Chapter 362
Nangong Han looked at these two strong men who seemed to be mentally abnormal with a stunned expression. He couldn't find a word for a while, and didn't know what to say.

Everyone quickly cleaned up the mess here, and brought the brothers from the same sect back to their respective sects.

"Sect Master, there are still many people from the Blood Sword Sect here..." A disciple in white looked at the Sect Master and said.

"Take them all away. After all, these people are the ones who gave their lives for this battle. Let's leave it to the Blood Sword Sect to deal with it." Nangong Han thought for a while and said.

"Hmph, villains who forget righteousness when they see profit, don't care what they do!" said the master of Yunlan Sect.

Su Yan didn't ask me anything, but just told me to be careful, she is like this, if I don't tell, she will never ask me.

In the end, I couldn't hold back her, so I had to put the token back in my arms, and watched everyone disperse here, except those who were going to the city lord's mansion, each left towards their own sect. I asked for a storage bag from Nangong , hurriedly wandered among the crowd towards the city gate.

When the crisis of blood and poison came into contact, the city lord's mansion was the first to become lively. At this time, the main hall, which was much larger than the lobby in the sect, was the most noisy. The red bricks and blue tiles here are as tall as five people. The seats are already lined up with delicious delicacies. If ordinary people see such a banquet, their jaws will drop in shock. All the people present here are people with advanced cultivation, even the weakest ones are fighting spirits. Wang Jiuxing's master, I am afraid that some people on such a scale are rare to see in their lifetime.

When everyone was seated, the city lord raised his glass first and said to everyone: "Thanks to everyone this time, if it weren't for everyone, my Lishui City would have been buried in my hands. I would like to thank everyone first." Great kindness."

"The city lord is polite. This is not only the crisis of Lishui City, but also the crisis of the famous families in the central region, so we should take action." Nangong Han said with a smile.

As the voice fell, everyone drank the wine in the cup. The aroma of the wine was strong. If I were here, I would be very familiar with the aroma of the wine, but now both Shuangsha and I have left here, and we are not here to accept the city lord. banquet.

"I want to respect the Litian Sword Sect for the second cup. If it wasn't for the Elder Xiao of the Litian Sword Sect to help me investigate the cause and effect of the matter, I'm afraid I won't be able to find these damn thieves by now, huh? Where is Elder Xiao? ?” Just as the brightly dressed maid at the side filled the wine glass, the city lord raised the wine glass again and said to Nangong Han.

Only then did he realize that the previous Elder Xiao was not here, and immediately asked Nangong Han suspiciously, because in his opinion, the strength of that Elder Xiao might be even more unfathomable, which is why he was so polite to Litian Sword Sect.

"Elder Xiao? Where is my Sword Sect..." Nangong Han was stopped by the question, and said with a surprised face, but halfway through the conversation, Nangong Yin who was standing behind coughed heavily, interrupting Nangonghan's words .

Because Nangong Yin brought back the antidote in time, it can be regarded as saving the battle situation, so he is qualified to stand behind Nangong Han in this hall.

But now Nangong Han was about to say that there was no matter about Elder Xiao, Nangong Yin hurriedly interrupted, because he was an insider of this matter, and he saw with his own eyes how I acted like a tiger in front of the city lord.

After this interruption, Nangong Han seemed to have thought of something, looked at Nangong Yin, glared at him pretending to be dissatisfied, and then returned to the way of the suzerain, "My Litian Sword Sect is in troubled times right now. , how can there be elders available, and now our Sword Sect is out in force, how can there be no one at home."

A name flashed across Nangong Han's mind, and his face changed with some helplessness in what he had just said.

And these unreasonable words changed in the ears of the city lord. If it was before, the city lord would not believe that an elder was left to guard the sect. Resist the attack of ordinary strong men, because of my face-changing method, the city lord can't see through my strength before, so it is naturally defined as a master who is better than him. Now that I hear Nangong Han's words, I am sure of this in my heart After guessing, there was a little more vigilance in his eyes.

Those of me who were on the road didn't know that there was a man and a beast moving fast on the empty official road.

It was Qiuqiu that came out of my body. I thought there were too many people, so I didn't care about it, so I let it rest in my body. Now that the matter is resolved, I also breathe a sigh of relief, naturally Just let it out to get some air.

I don't know when, this little guy's reminder seems to be a little bigger, although it is not obvious, but it is a circle bigger than before, and it seems to be fattened in my body.

"Hey! Why are you still fat? You won't absorb my spiritual energy in my body!" I suddenly thought of a very serious question, and asked Qiuqiu who was flying behind me.

"Wow!" It obviously could talk to me through sound transmission, but it just pretended not to understand me, looked at me with a pair of big eyes, and a childish cry came from its mouth.

If it was Su Yan, he would definitely be turned on by this little thing again, but I'm already used to it.

I stopped suddenly, looked at it in disbelief, and shouted: "You really absorbed my aura! No wonder I haven't shown any signs of breaking through for so long. Let me just say, I'm a genius today. How could it have been so long without any sign of touching the Dao barrier with his cultivation talent! Good for you!"

It’s okay if I don’t talk about it, the more I talk about it, the more excited I get, shouting at it on the official road.

At this time, a disciple about my age came running from behind, dressed in a green robe with faint flower patterns on his body, he stood near me and looked at me suspiciously.

Because when it came close, Qiuqiu's body gradually became transparent and slowly disappeared into the air, but I was still shouting, this scene was seen by this little disciple who just arrived.

"Uh, Xiao, Elder Xiao, this is the sound transmission flower that my teacher sent me to give to you. My teacher has settled the chaos in Baihua Valley. I hope you can visit me and repay the elder for saving my life." Seeing me After stopping, this disciple walked over full, and handed me a small flower as if a little wary.

When I saw his appearance, I knew what was going on, and I hated to think that it was all because of that little thing!

"Well, you don't need to be too nervous. I was using a secret method to transmit sound just now. I know. I will visit Baihua Valley when my affairs are over. Congratulate your master for re-establishing the stability of Baihua Valley." He took this strange flower, pretended that my cultivation base was too high, and explained some exercises to that disciple as if he had never seen them before.

I thought to myself that the owner of the Hundred Flowers Valley still has some tricks. He stabilized the entire Hundred Flowers Valley in a short period of time, and completed such a large number of antidotes. Sure enough, the owner of the Valley is not a simple person. .

Looking at this flower again, the flower as a whole is not big, and the petals are divided into five petals, with the twigs underneath. The whole looks like a trumpet, which really fits the name of the sound transmission flower.

"Yes, that disciple will not disturb the elder's business anymore, disciple will leave." After speaking, the boy in Tsing Yi ran back to Lishui City in a hurry.

Before I could explain anything, he ran away. I knew he didn't believe me. If I went back to the sect and told people about it, wouldn't I be famous for being out of my mind?
I thought angrily in my heart, looking around, looking for the location of that little thing, I know he must still be nearby, and has not left here, because it is impossible for it to know this road.

"Well, master, don't be angry, you are now Elder Xiao, it doesn't matter. Hey hey, don't do anything, I didn't absorb your aura." Qiuqiu showed his aura while talking. ontology.

"Huh? How do you say it?" I heard him say that he didn't absorb my spiritual energy, so I planned to spare him.

"Master, please listen to my explanation. Your body can inhale spiritual energy and slowly transform it into dragon energy. This is very useful to me, so I will absorb your transformed spiritual energy. Hey, don't fight!" Qiuqiu Shouting and dodging around to grab my palm.

"Aren't you absorbing my spiritual energy? I said how can I cultivate so slowly with such a genius!" I said angrily while stretching out my hand to grab him.

"No, after I absorb it, I will return a more pure spiritual energy for the master. This is like purifying the spiritual energy, and it will not be harmful!" Qiuqiu said seriously.

As soon as I heard it, my heart moved, and I quickly checked the spiritual energy in my body secretly. When my soul searched the rapidly rotating cyclone at the dantian, I found that the spiritual energy in my body seemed to contain a trace of purple. I was attracted by the golden cyclone, but I didn't notice it. I only discovered this change when I checked carefully now.

This made me a little surprised, I asked Qiuqiu, "This aura is indeed a bit different, now my golden aura seems to be mixed with purple, what effect does this change have?"

"Of course it has a great effect! The purity of the spiritual energy affects the power of the spiritual energy and the amount stored in the body. Think about it, the same spiritual energy, if you are more pure than the opponent's, naturally your power is greater, and This ordinary aura will become less after this purification, so, this will be more beneficial to your future breakthroughs!" It said to me bit by bit with a flattering look.

"Well, it sounds like that, so why do I feel that I am the only one who has spirit beasts to follow? Since the benefits are so great, why don't those people with high strength not have spirit beasts to follow?" I also think so Something, a little proud in my heart, asked while continuing to walk forward.

(End of this chapter)

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