Chapter 94

What a joke.

Of course, Chen Kun wanted to know why he lost his position as the heir of the patriarch in a daze.

You know, the Chen family in Qingzhou today is no longer the small family they used to be, but has undergone a major change.

Now the Chen family in Qingzhou can be said to be in front of the whole world's aristocratic families, they are all giants that can make the world tremble three times by lifting their feet.

And still working for the No.1 Zheng Rui in the world, and Zheng Rui's number one following family, the status of the Chen family in Qingzhou is simply extraordinary.

It can be said that it is precisely because of following Zheng Rui that today's Qingzhou Chen family has become the most powerful family in the world. Otherwise, who would pay attention to a Qingzhou Chen family who is not a famous family in Qingzhou, let alone still be honored as Qingzhou Chen? The family is the number one family in the world.

It is precisely because of these that Chen Kun is so unwilling.

You must know that in this era of orderly seniority, since he was born earlier than Chen Xiu, Chen Yuan and the others, it was already destined that his future identity must be the heir of the Chen family in Qingzhou.

But now, the development of the Chen family in Qingzhou made Chen Kun more and more happy, and so Chen Kun often fantasized about how beautiful it would be if he became the head of the Chen family in Qingzhou.

But now because of Chen Qing's words, he not only lost the position of Patriarch, but also lost to his two younger brothers, and he didn't even get the position of Deputy Patriarch. To Chen Kun and his supporters To say that is undoubtedly a slap in the face, and the whole person is stupid.

So not only Chen Kun was unwilling, even Chen Kun's supporters were extremely unwilling.

In their minds, the old and the young are orderly, and it is destined that Chen Kun, whom they support, will inherit the position of Patriarch of the Chen family in Qingzhou. Why Chen Qing does not let Chen Kun be the patriarch of the Chen family in Qingzhou, will naturally arouse the dissatisfaction of these Chen Kun supporters .

Seeing Chen Kun's dissatisfaction and the aggressive posture of Chen Kun's supporters, Chen Qing snorted coldly and said, "Chen Kun, why are you so unconvinced? You don't even look at what qualifications you have, go to To be the Patriarch. Chen Xiu and Chen Yuan have calm personalities, and they manage the business of the Chen Family Caravan in Qingzhou in an orderly manner, but you are a day-to-day debauchery. If I hand over the Patriarch of the Chen Family in Qingzhou to You are the one who really made a mistake!"

Chen Qing was very angry.

He now hates Chen Kun very much.

Because Chen Qing could see that Chen Kun didn't even have a little self-knowledge, and he was completely the best of the waste who was just eating and waiting to die.

You said that you have no ability at all, just because you were born earlier than your two younger brothers, do you think that the position of the head of the family is stable?
Chen Qing is going to tell them now, don't worry!

When an incompetent trash can take the position of the patriarch's heir by relying on the orderly seniority, it is Chen Qing himself who is stupid.

After Song Cheng's reminder today, Chen Qing himself knew how to deal with it.

If the Qingzhou Chen family was still the half-dead Qingzhou Chen family with only a little property, Chen Qing would not take such a big risk and go against the order of the elders to let Chen Xiu and the others become the next generation of leaders of the Celebrating Chen family. Times are different from the past, and the Chen family in Qingzhou today is a thriving existence.

Following Zheng Rui means that the Chen family in Qingzhou, as Zheng Rui's first family to follow, will only grow bigger and better in the future.

This requires Chen Qing to start planning ahead and choose a successor as soon as possible before he gets old. Fortunately, when he gets old, someone can replace him and continue to work for Zheng Rui and do things well.

Only in this way can we ensure that the status of the Qingzhou Chen family as Zheng Rui's first family to follow will not be challenged.

And what Song Cheng said today was to remind him that idiots must not be pushed as the heirs of the Chen family in Qingzhou.

Because there are countless lessons from the past to prove that if there is a fool who does not do well, it is very likely that all the things that the Chen family in Qingzhou has obtained now will disappear in smoke.

Chen Qing, who has already enjoyed many benefits from working with Zheng Rui, will not bet on such a thing happening with his great future.

What to say, Chen Qing also wants to cut off the risk at the source, so that's why he announced Chen Xiu and Chen Yuan as the future of the Chen family in Qingzhou.

But obviously, Chen Kun and the others would not be satisfied with Chen Qing's explanation. Chen Kun was dissatisfied and said: "Father, the elders and children are orderly. Even if the second and third are better than me, so what. I am the eldest son of the Chen family in Qingzhou. Since it is the heir of the Chen family in Qingzhou, when will it be their turn to compete with me for the position of the heir of the Chen family! I don't accept it!"

"Dissatisfied? It's a shame that you have the face to say that you are not as capable as the second and third children. As a father, you are now giving you a step down and guaranteeing your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life. You are not satisfied. You don't know what to do next. Will your stupidity make our Qingzhou Chen family lose this grace?"

Chen Qing was so angry that he wished he could kick Chen Kun in front of him back and remake him. He continued: "Even if I violated the order of seniority today, it is impossible for me to give you the position of heir to the patriarch. , but it will be difficult if you want to be a country, if you are not suitable, let it be like this!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Qing left, leaving behind Chen Xiu and Chen Yuan who he identified as the next heirs.

At this moment, when Chen Kun's supporters saw the situation in front of them, they also understood that the weather vane of the Chen family in Qingzhou was no longer the Chen Kun they had been pursuing in the past, but the two brothers Chen Xiu and Chen Yuan.

Because Chen Qing, the head of the Chen family in Qingzhou, announced in front of everyone just now that the heir of the Chen family in Qingzhou is Chen Xiu, and the deputy head of the Chen family is Chen Yuan and his two brothers.

So there is only one chance, and the time to embrace the future principal and deputy heads of the Chen family in Qingzhou at one o'clock in the evening is now.

Soon Chen Kun saw the scene that made him vomit blood, and saw that his former supporters, seeing that he was no longer the heir of the Chen family in Qingzhou, quickly gave up supporting him and turned to take away his position as the heir to the head of the family. Chen Xiu and Chen Yuan.

And he was quickly forgotten by everyone.

Chen Kun felt very uncomfortable. Originally, he was bound to win the position of Patriarch of the Chen family in Qingzhou, but because Chen Qing announced in front of everyone, he had nothing to do with him at all. And throwing himself into the arms of other people, this scene made him, who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, very difficult to accept.

"No, no! How could these two people take away the position of Patriarch from me? I must report them. These two people!"

Chen Kun said unwillingly.

After all, after losing the position of Patriarch's heir, the various scenes he saw gave him endless fear.

(End of this chapter)

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