sweeping the world

Chapter 936 Prepare for a rainy day?

Chapter 936 Prepare for a rainy day?

The civil war of the Constantine family brought the Roman Empire into a critical period. Even if Constantius once again unified Rome, even if the unification of Rome has always been a form, but this time it is really quite different.

In the previous Rome, no matter whether it was a republic or an empire, no matter whether the head of the country was called a consul or Augustus, Rome had never been a centralized system, but a form of co-governance.

The political ecology of Rome is doomed to one thing. The supreme ruler has never had the space and opportunity to be arbitrary. That is, the most powerful Octavian still can't handle the local families, let alone the rest of the Roman rulers.

The situation of co-governance has not changed in Rome, but the local families will still cooperate with Rome's policies as much as possible, which is based on the fact that the current Augustus (consul) has a righteous name.

"It's probably the same as during the time of Emperor Zhou." Wang Meng borrowed a lot of books when he was in Constantinople, and studied the history of Rome specifically: "It's just that the Great Qin is not the only family that continued to rule, they just didn't change the country. name."

Cai Youlue was curious: "Why didn't they change the name of the country?"

Wang Meng couldn't answer this question.

"They have gone through many kinds of regimes, republic, senatorial system, religious system, kingly system, and imperial system, and tried almost all of them." Wang Meng has been able to roughly understand the systems with different names, and explained: "Actually, the core It has never changed, and the central government cannot fully lead the local governments.”

"It should be very chaotic." Xie Ai didn't have time to understand Rome for the time being, so he guessed: "It will be chaotic every period of time, right?"

Wang Meng nodded and said: "The cycle is about 30 to 50 years. The family that ruled the Great Qin will change. Every time is a dynasty change. Sometimes there will be co-governance, divided into peaceful co-governance and conflict co-governance. This is different from us.”

In the earliest days, Rome had a period of co-rule by four emperors. It was a period of civil war that could be described as "catastrophe" for Rome. Died by the general outbreak of the Germans, Celts and Slavs.

Later, there was another stage of "co-government by four emperors" in Rome, but it was divided into two parts with a clear regional division from the earlier "co-government by four emperors".

From around AD 1970, at the end of the Illyrian dynasty, until around AD [-], Rome has never been peaceful.

From AD 1980, [-] to AD [-], the eastern and western parts of Rome were governed by four emperors. It was equivalent to the fact that there were eight people who claimed to be Augustus in the whole of Rome. It is conceivable that How messed up it is.

Constantine I ended the co-governance of the four emperors in Rome, and made Rome usher in glory again. The key is that the good times did not last long. One after another, the rise of powerful families made Rome fall into division again, waiting for him to solve it again. He defeated those opponents and became the only Augustus, but it was because of hesitation about heirs that Rome ushered in a "family-style" civil war.

If you count the period of military chaos and the Illyrian dynasty with little to do, Constantius has at least kept Rome relatively stable until now. Rome has lasted a full hundred years in constant melee and civil strife. Year [-].

"So long!?" Cai You was obviously shocked: "After 100 years of civil war, the country has not been destroyed?"

What Xie Ai was thinking about was how rubbish the alien races around Rome should be. Zhu Xia had only had four or fifty years of civil strife, waiting for the surrounding alien races to exert their strength and almost wiped out their species.

"It's strange." Wang Meng didn't forget to observe when he went to Rome. What he saw and heard was that the slaves in Rome were very peaceful, but he didn't have the opportunity to observe what the surroundings of Rome were like: "The Germans have made some achievements, and the rest The nation...doesn't seem to see the Daqin people getting into trouble at all?"

Xie Ai concluded: "They are really lucky."

Cai You took Xie Ai's statement very seriously. If the foreign races around Rome were replaced by those from Zhuxia, he could be sure that the Romans would have died long ago.

The Eastern Han Dynasty collapsed in 46 A.D., and the chaos of wars among the feudal lords and the coexistence of the Three Kingdoms lasted for [-] years before the Sima clan came to "unify the Three Kingdoms into one".

In 46 years, the population of the Han people went from 600 million at the peak to only 530 million when the Western Jin Dynasty was established for a census.

The chaos in Rome lasted for more than 100 years. Although there was a respite for the Illyrian Dynasty in the middle, the Illyrian Dynasty did not stop the chaos. Later, it was a dog's brain. It is hard to calculate how many people died In fact, the Constantine family does not know how many people there are in Rome now.

Guessing from some vague historical data, in the early days when Constantius ruled Rome, the population of Rome should be less than 1000 or [-] million?

"You mentioned it last time..." Cai You thought about it carefully before continuing, "The population under the Great Qin territory will not be less than 6000 million."

"Meng is counting ethnicities other than the Romans." Wang Meng's guess is that there will be no less than 6000 million people within the Roman rule, and 3000 million is still less.He cited several locations, especially: "Egypt alone has a population of nearly 2000 million, and the European part will not be less than [-] million."

Xie Ai seemed to realize something, and blurted out: "No wonder!"

"Last time, some Germans came to Dahan." Cai You really couldn't remember the name of the country clearly, and repeated several times: "Frank, Burgundy, Alemanni?"

Wang Meng said that Cai You's memory is very good, and the name of the country is not wrong.

For the Han people, it is not good for Wai Guoren to like to have long and stinky names, and it is necessary to reverse this.

"After the Yongjia Rebellion, we experienced a large number of northerners moving southward, and there were also population migrations in Daqin." Wang Meng glanced out of the window, then retracted his gaze before continuing: "The political focus of the Daqin people is in Constantine I. As time moved eastward, a large number of Daqin people also moved eastward from Spain, Gaul, Saxony, and Celtic regions, which caused the population of Daqin in Europe to drop again and again."

Cai You and Xie Ai looked at each other, they suddenly felt very strange, obviously Rome and Zhu Xia are so far away, how can some things happen so similar, even the time points are similar?
Which nationality does a piece of land belong to, and whether that piece of land can be defended depends on the national strength. If there are no people on that piece of land when the national strength declines, and other ethnic groups migrate there in large numbers, and the country does not take it back by force, time will pass. There will be disputes over that piece of land.

A large number of Romans migrated away, and a large number of Germans filled the gaps. Belgium, Luxembourg, and eastern Gaul, which originally belonged to Rome, were established one after another. Frank, Burgundy, and Alemanni.

"Those three Germanic countries were not established during Constantius' reign, but in fact, most of Magnentius' troops fought against Constantius, resulting in a military vacuum in that area. Wang Meng looked out of the window again, and his actions were noticed by Cai You and Xie Ai: "It was only then that Frank, Burgundy, and Alemanni were established."

As the current Augustus in Rome, Constantius did not think about solving the problem in the past, but after he learned the actual situation, he fell into a hesitant state of mind, because there were too many families in Europe who did not accept his rule at all. He originally wanted to use the name of justice to let those families in Europe destroy Frank, Burgundy and Alemanni, but it turned out to be counterproductive. Instead, he made those families fight against Frank, Burgundy, and Alemanni. The friction is over, and we have entered the stage of allies who have not announced their covenant.

The last time Frank, Burgundy, and Alemanni were able to send envoys to the Han Empire was due to the contribution of quite a few families.The power gathered by these families made Constantius extremely afraid. Unless Constantius wanted to start a war between Asia Minor and Europe, he could only choose to endure it.

The location of the three people is a side hall tea room, and the outside is naturally the atrium square.

It was rare for them to get together to drink tea. This opportunity was possible because Liu Yan recruited several important officials, especially Helena to explain the history of Rome.

Liu Yan has multiple intentions in doing this, to broaden the horizons of several ministers, and let them really understand what Rome is like. Don’t be naive to think that Rome is a line of eternal life, and there are also changes in dynasties. The difference is that the Romans have always used " Rome" is the name of the country.

"I heard that Shangshu Ling wanted to learn from Da Qin to handle internal affairs?" Xie Ai pointed out one of the reasons why Liu Yan wanted several important ministers to know about Rome: "If you don't really understand Da Qin..." He didn't say anything else. I came out because I thought Sang Yu would be embarrassed.

It is not appropriate for Liu Yan to ask Helena to tell the history of Rome, but apart from Helena, Liu Yan really has no suitable candidate, so it can't be Julian or someone else, right?
"Ai thinks that person is a little too active." Xie Ai is a waiter, and he didn't go beyond the slightest when he said this: "It's the young envoy (Helena) who is too quiet."

A servant is both a state official and a close minister of the emperor. He can meddle in government affairs and also meddle in the emperor's family affairs, but a smart servant will not easily interfere in the emperor's family affairs.

"It's just a woman." Cai You used to have higher status and seniority than Xie Ai and Wang Meng in any aspect. Although they are all servants now, they still have a distinction: "A woman of a big man can She is an official, but she is not a Han woman."

As long as Helena didn't suddenly become a minister of the Han Empire, even if she became one of the concubines in the harem, unless Liu Yan was bewitched, she wouldn't be able to intervene in state affairs at all.

They knew a little about Liu Yan, and believed that Liu Yan was beyond the control of a certain woman. They guessed that there must be a reason for Liu Yan to do so, and it was most likely that he was planning to target Rome.

"Compared to the Great Qin people..." Cai You dragged on for a while before continuing: "The Persians are closer to us."

"So the country with the largest population is Sasanian!" Xie Ai put down the tea in his hand and said quietly, "The population under the rule of Shapur II will not be less than 8000 million!"

That is based on a series of related statistics. The 8000 million do not all refer to Persians. Persians should only account for about 800 million. The rest are Arabs, Egyptians, Syria, Iraq...etc. There are no less than [-] nationalities in the population, and the Arabs are the largest.

Xie Ai has always been very concerned about the west of Dahan, which has a lot to do with his origin in the northwest.

There are now a large number of people from the Northwest pouring into the Western Regions, and emigrating to the Western Regions will also be a must for a long time in the future. Those who have already flooded into the Western Regions will definitely be guided to settle down.

The Western Regions are still in chaos, and the Huns have already intervened. Before Xie An came back, he fought with them a few times, and cut off the hand that the Huns stretched out. However, due to the change of national policy, he only rushed in to warn , did not break out into a national war.

"There are also obvious internal conflicts in Sassanid." Wang Meng talked about what he saw with his own eyes, and then summarized: "Although there are people from Daqin who provoked and obstructed it, it can be imagined that the conflicts only erupted once at a sharp moment."

Wang Meng's trip to Sasanian is not just for tourism.He didn't have much chance before, but later on, thinking that there is no harm in being more prepared, he accidentally lost a few boxes of gold, as if he was picked up by an Arab leader named Ibn or something?
In fact, Wang Mengjiang remembers his name very clearly. There is nothing wrong with his name being Ibn. There are two people, one is Ibn Abdul and the other is Ibn Rahman.He also knew that not long after he left, the Arabs over there became extremely active.

"The big man is not short of gold." Cai You knew what Wang Meng had done before, and he admired Wang Meng's behavior extremely: "I have been continuing Jing Lue's approach."

Wang Meng smiled implicitly, but said, "Your Majesty seems to have a bad impression of Arabs?"

If you want to make Sasanian Persia more chaotic, supporting the Arabs is the right thing to do.

The Romans had been supporting the Arabs before, but the Romans were more rhetorical and could not come up with anything too practical.

Now the Han Empire puts too much pressure on Rome and Sasanian, and the relationship between the two countries has been eased again and again. The Romans simply stopped talking about the Arabs. There is a tendency that the two thousand-year-old enemies will become brothers. .

"It's inevitable for them to be afraid." Cai You said cheerfully, "It's just that the hatred of thousands of years can't be easily eliminated."

Xie Ai continued: "Unless the big man invades immediately."

Cai You nodded and said, "Yes."

Wang Meng felt the same way. Rome and Sasanian are now the most tense because the Han Empire appeared too abruptly. As long as there is a period of time as a buffer, and the Han Empire does not show obvious desire to attack, the two countries will definitely meet again. Fall in love and kill each other.


What else?American's support for the Arabs is a "lesson from the past" for Liu Yan!

(End of this chapter)

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