Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 93 Xuchang Portal

Chapter 93 Xuchang Portal
Now Sun Quan's army is hoarding heavy troops in Xinye, obviously wanting to attack Wancheng.

However, Wancheng is a line of defense that must not be moved away.

Wancheng is the gateway to Xuchang. Do you think Cao Cao can let Sun Quan break this gateway?

Once Xuchang's portal is breached, the entire Xuchang will be exposed to Sun Quan's attack range, and Xuchang, which he has devoted himself to building, will be turned into a mass of ashes.

This is something Cao Cao does not want to see.

So no matter what, Cao Cao had to block Sun Quan's army in Wancheng, and there was no way out.

"Everyone, Sun Quanjun took Jingzhou from Liu Beijun one step ahead of us. Everyone knows that Xinye, Jingzhou, borders Wancheng. , has reached 20, and Zhang Xiu in Wancheng has only 15 troops! If Zhang Xiu loses, Xuchang will be in danger, so I now announce that Cao Ren will immediately lead [-] troops from Xuchang to confront Sun Quan’s army. Don't let Sun Quan's army pass Wancheng!"

Cao Cao pointed to Cao Ren.

Cao Ren showed excellent defense skills during the Battle of Tianshui, so Cao Cao chose to entrust this important task to him.

And Cao Cao looked at the crowd and asked: "Except for sending Cao Ren, the other generals must gather to Wancheng in a short time. Sun Quan, he will never try to knock down Wancheng. When the old man is free, he will be the first to clean up." he!"

Cao Cao was very angry.

Because Sun Quan was more decisive after all, and he had already launched an attack on Liu Beijun before he knew Zheng Rui's attitude.

And Cao Cao did it after studying Zheng Rui's fact that he no longer protected Liu Beijun, but the speed was already slow.

That's why Sun Quan took the lead in the end. Not to mention bringing Jingzhou into his sphere of influence, it also posed a huge threat to Cao Cao's army.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao regretted it.

At this moment, Sima Yi said, "My lord, wait a minute!"

"Zhongda, what's your opinion?"

Cao Cao said with a pleasant look.

Ever since he lost Xun Yu, his counselor, he has valued Sima Yi even more.

Therefore, after Xun Yu left, Sima Yi immediately took over Xun Yu's previous work and began to assist Cao Cao in handling government affairs.

Both of them are still in the honeymoon period.

Sima Yi replied: "My lord, have you ever thought about it? In fact, Sun Quan's army can reach Xuchang not only from Wancheng?"

"Zhongda, what do you mean!?"

Cao Cao's expression immediately became dignified.

What he meant from what Sima Yi said was that Sun Quan's army was not the only one who could reach Xuchang from Wancheng.

So he immediately turned around and said, "Come here, bring me the map!"

Soon someone took the map and posted it. Cao Cao immediately found the location of Xuchang from the map, and then saw the road to Wancheng from Xuchang, and then saw the road from Runan to Xuchang.

Runan to Xuchang.

Cao Cao is not a stupid person. When he saw the route from Runan to Xuchang, he immediately became vigilant in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, the civil and military members of Cao Cao's army also reacted, thinking of a terrible possibility.

"Zhongda, what did you mean just now that Sun Quan's army is likely to use Qingzhou to send troops from Zheng Ruirunan's territory to attack Xuchang?"

Cao Cao was shocked.

This possibility is very high. If Sun Quan sends an envoy to persuade Zheng Rui at this moment, it is very likely that he will succeed.

Once Sun Quan's army succeeds, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for Cao Cao's army.

Because the opponent directly bypassed the defense line he had set up in Wancheng, directly attacked Xuchang, and finally made dumplings for the 20 troops in Wancheng.

Cao Cao knew that Sun Quanjun would also discover this possibility, so he broke out in a cold sweat from fright.

He couldn't help but thankfully said: "Thanks to Zhong Da's reminder, otherwise the old man would have made a typo."


If Sima Yi hadn't reminded him today, Cao Cao would probably not have remembered this omission until after the Wancheng battle started.

And by then, it was too late.

Because no adjustments can change the fact that Cao Cao's army is at a disadvantage.

Cao Cao was rejoicing, but his mind turned for a while, and then he laughed and said: "However, after Zhong Da reminded me, the old man also thought of a plan. Since he, Sun Quan, can send troops from Runan to beat me through Qingzhou, why can't I Also use Qingzhou to attack his Xiangyang? I think Sun Quan's Xiangyang is also extremely empty now?"

Sima Yi couldn't help admiring Cao Cao's words.

To be honest, he only thought that Xuchang could be reached from Zheng Rui, and then he thought that Sun Quan's army might attack from another direction.

But Cao Cao thought more thoroughly than him about treating his own body in his own way.

Cao Cao's words also made Cao Cao's generals excited.

In fact, no one likes to defend the city. Even Cao Ren, who is good at defending the city, prefers to attack the city.

After all, one is that someone beats you and you defend passively, and the other is that you take the initiative to beat others and finally capture the city.

Of course everyone prefers the latter.

So after Cao Cao said this, Yu Jin and others asked for orders to go around from Qingzhou to the back of Sun Quan's army and attack Xiangyang.

But Cao Cao waved his hand at this time and said: "This matter is very important, the most important thing is to see Zheng Rui's attitude, so Zhong Da will trouble you to go out this time."


Although I have a good idea, whether this idea can be realized in the end depends on Zheng Rui's intention.

If Zheng Rui agrees, then everything will be fine.

But if Zheng Rui disagreed, Cao Cao felt that it was necessary to strengthen the defense of Wancheng, and at the same time increase troops to Xuchang from other places to prevent Xuchang from being attacked.

When Sima Yi heard Cao Cao's assignment, he immediately nodded and said, "Sima Yi obeys!"

Zheng Rui didn't know about the fact that Cao Cao's army and Sun Quan's army both wanted to use their own territory to attack each other's weaknesses.

Because Zheng Rui is so busy with the entire Qingzhou affairs now.

Since what happened last time, Xun Yu has still not come out of his mansion.

Zheng Rui didn't send anyone to put Xun Yu under house arrest, or even put Liu Xie under house arrest. On the contrary, everything went on as usual.

But just like that, Xun Yu couldn't come out by himself. As for Liu Xie, he also wanted to go to Xun Yu these days, but Xun Yu refused.

Zheng Rui saw it, of course he was happy in his heart.

This is to explain that Xun Yu is changing.

No longer the foolish and loyal Xun Yu.

"If you want to get rich, build roads first, Chen Qing, let's see how dilapidated the roads in Qingzhou are now. This is also called building people's livelihood. Don't you need to clean it up?"

Zheng Rui inspected the whole Qingzhou on the second day, starting from Runan, the capital of Qingzhou. Zheng Rui pointed out the areas that needed to be changed little by little.

First of all, the first point is the road.

Zheng Rui saw that the roads in Qingzhou had not changed at all, so of course he was not happy.

This kind of road made of mud has no drainage ditches. Once it rains or there is a heavy rainstorm, the whole city will be submerged the next day.

First of all, this is what Zheng Rui asked Chen Qing's family to rectify.

Anyway, Chen Qing, as the aristocratic family who embraced his thigh first, should shoulder the task of building people's livelihood, otherwise what would Zheng Rui want him to do.

When Chen Qing heard Zheng Rui reprimanding him, Chen Qing felt terrified and proud at the same time.

Now he has become the first aristocratic family to follow Zheng Rui, and among the aristocratic families in the whole world, his status far surpasses other aristocratic families.

Not only that, but because of Zheng Rui's relationship, the caravan of the Chen family in Qingzhou can travel freely all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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