Chapter 271
Even Wang Yan has reached the middle stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and she is already at the same level as Zheng Rui in terms of spiritual power cultivation alone. In addition, her spiritual power has undergone mutations, and Wang Yan's comprehensive strength is not much weaker than that of the general late Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Her radiance was covered by Zheng Rui, and few people noticed that the little princess of Murong's family had grown up gradually. They saw that she was waving the water-blue long whip in her hand, and there was a layer of light on the whip. The blue extremely cold ice flame.

Every lash on these sea beasts can freeze them, and countless whip shadows weave into a big net. For a moment, none of the sea beasts can get close to them, and wherever the long whip passes, the water gradually freezes. frost flowers.

"This Miss Murong is so terrifying!" Wang Yan immediately amazed everyone when she made a move, and the shadow guards guarding the four sides of the raft were quietly shocked. "Is this the ability of girl Yu'er after her spiritual power has mutated? The power is really impressive."

Zheng Rui's expression froze, but Wang Yan's strength gave him some surprises.Then he saw the sea beast frozen into ice under Wang Yan's ice flame, and his eyes suddenly lit up. "I have a solution."

After chopping down a sea beast attacking him with a sword, Zheng Rui glanced at Guan Guan's arms, where there was a bulging lump, of course it was not her chest, but Xiao Ling who was sleeping in her arms!This guy's laziness has also reached a state of shocking and weeping ghosts and gods. As a powerful wolf that is about to reach the fourth level, this guy is still sleeping with peace of mind at this moment. It will always be in his world, and Zheng Rui will bear it when the sky falls. , if Zheng Rui can't stand it, it can't help it.When Zheng Rui pulled it out, it opened its mouth wide as if it yawned, its limbs straightened up and kicked back, the green wolf eyes looked at Zheng Rui full of resentment, as if it was dissatisfied that Zheng Rui disturbed its dream .

"You guy, it's your turn to perform now, kill them and give you a feast of seafood, but you still remember the deliciousness?" Zheng Rui pointed to the countless sea beasts in the water and said to Xiaoling regardless of how bitter Xiaoling was.Hearing this, Xiao Linglang's eyes really lit up, it understood Zheng Rui's meaning, and immediately grew up against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, the little cute thing became a handsome big guy.

Without any fuss, Xiaoling opened her bloody mouth directly, and spurted out a burst of icy energy that was filled with a strong chill. A thin layer of ice soon formed on the surface of the water, and even the bird that was hit by the icy energy The second-order sea beast in the middle was directly deprived of its life by the cold. "It really works! Xiaoling, come again, freeze this water for me." Seeing this, Zheng Rui said excitedly.

"Wow!" With a long roar, Xiao Ling felt aggrieved, but she had to succumb to Zheng Rui's coercion, and she still thought about the delicious delicacies in her memory. "Hoho!" The demon spirit power infinitely close to the fourth level filled the air, and icy energy spewed out from Xiaoling's mouth one after another. The ice layer above the water surface was getting thicker and thicker, which greatly restricted the movement of the sea beasts in the water. speed. "Water dragon chant!" When Xiaoling began to exhale the icy energy, Wang Yan's eyes lighted up slightly, and as she waved her long whip, the spiritual power of extremely cold ice flames surged, and she used the water dragon chant without hesitation. The whip instantly turns into a water dragon and hits the water surface.

The water dragons dispersed, and the waters where the ice flames scattered also quickly froze, and the chill was not much weaker than Xiao Ling's here. "Haha, you guys can't run anymore, so let me fight my way out again!" Seeing the behavior of the second- and third-tier monsters being blocked in the gradually solidified water, Zheng Rui would not let them go. By chance, the sword in the sky glowed coldly again, and the meaning of the bright moon reappeared. This time, he quietly joined the sword intent of splitting the sky.

With one strike of the sword, I saw that the sword with the meaning of unparalleled tore apart countless sea beasts in an instant. I have seen the domineering sword intent of splitting the sky before, as if it wanted to tear apart the blue sky for thousands of miles. These sea beasts whose actions were hindered How to resist.Immediately, the waters instantly turned into the Asura Field, the icy lake water turned red, bloody roads formed again, and the raft moved forward smoothly for hundreds of meters, almost halfway through the journey.

"Boom, boom, boom" Before everyone had time to be happy, there were some strange noises from the raft, each louder than the last, and finally the raft vibrated even more, as if the gravel had been shaken away And the possibility of going.A tyrannical aura gradually came out from the bottom of the raft, it was at least a fourth-level aura, even comparable to that of the ant queen.On the surface of the water, however, several tentacles as thick as buckets drilled out, violently lashing towards the raft with powerful force.Everyone's complexion suddenly changed, "Not good! Flash!" Zheng Rui and the other eight people secretly swallowed their saliva, and then shouted angrily at the same time. Go up, they will never allow the raft to be destroyed.

"See if your big squid beard can withstand a few strikes from my master." Zheng Rui smiled grimly, and flew up directly. Immediately exerting strength, blue veins appeared like little snakes, and suddenly slashed Tianshang away. "Hey!" Although the force carried by this tentacle is great, it still can't withstand the sharpness of the Tianshang Sword. This tentacle was directly cut off by Zheng Rui's sword, and the blood was accompanied by some sticky juice. squirt. "Bang!" The part of the tentacle that fell from the battle was a foot long, and it fell into the water, creating a wave, while the remaining part of the tentacle trembled and shrank back into the water.As for the others, although the four shadows did not cut it off directly like Zheng Rui, they managed to repel it with all their strength, but the four of them suffered some injuries because of it.

In the other place, Guan Guan's concealed weapon fired continuously, and under the bombardment of thunderbolt, thunder and fire, the tentacle that was attacking her was repelled without getting close at all, and the last tentacle was attacked by Wang Yanhuamian and Xiaoling. , but it was more miserable, and was directly frozen into a popsicle.The menacing seven tentacles were immediately repelled by the crowd, but they couldn't allow them to be happy. Suddenly, everyone's expressions shook again, and they were shocked to find that the raft under them had already left the water by a foot. "Chi!" A sharp cry came from the water, both angry and excited.

At this time, there was an equally huge tentacle holding up the raft below them, but when the raft reached a height of two feet, it threw it down suddenly. "It's over, the raft can't be kept."

The waiter looked serious. "The octopus has eight legs! It's still negligent!" Zheng Rui sighed inwardly.As soon as the words fell, before the raft returned to the surface of the water, the tentacle broke out of the water again, like a spear, stabbing fiercely towards the raft. "Bang!" The sawdust exploded, and a huge hole was drilled out of the center of the raft by this tentacle, and then the tentacle shook suddenly, and the raft was torn apart.The eight people and one beast were separated, relying on pieces of broken planks to stand on the water.

(End of this chapter)

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