sweeping the world

Chapter 895 Isn't It Too Desperate

Chapter 895 Isn't It Too Desperate

Did you bring the enemy here?
Well.team leader.The imperial army asked me to bring you a message...

Uh... as long as you can surrender to the imperial army...

Daydreaming!You traitor!


Thinking about it, Liu Yan didn't know why a sketch that he had seen a long time ago appeared in Liu Yan's mind, full of jokes and burdens, but the background was actually full of sadness.

Occupying a place, a few people can manage a township, and dozens of people can manage a county seat. Isn't that the little devil's sense of sight for the occupied area?

People who have not experienced that era can hardly understand how tens of thousands of people in a county are easily monitored by dozens of people, nor can they understand why they do not fight desperately when they know they must die.

Liu Yan has read some battle reports of the battle of the Gupta Dynasty. Usually, a five Han army can control a village with a population of thousands of people, and a team of Han army can suppress a city where Ah San dare not resist.

Why are so few soldiers able to do that?It was behind the soldiers that there was a country Ah San feared. Most of Ah San believed that their death in the resistance was absolutely in vain, and they might as well live like that.

The doctor of the fifth rank is probably the military position around the head of the army in the army, and the local official system is probably the chief officer of a certain department in the county.It can be regarded as the backbone group in the entire Han system, supporting the basic operation of the country.

"How many doctors do we have?"

"Returning to the king, the data for this year has not yet been counted. There were more than [-] people last year."

"How much will it increase this year?"

"There should be [-]?"

Liu Yan knew it in his heart. There are about [-] doctors with fifth-level titles in the whole country. Seriously speaking, we can't say too much, or even a little less.

"People above the fifth level of title..." Ji Chang needed to think about it carefully, and after checking in his mind repeatedly, he said, "There should be more than [-] people after statistics this year."

The twentieth-class nobility is more difficult to rise up. The real situation is that after the hairpin of the third-level nobility is reached, the nobility is no longer based on the way of recording merit by winning the first level.

The rest of those who won titles outside of war have different ways of recording their merits, such as what new creations a craftsman developed or improved, or how much more grain a person paid to the country within his share.

When the Han State calculated the title, it also included business affairs. Whoever paid how much tax in a year, if the amount was reached, he would be awarded the title.

However, to say that the most convenient way to obtain a title is to go to the battlefield. Other methods of obtaining a title are very difficult to upgrade to a higher title after the title is high.

The way to obtain titles by military exploits, since the third level, how many wars have been participated in and won, the scale of the wars, and what kind of credits have been made by the troops, are calculated in a cumulative way. .

To obtain titles through commercial taxation, you need to pay [-] baht to become a public official, and you need to pay [-] baht if you want to be promoted to Shangzao.From the second level to the fifth level doctor is ten times the accumulation, after becoming a doctor it becomes twenty times the accumulation, the higher the multiplier the more.

Except for a very small number of people, it is very difficult to be promoted to the rank after becoming a hairpin. Those who have military status and good luck can be selected to participate in a certain war again and again. Because of their participation in the war, they can accumulate the number of battles, that is one step Step up one step at a time.

There are very few lucky people who beheaded the senior generals of the enemy army with their low ranks, so they don't have to accumulate the number of battles again and again, and they can directly advance to a rank or jump a few steps.

"There are about [-] doctors, and the above is less than [-]?" Liu Yan thought this was very reasonable, and he asked again: "How many big men have nobles?"

This time Ji Chang answered quickly: "Nearly 80."

"How much?" Ran Min usually didn't pay attention to these things, and repeated in surprise: "How much did the prime minister say?!"

"80." Fortunately, Ji Changde does not need to pay monthly salaries to people with titles, but only gives them the benefits they deserve, and every time they are promoted, they will be supplemented with benefits according to their rank: "The number of nobles is the largest. , more than 60."

"That is to say, at least 80 men beheaded the enemy with their own hands?" Ran Min ignored other ways to obtain the title this time: "This is really an excellent thing, there are 80 men who can see blood .”

"There are more than so many heads that can be beheaded for meritorious deeds." Xu Zheng's repeater seemed to read the promotion methods of each level of title to the level of Zan Niao: "The recorded number of killings is 220 million."

Ran Min immediately grinned, feeling extremely happy.Of the 220 million, at least 70 were written by him, which was produced when the Jie people were exterminated.

At this moment, I don't know how many people showed trance expressions.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was chaotic in all aspects, and the number of enemies killed was not particular, but it should have killed more than a hundred thousand, right?

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, various aspects began to be formalized, especially Liu Yan's decision to restart the system of the [-]th rank. The record of the number of enemies killed is definitely done in a serious manner.

During the 12-year campaign, 220 million enemies were killed, that is, at least 18 enemies were killed every year.

They stood up again in an environment where the barbarians were raging, and then went abroad. On average, 18 enemies were killed each year, which is not too much, but the data summary sounds scary.

Facts have repeatedly proved that the establishment of the country is indeed based on mountains of corpses and seas of blood, not only the sacrifices of the enemy, but also the sacrifices of our own people.

Liu Yan needs to clarify one thing: "That data doesn't include this year's Gupta dynasty, right?"

Xu Zheng bowed and replied, "It's not included."

Ran Min asked with great interest: "If you count it, can you break through 250 million?"

This Xu Zheng couldn't tell clearly, and he still had to wait for Yuan Qiao, who was staying in Asan Continent, to make statistics and send the battle report to the center.

"At the stage of the decisive battle, Ah San collapsed very quickly." Xu Zheng knew what kind of warfare would be if the enemy army collapsed quickly: "There will not be too many Ah San who will die in the hands of our people."

Ran Min let out a regretful "Oh".

The data they mentioned was only the number of military kills, and did not include those who died directly or indirectly in the war. If it were included, the number of people who died and disappeared in the past 12 years would definitely not be less than 400 million or even more. .

"Since the eighth year of Yuanshuo, the great man has lost no less than 13 slaves every year." Cai You continued slowly: "The number of slaves lost in Yuanshuo's tenth year reached 43, and the number of slaves lost in Yuanshuo's 11th year was 37. 57 have been lost this year."

Come on, the blood debt on the heads of the Han people has increased by another 130 million.

"There are still many major projects to come. Fortunately, the Gupta Dynasty was conquered and Africa was found." Cai You said without any psychological burden: "There should be no shortage of labor."

Liu Yan has no psychological burden, as long as the dead are not Han Chinese, it doesn't matter how many people die.

(End of this chapter)

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