Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 270 Hairy Crabs

Chapter 270 Hairy Crabs

While Zheng Rui's scalp was numb, his eyes were full of brilliance, and he swallowed his saliva for some reason. "Oil fried prawns! Good stuff!"

With a flash of blue light, the green steel sword stably pierced through the mouth in front of the prawn. His sword was extremely precise and could always find the weakest spot of these monsters, even if the prawn was covered in armor, But there is a gap in the mouth after all.The second-order monsters are vulnerable to the current Zheng Rui, and he doesn't even need to use the original power of dragon and phoenix, which has a suppressive effect on most monsters, to deal with this prawn.

A sword destroyed all the vitality of the prawn, and the two huge pincers suddenly dropped powerlessly. Zheng Rui's eyes lit up, and he quickly put it into the Qiankun bag, and looked at the churning water again. This was just the beginning. .Compared with Zheng Rui's relaxed and freehand style, the shadow guards on Raft Sifang are a little more difficult. Although their cultivation base is not weak, as professional assassins, their frontal combat effectiveness is not so strong.At the same time, they were besieged by several monsters that had reached the second level, and the four of them were in a hurry. Fortunately, the waiter had been standing in the middle of the raft and supported with hidden weapons, but he could barely support it.

Seeing this, Zheng Rui was quite relieved, as long as these sea beasts were not allowed to attack, even if the waves were overwhelming, their little raft could still move forward steadily.After taking a look, there were sea beasts rushing up again on the water in front of Zheng Rui, and when he saw clearly what kind of monsters were attacking him this time, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but burst into an arc of excitement. "Hairy crabs!" At the same time, three big cyan crabs broke out of the water. These three crabs were smaller than the big lobsters before, but their aura was not weaker at all, and they all reached the second-order level.

The offensive methods of crabs and prawns are similar, they are both waving the large navy blue pincers that look very hard in front of them, but there are only three Zheng Rui, but they are not at all panicked. With Liuyunbu, the claws of the three big crabs couldn't even touch the corner of Zheng Rui's clothes.But Zheng Rui stabbed three swords one after another, and the ending was the same as that of prawns.But at this time, Zheng Rui didn't care about his complacency. Just after he put away the bodies of the three crabs, more monsters attacked. As they killed more monsters, the bloody smell in the water became stronger. concentrated.All the monsters living in the water broke out of the water at this time, as if turned into birds, and rushed towards the people on the raft without fear of death. If they all rushed up, the raft would capsize in an instant.

"We have to think of a way, this is not going to work, there are too many monsters." After throwing out three silver needles and killing three huge flying fish again, Guan Guan said solemnly.This is only 900 meters, and there is still four-fifths of the distance from Lianzhi Island. As we continue to move forward, I am afraid that there will be more of them. I can't bear it. "If you kill a bloody road, I will protect the eldest lady." Hearing what Guan Guan said, the hoarse and cold voices of the four shadow guards rang out immediately.

"Reckless man!" Hearing this, Guan Guan Huamian and even Wang Yan's three daughters rolled their eyes, feeling helpless. These shadow guards are loyal, but their brains are not so bright. When you get to Lianzhi Island, why bother talking nonsense.Qianhu Island is too big, and it is connected to any part of the water domain. The monsters in the entire water domain can come here. If they kill them, they will be exhausted to death. "Then let's kill a bloody road first!" Zheng Rui said the same thing as the shadow guard with a serious expression, but his aura gradually rose.The sword in his hand was replaced by Tianshang, and his strongest methods could not be tolerated by the quality of the green steel sword. There was a gleam of light on the dark Tianshang sword, and then under the urging of Zheng Rui's spiritual power, it was condensed in an instant. There was a full moon.

"Spiritual power imitation, the true meaning of the bright moon!" The level of spiritual power in the middle stage of the Tianling Realm is only the Mingyue Yishi of the Mingyue swordsmanship, which is no pressure for Zheng Rui.After successfully condensing the true meaning of the bright moon on the Tianshang Sword, Zheng Rui suddenly raised his hand high and then slashed towards the water in front of him. The full moon was glowing black and gold, and it immediately flew away.In an instant, the layer of smoke seemed to be torn apart by the sword energy, and the bright moon suddenly cut across the water surface without stirring up waves, but Guan Guan and the others could clearly see the broken limbs and armor of countless sea beasts rolling up from the water surface.On the straight line several zhang away where the sword qi reached, the water surface gradually turned red, as if it was really a road paved with blood. "It's a pity, a lot of seafood can't be picked up."

Zheng Rui shook his head, looking at the corpses of sea beasts that gradually floated up with regret. "Now, go now!" When Zheng Rui slashed down with his sword, the surface of the water was actually quiet. The waiter let out a low shout of joy, and then he slapped several palms in succession. The powerful spiritual power hit the water surface, and the raft suddenly seemed like The runaway horse jumped out, and in the time it took to count breaths, it slid three to 400 meters away. "Chichi!" The water surface was only calm for a few breaths, and suddenly the waves surged again, and a thicker sound than before came out of the water, and more sea beasts attacked again.

All kinds of sea beasts suddenly appeared excitedly, and all flew towards the corpses of those sea beasts killed by Zheng Rui's sword, snatching and biting, and in the blink of an eye, these dead sea beasts had no bones left. All entered the belly of other sea beasts. "Oops, the blood is too strong, and there are more and more sea beasts." The watchman's face became serious again: "The corpses and strong blood in the water have already aroused the fierceness of these sea beasts. more dangerous."

"How about I strike again?" "Chichi." At this time, the sea beasts in the water had already devoured the corpses, and they all surrounded the raft again. A harsh roar sounded, and countless sea beasts broke out of the water again. This time they are more aggressive.The ferocious sea beast has only one thing in its eyes, and that is to tear up Zheng Rui and others on the raft and swallow them up! "Be careful, these monsters are stronger this time."

With the sword in Zheng Rui's hand shining, he chopped off several zhang-long water snakes at once. He didn't have time to pick up their corpses. In the blink of an eye, another huge flying fish attacked, and the aura of this fish suddenly reached the third level.This time there was a third-order sea beast. This kind of rank is already the strength of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. If there are a few more, it will not be so easy to deal with. When the third-order sea beast appeared, the four shadow guards had already Started to get tired.

They were not good at fighting head-on, and the daggers in their hands were far less sharp than when they assassinated their targets.As expected, the situation became critical. "We're also here to help." At this time, Hua Mian and Wang Yan could no longer sit firmly on the Diaoyutai in the middle of the raft. No matter what they said, they were both in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, so they could help.

(End of this chapter)

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