Chapter 882 Neck
Blood spilled, and four or five fingers fell to the ground.

Li Qiang's hands became crippled immediately, and he pointed out that blood was profusely profuse.

Li Qiang's screams had just rang out in the room before they stopped abruptly.Zheng Rui had no expression on his face, and stretched out his sleeve with the machete in his right hand. He fell down for the second time, and this knife slashed on Li Qiang's neck.

He slashed four or five times in a row, all of which landed around Li Qiang's neck.

In fact, the first knife fell on Li Qiang, and Li Qiang's screams could not be heard, but Zheng Rui felt very disturbed, so he swung a few times.

In Zheng Rui's eyes, Li Qiang's body fell on the edge of the kang, and immediately, the room was filled with a sense of peace.

Zheng Rui felt that his heart, which seemed to be at rest, resumed its violent beating in an instant, and the sound of insects and birds could be heard in his ears, and the whole world became alive again from dead silence, beautiful and bright, as if he was in a holy place middle.

He fetched water in the water tank, washed himself clean, and washed the chopping knife clean.He found some clean clothes in the house, put them on, and then walked out of the house.

Zheng Rui rubbed his face, making his face look gentle again. With a smile, he walked towards the second destination.

The gangster in the village is called Zhao Cong, and his home is not far away.

Zheng Rui ran all the way to the courtyard of Zhao Cong's house, and was startled when he saw Zhao Cong who had just rushed out from the door.

"Slim-waisted dog, what are you doing at my house? Is your skin itchy? I just heard screams. Did something happen in the village?"

Hearing Zhao Cong's question, Zheng Rui felt startled and immediately calmed down. His eyes flashed, and he had a flash of inspiration: "Li Qiang's family has fallen into a wolf, you two are good brothers, go and save him!"

"Come in, into the wolf?"

"Who the hell is he and his good brother, get out and call other people, otherwise the village chief will not be able to spare him when he comes back!"

As soon as he heard that he was a wolf, Zhao Cong was originally a tall and thick man, but suddenly changed his color, turned around and ran towards the house, and told Zheng Rui to find other people.

But the moment Zhao Cong turned around, Zheng Rui couldn't help showing a cold smile.

Zheng Rui raised his knife and slashed directly at the back of Zhao Cong's head.

The spurted blood immediately covered Zheng Rui's face.

Zheng Rui didn't feel very scared, but he lifted the knife sharply, causing Zhao Cong to stagger, while screams resounded throughout the village.

Zheng Rui pulled out the rusty woodcutter, and hastily chopped it down one after another. In a short while, four or five shocking blood holes appeared on Zhao Cong's entire head, and white brain matter and bright red blood flowed all over the place. .

After finishing all this, Zheng Rui wrapped his head in clothes and rushed towards the primeval forest.

After hiding for a day, it was late at night, and the forest was extremely cold. Zheng Rui saw sporadic light rain falling from the sky, and sneaked back to the village.

He saw white paper lanterns hanging in front of the Li family and Zhao family, but there was no one in front of the door.The village was very quiet.

Zheng Rui was overjoyed, and was about to go down, when he suddenly felt something was wrong in his mind, frowned, and retreated into the forest again.

After dawn, he found some poisonous mushrooms that are common in the forest, smashed them and soaked them in water overnight.

When night fell again, he emptied out the water in which the poisonous mushrooms were soaked, packed them in bamboo tubes, sneaked into the village, and poured them into the water tanks of the two families.

It was like this every day for fifteen days. Finally, Zheng Rui was relieved to see that Zhao Cong's family and Li Qiang's family were all dead.

Zheng Rui took a very serious look at the earthen house at home, then turned around and walked towards the virgin forest without looking back.

Four months later, Zheng Rui was dying, fell to the ground, and picked up a small black tripod.

"Are you here to seek immortality in Qixia Mountain?" The voice was so cool and sweet.

Zheng Rui hid the small cauldron and looked in the direction of the voice, and suddenly felt that the sky and the earth were clean.


"Come with me."

Zheng Rui struggled to get up and walked forward.

In the dark Dead Sea, in the cracks of the seabed, Zheng Rui opened his eyes and slapped the storage bag. Countless treasures flew out in a dazzling array of colors.

The entire dark seabed cracks are brightly illuminated by these treasures.

Zheng Rui's whole body was immediately buried in the treasure, and he remained motionless, using all his mana.

The primordial ancestor Yan frantically devoured energy, and the cauldron hummed violently, suspended above Zheng Rui's head, releasing clear light to protect his body.

"Master, what did you go through just now, how could you be so dangerous?" Xiao Ding's voice was a little shocked.

You must know that Ding Tian Ding's Qi Ling used to be unafraid no matter how dangerous it was, but this time he was so surprised, obviously he was frightened.

"If I was caught just now, I'm afraid I would have died. Fortunately, I was extra careful."

Zheng Rui said lightly, and then used his mana with all his strength.

He felt that his originally static cultivation had finally improved again.

But for some reason, he felt his heart became more and more peaceful, with no joy or sorrow, just empty.

He just quietly watched the progress of his cultivation, as if he was watching something that had nothing to do with him.

The three-inch figure became more and more solid, shining with the luster and texture of jade, and glowing with a touch of gold.

Zheng Rui saw that the golden color became more and more intense, and finally condensed into a small dot between the villain's eyebrows.

"Yuan Jingcheng!"

Zheng Rui yelled, and suddenly the light burst out, emitting a divine light that soared to the sky. Even the water of the Dead Sea could not stop it.

The three-inch jade carving villain opened his eyes, his eyes were shining golden, and the three golden lotus flowers behind him were all in full bloom.

Like a real dragon, Zu Lie burst out of the sea of ​​mana, and flew out, like a crystal jade belt, wrapped around Zheng Rui Yuanjing's body, making him look like a lotus boy.

In an instant, auspicious clouds gathered and surrounded the three-inch jade figure, making him look holy and Buddha-like.

At this moment, Zheng Rui felt a powerful force that he had never had before, as if the whole world would revolve around him, and the movement of the world's laws would be driven by his primordial realm.

"What I say is the law, and what I do is what I do!" Zheng Rui said flatly.

Zheng Rui's voice fell, and a shock wave of law energy was sent out from the three-inch jade carving villain, and his cultivation level made another breakthrough, reaching the second level of Yuan Realm.

The rock walls on both sides of the Dead Sea crack experienced a big explosion, and were crushed by this law energy, forming a field with a radius of ten meters.

You must know that before, with a single blow from Xuanzhao's ultimate cultivation, he could only make a hole the size of a washbasin.

At this moment, all the treasures collected by Zheng Rui have been dimmed, and the aura has already been swallowed up by the ancestors.

It is extremely rare for him to break through two realms in a row.Even for many top talents, this is the end of the breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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