Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 363 Deceitful

Chapter 363 Deceitful
"Hmph, isn't it because you humans are greedy and once tried to take our spirit beasts as your own, competed with each other, forced the spirit beasts to contract, or that kind of particularly bad contract method. Powerful spirit beasts usually also activate their spiritual intelligence. , you will have your own pride, even if it is death, you humans will not be forced to make a contract." Qiuqiu said with some hatred.

"No wonder it's like this. Then why can't there be any traces of spirit beasts anywhere except that forest?" I listened to his words and understood why spirit beasts were unwilling to make contracts with humans.

"Listen to me, this is more than that. You humans later discovered our scattered living places, and people kept coming to search for traces of spirit beasts. As long as you humans find out, there will be many masters vying to capture our spirit beasts." Beasts go to force the contract. We used to have a lot of spirit beasts on this continent, but because of your human greed, we lost countless companions. Humans and beasts once fought because of this. The beast king once brought countless The spirit beasts came to retaliate, the battle was very tragic, and some spirit beasts directly wiped out the race, but most of the masters on this continent disappeared because of this." Qiuqiu seems to know a lot about this matter.

"Hey, some people are like this. It's a pity that the harmony between humans and beasts was destroyed. The original win-win situation was destroyed by their greed. Ball, then why did you cling to me in the first place? Is it because you discovered it a long time ago? My strength?" I asked proudly.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Qiuqiu rolled his eyes in a humane manner.

"Okay, I admit that you are a little different from those other people. At first I was attracted by the coldness in your Excalibur. As you know, I prefer to collect some good things. . ” Thinking of it going around to steal the treasures of other monsters, I was speechless for a while.

"But then I found out that you have dragon energy in your body, which is very attractive to all beasts, and you didn't force me to make a contract with you when that old monster asked you to make a contract, this is me You are lucky to be able to choose your reason!" Qiuqiu said and looked up at the sky, that humane behavior made me laugh.

As we spoke, we came to our destination this time. A huge stone sword stood in the distance, giving people a feeling of being as heavy as a mountain.

This is the epee gate where I came to ask for medicine. When I came here again, I was still attracted by the stone sword, but I came here for something, so I didn’t stay for a long time, and started directly towards the epee gate. go.

"It's strange, why are there no disciples here to guard the gate?" I have already reached the heavy sword gate but no one came to stop me, it seems to be an empty sect.

"Ah!" Just as I was walking towards the hall, a voice behind me woke up my thoughts. The voice seemed to be behind me. Before I had time to turn around, I dodged forward.

"Pa" I saw a person fell to the ground at this moment, his clothes were disheveled, and his hair looked like he hadn't taken care of it for a long time. He was lying on the ground, and I couldn't see his face at all.

I was just wondering who this person was, when suddenly, he stood up, and when he raised his head, his eyes were red, and he rushed towards me again.

His cultivation turned out to be a Dou Shi Jiuxing, which can be regarded as a disciple with outstanding talent in this small sect. I dodged and didn't draw a sword. I didn't want to hurt these people who were controlled by blood poison, because they They are all innocent people, but they were only implicated by this turmoil.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuu..." At this time, there were many people in the fighting spirit realm, who seemed to be attracted by the sound of fighting here.

There was some surprise in my eyes, because this is the heavy sword sect after all, how could so many infected disciples be left outside? Could it be that something happened.

The more I thought about it, the heavier I felt. While avoiding the rush of these insane people, I continued to walk towards the door.

As I continued to go deeper, the cultivation base of the people I met continued to rise, and I have yet to find a person who has not been infected by the blood poison.

I was a little anxious in my heart, poured my cultivation into my feet, and used my spiritual power to speed up and ran in. I was eager to know what happened to this small sect that had already become talented and withered, and why a place so far away would be destroyed So intrusive.

People along the way, I dodged left and right as much as possible, and didn't go head-on.

I walked up to the main hall, which was also empty. The empty appearance looked very desolate, as if it was a sect that had long since withered.

"Qiaoqiu, fly higher, go see if there is anyone else in this sect?" I said to Qiuqiu in my arms.

The small wings on the back of Qiuqiu fluttered. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that these two small wings could fly into the air with his fat body.

"Bang" seemed to be hit by something, the ball flew to a certain place and fell down.

"What's wrong? Who is it!" I subconsciously thought that someone was attacking it, and shouted to the surroundings.

"Don't shout, it's not a person. It seems that there is a forbidden formation here, and it will be rebounded by the formation at a certain height. If you want to fly to the sky, you must break through the formation. Maybe the old monster can forcefully break through the formation. Let’s do it.” Qiuqiu said while covering his head.

"What! Such a powerful formation? Who set it up, and what is it for? There is no one here. Could it be that everyone has already met a murderous hand? Isn't it all my fault for being late?" I felt a little uncomfortable, and ran towards the giant sword, because I always felt that there seemed to be something calling me there, so I couldn't help but want to find out.

When I avoided some disciples with lower cultivation bases and was about to reach under the giant sword, I suddenly heard the voices of many people, which made me subconsciously hide behind the huge boulder and look over it secretly.

"If you don't come out again, we will kill all of your heavy sword disciples!" Someone seemed to be threatening.

As I got closer, I felt that the call seemed to be getting stronger. Looking at the towering giant sword, I always felt that there seemed to be something different in it.

"Hmph! Could it be that my heavy sword sect is afraid of you despicable villains?" A heavy voice said.

This voice made me feel a little relieved, because this was the suzerain I met when I came to ask for medicine.

I am a little helpful, but I feel that the three blood-clothed hooded men below are all in the strength of fighting kings, and the strength of the one in the middle, I am afraid that the suzerain is also very difficult to deal with. There are four elders sitting next to the suzerain. I don't understand why the people of the epee sect didn't resist but curled up under the giant sword, as if there was something that could protect them.

"Don't think that this giant sword can keep you forever. When my Blood Sect army arrives, everyone in the entire Central Territory will surrender. Not to mention your small giant sword, even the Litian Sword Sect will also surrender! Submit to my blood sect army!" The old man seemed not in a hurry to break through, so he said here.

"Blood sect? It turns out that the power of these people is called blood sect. Why have I never heard of them? When I go back, I must ask. The place where all the sects gathered last time to break through is not all their strength. , Then what a huge force they are! They actually assign people with such a high level of cultivation to attack this small sect." I said to Qiuqiu, although I know that although it is very spiritual, it is still young after all. It doesn't understand anything either.

But judging from their words, they don't know that in Yixiantian, their base has been uprooted by us. I thought in my heart that if these people gather together, I am afraid that no one in this central region will be able to resist. Living.

There seemed to be a big rock in my heart, and I couldn't breathe. Looking at the few people in the field, they were still in a stalemate.

I really want to help, but let alone the blood-clothed old man in the middle of my strength, even the other three people may not be able to deal with me.

"Sovereign, why don't we fight them! Anyway, we can only watch our fellow disciples die tragically here, and we can't wait for others. I heard from them that they still have reinforcements. If they really come, I'm afraid we won't even have a chance to resist. It’s all gone.” The voice was very familiar, and I took a deep look, and it was the elder who wanted to avenge my son, who seemed to be Elder Wu.

I was thinking of a way in my heart, I used the face change to change my face back to my original appearance, because if I really go out as Elder Xiao at this time, I am afraid that if I fight, I will be exposed, and I am afraid It will lead to even greater misunderstandings, and if the people of the heavy sword sect don't trust me at that time, then that is the dead end I have asked for.

But just now I leaned over and took a look. After changing my face, I wanted to go back to hide behind the boulder. I didn't pay attention to my feet. A small stone was accidentally knocked on the boulder and fell to the ground near my feet.

If you don't listen carefully, there will be no change at all. The small stone can be ignored, but the moment the stone fell to the ground, the suzerain and the blood-clothed old man in the middle looked over at the same time.

My heart tightened, and I secretly thought something was wrong, these people's ears are not human ears, I didn't have time to think about it, and I felt a deadly sense of crisis in my heart.

As soon as I thought about it, my mind was like lightning, and a phantom appeared directly under the giant sword ten feet away, and then I only felt a burst of overwhelming pressure coming towards me.

I hastily mobilized my spiritual power, and with a single thought, my figure disappeared from behind the boulder and appeared under the giant sword.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and I saw the huge boulder I was hiding just now exploded, and the one-foot-high boulder became shattered at this moment, and the stones collapsed and flew, turning into small small stones scattered and falling , The boulder disappeared in a blink of an eye.

I clicked my tongue secretly, feeling terrified in my heart. If I had reacted a bit slower just now, or if I had had a little bit of luck, I'm afraid it would have disappeared like this boulder now.

The old man didn't hit me with his palm, he was also taken aback, and turned his head to look at me who suddenly appeared under the giant sword.

"Who are you?" I saw the suzerain and the old man of the blood sect ask at the same time, and their hearts were tense, because they didn't know me who appeared suddenly, the speed of movement just now, and the fact that they couldn't see clearly now. My cultivation level, they also think that I am a master in their hearts, but they don't know which side I am from, or if I am just passing by.

"Why don't you resist?" I was standing in the middle at this time, not daring to make any changes. It was not my strength to dodge the palm just now, but I had been prepared for a long time and I still used that weird movement technique Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to hide.

I asked the suzerain and several elders who were under the giant sword, as if they didn't care about anything.

"We also want to kill these bastards, but now a few elders are fascinated by the magic they don't know how to use, they don't know us anymore, and they are attacked by these monsters in turn, if not... ..." Elder Wu said to me with anger and pain in his eyes.

"Shut up!" The suzerain yelled to stop Elder Wu from continuing.

"Do you know who this is? You tell the whole thing! You have to know that this person who doesn't know the depth can enter the range of the giant sword. If he has bad intentions, how can you stop him!" The suzerain said to Seeing Elder Wu yelling angrily through voice transmission, the two elders were scolded in cold sweat.

"It doesn't matter. I know you are relying on the protection of the giant sword. This giant sword seems to have a kind of upright light. Their skills are too sinister. If they enter, they will be suppressed by the sword intent in the giant sword." I said Elder Wu was interrupted and did not say anything.

The blood sect elder and suzerain master's expressions changed, they just looked at me and stopped talking.

This made me a little embarrassed. If they talked, I could still pretend to be an expert and not interfere, but they didn't move or talk, just looked at me, and I felt a little unnatural.

"Ahem, since this is the case, you guys continue to stand in a stalemate. I'm just here to look at that sword." I walked towards the other side of the giant sword with my hands behind my back, as if I didn't want to interfere with the matter here at all.

"..." The suzerain and the old man of the blood sect looked at me, not knowing what to say, but now no one knows my reality, no one stopped me, just watched me walk past, I am afraid they will push me to the opposite side , then it will affect the entire battle situation.

"Don't worry about him, he just seems to be passing by." The Blood Sect member whispered.

"Sovereign, who is he?" The people from the heavy sword gate also watched me slowly walk to the other side of the sword, knowing that there was no figure, they said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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