Chapter 165 Finals
On January 1 in the Gregorian calendar, it was sunny.

Nine days have passed since the New Year's Day, and the original plan to go up the mountain during the New Year's Day holiday has become the rhythm of staying on Yunmeng Mountain for a long time.

Wei Xiao was quite impatient about this.

Fortunately, this competition that lasted for many days finally ushered in the final battle today.

A match will determine the outcome, regardless of whether he wins or loses, he can get away and go back.

It's not that Wei Xiao doesn't want to stay on Yunmeng Mountain. The scenery here is beautiful and rich in aura. One day of serious practice can equal two days in school, or even more!
However, he is well aware of his identity and status, and he will always be just a guest on this mountain.

Moreover, surrounded by some practitioners, he seemed a little out of place in the crowd, and he could even be regarded as an outlier.

Although these cultivators may not know it, but he is not used to such an environment, and he wishes to go back to school sooner.Only there can he blend into the masses, because they have a common identity - students.

On this day, because it was the finals, everyone paid special attention to it. All the senior leaders of the Xiu Alliance who had some status were present in person, sitting in the audience with Master Yimeng and other seniors.

In the previous competitions, those contestants who were eliminated also came to the scene. Whether they were disciples of the three major factions or casual cultivators, they all wanted to witness the birth of the champion of the competition with their own eyes.

Wei Xiao scanned the audience subconsciously, and found out strangely—Senior Zhang didn't come!

Not only Senior Zhang, but even the other four players who joined him in the competition did not come.

Of course, except for these five people, the rest of the casual cultivators basically came. Wei Xiao also saw the casual cultivator team who just lost to Ding Yi's team yesterday, but they were a little downcast.

Not only this team, but basically all the casual cultivators were downcast, and even their voices became much quieter, and they sighed from time to time.

When Wei Xiao looked at these casual cultivators, the other party also looked over at the same time, and when he saw clearly that it was him, there was an unconcealable hatred in his eyes...

Zhang Tuan's family of casual cultivators promised by Senior Zhang, and his dream of a home after that, were ruthlessly shattered by him.

It's no wonder these casual cultivators don't hate him!

Wei Xiao still has some compassion for them.

It's a pity that they were coerced by senior Zhang. They took advantage of their desire to have a stable home and gave such a temptation. They wanted to use public opinion to put pressure on other participating teams and create psychological pressure on others, so that they would be afraid in the competition. Those who are timid, even give up the game.

Unfortunately, Wei Xiao never cared about these so-called "public opinions".

In the competition with Senior Zhang, he was not affected in any way and still beat Senior Zhang out of the field without mercy at all.

That senior Zhang didn't know if he was ashamed to meet people, so he didn't show up today.Wei Xiao thought maliciously.

He followed four of his teammates and stepped onto the stage of the final together.

The leader of the team was Lu Yuqing who returned from injury. After so many days of training, she was finally able to return to the ring.

Of course, this has something to do with Wei Xiao dripping some body lotion into the water she drank in private.

Yun Su followed behind Lu Yuqing, but he looked vigorous, and with the Yunmeng Pavilion disciple uniform on his body, he looked quite chic.

Yun Zheng and Yun Qing walked in the middle. Both of them had learned the art of talisman swords, and their combat power was much stronger than Yun Xi's, so they occupied the only two places left.

Wei Xiao walked last, and walked onto the ring expressionlessly under the hostile eyes of the casual cultivators.

As their opponents, the Changshengtang Dingyi team stood on the ring early, receiving the envy, contempt, or equally hatred eyes of everyone in the audience.

It's funny to say that in this year's competition, there are many casual repair teams participating, and their strength is quite extraordinary, accounting for the vast majority of the sixteenth, eighth and even four finalists.

However, the remaining two teams from the three major factions joined forces to kill them in the semi-finals, and none of them made it to the finals.

Originally thought that this competition was a great opportunity for casual cultivators to raise their eyebrows and teach the three major factions a lesson, but in the end it turned into a confrontation between the three major factions again.

Just like previous competitions, nothing has changed.

Those secluded casual cultivators drilled out of the deep mountains and old forests are like stones suddenly dropped on the lake. After splashing some water, they fell silent again.

No effect at all.

Since this competition is the final, there is no need to be too hasty. Some processes that have been omitted long ago have been brought up again.

The first is to introduce the players from both sides.

Lu Yuqing's introduction is very simple, he is an outstanding new star of Xiumeng, and heir to Yunmeng Pavilion.

The following Yunsu is also introduced in the same way.

Yun Zheng and Yun Qing were inner disciples. Their names differed by two words, but their meanings were quite different.

For Wei Xiao's introduction, there are only a few simple words - a newcomer who has just joined Xiumeng.

Wei Xiao was a little dazed.

He has never said that he wants to join the Xiumeng. Who made this identity for him?

The audience in the audience were also stunned.

Since when have newcomers been so powerful?
The young masters sitting in the audience were even more dumbfounded. Many people had seen the competition in the past few days and had estimated Wei Xiao's strength.

Most people think that his strength is not inferior to many small sect masters, and even surpasses many senior casual cultivators. He is privately considered to be a casual cultivator who is also hidden from the world.

No one expected that he was a newcomer!
Everyone was shocked, but the introduction continued as usual.

Ding Yi was honored as "Master Patriarch" again.

Among the other team members behind him, there is actually a hidden "master"... Zhao Yixing.

The introductions of the other three were also very simple. One was surnamed Liu, the other was surnamed Yu, and the last name was very strange, named Qiu Changsheng, which sounded like "seeking longevity".

These three people are all from the senior generation, and they are more than two generations older than Lu Yuqing's team.

Wei Xiao couldn't help but feel a bit of a toothache when he heard the address of the other party - why are they all of this kind of seniority?
The other teammates looked at each other in blank dismay, only Lu Yuqing was still calm, after all, she had participated in the last big competition, so she still had some knowledge.

After introducing the team members from both sides, the deacon in charge of the introduction read out the prize list again, and read through the rewards for No. 1 and the rewards for the following ones. The audience in the audience could not help but drool. .

"Half of the Tree Boundary! It would be great if I got it..."

"Yes, I will be the owner of the island from now on!"

"I must buy a lot of houses on it, live in one room a day, and guarantee that it will not be the same for ten years!"

"Hey, it's just like you, don't dream, wake up!"

The discussion in the audience gradually heated up, but the previous atmosphere of hatred has subsided a bit, and there is only one emotion in the eyes looking at the participating teams on the stage.

That is - envy!
(End of this chapter)

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