sweeping the world

Chapter 935 One Story

Chapter 935 A Story

"I heard that the Germanic people in Europe have established states one after another?"

Liu Yan was only wearing a cotton robe, half lying on the soft sofa, chewing olives in his mouth.

The Han people have traveled a long way now, and olives, which should have waited until modern times, were advanced by more than 600 years.

Naturally, they did not come with fresh olives, but were actually soaked in some liquid, marinated and brought to the Han Empire by the Romans.

Liu Yan is currently in the pavilion where Helena is placed. When he came over, he happened to see Helena and Helena eating olives together. Other Han people didn't know what it was, so how could he not know what it was.

The Romans had a deep affection for olives, and they had a variety of ways to eat them. They were usually soaked in fruit wine as a flavoring agent.

However, the Romans used olives more for oil extraction, including edible oil, health oil, and even burning oil.

What Liu Yan ate was a kind of olive marinated in honey water. I don't know how long it was soaked. It tasted too sweet and greasy, which didn't suit his taste.

Helena has been living in the palace for more than a month, and it is hard to say whether she has adapted to the new life. Generally speaking, apart from changing a new environment, she has a man who occasionally comes to sleep with her man, and the food she eats changes from bread to It has become the food of the Han family, and other aspects are not much different from those in Rome.

It’s not different here, which means that Helena is still very nerdy.

The pavilion is on the third floor. It is an independent home space, with independent bedrooms, halls, dining rooms and open-air balconies, and some flowers and plants will be planted on the balconies.Naturally, there are also rooms for female officials and maids to rest, as well as storage rooms and utility rooms.The total area should be about four hundred square meters.

There are many similar pavilions in the harem, which are used to house the servants of corresponding ranks.

The curtain was pulled back, and Helena came out holding two new jars.She just noticed one thing from Liu Yan's subtle expression when eating olives, that is, Liu Yan doesn't like the one that is too sweet to be greasy, so she found the type soaked in fruit wine and salty.

Liu Yan came here a total of four times, two times in the middle of the night, one time in the evening for a snack and a stroll, and the other time in the afternoon.

In addition to the two times when Liu Yan came to sleep with Helena, the other two times Liu Yan only stayed for less than 5 minutes before leaving. I don’t know if there are as many words as a hundred Chinese characters.

Liu Yanhui came here today because he saw a memorial, which wrote about the social assessment report, and listed some of the current situation in Rome.

In the part of the memorial about the social report of the Han Empire, it raised concerns about the estrangement of the new generation. It did not point out that the new generation with non-yellow skin is not the descendant of the Han people. It is a reminder of the upcoming social problems. After growing up, I will face the discrimination between different skin colors and the problem of marriage.

Discrimination, Liu Yan knows, is unavoidable at all. Either yellow skin discriminates against other skin colors, or it is discrimination caused by differences in wealth holdings. But when it comes to discrimination between ethnic groups, we have to pay attention to it, probably because there are too many The country perished due to internal ethnic conflicts.

Liu Yan didn't see Sang Yu's question on how to solve the problems caused by the difference in skin color, which means that he just raised troubles without a solution. Maybe he hasn't thought of it yet, and it's more likely that he can't or dare not say it because he thought about it.

"I'm not wrong, Daqin has a considerable number of Germanic slaves?" Liu Yan looked at the maids tasting two different flavors of olives one by one. How can a country with more slaves than its own population ensure social stability?"

Helena wanted to answer just now, but she never paid attention to the relevant aspects, so she couldn't answer at all.

"Your Majesty, as long as Rome is still strong, slaves will always be slaves." Helena waited for the end of the tasting, and used tongs to pick out the olives in the jar one by one, put them on the plate, and stood in front of Liu Yan. Next to: "As long as we don't make mistakes, slaves will not dare to rebel, and even rebellion can be easily suppressed."

"Oh..." Liu Yan motioned Helena to feed him an olive, took one, and felt good about the salty olive: "So, are there many slave riots?"

Helena replied honestly: "Small-scale rebellions are common, but they will have no effect on Rome. There are not many major riots."

Since the founding of Rome, until now, the number of slaves has always been greater than the population of the country.

In Rome at a certain stage, the number of slaves was thirty times the population of the country, which was equivalent to thirty slaves for one Roman.

In such a long period of time, there were not many crises that broke out in Rome because of slaves. The more famous one was the uprising led by a Thracian named Spartacus.

"I've heard of him." Liu Yan was talking about Spartacus, not only from the Persians, but also from an American drama about Spartacus: "I heard that he was originally from the Great Qin Army. One of his auxiliaries clashed with a Roman tribune, returned home and the village was attacked by the Syrians, he himself was captured as a slave, and his wife was taken away?"

"Auxiliary soldiers? Tribunes?" Helena smiled flamboyantly, not daring to refute Liu Yan's face directly, and said euphemistically: "The status of the auxiliary soldiers of the Roman Legion is very low. The tribunes have great power in Rome. "

In other words, Spartacus is equivalent to a servant of the Han Empire, and may be inferior to the servants of the Han Empire.

Then, the Roman tribunes were equivalent to generals at the "Zheng" level of the Han Empire.

A servant soldier and a general, the identities of the two are completely different, not to mention the possibility of conflict, if there is any conflict, the general will not kill a servant soldier much more difficult than crushing a chicken .

"In the Han Empire, I believe that if a general wanted to execute a servant, he would not have any worries at all?" Helena helped Liu Yan feed another olive soaked in fruit wine: "In Rome, there is no need to have any Conflict, even if the tribune feels offended by the auxiliary soldier's glance, a single sentence can kill the auxiliary soldier."

Liu Yan smiled.He is still very clear about some things, whether it is the statement of the Persians or the plot of that one, it is obviously not true. The difference is that the Persians will slander and ridicule the Romans, while the American drama is processed through art.

"If you are a soldier of your own country, both the Han Empire and Rome will give justice, but you also know that justice can only be relative because of the difference in status." Helena said the truth. Interested in something, there is no reason not to say: "Spartacus is a Thracian, he..."

A piece of history recorded by the Romans was slowly presented to Liu Yan as Helena told it.

Rome expanded to the border of Thrace, and the Roman general Kress who led the army conscripted soldiers from Thrace according to Roman tradition. The village where Spartacus was located was the sequence of conscripts, but the person who recruited Spartacus Man is the tribal leader of Thrace, not the Romans who ran to recruit troops in person.

"Rome is the guardian of the order of that piece of land." Helena finished speaking as a matter of course, and flattered: "It's like His Majesty is the guardian of this continent."

Liu Yan smiled without saying a word.He is only the guardian of the Han people, and he is the conqueror of other ethnic groups.

As the boss of that area, the Romans summoned younger brothers to serve as cannon fodder is an ancient and long-standing tradition. At the same time, Thrace did not be wiped out by the Visigoths because of the protection of Rome.

During the period when Spartacus was an auxiliary soldier of Rome, he was indeed brave and good at fighting. Not only did he establish prestige among the Thracians, but even the Romans appreciated him very much. climb higher.

"As you know, many tribes are always full of ignorance. For the tribal leaders, no one is allowed to have higher prestige than themselves." Helena told a cruel fact: "Gadosi, he is a Spartak Thracian chief where Spartacus is. He has taken action against Spartacus..."

Liu Yan was stunned for a moment, and he could almost guess what happened next, but he still didn't guess everything right.

"In fact, it was Kress who saved Spartacus's life, or Gadoshi wanted to kill Spartacus." Helena sighed before continuing: " Because of this, Kress became a buffoon in that period of history."

Spartacus was not killed by his leader, but was sold to Rome to become a gladiator. After training, he entered the arena. Several victories made him famous.

The Romans did not have too many records of what Spartacus achieved in the field of arena, but they mentioned a rodeo about asking for rain, and Spartacus' victory really succeeded in asking for heavy rain .

Whether it rains or not is not something you can ask for. A coincidence not only made Spartacus famous, but his master also gave him enough treatment.

The Romans did not record why Spartacus killed his master, only the fact that he became a criminal and fugitive.

According to some records of the Romans, after Spartacus killed his master, he hid in Tibet like a wandering murderer. The initial definition was not a riot or an uprising, but a murderer.

In fact, the same is true. Spartacus united dozens of gladiators to kill his master, and some dignitaries who participated in the banquet in the manor also died due to the outbreak of gladiators, but no matter from which point of view, it is only one Helping the most vicious murderers has nothing to do with the uprising for the time being.

No matter which country it is, the first reaction to a murderer is definitely not to send out the army to encircle and suppress him, but to let the local police force arrest him.

Spartacus, who has been running around, is waiting. They probably don't have lofty ideals of overthrowing the Roman rule. Their behavior is just a bunch of criminals who broke the law and want to hide and survive. They really want to starve to death. Start again with a remote manor.

Before they found that they robbed ordinary Romans to fill their stomachs, but they did not dare to do anything to rich Romans, mainly because rich Romans usually had family arms.

An example of a successful ransacking of a manor was finally a group of people who had enough to eat again. They didn’t want to starve anymore and thought that death in battle was better than starvation. They began to choose remote manors again and again. The attention of the garrison forces, being encircled and suppressed, began to hide in Tibet again.

That uprising really started to attract the attention of the Romans. It was Spartacus who led people to liberate a large mine, and the number of people under his command exceeded [-]. Therefore, the group he led was regarded as a threat to the Romans. Otherwise, the Romans only regarded them as a group of ordinary fugitives before.

"Because the matter is too big, what Kress did was found out by the Senate." Seeing that Liu Yan listened carefully, Helena naturally spoke seriously: "Kress was ordered to lead the army to go Capua Province suppressed the rebellion, but he failed, and he was destined not to be able to remove his identity as a buffoon."

Liu Yan is still clear about this.

According to the Persian narrative and the plot of the American drama, Crassus and Pompey were the ones who successfully suppressed the great slave uprising. The same thing is that they dispatched their family's private army instead of the Roman legions.

"Since Daqin has already learned a painful lesson, why didn't it take countermeasures?" Liu Yan listened to Helena's story. The uprising in Spartacus moved to the entire Italian peninsula, and even Rome was once in crisis: "Or Say what measures are there?"

"Yes." Helena had completely ignored Helena's existence, and she sat beside Liu Yan: "We no longer store a large number of weapons in mines and arenas, slaves and gladiators work and rest. forever in chains."

Liu Yan was very dissatisfied with this answer. It was just a preventive measure, and it was still a very unreliable measure. There was no constructive or fundamental solution.

"We can't live without slaves." Helena kept rubbing her hips against Liu Yan's body as if inadvertently, and her expression and tone became softer: "Without slaves, the Romans will even have difficulties in daily life."

Liu Yan easily reached over and grasped the plump position, holding on to it without delaying his speech: "So the Germans have turned over. They have established so many countries, but you are indifferent?"

"We broke out in a civil war." Helena was extremely surprised that Liu Yan was willing to move her, but she chose to stand up and go over to pour a glass of water for Liu Yan: "Rome has become weak because of the civil war, and does not have enough energy and energy. power to suppress the Germans."

"My minister has heard some hearsay, and has a great desire to understand Daqin's management of slaves." Liu Yan will touch it if he can touch it, and if he can't touch it, he won't touch it at all: "It seems that he needs to have a deeper understanding."

Helena was a little surprised that Liu Yan didn't show any nostalgia, but she knew her hip shape and feel very well, and began to regret why she played hard to get.

(End of this chapter)

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