sweeping the world

Chapter 932 Vast Career

Chapter 932 Vast Career
The competition between living things has never stopped. It is not simply generalized to intelligent creatures. In fact, all things continue in competition.

Like some plants, if they want to obtain more resources, they must go back to absorb more water and soil nutrients, and exterminate different plants around them by occupying more resources.

Like animals, the competition in the biological chain has existed since ancient times before human beings have civilization.In the competition of animals, it has never been the case that the more ferocious the better the right to survive. It is the ability of an animal to adapt to the environment and the reproductive ability of the new generation of the group that determines whether its own group can survive.

No matter what kind of organism it is, there must be a sufficient number of new generations to have a future. For plants, soil is the basic condition for reproduction, but for animals, it is relatively complicated.

The first need for animals to reproduce is enough food, so the size of the hunting area determines the number of areas to obtain food.And this is the most basic survival foundation of animals.

Humans are far more complex than other creatures, they need both resources and soil, in a broad sense, it means how much living space they have, obtaining resources from nature or creating living space to ensure a Enough supplies to continue the existence or growth of the population.

From ancient times to the era in which human beings have always existed, there has been competition for resources all the time, so fierce battles are bound to happen.

The competition between human beings is actually not as cruel as other creatures. For example, different plants cannot produce offspring because of the isolation of biological reproduction. The competition between plants is to gain space for survival by exterminating each other.

Interbreeding between different races can produce offspring. At a certain stage, when primitive people broke out in war, they were no longer just for territory, but evolved into plundering the women of the other group, so that the group had more women.To put it bluntly, it is the plunder of the "womb".

After waiting for the emergence of "civilization" in the true sense, the war against the "uterus" has never stopped. It is just that the emergence of "civilization" has given the war more names, but the goal of the war has never changed.

Some countries (ethnic groups) that maintain their "primitive" style are much simpler. For example, the grassland peoples have never concealed why they started wars. They just want to plunder more women from other ethnic groups so that their own ethnic groups can have more women. More "wombs" for reproduction.

The more "civilized" the country (ethnic group), the more names there will be to wage war.Waging war for something will also become more complicated. Anyway, they will not publicly complain that they are starting a war just to grab something.

"We have returned to our original nature, right?" Ran Min was watching from a tower in the distance. The people standing around him were all big guys with military backgrounds: "We use various names, but basically we are trying to get more information." Many women."

"Don't be too blunt." Xu Zheng is more or less a person who wants to save face, and he feels ashamed if he picks up the topic too bluntly: "According to His Majesty's original words, we are enriching the gene pool of the big man. Although Zheng has never understood What is the gene pool."

I don't know when it started, Zhu Xia no longer launched wars to obtain more "wombs", and under normal circumstances it was labeled "for self-protection".

Even if we take the initiative to launch a war against a weak ethnic group, the war slogan is which ethnic group poses a threat to the survival of this ethnic group, so we can only take action first.

It should start from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period?Anyway, any war against an alien race in the history books must be titled "If you don't attack any alien race, your own ethnic group will have no land."

Because of the skills of planting and herding, Zhuxia has a fixed source of food, and the continuation of the race is basically related to the land. The wider the land, the more abundant the output, which ensures the increase of the population. rise.

The importance of land has been repeatedly raised, and Zhu Xia has abandoned the business of simply grabbing a wave and running, and replaced it with a mode of occupation and management.

For a long time, Zhu Xia felt that the "uterus" of its own nation was completely sufficient. Because there was no shortage, there was no motivation to plunder the "uterus" from outside. The country had a new name for waging war with foreign countries, and its people participated in it. The war has turned into gaining glory, official rank, and wealth. If you plunder the women of other races, it is completely incidental, and even the thinking of disliking foreigners appears.

In the history of China, the Spring and Autumn Period was an era of great integration, but it changed in the Warring States Period.

During the Warring States period, Qin and Zhao were repeatedly rejected by the other princes. It was not simply too poor and backward. The reason was that Qin had been merging Rong and Di, Zhao first annexed Zhongshan and then merged Beidi.

To put it bluntly, the vassal states at that time already had the theory of blood nationality. They believed that the blood of Qin and Zhao, which merged with foreign races, was contaminated by foreign races, so they despised them from the bottom of their hearts.

"Think about it for a while..." Ran Min's face was full of depression: "In the future, black and white skin can be seen everywhere in big men, and they naturally have the identity of Han people. Just thinking about it will make your chest feel tight."

Ran Min has never concealed the fact that he is a nationalist, nor does he think there is anything to hide.He has tried hard to use soft words, otherwise he would have to talk and shut up without the word "disgusting".

"In the past, Rongdi and Beidi, according to historical records, they were white-skinned people." Xie An is a very knowledgeable person. In the past, he didn't have a good chance to read more books. Now the Han Empire has a central library, where you can find a lot of books. : "Look at Guanzhong and Beidi, they have disappeared."

Over the past seven or eight hundred years, the people of Qin and Rongdi, and the people of Zhao and Beidi, had repeatedly intermarried with each other. What disappeared was the white-skinned system. This is what Xie An wanted to say, but Ran Min seemed unable to hear this layer. meaning.

"Our ancestors multiplied in the Yellow River Basin, and the tribes never belonged to the same nation. It was through continuous annexation and being annexed that a regional overlord was gradually determined to form the same nation." Li The forum saw the above definition from a new generation textbook of the Han Empire: "China did not exist at all in the beginning. It was continuous integration that created China."

"Yes yes yes." Ran Min said a little irritably: "Your Majesty is right in everything." He really didn't understand what Xie An said.

That paragraph was really a "preface" specially written by Liu Yan for a history class, which could be regarded as a definition of the origin of this nation.He believed that he was not talking nonsense, and that was what the textbooks of later generations wrote anyway.

"Look at our skin color." Ran Min was not convinced anyway: "They all have yellow skin, right?"

Zhu Xia continued to integrate, and their generation had only one skin color, which was also a prerequisite for becoming the same nation.

Now the Han Empire is standing at a historical node that is far more complicated than its ancestors. It has opened up a wider area and encountered more ethnic groups.They have already encountered brown-skinned, white-skinned, and dark-skinned races. No one is sure whether they will encounter red-skinned, blue-skinned, and other colorful races in the future.

Ran Min really can't accept the value that different skins belong to the same ethnicity. He thinks it's obvious, since skins are different, how can he be ashamed to think that they are the same ethnicity?

"Maybe...we are doing a wrong thing." Ran Min said like a prophet, "After we are buried in the soil, maybe 100 years, maybe 1000 years, our descendants will Disputes over differences in skin color, and possibly civil war.”

Xu Zheng: "..."

Li Tan, Lu Tai, Huan Wen, Xie An... all of them looked at Ran Min in a daze, with a serious face. For a moment, they thought that what Ran Min said was very likely to happen.

How much time Qin people and Zhao people spent "eliminating" the white skin system after intermarriage, no one has recorded and conducted research, so that even if they want to refute it, they really don't know how to describe it.

It is a matter of the "majority" to "annihilate" the "minority".To put it simply, when the Qin and Zhao people intermarried with foreigners, yellow-skinned people accounted for the majority. After repeated intermarriage, the characteristics of the white-skinned system were naturally "eliminated".

In terms of the current level of technology and scientific arguments, they don't understand that much, but they can have a simple thinking. They must not integrate too many foreign races, otherwise they will become Han people and be integrated by foreign races.

"We need to find an opportunity to talk to His Majesty."


Everyone reached a consensus at once.

On the other side, Liu Yan is already patrolling with Cui Wan.

Today's emperor and empress are all dressed in formal attire, namely the Twelve Chapters of the Son of Heaven's Mianfu and the Queen's Phoenix Robe, showing infinite majesty.

The princesses of various countries who were selected as bed attendants were naturally at the forefront of the queue, and they received the review first.

Today, every princess gave up her national costume and put on the Han family's service.If we judge them based on the aesthetics of the Han people, after putting on Han clothes, some of them will still make people feel amazing, and naturally there are some that make people feel weird.

Liu Yan is very interested in the integration of foreign races, but he is also looking at the target.

Perhaps later generations will have a social structure in which whites are dominant (whether you admit it or not), Liu Yan is really interested in integrating whites, and he will not be disgusted with brown skin, but only for black skin Departments (including Asian blacks) feel resistance from the bottom of their hearts.

It is not simply that black people are a backward race, but Liu Yan has some impressions, such as the combination of yellow-skinned races, white-skinned races, and brown-skinned races, and the offspring will have the characteristics of yellow-skinned races. The inheritance is the most, even if the white skin and brown skin have more characteristics than the yellow skin, the combined mixed race is basically in the standard range of appearance.

The combination of yellow skin and black skin produces offspring with almost no exceptions that are all black. Scientists of later generations believe that the genes of the dark skin are the oldest, which leads to the competition of genes that the black skin wins.

"Your Majesty, I have already drafted the list." Cui Wan didn't particularly lower her voice, and she really didn't care about the feelings of those beauties: "Is Your Majesty free to take a look?"

Liu Yan inspected the beauties with an interested expression, and was very satisfied to see that most of the beauties were fair-skinned.

If history had not been changed, after the Age of Discovery, white people would have spread their genes to almost every corner of the earth. The fact is that white people control most of the living space on the earth.

Many times, the competition for living space depends on the survival range of the human race. Especially before technology reaches a certain level, most places on the earth are in an absolutely barbaric period. Whoever goes to live on that piece of land first, as long as they are not unable to defend their own survival. The land, then the pattern is basically fixed.

Liu Yan believes that spreading Han people to every corner of the earth is a long-term undertaking. In the process, they will inevitably squeeze the living space of other races, and even launch wars to eliminate them. In fact, it is all to achieve the same goal.

Now speaking, if Liu Yan wants to achieve such a goal, it will be much easier than determining the world pattern. Most of the difficulties are the conquest of nature by the Han people. In many cases, there is no need to go to a place to fight the outbreak of war. That's when most land is unclaimed now.

In fact, even if it is a land with an owner, take North America as an example, even if the Han people have not entered the firearm age, is it difficult to bully a group of Indians who are still living in the stone age?
After a round of inspections, Liu Yan and Cui Wan went to the Jiaofang Hall in the harem.

Those who are not bed servants will be taken to various places in the harem, and then someone will teach them the etiquette of the Han family, and they must also learn Chinese and Chinese characters.

The 48 bed attendants were brought to Jiaofang Hall.

"See Your Majesty!"

After they were led into the hall, they were arranged according to their rank. They waited until they were all standing before saluting and greetings at Zhuoxiang's signal.

Helena from Rome and Yena from Sassania were appointed by the queen as envoys, and they were also the two with the highest appointments among the princesses.

The princesses of other countries, without any exception, are No. 17, but the titles are randomly chosen from Wujuan, Gonghe, Yuling, Baolin, Liangshi, and Yezhe.

The remaining aristocratic beauties simply don’t even have final products.

The Han family has a strict system even in the harem, but having a system is one thing. If the queen is not strong enough, it will be like a country, where the system is empty but not implemented.

For people of high rank, they need to carry out a step, which is to hand over the list of people they want to bring into the palace to the queen for review.

It is only the rank of the minor envoy, and the rank of the female officials who accompany him is naturally not much higher. It is usually some kind of imperial edict or some history. If it is determined according to the theory of nine ranks, it actually includes eight ranks and below.

"Your Majesty?" Cui Wan handed the list to Liu Yan, and said with some interest, "You have a look?"

Liu Yan took it by hand, and the corners of his mouth curled up when he saw it: "The princess of a country has come to my harem to be a female official."

(End of this chapter)

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