Chapter 952
The season has entered autumn, but it has not yet reached the time when the leaves turn yellow and a large number of leaves fall with the wind.

Located in the south of Chang'an, close to the Qinling Mountains, there is a small military camp on the edge of the mountains.

The existence of the barracks is to blockade the surrounding area. Looking at those perfect blockade lines, and then looking at the pass leading to the Qinling Mountains, it is not difficult to imagine that there will be facilities inside that do not want to leak secrets.

"Your Majesty." Zhang Shi held a rifle in his hand, and introduced: "This rifle is an improvement on the basis of the twelve-style. Four millimeters. Its barrel was changed to both a rifled and a smoothbore version, and it was tested for better accuracy and increased range."

To put it bluntly, it is a rifled gun. In terms of level, it should have reached the level of the middle of the fifteenth century.

"The barrel has two types: spiral and straight." Ma Zihuan is an expert. He introduced in detail what the changes in the structure of the barrel will produce, and later commented: "After repeated tests, the spiral barrel is obviously superior. with straight barrels."

Although Liu Yan has passed so many years, he has not completely lost his attempts at guns.

Spiral gun management is of course better than straight barrels.The spiral-shaped barrel can make the elongated lead shot rotate when firing the projectile, and the flight is stable after being discharged from the chamber, which improves the shooting accuracy and increases the shooting range.

There is a machine tool next to everyone, it cannot be driven by electricity, but it uses animal power.

The most conspicuous thing about the machine tool is the drilling rod, which itself is a spiral style, and when drilling holes, a spiral line will be left inside the barrel.

Based on the current level of technology, hydraulic power should be the best for this kind of machinery, but first of all it is not easy to find a suitable river. It has only been less than half a year since the machine tool was successfully developed, and a suitable location has not been found yet. It was set up as an animal-drawn style and placed in the Qinling Mountains.

Two or three years ago, there were craftsmen who were able to make rifled barrels by hand, but the yield rate was not high, and there were too few craftsmen who could do this. If it was just a "toy" for several people, It doesn't matter how low the output is, but as a firearm that needs to be installed, it is too little.

Liu Yan just put forward an idea, and Shaofu tried his best to research and test it. It took three years to develop the machine tool.

The new machine tool placed in this factory in Qinling is currently unique. After trying it, it can drill up to five barrels a day, and the yield rate is four barrels. It can be said that the yield rate is already a bit scary.

"If it is changed to hydraulic drive, I estimate that the efficiency can be increased by about two times." Ma Zihuan already knows what kind of dynamics, and what kind of efficiency a machine can exert is generally determined by the drive: "It takes half an hour to make a rifled barrel by hand. Yue, Chen deeply felt the gap between manpower and machinery."

There is only one new machine tool, but it does not mean that there is only one machine tool in the whole country. For example, ordinary gun barrels were made using machine tools before. Those machine tools are divided into two types: animal power and water power.

Previous scientific research results are the basis for ensuring upgrading. Any technology does become more advanced from generation to generation. Unless a miracle happens, it is impossible that one moment you are still using stones to hit people, and the next moment you are throwing stones at people. It was a hand-held Gauss firearm that fired in a "ssssssss".

Accumulation is an inevitable process for science and technology. That process is actually an understanding of elements, and then extending various sciences, and combining various scientific research results to create a product.

"This rifle is named 'Twelve-style Kai'." Liu Yan took over the rifle, and generally it hasn't changed much. He compared a shooting posture with the gun: "The longest range is 920 meters?"

"Your Majesty, yes." Zhang Shi said reservedly: "The accurate shooting range reaches 280 meters."

Liu Yan remembers that the appearance of rifled guns has changed the way of shooting in rows. Soldiers holding rifled guns are no longer in a tight formation. , is a way of shooting repeatedly until the opponent can shoot at the distance of himself and then retreat.

Liu Yan, who was the first to make a soldier with a rifled gun into a sniper role, has forgotten it. After the first one did that, the war in the age of firearms entered a new mode. After commanders were repeatedly sniped, they never No commander is foolish enough to seek death.

"Your Majesty." Zhang Shi asked flatteringly, "Do you want me to bring gunpowder?"

Liu Yan really wanted to shoot for himself. He came to the shooting range to skillfully reload, and then took a standard gun-holding posture to aim at the gun target [-] meters away.When he pulled the trigger, his body felt the recoil, and there was a "snap" in his ear.

In the distance, a set up target made a "pop" when the projectile hit, and a puff of dust was quickly blown away by the wind.

Someone lifted the target, and the hole in the center of the gun's target ring showed that Liu Yan was shooting very accurately, and it also proved that this [-]-style modification can be used as a sniper firearm.

"Try 150 meters." After cleaning the barrel of the gun, Liu Yan was reloading: "Maybe the butt of this gun should be changed, and it should be slightly longer by about three centimeters?"

The person next to him with a notebook took notes immediately.

What's the use of a gun with just a three-centimeter change?That's a question for those who don't know how to do it.

Not to mention firearms, even if it is a war knife, a slight change will produce a different feel.

Whether the length of the firearm is short or even the weight of the firearm is the most reasonable design, the more powerful it can be.

The feel of holding a gun is very important to a shooter. Even if it is just a little bit more comfortable when holding a gun, the difference in thought and feeling leads to a more reasonable posture, and each shot can be more accurate.

Otherwise, there is no need to distinguish between standard equipment and customized equipment. For example, in modern competitions, whoever uses standard equipment will spend a lot of money on customization.

After Liu Yan finished loading, he once again adopted the standard gun-holding posture, but maintained his aiming action longer than the previous time. He not only aimed at three points and one line, but also observed the plants around the target.

Whether a firearm is accurate depends not only on the firearm itself, but also on the bearer. At least one should understand that the wind direction and wind force are also one of the factors that determine whether it can be accurate.

Liu Yan observed the plants around the wall to determine the wind direction and strength. When aiming, he adjusted the aiming device so that the three points and one line changed.

The adjustment of gun parts is a very professional move, such as aiming at a 100-meter target and aiming at a 200-meter target, the aiming device must be slightly adjusted, and the wind force needs to be adjusted accordingly, otherwise it will be Shooting a 100-meter target is standard, but the same three-point line shooting a [-]-meter target is far away.

Although the standard device of the [-]-style Kai is an adjustable mode, it does not have a professional scale, and it still requires the user to have sufficient knowledge and common sense (proficiency).Don't look at just adding a scale, but just such a small part, with the current level of technology, the time it takes is definitely not short.

With the sound of a shot, Liu Yan's body swung back a bit, and his brows frowned after he shot.

After the gun target was brought over, the hit position was within the seven rings. Although Liu Yan frowned just now, he was not stingy in admiring the rifle.

The inability to shoot accurately is not only a problem of the quality of the firearms, but also the cause of the shooter. Liu Yan will not use his own mistakes to deny the excellence of the firearms.

Liu Yan was obviously not someone who would give up after one failure. He shot two more times and stopped the test shooting only after hitting the tenth ring.

There are professional test firing personnel at the shooting range. They have been waiting nearby. When they saw that Liu Yan could hit ten rings in just three shots, they showed admiration whether he was pretending or not.

The three test shooters took turns to test shoot, 50 meters, 100 meters, 150 meters, 200 meters, 250 meters, and 300 meters. The best result is to hit the third ring of the gun target at 300 meters, which is largely due to luck.

After the test shooting is completed, the test shooting personnel will evaluate the firearms in a professional direction, and the recorders will record them one by one. Everything is trying to be the best.

Evaluation and recording were carried out over there, and the accompanying military generals lined up for test firing, and it seemed that they were having a good time.

"It's excellent." With a smile on his face, Liu Yan said to the generals and school who watched the whole process and shot himself: "We should select excellent shooters to use this weapon exclusively."

"Your Majesty is right." Huan Wen just tried shooting a gun target from 50 meters to 200 meters. Although he has never hit the tenth ring, the result is not too bad: "It is a weapon that can kill the enemy on the battlefield. A weapon in a host of armies."

Ran Min played with firearms a lot.He tried several times just now, and the worst result within 200 meters was hitting the eighth ring: "I thought the flintlock was powerful enough, but I didn't expect that the accuracy would be so terrifying just by changing the barrel."

The appearance of firearms will definitely change the way of war. The simplest thing is that the value of force will be reduced. A master who has practiced hard for decades will die if he is shot, and a person who does not know any fighting skills will die if he is shot. Will die, and the value of practicing fighting skills will become a meaningless thing.

Seeing the bitterness on Ran Min's face, Xu Zheng didn't want to comfort him at all.

For fierce generals like Ran Min, with the changes in the form of war, pure bravery has little effect. The place where the value can be reflected is in the art of command and various experiences.

To put it simply, the history of relying on pure bravery to obtain meritorious service will soon pass away, and those who have not kept up with the pace of the new era are destined to be eliminated.

"Your Majesty." Regardless of the general's mood, Zhang Shicai asked Liu Yan, "Would you like to visit the next place?"

Liu Yanneng guessed that the Shaofu Ordnance Research and Development Department must have some new achievements, which made Zhang Shi ask such a question.

Everyone left this rifle range, and did not go far to another range.

It is the same shooting range, but the location needs to be changed, just because the shooting range is also different. For example, rifles and artillery are also used for shooting, and the shooting distance and the degree of attack are two different sides.

Liu Yan originally thought that he would go to the artillery test site, but he didn't expect that the place he came to was also a firearms range. Before he had any doubts, he saw a big guy at the test site.

It was a multi-barrel instrument, with a base supporting the barrels, and the overall look was both weird and hideous.

"You did it!" Liu Yanhui was surprised, because that guy was infinitely close to the Gatling machine gun, but it looked much bigger.He approached and stroked the suspended ammunition chain, and asked Zhang Shi: "The bullets are ready for mass production?!"

The flintlock gun also needs the steps of charging and projectiles, and then evolves into a breech-loading gun.

The emergence of cartridge bullets is a revolution in the evolution of firearms, making rifles no longer need gunpowder and projectiles to be operated separately. It should have appeared in the [-]th century, and it was developed and matured again and again, and finally became a modern bullet style.

The bullets that were loaded into the bullet chain reached about four centimeters in length. Liu Yan walked to the table next to him, picked up a bullet that was neatly placed, and observed the whole and found that it was completely in line with his requirements. Some shell casings, primers, propellants and warheads are fully available.

"Your Majesty." Zhang Shi looked embarrassed: "The maximum output can reach [-] rounds per day."

If a person or a machine can produce [-] rounds per day, it will indeed be a very good result. The key problem is that the entire Shaofu's relevant institutions can only be so efficient.

"Still improving..." Zhang Shi looked at Ma Zihuan as if asking for help: "Keep making improvements, master knows better."

Liu Yan nodded to Zhang Shi expressionlessly and looked at Ma Zihuan.

"Your Majesty, the ministers have already figured out the manufacturing process." Ma Zihuan seemed to be full of confidence: "The new machine tool has been successfully developed. As long as we can develop special parts, we will be able to increase production."

If you want to do something, you must have special components. The Han Empire has no shortage of metals at all. What you need is to accumulate on the road of science. As long as you have enough perseverance, diverse talents and sufficient funds, the pace of The movement will never stagnate, on the contrary, it will go faster and faster due to the continuous accumulation of basic science.

Considered a big machine cannon by Liu Yan, it started shooting under the operation of professional personnel.

There is no such thing as pulling the trigger, but the operator keeps shaking the handle. Each shaking is a primer firing of the bullet, and then the bullet bursts into a lasing process.

Under the constant "click-click-click-" movement, the target in the distance was torn into pieces, but the big guy became dumb within 20 seconds after showing his power.

"This is..." The professional engineer checked it out and reported profusely, "It's stuck."

Just now most of the people were dumbfounded, knowing that there are still major flaws in that ferocious sharp weapon, on the one hand they breathed a sigh of relief, and on the other hand they felt pity.

(End of this chapter)

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