sweeping the world

Chapter 923 They will become the new battlefield masters

Chapter 923 They will become the new battlefield masters

The second phalanx was still walking on foot, with Huan Wen leading the way.

Like Xu Zheng and Ran Min, Huan Wen also wore full-length military uniforms, and they wore fancy and gorgeous styles.

The so-called fancy is that there are many complex carvings on the armor, which can be a simple seal or a pattern of some kind of beast. There are beast heads on the chest and shoulders, and the pockets on the head are also in the style of beast heads.

The armor that is actually worn on the battlefield will not have any glyphs. The armor must be as smooth as possible, so that the weapon will slide away when it is cut or stabbed, and those glyphs will not become stress points.

The soldiers in the second phalanx were wearing medium armor with fish scales, and each of them held a long halberd in their hands. When they reached the white line, they shouted "Your Majesty, ten thousand years, and the great man is ten thousand years", making a move similar to chopping. In the action of the gun, the left hand holds the rod and stretches out, the right hand holds the tail of the rod, and the halberd is pointed half obliquely at the sky.

Amidst the sound of heavy footsteps, the soldiers wearing fish-scale armor and holding halberds are composed of halberd bearers, Zanhua, and Zuoyu from the general's shogunate. They are the most basic staffing of a general. It is also responsible for planning tactics, sending orders, and guarding.

Liu Yan turned his head and said to Ji Chang: "I ranked them in the second rank, not for the sake of the ministers, but because they are indeed very important, and they are qualified to enjoy such honors."

Most of the Jijilang are descendants of high-ranking officials and nobles, and some are simply ineffective sons, but Liu Yan is not talking nonsense and comforting people, it is these incompetent guys who have done a good job as Jijilang.

The first phalanx we passed just now, although the soldiers were Mo Dao soldiers, their personnel composition was selected from the thirteen standing armies. There were seniors from noble ranks to Zuoshu elders, as well as low nobles who were only public servants. High or low is just the difference in the accumulation of meritorious deeds, some have made meritorious service early and gradually accumulated to become high-ranking nobles, and some have made meritorious deeds recently and have not had time to accumulate more meritorious deeds.

Although Ji Chang doesn't get involved in the military, it doesn't mean that he hasn't studied the military. He is very aware of the importance of some staff and auxiliary personnel to the battle situation.

Among the actual combat arms of the Han army, the halberd soldiers have already been eliminated, and they are generally only used as ceremonial personnel for non-actual combat arms.

It should be said that since the Western Han Dynasty, the long halberd soldiers have been eliminated. It is not that the long halberd soldiers are weak, on the contrary, the long halberd soldiers are very powerful, but no one knows how to train the long halberd soldiers.

The halberd has always been a weapon that relies heavily on skill to use. The person who uses the halberd is either vulnerable to a blow, or he dominates the world with force. There have been evils in ancient times, and Lu Fengxian is the leader in recent times.

During the Warring States period of Wei State, their soldiers used halberds as weapons. Wu Qi knew how to train this type of soldiers, and also knew how to motivate and command them. Naturally, Wei soldiers were invincible in the world.

Waiting for Wu Qi to disappear, no one in Wei State knew how to train long halberd soldiers, let alone how to use long halberd soldiers on the battlefield. The Wei military soldiers who were once invincible in the world have become utterly weak chickens.

The third phalanx took over from the second phalanx and reached the white line. It still gave a slogan, but did not go forward.

The person leading the third phalanx is Li Tan, who rides on a majestic war horse, and the third phalanx is a knight order.

Each knight's mount is quite majestic, and they are dressed like a horse archer. The riding bow and quiver are placed on the left and right sides of the horse's neck. One hand holds the reins, and the other hand presses on the horse's neck. On top of the saber on his waist.

Cavalry archers need extremely high flexibility, horses naturally don't wear armor, and knights only wear light leather armor. The only thing that can be related to splendor is the scarlet cloak on the back of each knight.

When Xias at the viewing platform saw the cavalry archers of the Han Empire, he immediately compared them.

The Persians have always had two ace arms, the first is the heavy cavalry equipped with armored cavalry, and the second is the cavalry archers who are good at riding and shooting. Relying on these two ace arms as sharp knives can be said to be invincible in Central Asia and West Asia Even in the early stages of facing the Romans, they repeatedly won big victories.

"Their horses are a bit inferior to ours." Xias narrowed his eyes and said proudly, "Our horses look more majestic than theirs."

The Persian horses are indeed very majestic, and their posture is also very elegant, but the Persian horses lack stamina, and at the same time, they do not have a commendable charging ability. Their biggest advantage is carrying weight.

If counted in terms of breed, the Persian horses should be a type of hot-blooded horses. They look good, but in terms of military value, they are worse than Mongolian horses.

Julian felt "hum" in his heart. If he didn't need to improve the relationship with Sassanid, he would inevitably make a few sarcastic comments about the Persian cavalry being scum when they encountered the Roman legions.

The Romans didn't pay much attention to cavalry, but they had been the overlord of Europa for more than 1000 years. They were infantry supremacists and believed that the Roman army could beat any cavalry. It seems that past battles have repeatedly proved this point.

Behind the cavalry archers was another phalanx of knights, but it looked like cavalry in disguise, and Lu Tai led the way.

If there are many types of cavalry, assault cavalry should be regarded as the most balanced among them.He doesn't have the protective power of armored horses, but he still has a strong assault ability.He does not have the flexibility of a light cavalry, but he can also gallop.

The assault cavalry of the Han army was fully refitted in the seventh year of Yuanshuo, and all kinds of armor were replaced by plate armor.The assault cavalry before the change of clothes were sharp knives on the battlefield. After the change of clothes, the assault cavalry became sharper. Their repeated appearances represented the beginning of a war that belonged to the general offensive of the Han army, and they would harvest the fruits of victory.

Afterwards came one formation after another of the Knights. Most of them were cavalry, and there was only one formation for archers, light cavalry, and armored cavalry.

Waiting for the appearance of a phalanx of crossbowmen, all the infantry on foot behind them.

Crossbowmen, archers, sword and shield soldiers, sword and shield soldiers, spearmen... approaching ten square formations passed by one after another.

The appearance of each phalanx will cause bursts of cheers. The Han people who came to watch were blushing with excitement. They were not stingy with their cheers, even if their voices were hoarse.

There have been no similar scenes in this land for a long time. They don't really know what a strong soldier looks like. They only know that the Han army has repeatedly sent back news of victory on every battlefield, and then look at how mighty and majestic the phalanx is. , I firmly believe that my country is the most powerful country in the world!
"In terms of momentum..." Cicero decided to tell the truth: "Compared with the Han Empire, our military parade looks soft."

Any Roman, including Julian, did not know how to refute when they heard it.

The Romans also like to hold military parades, but they don’t pay attention to the formation, that is, the soldiers walk loosely according to the formation. The formation looks crooked, and they can whistle to the beauties onlookers to hint at an evening battle. It is really a display of the Han Empire. The momentum is incomparable.

The Persians were depressed, they had never held a military parade, and they had no examples to compare.

The situation in other countries is similar. The only thing that can be somewhat similar to the military parade is the departure of the army. There is really no special military parade.

"Look at those Han people." Chianush has been in the Han Empire for nearly four years, so he is more qualified to say more: "They have extremely proud expressions on their faces. If it's just a good-looking line up, I will carry out It's just false pride to laugh at that. But the armies of the Han Empire are victorious on the battlefield."

Xias turned his head to look at his cousin, and said, "Maybe we should learn from this kind of activity that can boost the morale of the people."

The two Persian Sasanian royals instantly formed an alliance while looking at each other, and they decided to unanimously make serious and serious suggestions to Shapur II, at least to hold a grand military parade.

They decided that the military parade template belonging to Persian Sassanid should be based on what they saw today, so they must select soldiers with good physiques for specialized training.Maybe you can get some personal benefits from it?Such as military power.If you really succeed, your reputation will definitely increase!
Most of the visitors from foreign countries were discussing enthusiastically, and the topic was that their own country should also hold a military parade.They have such an idea, nothing more than thinking that doing so can boost morale.

"Shen'er." Liu Yan will definitely let Liu Shen be present today, and let Liu Shen wait in the tower room early, and let him out after a while after the military parade began: "Seeing the army formation passing by, what do you think? ?”

When Liu Shen appeared just now, there were cheers, one after another, the phalanx walked past, but it was hard to tell whether the cheers were for his appearance or the cheers were for the military parade.

Xu Zheng, Ran Min... and others who led the phalanx to complete the formation also came to the city tower to watch the next military parade. When they heard Liu Yan ask Liu Shen, they immediately raised their ears and waited for the answer.

"Mighty and majestic!" Liu Shenxian gave a panacea-style standard answer, thought for a while and then said: "Big man has them, can they be used to defend the country, and can also expand the territory?"

Liu Yan's expression remained unchanged, but he touched Liu Shen's head with his hand.

The people around all showed joyful expressions after hearing Liu Shen's answer, especially the warriors were even more excited.

In fact, those words Liu Shen said were repeated by Liu Yan in private, so that Liu Shen could pick them up and answer them when asked. They did not come from Liu Shen's own thinking, nor did it mean that Liu Shen really thought that way.

But it doesn't matter, what Liu Shen said on this occasion is the most standard and correct answer.

Liu Yan proclaimed himself emperor, so he couldn't keep the position of crown prince vacant as before. He could imagine that if he didn't act for a long time, all the officials should take action.

The first emperor had no queen, nor did he establish a prince, so the lessons for later dynasties are too great.

In the past dynasties after the Qin Empire, the position of queen could still be vacant, but a prince must be established, and even an unsuitable prince is better than nothing.

Liu Shen is the eldest son of Liu Yan. Although today's big man does not pay attention to the rules of primogeniture succession, Liu Shen is not necessarily the one who chooses to establish a prince, but the concept of primogeniture still exists.

In fact, more importantly, no one thinks that the crown prince cannot be replaced.

If Liu Shen didn't make mistakes after being established as the prince, then he would be able to secure the position of prince well, and there would be a day when he would become the "ruler of the world".

If Liu Shen made mistakes again and again, small things would naturally need to be educated, and they belonged to the scope of salvation.Just wait until he really made a big mistake and kicked off the crown prince's throne.At the same time, if Liu Yan thinks that he is not a candidate to inherit the Datong, he can be regarded as the shield of the real dragon, secretly cultivate the real heir, and replace it when the time is right.

In today's military parade, none of the empress, concubines, or high-ranking people were present, and Liu Yan's heir was only Liu Shen, so the signal was very obvious.

All the officials must play at the subsequent meeting, asking Liu Yanli and Liu Shen to be the crown prince, and there will be as many memorials as there are snowflakes, no one who is qualified to play will not miss it.

The formation of the military parade was not over yet. When Liu Yan was asking Liu Shen, a square formation that looked different came from afar.

This phalanx is still walking on foot, but they can't see anything related to armor at all. They are wearing strange clothes, and the weapons in their hands are a little confusing.

Liu Yan continued to pat Liu Shen's head, and said solemnly: "Look carefully, they will definitely be the masters of the battlefield and open a new chapter of the era."

The soldiers who came in line, they wore clothes and trousers separately, and the color of the clothes was dark green. If there were traversers present, they would definitely be stunned. All because of the phalanx that came, they were all in uniform, including the pointed military helmet on their heads. It is basically a copy of the style of the German army in World War I.

Why doesn't Liu Yan directly engage in modern combat uniforms?It is not a factor of weapons, and it is also believed that changing over a period of time is a formal process.

The soldiers who are walking, they hold a gun in one hand and press the belt around their waists with the other. The momentum of walking is actually not as majestic or mighty as the phalanx of cold weapons just now.

"What is that?" Julian had never seen a similar weapon before: "Looking at the main body is a wooden structure, there is nothing sharp. Could it be a stick soldier?"

Simply put, god damn stick soldiers.

"The style of the clothes...it looks so good." Helena praised: "Very, very spiritual!"

Not only Helena, it should be said that visitors from other countries have seen the neatness and spirit from the clothes, and the men feel that they should also tailor such a suit.

On the city tower, the officials who are qualified to stand around Liu Yan are no strangers to the new arms. They know that they are new arms that Liu Yan attaches great importance to. They have also seen such soldiers perform four-stage shooting. Yan said that such soldiers will be the masters of the battlefield in the future.

The Han people did not cheer when they saw the newly approaching soldiers. They didn't know what kind of soldiers they were, and the adjective "stick soldiers" appeared in the mouths of many people.

The scene that should have been shocking did not appear, and the audience only gave polite cheers...

(End of this chapter)

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