sweeping the world

Chapter 931 Ethnic Integration

Chapter 931 Ethnic Integration
There were more than [-] beauties sent to Chang'an from various countries, and it was impossible for Empress Cui Wan to call every one of them to have a look in person, and Zhuo Xiang led people to select quite a few of them.

However, any selected princess level will become one of the women in Liu Yan's harem. Generally, after entering the palace, the queen will give a fixed rank, but the rank will definitely not be high, it should be from the tenth level to No. .17 grade shall prevail.


Only important countries will be rated as the tenth level, and the weaker the country, the lower the rank of the princess will be.

The harem also depends on the grade. The higher the grade, the better the treatment, and the lower the grade, the worse the treatment. This is directly reflected in the place of residence and the servants under the name, and there are strict distinctions in the cost of eating and drinking.

There are not too few beauties who are selected by the queen as the emperor's servant. Every country that sends a princess, if the country only sends one princess, it will be selected. If there are more than one princess, the rest of the candidates will be eliminated. There are twelve princesses.

In addition to the princesses, some noble beauties from those countries were also selected, the number is 36.

After a round of drafts, including princesses and noble beauties, a total of 48 became the emperor's servants.

For the rest, that is, the remaining three thousand beauties from various countries and ethnic groups, Liu Yan will negotiate with Cui Wan. Basically, all civil and military officials will be rewarded with at least one beautiful woman, and some high-ranking people will also be selected according to the order of their titles. Get the reward of beauty.

Of course, the selected list was not announced by posting the imperial list, but the officials of the Honglu Pavilion personally went to the post to issue the decree.

The decree promulgated by the Honglu Pavilion comes from the queen, and the official name is Yizhi.

"Helena Constantine, Shu Shen, mature in nature, diligent and submissive, graceful and pure, gentle in nature, restrained in nature, and virtuous in character. The author will be canonized as a young envoy!"

Inside the post house, high-ranking officials from Rome lined up. After hearing this, Helena stepped forward to receive the decree and thanked the official who announced it.

The Romans who lined up did not disperse immediately, waiting for the officials of the Han Empire to announce the next imperial edict, but there was no next imperial edict at all.

"Minor Envoy." Zhou Bian didn't make any spectacle, and maintained due respect, but he didn't respect Helena as a person, but respected the status of "Minor Envoy": "Please make preparations as soon as possible, the official will come to welcome you at this time tomorrow. Less envoys enter the palace."

Helena seemed a little unresponsive, but she nodded and asked, "Is there no imperial decree?"

Zhou Bian explained that it was not the emperor's imperial decree, but the queen's Yi decree, and finally replied: "No more."

The Romans present looked at Helena who had been waiting with a smile in an instant, and saw Helena whose expression became stiff.

"How could it be..." Helena didn't understand at all: "It would be me, wouldn't it be..."

"Your envoy, please be careful." Zhou Bian had sensed that something was wrong with the Romans, and since Helena had accepted the order, she was the envoy of the Han Empire, so he said the following: "There is no mistake in who is selected, and the envoy should not be mistaken." .”

"..." Helena thanked her in a panic: "Thank you very much for the reminder."

Even if it is the emperor, as long as he doesn't want to break the rules, the emperor can't interfere with the queen, and it's the turn of the selected to have any opinions.

Zhou Bian then made some explanations, such as what kind of preparations needed to be made, and reminded Helena that no more than three (female) women could live in the palace together.

That's the treatment of a "minor envoy", and you can arrange your own female officers and maids. The main reason is that it is very humane to consider that there will be no one who can speak after entering the palace.

This is especially true for princesses from all over the world. Most of them do not understand Chinese. It can be seen what kind of dilemma they will encounter after entering the palace. Don’t get lost and starve to death because of language barriers, or because there is no one who can speak. Autism or something.

Upon hearing that Helena could bring three (women) into the palace, Helena immediately thought of many famous women in Roman history, but these women generally existed as mistresses.

Zhou Bian left the Romans with a strange atmosphere and left. He still needs to go to many places to issue edicts.

"Sister." Helena said with a cold voice, "You didn't send out the thank you gift you prepared in advance."

There are some rules in the world, such as what the supreme ruler sends someone to notify, especially on the premise of good news, the person to be notified can never let the person go back empty-handed.

This is an unspoken rule on Zhuxia's side, but an open rule on Rome's side.

Helena looked at her sister apologetically, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Helena..." Julian looked worriedly at Helena, who seemed to be unaffected, hesitated for a while, and said in a relaxed tone: "We know that the Han people have different aesthetics from us..."

According to the aesthetic standards of the Romans, the charming Helena is definitely more popular than the young Helena, there is no doubt about it.

Julian didn't finish his sentence. He realized that it was useless to persuade him now. He said those words seemed to dislike Helena, which was very bad, especially since Helena had become an important witness of the friendship between Rome and the Han Empire. medium.

Helena's mind was now filled with confusion. She thought a lot in a short period of time and speculated on the reason why she was not selected.

The countries were investigated by the Han people before and they couldn’t hide it. The Romans would say bad things about the Persians or others, and praise their own candidates; To lavish praise on candidates from other countries.

[It must not be because of their slander...] Helena had a false smile on her face, and her heart was extremely complicated: [It must have been found out with some real evidence! 】

Go back to Rome disheartened?Helena would rather rot in the Han Empire than return to Rome like this!She kept thinking about what she could do.

In the other posthouses, the countries that received Yizhi successively had laughter and depression.

"Why did I lose the election?" Nicole said with dissatisfaction on her face, "Why!"

Xyas looked at Nika with a slight smile, and Nika looked very cute when he was angry.

"Maybe..." Ye Na guessed, "It's because you were too restless when you were examined by the queen?"

Nicole immediately went dumb.At that time, she was only a little restless, more curious, with very rich facial expressions and a lot of small body movements.

"It must be because I'm too young!" Nika took a dull look at her slightly flat chest and said, "That must be it!"

In other words, neither Yena nor Nikal guessed wrong, there was indeed such a factor.

On the day when the list is officially determined, countries will inevitably inquire about each other's news.

After investigating, they learned that only one princess was selected in a country, and the losers had all kinds of mentality.

"I don't want to go back!" Nicole was simply unconvinced, especially because she felt that her loss was due to her breast volume: "I will grow up, and I still have a chance!"

Ye Na smiled and nodded: "You can bring three people, and you will definitely be one of them."

The rest of the Persians didn't have any objections either. Shapur II was about to send his daughter and granddaughter here, and he really didn't think they would go back. Even if Nikal couldn't follow Yena into the palace in the end, Nikal would live in Chang'an for a long time. It may be waiting for the opportunity to become the sleeping servant of the emperor of Han, or it may be to find a Han who is helpful to Sassan and marry him.

On the second day after the Yizhi was promulgated, the officials of the Honglu Pavilion went out again, mainly bringing the princesses of various countries who had been selected as the emperor's servants into the palace, and the other noble beauties were incidental.

On that day, the Suzaku Avenue from the Post Office District to the Palace City in Chang'an City was once again crowded with people.

The common people have always been a group of people who like to watch the excitement and will not miss the scene of watching the selected candidates entering the palace.They were very proud of this spectacle. After hundreds of years, there was finally a grand spectacle of beauties sent from all over the world to please them. They firmly believed that this was proof that the Han people once again stood at the top of the world's nations.

"so many!"

"I heard that those foreign women will be rewarded later?"

"What foreign women? They will be the daughters-in-law of the Han family from now on."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The number of foreign women who took the initiative or were taken into captivity to become daughters-in-law (wives or concubines) of the Han family had exceeded 12 million by the 280th year of Yuanshuo.

The total number is so many, but it is not that there is only one upper limit for a Han man, and one is just the base number.

It may be that a Han man has a woman of a different race as his wife, and has several concubines who are also women of a different race.

According to official data, there are 87 households nationwide that have adopted women from other races as their wives, and 130 million households that have accepted women from other races as concubines.

Even after the war, there are only one person in a family or there are a lot of two people, but there has been a transition period of 13 years, and the number of members in each family is actually increasing.

Calculated on the basis that the compromise number of a family is four people (excluding servants and slaves), 130 million households will involve a population of 540 million. If the relationship between relatives and friends is counted, the affected There are more people.

If there were no women of different races, how many Han family sons would be single for a lifetime?

Accepting women of different races to become a member of society is something that must be correct in today's Han Dynasty. Not only the government advocates non-discrimination, but the people are actually very conscious.

Furthermore, they accept this integration actively, not passively. In every aspect, it is something to be proud of rather than humiliating.

From the moment Liu Yan first came back from robbing women of different races and came back to broadcast, the Han people were destined to enter the era of multi-ethnic integration.

The early stage of this kind of integration was established under the force of the Han people, and the first batch of objects to be integrated came from the three countries of the peninsula.

The race on the peninsula is not much different from the Han people in terms of skin color and living habits. The only obstacle that can be called is the language barrier.Since there is not much difference in all aspects of race, the first batch of ethnic integration was easily accepted by the Han people.They also have to accept, or do they have to wait for 20 years, waiting for the new generation of Han women to grow up and start a family?

With the first batch of successful integration cases, the next second batch is women from the Uriel Islands.

For the Han people, apart from the fact that the Japanese women are too short, otherwise, from any aspect, the Japanese women know how to serve people better than the peninsula women, and they are also more diligent.

The second batch of ethnic integration once again achieved the greatest success, not only solving the physiological problems of the majority of bachelors, but also solving the problem of incense. The official and the people have nothing to dissatisfy, laying a good foundation for future integration.

When it came to the third integration, it was not so smooth at first.The main reason is the third batch of foreign women who will be integrated... how should I put it?Dark skin is not the key, it is the facial features that make Han people feel a little...not ugly, but weird.

The third batch of integration was full of ups and downs, and the time period for acceptance was longer. It was only after the reputation of Indochinese women's hard work spread that the Han family thought that accepting Indochinese women from other races was not a bad thing.

The integration of ethnic groups in the Indochina Peninsula has been going on for some time, and there is a phenomenon among the people now, that is, the skin of some newborns is relatively dark from birth, and social problems have gradually emerged. For example, Han children with yellow skin are not very good. Happy to play with dark-skinned Han Chinese children...

The government is already paying attention to the education of the next generation, and we cannot allow mutual discrimination to start from childhood, and have been guiding and channeling public opinion, mainly targeting adults, and then let the social atmosphere eliminate this discrimination.

The Han people not only accepted dark-skinned foreign women, but also accepted a large number of white-skinned foreign women after entering the grasslands and the Western Regions. In the future, mixed-race children will not only have dark skin, but also the new generation of the Han family who prefers white skin. However, the difference in skin color cannot cause social conflicts.

The conquest of the Han Empire will not stop. It is impossible for the entire empire to have only one skin, so it would be a good way to define ethnic groups by culture. The ancestors have always been like this, or there would be no Zhuxia today.

"Our generation will be the most exciting generation." According to the rules, Liu Yan will inspect all the beauties brought into the palace first. He stands on the majesty's platform and looks down. There is a neat line of people kneeling on the ground. More than three thousand foreign beauties: "I will take the lead in accepting the daughters of all races, and leading the Han family to enrich the gene pool of the big man is my duty-bound business!"

Below, beauties in kneeling postures are flowers waiting to be picked!

(End of this chapter)

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