sweeping the world

Chapter 908 Be Proud

Chapter 908 Be Proud
With Han, Daqin, and Persian Sassan as the core of the three known hegemons and powers in the world, establish a joint institution between countries.

With the previous five-nation alliance as the basis, the central officials at least have a certain understanding of the alliance mentioned, but they are quite disapproving.

Han people can play very well on their own, and they don’t need the help of so-called allies to expand wherever they want. To a certain extent, Han people have never felt that they need any allies. Recognizing that other countries have equal status would not only be a joke for the Han Chinese, but also embarrass their ancestors.

Although Han recognized the existence of the Five-Nation Alliance, it really didn't take this alliance seriously, and didn't even sign any credentials, that is, it didn't join in at all from an official level. Everything was Persian Sasha's enthusiastic self-play , Insist on pulling the other three countries together, shouting the slogan of helping the Han Dynasty against the Gupta Dynasty, the alliance has a name like a joke.

"Their idea is to establish a strong and friendly relationship, and when necessary, send troops to form a coalition to fight against a common enemy." Lu Yi is now a narrator, without any personal subjective consciousness: "The Sasanian envoy guarantees , once this organization is established, they will send troops to cooperate with us in fighting against the remnants of the Northern Huns, and they are also willing to provide supplies nearby."

It seems to be in the tenth year of Yuan Shuo?The Persian Sasanian envoys to the Han State mentioned the Northern Huns, bringing them to the Han people, the Northern Huns have never perished, and even the Northern Huns are still alive and well and continue their journey.

"Our border is at least [-] miles away from the location of the Northern Huns, separated by four countries and an unknown number of tribes." Xie An will not forget the political task of exploring the Northern Huns. After entering the Western Regions, he has been collecting information about the Northern Huns Message: "Basically, as the Persians said, the northern Huns have been conquests westward, successively conquering and destroying the countries and races they encountered, and have gradually recovered their strength."

The Han people are very serious about chasing and killing the Northern Huns, especially if the Han people themselves have not fallen into civil strife, once they detect the traces of the Northern Huns, they will not care about the long distance and hardship of the journey, and the center that chooses not to go up is not a qualified center.

Although the Han Dynasty established by Liu Yan had nothing to do with the royal families of the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties, to continue to inherit the name of Han people, some political tasks must be implemented, including the fight against the Northern Huns.

"The Northern Huns are currently entrenched in the plains thousands of miles west of the northwest of the Han Dynasty. According to our own investigation and the information provided by the Persians, the Northern Huns are fighting with a group of people named Sarmat and the Visigoths. Fight." The names Xie An mentioned are basically transliterations, not necessarily the official names of those ethnic groups, but when did the Han people care about this?He went on to say: "I have an intuition that the Persians do not regard the Northern Huns as an enemy, and the Persians still like the Northern Huns to a certain extent. So the intention of the Persians to provide news about the Northern Huns to the big man is very obvious. "

The Han people have complicated feelings about the Persians. Some traces of the Persians have been found in some historical materials. Among them, the fact that the Persians sent tens of thousands of troops to meet the envoys of the Western Han Dynasty made the Han people feel good.

The Persians who came to Han kept talking about the traditional friendship between the ancestors of the Persians and the ancestors of the Han people. The foundation of the establishment was that the former Parthian Empire welcomed the Han envoys with super-standard treatment, and thereafter there were no conflicts between the two countries. , although the Persians and the Han did not unite against the Huns or against the Romans, trade was very frequent.

The overland Silk Road was indeed established in the Western Han Dynasty. The farthest on the original Silk Road was the Han merchants to the Parthian Empire, and the furthest Han people went to the Mediterranean Sea to wash their boots.

The prosperity of the overland Silk Road started in the Western Han Dynasty lasted for less than 40 years. In the middle, the Xiongnu who were unwilling to submit to the Han moved westward, which once cut off the overland Silk Road.

Waiting for this group of northern Huns to be defeated and driven by the Han again, the overland Silk Road did not become prosperous again. The sharp decrease, without the need for the Han people, they lost the desire to bring goods to trade across all kinds of dangers, and naturally there was no business to do.

Contemporary Persians, at least the Persians who came to Han, talk about "friendship from ancestors" at every turn. In fact, the ancestors of both sides did not even hand over official credentials to each other. What the hell is going on? friendship can speak?
The Han people don’t know how the Persians recorded it, but the contemporary Han people have found some sporadic records about exchanges with the Persians. One piece of content is all about asking the Persians why they didn’t protect the Han merchants, and demanding that the Persians must Give the big man an explanation, if there is friendship, it must be the Persian as the "M", but the Han people are not willing to be the "S".

They are all playing politics, and who knows what kind of thoughts a certain country that pops up out of nowhere means friendship when it opens its mouth, and hope for friendship when it shuts up.

"The Persians are worried that we will continue to expand westward, and they are afraid that our soldiers will be pointed at them." Ran Min has always liked to tell the truth: "This time, what the core oath of the Three Kingdoms is made, what I see is that the Persians and the Daqin people are fighting against each other." We are already under pressure to drop hostility."

It can be said to hit the nail on the head. Two peoples who have been fighting to death for thousands of years suddenly found a giant beast that sprang out. After repeated evaluation, they found that they could not do it, especially when they were still biting each other. Rationality drove them to think about giving up shopping, whether to smile and let go of their grievances or hatred, anyway, they can no longer continue to bleed each other.

"You can imagine the pressure that the big man puts on them." Ji Chang is somewhat proud. The mere existence of the big man can make two sworn enemies who have fought for more than a thousand years think about giving up shopping. It also proves that he is quite a prime minister. Very successful: "What I can't understand is, do they think that by forming such an alliance, they can become allies with the big man?"

Wouldn't it be funny to say that the Romans and Persians really thought so?
But the real situation is that the Romans and Persians think so, they believe in the alliance signed by the king, waiting to turn into an enemy, that is also the king's notification to cancel the alliance, and it will definitely not be a war during the period of being an ally.

The Han people will think that the alliance letter is just for fun. On the one hand, the Han people have never signed an alliance with any country. It has always been the Han people playing with a bunch of younger brothers. Simply put, the Han people are not restrained; , Zhu Xia has experienced intrigues in the Warring States Period and later periods, and has long since believed that the alliance letter will have any binding force.

On Zhu Xia's side, the purpose of signing the alliance is to make the enemy lose their vigilance, so as to take advantage of their unpreparedness.

In Rome and Persia, even if they did not strictly enforce the official signing of the alliance, they would never break their promises and go to war before canceling the alliance.

Therefore, it is another ideological generation gap...

(End of this chapter)

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