bombshells like you at the dinner table..." Li Jiuhuan said unceremoniously.

"I also think that Junior Brother Wei Xiao's discovery is a little too much. I should be the one who made such an important discovery, hehe!" Huanhuan also joined in.

Wei smiled without saying a word, and nodded repeatedly.

He knew what Professor Yao meant by saying these words. He was just joking in order to have a full meal. More importantly, it was not easy to take notes at the dinner table, which violated the sanctity of archaeological research.

The most important thing is that Professor Yao wants to calm down first. He is afraid that if he listens to it any longer, he will not be able to stop studying, so give himself some time to calm down the excitement.

Everyone immediately closed their mouths and immersed themselves in eating, seizing the time to fill their stomachs so that they would not be hungry during the rest of the research.

Dinner was finished soon, and after the dishes were packed, all the people gathered in the big tent, under the bright daylight, holding small books and waiting for Wei Xiao's explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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