Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 881 Don't Indulge

Chapter 881 Don't Indulge
Clang clang, sparks radiate!
Zheng Rui lowered his head and saw that there was a burst of fire between his chest and abdomen, like lightning, like a strong light, but they were all the size of Mars. Obviously, the power of the Flawless Primordial Realm Pill is too powerful, even if he is a cultivator of the ultimate Xuanzhao realm, he can't do it. All refined.

Then he threw the second elixir into his mouth and walked forward step by step. Suddenly, the flames that burst out between his chest and abdomen became much stronger, and then he swallowed the third elixir.

He saw that in the sea of ​​mana in Dantian, the power of law was running violently, stirring up turbulent waves. The primitive innate Taiyi Zulie seemed to have sensed the opportunity of evolution, flying like a real dragon, tossing rivers and seas, and fueling the flames.

No.30 Refining the three Flawless Primordial Realm Pills, Zheng Rui's tall and straight body released an incomparably gorgeous divine light, burning like a raging flame.

Refining 1 Flawless Primordial Realm Pills, his Heavenly Spirit Cap seemed to be opened, emitting a pillar of fire, which was the condensed flame of infinite law, and a three-inch small man struggled in the fire with a face full of pain.

Zheng Rui still walked forward without squinting.

"Master, don't indulge in illusions, you must wake up." Xiao Ding's voice faded in his mind.

However, Zheng Rui felt suddenly in a trance, his thoughts drifted away, and many voices murmured in his ears.

"The story of Mr. Storyteller is really nice, and I want to be the protagonist in it."

"I dreamed about the scene of fighting against Zhu Tianjiao again. With a sword in my hand, I can cut through the ages. I must be very powerful when I grow up."

"Why, the village chief's son is clearly bullying me, but you all say I'm wrong and ask me to apologize? Teacher, parents, please help me talk, I'm right."

"My child, you were quite smart before, but why do you become dumber as you grow up? Your parents don't like you anymore."

"Why do you want to kneel and kowtow to a local ruffian? In the stories of storytellers, they are all picked up by the protagonist casually. Why do we have to kneel down? I don't want to kneel."

"Don't hit me, Wu Ming!"

"People have to learn to accept fate, why are you so stupid, you don't understand such a small truth?"

"I don't want to be like you when I grow up, kneeling in front of a hooligan without dignity. If I want to live like this, I would rather kill his whole family before committing suicide."

"Then get out of here, as far as you can."

"Father, mother, my son has kowtowed to you, and I am going to be a fairy. From now on, regardless of life or death, I will never come back."

"If you step out of this door, I will treat you as my son."

Zheng Rui was shocked and opened his eyes suddenly, but those eyes were filled with terrifying energy beams, and the rocks at the bottom of the scorching Dead Sea were melting.

"Why is Zheng Rui's inner demon, not the inner demon on the road of cultivation, but such a simple catastrophe?"

"It stands to reason that this kind of catastrophe is not dangerous, but why do I feel that Ding Tianding is trembling, as if I am afraid that Zheng Rui will fall into such a catastrophe? Isn't it ridiculous?"

The Ding Tian Ding vibrated, buzzing and trembling, and the Zhu Xian Sword also clanked in the scabbard around Zheng Rui's waist, and the sword formation figure flew out automatically, making a clattering sound.

These three treasures were trembling at the same time, as if they had a premonition that catastrophe was coming.

"Why is my consciousness gradually collapsing, what exactly is Zheng Rui going through?" Xiao Ding was terrified and completely uneasy.

At the entrance of the mountain village, Zheng Rui stopped, turned his head suddenly, and looked at a family.

A small earthen house, with a few jujube trees in front of it, Zheng Rui narrowed his eyes, looked down on the ground, and saw a rusty hatchet scattered among the dead leaves.

He picked it up and tucked it into his cuff.

Then, Zheng Rui rubbed his face, which softened the stiff and cold face, and revealed a smile.

He knocked on the door of the earthen house. This was the village chief's house. The village chief's son was called Li Jian.

"Who is it!"

Accompanied by the sound of cursing, a young man who looked very thin and short came out.

In Zheng Rui's eyes, this young man looked cleaner than other children in the village, and he also had more wisdom and wisdom in his eyes, and he also seemed a little ruffian.

"Hey, who is here? Isn't this a thin-waisted dog?" Li Qiang smiled sarcastically on his face.

"Slim-waisted dog?" Zheng Rui was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked down, only to see that his whole body was almost skinny, especially his waist, which was not much thicker than a normal adult's fist.

Because of perennial hunger, he tightly strangled his waist with a belly belt, which allowed him to eat less and alleviate more hunger, but also made his waist much thinner.

"Brother Qiangzi, I dug up a piece of silver just now. I guess there are two or two types. It's inconvenient to talk outside, so let's go in and talk."

Zheng Rui said with a smile on his face.

When he talked about two taels of silver, he saw that Li Qiang's eyes lit up. As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qiang was overjoyed, and quickly took Zheng Rui's left hand and walked into the room.

"Oh, you are so lucky. You are really lucky. Show it to me. If it is true, I will let you, a thin-waisted dog, follow me from now on."

When he reached the edge of the kang, Li Qiang turned his head, his face was full of impatience.

"Li Qiang, if you bring me to your house, you won't be afraid that I will steal things from your house, and you will not be afraid that I will beat you up? You know, you have been bullying me since you were a child."

Zheng Rui sneered and asked.

"Give you ten guts, you don't dare to steal from my house. As for beating me up, do you think you can beat me? Don't say I've been bullying you, your father and I have been bullying me all the time, I will still bully your sister in a few years."

"Of course, if you have ten taels of silver as a dowry, then I can marry your sister as a concubine. As for the main wife, your sister is not worthy."

"Why, could it be that you don't have two taels of silver, and you just came here to find fault with me?"

Li Qiang seemed to be vigilant, and rolled his eyes.

"I'm joking, I really picked up two taels of silver, look..." Zheng Rui smiled faintly.

Suddenly, he felt his beating heart calm down. He touched around the abdominal belt with his left hand, then clenched it into a fist, and handed it to Li Qiang.

Sure enough, Li Qiang's eyes lit up, and at this moment his gaze was fixed on Zheng Rui's left fist.

The five fingers are spread out, and there is nothing in the palm.

"Slim-waisted dog, you want to die, dare to play me? I'm fucking!"

Not seeing Yinzi, Li Qiang was furious, his face raised ferociously, his eyes were extremely fierce, as if he wanted to eat people.

But soon, his eyes turned into consternation.

But Zheng Rui's right hand was tucked into his sleeve, raised high, and then dropped suddenly.

"You dare to provoke me, I really don't want to live!" Li Qiang resisted immediately, raising both hands to grab Zheng Rui's right arm.


(End of this chapter)

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