Chapter 924
It is inevitable for firearms troops to become the new masters of the battlefield, but the process of evolution is not to eliminate all cold weapons at once.

In that change, the cavalry will definitely have a place for a long time, and they will still be the sharp knives on the battlefield, taking on the heavy responsibility of breakthroughs.

The knight phalanx that appeared in the military parade had the largest number of cavalry, which clearly indicated the future development direction of the cavalry.

Looking at the assault cavalry of the Han army, several of them have moved closer to the eighteenth-century assault cavalry, that is, they have removed the real heavy armor and replaced it with lighter plate armor.

There was only one fusilier infantry phalanx. After they reached the white line, they shouted slogans and changed their walking posture to goose steps.

Goose step is not the original name of goose step. It has a variety of postures, which are different from the swing of the hand and the position of holding down, the span of the foot and the range of kicking.

Stepping over the flintlock phalanx on the white line, they kicked their left foot about 75 cm straight ahead, using proper force to make the soles of their feet touch the ground, while moving their body weight forward, and doing the same with their right feet; Shoulder, the left hand will swing the arm forward with the step, the elbow is bent, the forearm is slightly horizontal, and the palm is turned inward and slightly downward.

Except for a very few people who saw such a lineup during their training, those who saw it for the first time were instantly attracted.

Goose step is a way of walking that is not fast, and the posture seems to have a sense of arrogance. The steps of soldiers walking in line reflect a strong arrogance and solemnity.

Liu Yan took the goose step of the German army during World War II, and did not adopt the reason he is most familiar with... It is because the management and control of the Space-Time Administration is too strict, and there may be crabs and beasts suddenly appearing, and his story is over here.

The phalanx equipped with flintlock guns should have received the most enthusiastic cheers when they appeared. Unfortunately, the people only regarded the guns as sticks. Although they thought the new military uniforms looked good, they felt that they were contrary to the traditional Chinese clothing. No, they just got a polite cheer.

"I named the finalized flintlock gun 'Twelve-style Rifle'." Liu Yan named it after the year when it was truly finalized: "Its body without a bayonet is 1.6 meters long, and with a bayonet it is 1.8 meters long. 400. The gun body weighs 100 catties, the caliber is [-] mm, and the projectile weighs [-]. The longest range is more than [-] meters, and the accurate shooting distance is within [-] meters."

It’s not that the flintlock gun was developed at the beginning. The first generation of musket was the matchlock gun, but the matchlock gun was only used for excessive research. Liu Yan’s repeated points made the leap to the flintlock stage, and even researched and produced it. breech-loading gun.

The flintlock was chosen as the first-generation rifle, not the more advanced breech-loading gun, mainly because of the production time and cost factors, and the production of the bullets required for the breech-loading gun is quite difficult.

As a rifle to be installed in large quantities, the choice is definitely not the best, but the most suitable one. Obviously, the flintlock is the most suitable one at present.

Flintlock is just a general term. For example, a flintlock with an ordinary barrel is also a flintlock, and a rifled barrel is also a flintlock. The latter is far superior to the former in terms of accuracy and range.

The same is that due to cost and production man-hours, the number of flintlock guns with rifled barrels will be far less than that of ordinary barrels.

Without the warm cheers they should have had, the fusilier infantry phalanx walked past under the eyes of the reviewer.

Followed by cavalry on straddle horses, but they are very different from the other cavalry who were inspected in front. Infantry used slightly shorter flintlocks.

They are musketeers equipped with cavalry flintlocks.

"They can be regarded as a different kind of cavalry archers, the difference is that the main weapon is the flintlock." Liu Yan felt the bewilderment of the people watching the military parade, especially those who didn't know the existence of the flintlock: "The musketeers Zhuang is equipped with two types of flintlock guns, long and short, the long one is only one, and the short one is equipped with two as a standard, depending on the situation, additional ones can be added.”

The range of long-handled flintlock guns for riding is not much different from that of infantry flintlock guns, but the range of short flintlock guns is greatly reduced. The longest range is 50 meters, and the effective killing range is within 30 meters. Inside.

In addition to the long and short flintlocks, the Musketeers were also equipped with sabers.

In the beginning, Liu Yan actually wanted to make a three-eyed firecracker. He had this idea to restore the Guanning cavalry, but reason finally defeated the bad taste, and he directly produced the standard musketeer cavalry in one step.

The ministers have all seen the drills of the firearms troops, and they have no doubts about what Liu Yan said that the firearms troops will become the new masters of the battlefield. After all, the artillery has already been used on the battlefield, and its power and impact on the battle situation can only be said It is obvious to all.

What kind of role the Musketeers will play is mostly unclear, mainly because they have no intuitive impression of how powerful the Musketeers can be, all because drills and actual combat have always been two different things, and they want them to recognize the strength of the Musketeers It has to be tested on the battlefield.

The firearms troops equipped with flintlock guns walked past one square after another, but the reaction they got was ordinary. In fact, this was also related to their not having been on the battlefield.

After the soldiers' phalanx was completed, it became an equipment unit for inspection.

The equipment in the cold weapon era is mainly various crossbows, accompanied by some traditional siege equipment.

Their appearance once again made the scene lively, because everyone knew what kind of function they had and their power, unlike those who didn't know what a flintlock was.

When the horse-drawn cannon appeared, the scene erupted into deafening cheers.

The cannon is a bronze cannon with a carriage and wheels, pulled by a different number of horses depending on the weight.

Today's bronze cannons don't pay too much attention. There is no difference between cannons, howitzers, and mortars in the cannon itself. The difference is mainly based on the projectiles fired.

Most of the bronze guns equipped by the Dahan Army are lighter types, with a minimum diameter of 75 mm and a maximum diameter of 150 mm. They are collectively called field guns.

The place where the bronze cannon showed its power for the first time was in the Liaodong battlefield, but at that time, the number of explosive packets used far exceeded the number of projectiles fired by the bronze cannon, but it still left a deep impression on the world.

Knowing what bronze cannons are and how powerful they are, the people are not stingy with their cheers, and respond with a hundred times more enthusiasm than flintlock guns.

"Cannons!" Yuli looked at the bronze cannons passing by with great concentration, wanting to see the structure of each cannon clearly and distinguish their slightest traces: "The most powerful embodiment of the Han Empire, an artifact on the battlefield! "

Those who participated in the decisive battle on the Asan mainland plain will never forget what they saw and heard there, especially when they dreamed back at midnight, they were repeatedly awakened by the scene of the explosion.

"I will never forget those muffled noises in my life. The soil on the earth was thrown up like a volcanic eruption in the explosion, and the only thing left in the world was the earth shaking and the mountains shaking." Julian had nightmares about gunpowder explosions more than once , the scene is different every time, some of them were bombed in the wild battlefield, and some were bombed while defending the city: "Today, I finally see what they look like."

Some of the foreign visitors had their eyes fixed on the artillery units passing by in line. Their eyes were full of greed, and they wished they could collect those artillery pieces with their eyes so that they could take them back for themselves.

In fact, they have thought about using special means to spy more than once, especially the desire to obtain the method of making gunpowder, but no one has taken action yet.

The posture displayed by the Han Empire is really too powerful, making anyone who wants to use their brains to think about the consequences.

In the eyes of other countries, the Han Empire is not only powerful, but also a very aggressive country.

If only the Han Empire was powerful, even their fear would be limited. The problem is that the Han Empire was not a country that could be offended from any aspect. This was a fact seen from the Gupta Empire.

According to the declaration of the Han Empire, the Gupta Empire has invaded the sphere of influence of the Han Empire, but no one knows that the expansion of the Han Empire coincides with the expansion of the Gupta Empire. It was early, but the Han people felt that the Gupta Empire had entered their sphere of influence, and declared war on this as a reason for war, and also destroyed the Gupta Empire.

Well, the Gupta Empire was destroyed just because the direction of expansion coincided with that of the Han Empire, but there is nothing to say about this. Rome and Sasanian also used similar reasons to destroy the country.

The difference between the Han Empire and Rome and Sasanian is that the Han army was too relaxed when it destroyed the Gupta Empire.

Rome and Sasanian are equally powerful countries in the world...

In particular, the distance between Sasanian and the Gupta Empire is not far away. Whether it is by land or sea, surely it would be more convenient to destroy the Gupta Empire?But it’s not that the Persians didn’t think about invading the Gupta Empire. The key is that the Persians haven’t really competed with the Gupta Empire when they went south. Only the Gupta Empire supported the countries adjacent to the Persians, and the Persians were blocked from going south. .

The Romans naturally coveted the wealth of the Gupta Empire, and they must have thought about invading more than once, but they only thought about it, and they could only think about it.

The Han Empire was unable to invade the Gupta Empire from land, and chose the most difficult battle across the sea. If the fact that the Gupta Empire was destroyed by the Han army was not already in front of us, I don’t know how many people would be waiting to see the jokes of the Han people.

"This kind of Han Empire makes people unable to have a little bit of provocation." Cicero kept smiling bitterly: "Unless inaction is the end, otherwise..."

Powerful and without the slightest scruples, whoever provokes them will destroy the country, but it is definitely not a matter of grumbling. The Han Empire has already proved the cruel fact that "distance is not a problem" with the demise of the Gupta Empire.

Dare to ask, who dares to provoke easily?
After the formation of the artillery units was completed, the entire military parade came to the point of presenting prisoners.

Liu Yan originally wanted to have a link where ordinary people could also parade on Baihu Avenue, but when he brought it up, almost everyone opposed it.

It's not that the common people are underestimated, or that the common people are not qualified. There are still quite a few non-military people who are qualified to step on the White Tiger Avenue to receive inspections. The key is that everyone is worried that there will be problems.

No matter how disciplined ordinary people are, no one can guarantee that there will be no problems.

When problems arise on such occasions, it is not just one or two people who are ashamed, but a large number of people who lose their heads.

The main reason is that today is not an ordinary military parade, and it involves Liu Yan proclaiming the emperor. If something goes wrong today, will proclaiming the emperor become a joke?
On Baihu Avenue, walking past the last square, there was an interval of about 10 minutes in which no team came again.

When people appeared again in the distance, they saw those dressed in colorful clothes walking at the front. They were doing funny dances as they walked, and seemed to be singing something joyfully.

Prisoner offering, there was such a link in the first place, so that those who were originally noble dressed up in fancy clothes, and then danced a dance that would be funny at first glance, the purpose was to humiliate.

After those fancy-dressed people appeared, roars erupted at the scene, and every Han Chinese laughed heartily, "haha", using such actions to show that they are subjects of the victorious kingdom.

There are quite a few captives who were arranged for a singing and dancing parade today, including the governor of Changguang County who was captured when Liu Yan started his family, and Zhanragupta who was sent after the war in the Gupta Empire.

The earlier those captured, the more familiar they are with this kind of behavior, mainly because they will be pulled out for a walk during large-scale events every year, but practice makes perfect.

"I almost forgot the existence of these people." Liu Yan was talking about some people who had been captured long ago, including Li Nong.He rarely showed a satisfied expression: "There are not many times when I feel happy..."

Ran Min kept looking at Li Nong.Seriously speaking, he felt a little palpitations. More than once he thought that if he hadn't attached himself to the whole country, he would definitely not accept the fate of being captured, but his sons and heirs would definitely be one of the singing and dancing members.

It was not just Ran Min who had thoughts, Huan Wen, Xie An, Yu Yi, Yuan Qiao and others who were watching the ceremony. They saw Sima Dan, the last emperor of the Sima clan, and they would inevitably think about what would happen to them if they were ignorant of current affairs.

Sima Dan, who was only ten years old, was also among the singing and dancing crowd, his small body was trying hard to follow the rhythm of the others.

Sima Dan was not the only one who was taking part in the parade. Some of the Sima clan's relatives were also among them, big and small, forming a column of their own.

If Liu Yan's true thoughts were followed, he wouldn't frown if he killed all of Sima, and finally chose to keep these guys as exhibits.

There is also a column of some captives from the Shijie Zhao State. They are the most hard-working people performing funny dances.

"This is really..." Julian looked at those people who were trying to please the audience like clowns: "People (heart) have deep (remaining) anxiety (palpitations)..."

(End of this chapter)

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