City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 166 Ultimate 4 Guarantees 1

Chapter 166 Ultimate Four Guarantees One
The pre-match interlude didn't last long.

Soon, Master Ding Yi of the Changshengtang team seemed impatient to wait, and waved his hand with a look of disgust, signaling the Xiumeng deacon in the center of the ring to get out and stop wasting time.

The audience in the audience also cooperated very much, booing one after another, and drove the deacon down in a burst of noise.

"Eternal Life Hall Ding Yi, Junior Brother Wei Xiao please teach me!" Ding Yi cupped his hands and said to Wei Xiao who was standing at the back of the line.

His face was quite serious, he definitely didn't look like he was joking, and he obviously recognized Wei Xiao's strength.

Wei Xiao twitched the corners of his mouth, but didn't move.

As the team leader, Lu Yuqing's face became even more gloomy.

In the last big competition, she lost to Ding Yi, and she still broods about it, which is hard to forget.

If it wasn't for Ouyang Shu who cheated her teammates, maybe she wouldn't have lost so easily, so she has always been dissatisfied and never had a good face towards Ding Yi.

Now under the watchful eyes of everyone, the other party ignored her identity as the captain and directly asked the team members for advice, which made her angry.

"Yunmengge Lu Yuqing, Master Dingyi please teach me!" She imitated the other party's tone and said through gritted teeth.

After the two sides greeted each other, the deacon gave an order, and the finals officially started.

Wei Xiao was the first to move.

After hearing the sound of "Start", he immediately backed up again and again, almost retreating to the edge of the ring before stopping, and then took out a familiar treasure - turtle treasure.

Lu Yuqing and the others were the complete opposite. They immediately surrounded the city in a semicircle, protecting Wei Xiao tightly like a shield.

In this competition, they regained the previous "four guarantees and one" tactic.

It's just that the one who was protected turned into Wei Xiao holding a turtle treasure.

On Ding Yi's side, their team members also reacted very quickly, they all dispersed at once, and then each took out a bunch of yellowed talisman papers, and slapped them on their foreheads.

In view of Wei Xiao's inexplicable words in the previous competitions, after discussions with the masters of Changshengtang, they agreed that this is a spell that can affect the mind.

So there are these few talisman papers, which are specially used to calm the mind.

When Wei Xiao saw the other party's actions, he immediately understood.

In fact, he had already been prepared in his heart, he knew that it was impossible to win the whole field with a "cong" wufu. For such an important final, the opponent would definitely be prepared.

So he simply changed his moves ahead of time.

The neat movements of Ding Yiwu and the others caught everyone's eyes, and they were immediately reminded. In connection with the previous games, they immediately understood Wei Xiao's true strength.

Everyone shuddered.

After they pasted the talisman papers, although they were uniform in appearance, they looked rather funny. Coupled with the ancient Confucian uniforms on their bodies, they looked a bit like zombies on TV.

After being protected by the talisman paper, they felt a lot more at ease, and they didn't rush to take the next action.

Ding Yi took out a folding fan and opened it with a flick of his right hand.

On the surface of the folding fan, there are no landscapes, and there are no common animals such as flowers, birds, insects and fish, but a worm!
There is only one organ on the insect's body that looks like a mouth, and the rest is all bare.

What's more, this worm is very long, its long and fat body occupies the entire fan surface, coiled together in twists and turns, it looks like an earthworm.

After Ding Yi opened the folding fan, he threw it in the air and muttered something.

The other three members of Changshengtang were even faster.

They also followed the example of Lu Yuqing and others, and surrounded them all to block Ding Yi's front.

Zhao Yixing, who was also honored as the master, suddenly collapsed a few steps forward and stood straight under the folding fan.

At this time, there was a strange cry faintly in the air.

It seems to be a dragon's chant, and it seems to be roaring, it seems to be far away in the sky, and it seems to be close at hand.

In the auditorium, the face of Yimeng Daoist suddenly changed. The strange sound was both familiar and unfamiliar, which brought back some bad memories for a while.

As the three major sects, Changshengtang and Yunmengge have always had disputes secretly, but they all restrained themselves and did not publicize it.

The owner of this strange cry has often dealt with Yimeng Daoist, and he has fought countless times, so he is naturally very familiar.

But these fights were basically more than a hundred years ago, and I never heard of them again, so I gradually became unfamiliar.

His face was gloomy, so cold that he was about to drip water, his eyes were hooked, staring fixedly at the third elder of Changshengtang who was sitting next to him, trying to see something from his face.

The third elder quickly felt the other party's gaze, turned his head to look, and smiled faintly, as if Zhizhu was holding it, completely ignoring the other party's gaze.

In the audience, some people heard the strange cry and began to look for the source of the sound.

Others didn't hear it, and still looked at those rather funny Changshengtang disciples on the ring with great interest.

After Zhao Yixing heard the strange cry, a blush of excitement appeared on his face, and then he put his hands on his chest and muttered something.

He didn't talk very fast, and his tone was exactly the same as Ding Yi's, and he kept repeating what Ding Yi was talking about.

On Wei Xiao's tortoise treasure, the first scratch appeared under his finger.

This is the first stroke of the word "magic" in Shamanic.

Magic characters!
Since the last time he used the phantom character to trap Master Gao firmly, Wei Xiao never had the chance to use it again. After all, if the enemy is too weak, he can't bear the illusion in it. It would be a waste to use it casually. up.

In this final, the opponent must be strong enough.

The most important thing is that the other party happens to be a disciple of Changsheng Hall!
The last time when Master Gao was trapped, at the last moment, the Third Elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of Changsheng Hall was transformed into an illusion. Killed.

It was also because of this battle that the images of the three law enforcement elders were stored in the phantom characters.

So when discussing tactics last night, Wei Xiao immediately thought of this, and planned to use it in the final, trying to see if the three elders in the illusion could trap these disciples of the Changshengtang.

Of course, these three images are just superficial, and they don't have the same strength as when they faced Master Gao last time.

To make them so powerful, they had to rely on illusions to arouse the fear of the opponent, otherwise they only had the most basic strength, that is, the strength of the caster.

Wei Xiao was drawing the "magic" character Wufu stroke by stroke, and the other teammates had already completed simple protective measures.

A series of simple defensive sword formations have been established.

Then, they started another spellcasting.

In mid-air, a few groups of white clouds floated above the ring, slowly gathering together.

(End of this chapter)

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