Chapter 953

The advancement of science and technology is to open doors one after another. In many cases, as long as one has reached that step, the door can be opened with a light push. More often, it is difficult for the door to fully open even if there is a gap.

Firearms are assembled from parts and components. Some parts do not meet the specifications. Even if they can be fired, their performance will inevitably be defective and their lifespan will be shortened.

Compared with the Type [-] rifle, the structure of the unnamed machine gun is more complicated.

"In addition to the base, it is assembled from three parts of 240. The large parts are the shell and barrel of the firearm. The smallest part inside is only four millimeters." Although Zhang Shi did not expect to be able to finish a chain of bullets in the test firing , but I didn't expect that I couldn't even last 20 seconds: "The ejection device and firing device are still being perfected..."

Liu Yan just saw that the gun body was shaking violently when firing. It is obvious that the recoil force generated during firing is a bit shocking. If the parts of the firearm do not have enough bite force, repeated shaking will inevitably lead to failure, so I am afraid that it is not just a problem with the ejection device. , the whole machine gun has problems.

Anyone who has played with assembly should understand a truth. When various parts are assembled with each other, it is difficult to achieve sufficient bite. There must be screws for further strengthening. If only the bite between the parts is very difficult It is difficult to achieve absolute tightness, and after a few shakes, it will loosen between bites, and the originally good-looking assembly will immediately become loose and loose.

For a machine gun...for a machine gun, there are already screws to strengthen the occlusion of various parts, but it will still be a big test for the design, because even simple occlusion or reinforcement of parts is scientific part.

Liu Yan didn't get angry, and didn't even blame him, but only encouraged him gently.

It took nearly ten years for the research rifle to be finished, and it has slowly reached the step of developing the rifled gun. If every time a mistake is made, it will be angry and kill the researcher, then it will be the result of the research by yourself. A fault is equivalent to starting all over again every time.

There is no lack of examples in history that the research was forced to restart because the dictator killed the scientific researcher in a fit of anger. After the dictator vented his anger, it was cool. Although the research will leave the data, but replacing it with different personnel is almost the same. Start with the basics.

The machine gun was checked to see what was wrong, and after it was repaired it was ready to fire again.

This time its launch lasted about ten seconds longer than the last time, and a brand new belt was hit by about one-third.

"One thousand rounds of bullets?" Liu Yanmo calculated, and said, "Three hundred rounds per minute?"

Ma Zihuan talked about the data of repeated experiments. If the operator is familiar with the firing, the machine gun can reach a maximum rate of fire of about 450 rounds per minute.

Liu Yan looked at the strange and ferocious multi-barreled machine gun with some fascination. He really didn't expect it to appear so soon. Although it has various defects, it is a matter of material science and the occlusion of parts. Qualified products will be researched.

The history has not been changed. The first hand-cranked Gatling was invented by American Richard Jordan Gatling in the second half of the 1000th century. Its rate of fire per minute in the initial stage was only [-] per minute. After repeated improvements to the gun body and changes to launch copper-cased bullets, the highest rate of fire per minute was [-] to two hundred rounds.

Liu Yan doesn't know the research history of the Gatling machine gun, but it is quite remarkable to be able to tell that it can achieve a maximum rate of fire of 450 rounds per minute. He also knows that once it can be mass-produced and deployed in the army, it will definitely appear hideous.

"Rifles are destined to eliminate cold weapon tactics such as knives, guns, swords, halberds, etc., it..." Ran Min didn't know what expression to use at all: "Flintlocks fire slowly, excellent Shooting once every 2 minutes is the limit, and there is still a way for the cavalry to survive. The way it fires bullets is like a violent storm, and even the cavalry has no way to survive."

The era of standing in rows on the wall...or the end of the close infantry array tactics is that machine guns are used on the battlefield, and even the cavalry, which moves faster than infantry, also disappears on the frontal battlefield, causing the cavalry to change from the king of land warfare to the handyman. The military role.

"We are very lucky." Xu Zheng said full of emotion: "At least we are at the forefront of the world, and we are the only one at present."

The guards stationed in this camp are the first troops in the world to fully equip with firearms.

The resounding horn blew the assembly order, and groups of soldiers appeared from all over the camp to the school grounds to assemble.

Among them, the soldiers are all equipped with [-]-style modified flintlock guns, and the officers are of the handgun type. As soon as they arrive at the school grounds, they line up under the restraint of the officers.

The upper body of the soldier is a gray-green combat uniform. The clothes are split in the middle, and they are fastened by metal buttons one after another. They have epaulets, collar patches, and badges. They look straight and fit; their trousers are iron gray, and their boots are It is blackened cowhide boots.

Their waists are also armed belts made of cowhide. There is a long leather box on the right side of the waist. A twenty-centimeter-long bayonet hangs on the left front waist. At the same time, a cleaning gun hangs on the left side of the waist. A cleaning rod for the bore.

The long leather box was [-] centimeters long and [-] centimeters wide, with a barrier in the middle, with paper gunpowder on one side and lead pellets on the other side. The overall capacity was [-] rounds.

Because it is not in the wild, nor is it in the state of marching, there are missing bedding, kettles, tableware, blankets and other things.

Except for the buttons and the buckling device of the armed belt, there are metal parts on the body, that is, the Jie Jianyu World War II German M35 helmet with a pointed spear on his head.

The helmet was named Type Thirteen. It was stamped from an iron plate, with smooth arc edges. The lining was made of soft leather and painted in wild gray.

From Liu Yan's point of view, the army in front of him has reached the specifications of the middle and late eighteenth century. It can even be said that the design of the military uniforms far exceeds the level of the eighteenth century and should have reached the level of the nineteenth century.

From the eyes of others, the uniforms of this army waiting in line for inspection are so weird. Without the crown, belt, long hair, and right skirt no longer, although the whole set of military uniform looks very heroic, it just feels like it is missing. What.

"Your Majesty..." Ran Min is a person who speaks whatever comes to mind, and said bluntly, "It seems that I have borrowed the clothing design styles of Daqin and Persia. The big man is far stronger than them, why should I borrow their style?"

"..." Liu Yan was speechless for a moment, and after a short silence, he said to Ran Min: "Yong Zeng's opinion is very correct."

In the known world, the Han Empire is the well-deserved number one power. It should be that the whole world follows the fashion of the Han Empire, and it should never be the Han Empire that imitates others.

Liu Yan is also a little fixed in his thinking. The design guidance is based on the style of military uniforms of later generations. Due to the relationship between the river crab and the beast, he cannot follow the Chinese army. He chose the style that combined the German army in World War I and World War II, but it really doesn’t exist anymore. Chinese style.

"General." Liu Yan beckoned to Xu Zheng, and then let several generals lean over, and said: "You are all senior generals in the army, and are familiar with military life. Yong Zeng often ran to the firearms army and put forward the correct Suggestion. In the future, you can brainstorm and design a Chinese-style military uniform."

Everyone who thought it was weird looking at the military uniform was stunned. They still knew that the weird military uniform was a product designed under the guidance of Liu Yan. Asking Liu Yan to say those words, he hesitated for a while, not knowing what to say.

Liu Yan is serious about designing a new set of military uniforms for the firearms force.However, he no longer intends to participate in it, or his fixed thinking will interfere again, so it is more appropriate to be the final selection referee.

Designing new military uniforms was a very abrupt topic today, and no one had a clue, so they changed the topic after a few words.

They came here today to look at the new rifled guns. It was an extra program to visit the unnamed and unspecified machine guns. The real purpose was to review the firearms troops who had been training for a year and a half.

This time the inspection is definitely not to watch the military formation, but to watch the live ammunition military exercise.

Under Liu Yan's order, a total of 500 troops were divided into several teams and left the barracks.

The firearms unit no longer continues the previous establishment. There are 12 people in a squad including the squad leader and deputy squad leader. Three squads form a platoon, three platoons form a company, and three companies form a battalion. Three systems.

In addition to the combat unit, which is a basic squad of 12 people, the military unit of the platoon will definitely not be full of combat personnel. In fact, there will still be an auxiliary squad, so a platoon is actually about 50 people.Companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions, and corps, the higher you go, the bigger the auxiliary troops.

Like this experimental firearms unit, the brigade participating in this live-fire military exercise has 500 people participating in the live-fire military exercise, but in addition to these soldiers, there are actually [-] auxiliary soldiers The logistics force, and the logistics personnel are only doing logistics work, and will not set foot on the battlefield unless necessary.

Although the support personnel of the firearms unit do not need to participate in the battle unless necessary, they are still considered a regular establishment, and their treatment is consistent with that of soldiers.This is because the firearms army is different from the cold weapon army. Compared with the cold weapon army, the logistics personnel of the firearms army are not able to transport things or do heavy work. They also need to know how to classify military supplies and master the maintenance techniques of their respective positions. , Their busiest thing is to equip soldiers with paper gunpowder on the front line.

The troops pulled out of the barracks, and when they came to an open place, they immediately divided into groups. With a company as the basic unit, they were arranged into three horizontal teams, and a regiment was a large column, forming a rectangular array line.

"This time it's just a demonstration by the riflemen?" Huan Wen didn't see the cannons deployed, and pointed to the densely packed scarecrows in front of him: "Is it a display of firepower?"

Many of them have already seen the volley of guns fired by the firearms troops, from the initial column salvo to the subsequent four-stage shooting; The medicine is no longer in the smoke.

The officers of the troops were shouting the password, the riflemen in the first row took a standing posture and aimed their guns, and the riflemen in the second and third rows stood still with their butts touching the ground.

"Three-stage shooting in situ!"

"The first row is ready..."


A "pop" sound echoed frequently, and the first row of riflemen who had finished shooting retreated, and the second row of riflemen replaced the first row.

"The second row is ready..."


There was another burst of gunfire, and the second row of riflemen who had finished shooting also retreated, and the original third row moved forward to take over the shooting position.At this time, the first row had completed loading. When they entered the second row's firing position, the group of riflemen who had just finished shooting and retreated were pushed to the third row to clean the chamber and load the ammunition.

The original third row entered the shooting position and opened fire again at the officer's command.

Under such a rotation of shooting, the scarecrows in front of them were constantly hit by the bullets, and the grass clippings flew across the sky. Some scarecrows who were shot too many turned into bare support frames, and some scarecrows even burned.

Although it was not the first time to see the firearms shooting, the people who came to watch were still in high spirits.

"Rolling advance shooting!"

"The first row is ready..."


"The second row is ready..."


"The third row is ready..."


The entire large column was cleared and reloaded on the spot after each row fired, row after row rolled forward continuously, and the interval between each gunshot was at most about ten seconds.

After changing the shooting mode, the rifleman obviously couldn't be as relaxed as the three-stage shooting on the spot. The people watching found many mistakes. I didn't have time to pull out the cleaning rod, so I had to compare the shooting action but didn't dare to pull the trigger.

The cleaning rod is in the barrel, and it contains gunpowder and projectiles. It is true that it cannot be fired, otherwise it will definitely end in explosion.

"There are so many mistakes in the drill." Ran Min was not mocking, but rather hated iron and steel: "They will be dispatched to the battlefield soon, and the actual combat is definitely worse than the drill."

"It's probably too fast." Xu Zheng didn't know if what he said was fair, so he just said from his own point of view: "Slow down for about two seconds, and the situation will be better."

Liu Yan just listened quietly.The reason why he frowned a little was that he didn't know the distance between three strikes in history at all. The troops who were practicing were doing it according to their own standards, which might be unreasonable.

At present, the entire Han Empire is only such a firearms unit fully equipped with flintlock guns. They are the seeds. If they are pulled to the battlefield and behave embarrassingly, they will inevitably have a major impact.

"Come again." Liu Yan frowned and said, "The interval has been increased to 15 seconds!"

This unit is about to be transferred to northern Xinjiang, and it is better to conduct reasonable tests immediately if a problem is found, than to go to the battlefield under too much force and ask for moths.

(End of this chapter)

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