sweeping the world

Chapter 896 Kingdom, Invincible!

Chapter 896 Kingdom, Invincible!

That sentence is quite right, no one will remember how many plants or animals they have eaten (manually like the song for "Wine is a song with aspirations for thousands of miles", the honor is also a person who can read comments).

Creatures of different levels don't care about the feelings of those who are not at the same level.

But relatively speaking, under the same premise of intelligent creatures, there is a kind of reason called human nature that is supporting the social order.

It's as if people feel disgusted when they see the corpse of an animal, but they don't feel any kind of emotion.

When humans see a human corpse, the first emotion they feel will be palpitations, followed by extreme discomfort, and even the degree of psychological rejection will not be the same as seeing an animal corpse.

Even people will have different emotions when they see a massacre. They will be filled with righteous indignation when they see their own race being slaughtered, and they will feel sympathy when they see a weak alien race being massacred by a powerful alien race.

Waiting for the aliens to slaughter the earthlings one day, as a member of the earthlings, I don't care about race or skin color, the only thing I know is that I can't survive if I don't fight with you.

There is a kind of creature in the world who is born as a human being, but they will gradually surpass all living beings.This kind of creature is called a leader. From the spiritual level, they no longer regard themselves as members of the general public, and their perspectives on things will be different from ordinary people, and they still have two sets of perspectives that are different in peacetime and wartime.

In times of peace, leaders take a comprehensive view. When formulating development plans, they generally benefit the majority and fail to take care of the minority.Of course, it is also possible to care for the few and ignore the majority.

In times of war, life should be a number in the eyes of a qualified leader. As long as the desired goal or goal can be achieved, no matter how many people are sacrificed, it will be valuable, and it is not hesitating to sacrifice oneself.

Liu Yan is also the leader, the biggest leader.In fact, he has always been in a half-blind state internally, and he really has no ideas. Many things just set a general direction.

ha! ?It must be that people who have gone through nine years of obligatory Dafa don't know how to govern the country?

The problem is that Liu Yan really doesn't know how to govern the country. Before he crossed over, his highest level was to become a non-commissioned officer. He didn't study economics and management, and he didn't study the rest at all.

It is not a joke at all, a commoner suddenly became the leader of the country, and if he is really asked to manage the country, the country is in chaos every minute, and all kinds of ideal ideas, realistic and backbone policies make the people of the country miserable, and then they should It was the country that became turbulent.

Managing soldiers and managing the country's civil affairs are two different things. Liu Yan knows the military, so he focuses his energy on military-related matters. In terms of civil affairs, he basically listens to reports and acts as a decision maker.

"All ministers discuss a plan, and I will review it." Liu Yan was stunned for a long time just now, but everyone was actually in a quiet state: "One thing to note is that the fiefdoms outside the mainland should be sealed with the fiefs within the mainland. Master it to a degree."

Not all those who are eligible to enjoy enfeoffment treatment will choose to go abroad, even if the degree of freedom is higher outside the enfeoffment, I am afraid that most people who are eligible to enjoy enfeoffment treatment will choose to stay in China.

The execution of the twentieth rank is actually a process of enfeoffment, but it is more fragmented, and the treatment is not as high as that of the Zhou royal family. One of them is that they have no autonomy.

Everyone started to make eye contact with each other again, and they were very distressed about how to control the speed.

The Xiaochao meeting has only discussed a topic here, and the next step is what attitude the foreign countries should have.

Generally speaking, Liu Yan's keynote is "inner sage and outer king", but it should not be overly domineering, especially before the internal affairs are straightened out, Persian Sasanian and Rome should not be overly stimulated.

"Xie An is already on the way back to the country. When he returns, he can ask for his opinion." Xu Zheng thought for a while, and he should maintain a buffer with the Persian Sasanian: "We still have to listen to Xie An's own evaluation of Hunnit."

"The descendants of the Northern Huns must not be let go!" Ran Min didn't deliberately challenge Xu Zheng: "According to the descriptions of the Persians and Qiang people, there are quite a few descendants of the Northern Huns in Hunnit."

To continue the country title of the former Han Dynasty, one must inherit the responsibilities that should be assumed. Knowing that there is no Northern Huns, even if they are crossing mountains and seas, they have to scream at them, otherwise they will be ashamed to say that they are Han people.

Liu Yan really wanted to make a gesture of covering his forehead. Fortunately, there is no such sentence as "If you don't break Loulan, you will never return it", otherwise Xizheng's footsteps should stop at Shanshan.

In fact, Liu Yan has never understood what Loulan is. In the Western Han Dynasty, Loulan was back and forth between the Xiongnu and the Han Dynasty, but after the Eastern Han Dynasty, he has become a loyal dog of the Han Dynasty. Could it be Loulan during the Jin Dynasty and the Five Husbands? People not only resurrected with full blood but also became stronger, which caused Li Tang to be provoked later?
Huang Sha wears gold armor in battle, and will not pay back without breaking Loulan.


The Ming emperor Xingchi sealed the sword, resigned from the king and took Loulan overnight.


Willing to put the sword down at the waist, straight to cut Loulan.


How late is it that the country returns, and Loulan has not returned it.


The official army went out of Loulan to the west, and the camp was near the cold moon.


What kind of grudge did Li Tang have with Lou Lan?

Considering that Tang Taizong Li Shimin was the first emperor to read the emperor's daily life records, because his black history also interfered with historical records, it seems that it is not impossible to erase some historical events, so why Li Tang is so obsessed with Loulan? An event was covered up?
"...For a long time to drive the Xiongnu, left to look at Ling Xianbei. Abandoning the edge of the body, life is safe? Parents don't care, what is the son and wife! The names of the strong men are not allowed to be selfish. Die to go to the country, and ignore death. Homecoming!" Liu Yan has been trying to catch up on knowledge recently, paused, and rubbed his chin: "Qinghai Changyun dark snow mountain, isolated city looking at Yumen Pass in the distance. The yellow sand wears gold armor in a hundred battles. If you don't break Loulan, you will never return it."

Everyone still knew that what Liu Yan was reading earlier was Cao Zhi's "White Horse Chapter", which involved the Xiongnu, but after listening to it, they not only found it strange, but also didn't understand what Liu Yan meant by singing folk songs now.

More importantly, it is politically correct to hate the Huns, but what does it mean to hate Loulan?
"Your Majesty!" Ran Min stood up, saluted and said forcefully, "I wish to kill all Shanshan people for Your Majesty!"

The literature of each era has its own popularity and standards, such as the Spring and Autumn and Warring States and even the Han Dynasty, there must be a "Xi" in poetry.

The poems at this stage and the poems of the Sui and Tang Dynasties are two different standards. At present, the seven-character quatrains are not yet mature, and they are generally used as folk songs.

Liu Yan looked at Ran Min silently, he couldn't say that he had a brain twitch, could he?Let your mind flow to think about why Li Tang hates Loulan.Even if he talks about Li Tang, it also extends the topic of what Li Tang's empire is. The minister should consider whether to kill all the people with the surname Li. This will be a big crime.

The scene fell into silence for a while, and an awkward atmosphere was spreading.

In the end, it was Ji Chang who came to the rescue. He talked about what the diplomatic missions from various countries had done on the way to Chang'an, and picked out an interesting thing to talk about, which can be regarded as alleviating the embarrassing atmosphere.

Loulan...that is, Shanshan, they are now the number one henchmen of the Han people in the Western Regions, equivalent to the roles of Brahmins and Kshatriyas in the Asan Continent, and they obey the orders of the Han people to do some dirty work.

Shanshan people are so obedient, and they will be slaughtered?Wouldn't it be clear to all the foreigners that the Han people did not leave them a way to survive.

Forcibly alleviating the embarrassing topic, the discussion was tasteless, and the Xiaochaohui ended in an inexplicable atmosphere.

All the ministers left, Liu Yan was still wondering how Loulan provoked Li Tang on the way back to the harem.If he remembers correctly, Loulan had perished before Li Tang was established. It seems that Li Tang had studied how Loulan disappeared overnight.

Liu Yan was completely lost in thinking and couldn't extricate himself. He forgot that the "ancient people" had their own thinking. What the Tang people hated was not Loulan, but a way of expressing their desire to restore the glory of the Han Dynasty. to the west of World's Edge.

Entering the palace area of ​​the harem, Liu Yan was still trying to figure it out. He turned a corner and saw the guards in front of him making isolation gestures on both sides. What he saw was Pars Alizoya and a palace maid kneeling by the roadside. I just glanced at it, but didn't think to pay attention to it.

Pars Alizoa was the Zoroastrian saint who had performed songs and dances in the Pingman school captain. She was sent to Han as a symbol of the friendship between Persian Sassanid and Han. Liu Yan.

Liu Yan doesn't have much interest in expanding the size of the harem, but he doesn't reject it either. After accepting Pars Alizoya, he pampered her a few times with a curiosity-seeking mentality. Afterwards, the curiosity-seeking psychology disappeared, and he didn't hear that she was pregnant. He didn't call again.

Parsi Alizoya was wearing a "good envoy"-level palace uniform, and there was only one maid serving beside him.

The so-called "good envoy" is the No.14 bed attendant in the harem. During the Western Han Dynasty, it was the last of the bed attendants.

"Your Majesty." Seeing that Liu Yan only glanced at him and was about to pass by without any pause, Pars Alizoa called out to Liu Yan's back with great courage, and saw Liu Yan's footsteps stop. The person who came down also looked back, made a motion of kowtow, and repeated: "Your Majesty."

"Do you know Loulan?" Liu Yan certainly didn't forget who Pars Alizoya was. He didn't know why he asked Loulan out of nowhere, but then he looked up at the sky and was totally puzzled: "Why do I keep thinking about Loulan? "

Pars Alizoya faced the ground with no expression on his face, and took a few breaths before speaking: "Loulan was called in ancient times, but now it is called Shanshan, and it is His Majesty's Shanshan County."

Shanshan County was named by Liu Yan, so of course I don't know.

Liu Yan stepped forward again, then stopped suddenly and turned his head to look at Pars Alizoya. It happened that Pars Alizoia raised his head when he heard the footsteps, and what he saw was a picture full of disappointment. Face.

"I finally know why Li Tang is obsessed with Loulan!" Liu Yan solved the confusion in his heart, and waved to Pars Alizoya: "You walk with the widow."

Liu Yan really knows why he is obsessed with Li Tang's obsession with breaking Loulan. That is also the problem that Han is facing now. They cannot have no enemies, and they need an enemy that can entangle with them!
History has repeatedly taught us that a country without enemies... eat dates... pills!
(End of this chapter)

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