sweeping the world

Chapter 891 There is a lot of information, let me understand it

Chapter 891 has a lot of information, let’s find out more

There is no doubt that the current military power of the Han State is very strong, and it may still be the kind of military power that can easily beat any country, including Rome and Sasanian.

"The next time the big men start a national war again, it should be a world war." Liu Yan was not joking: "We have already shown our strength, and they will not give us an environment to break through."

"What the king said is true." Lu Yi said with a smile: "The Romans and Persians in the envoy team became very friendly after seeing the power of gunpowder."

As a member of a powerful country, knowing that other countries are afraid of your own country is a wonderful experience. You instantly feel that it doesn’t matter if you are small. Anyway, big guys from other countries don’t dare to move a hair of your own, just because they dare , Small things will also become the pressure of the country on the country.

"It's a pity!" Ran Min glanced unhappily at a group of people including Ji Chang, who are all conservatives who advocate the revision of internal affairs and should not start the national war again: "You are too cowardly, if you want me to say it, let me say it while they are still there." We didn't have time to unite, and swept across!"

At this time, regardless of whether what Ran Min said is right or not, the military personnel should also look at the conservatives with contempt. If it is not true that a big war is about to start, it is the soldiers who cannot show their cowardly side!
In this atmosphere, Liu Yan only needs to smile.

"Although I don't want to admit it, it is an established fact that the big man is full of food." Ji Chang put on a reasonable posture: "I am working hard on resettlement, and the places that should be left unused continue to be left unused. Cities with a large population already have a large population. It continues to rise."

Cai You, the great steward of the country's finances and resources, also had to say: "Jingkou, Linzi, and Buqi (Jiaozhou Bay) provide 36% of the annual tax revenue. Please bear with the over-concentrated population."

It's about wealth, and no one will gossip about it. If you don't have money to build, the army should stop.

Three places accounted for 30.00% of the total tax revenue of the country Six?In fact, it is also understandable. It is not modern at present. Even if the Han Dynasty attaches great importance to the construction of roads, it is impossible to really achieve the convenience of extending in all directions.

Linzi has its own background, especially she is the first capital of the Han Dynasty. While having a high political status, it also first gathered the first batch of merchants.

Jingkou and Buqi are two of the current two major ports in the Han Dynasty, and the other big port is Mashijin in Liaodong.

Mashijin, located on the Liaodong Peninsula, was built for military purposes and has not been converted to civilian use for a long time. It was the largest base of the Han fleet from the beginning, and its status has not changed until now.

Jingkou and Buqi are also super big ports.

Jingkou can’t be regarded as a coastal port, it’s just an inland port, but its geographical location really has too many natural advantages. It can not only welcome business travel and goods from the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River, but also the preferred port of call for sea merchants entering the inland point.

If it is said that Jingkou and Jiankang, a super city, are in a complementary relationship, then the relationship between it and Linzi is actually the same.

Not only is it also a place to welcome merchants from sea merchants, but it is also the preferred place for sea merchants to hoard goods. As long as there are enough goods, there must be many people going to trade.

Most of the merchants concentrated in the three places to conduct transactions, and the more the transaction volume, the more tax contributions would naturally be. As a result, it was difficult to generate new transaction centers, and the rest of the places could only be small.

In this glass house, including Liu Yan, anyone who can be called a big shot has more or less his own property in the three trading centers. Unless it is really necessary, no one will It is proposed to move those three places.

"The advantages of centralized trading outweigh the disadvantages." Ji Chang continued to reason: "Easier supervision and control is the biggest good thing."

For the sake of five baht, and in order not to arouse unnecessary fear, everyone smiled and nodded.

In some respects, the current state of Han is a bit weak. After the war, the population has dropped sharply. It takes time for various places to restore people's livelihood, and the foundation should be built.

The current internal structure of the Han people is actually very complicated. More than half of them were not originally Han people, but other races that were integrated during Liu Yan's campaign.

For a long time, Liu Yan has actually been vigilant internally, fearing that the Han people who have integrated in will make some big noises.

Fortunately, the national army has repeatedly won battles on the battlefield, and the number of enemies is decreasing day by day.

Facts once again proved one thing, in the era of weak national concepts, as long as their own strength is strong enough, the people who are integrated will be more determined, and even more loyal to the ruler above their heads than the group of people who are rooted in Hongmiaozheng.

"No one has gone back and missed which clan they used to be." Lu Yi was not lying: "Before they didn't have any rights and interests, not only they were the master's, but also their wives and children, including property. When Han people can own their own private property, only this will identify with the identity of Han people, not to mention the other benefits and pride of being a Han person."

"If it wasn't for love..." Ran Min narrowed his eyes: "Every barbarian must die!"

This is a person who has deep-rooted thoughts because of his early experiences. If he can make the decision, the national policy must be according to his own ideas, that is, the best barbarian is the dead barbarian.

The people present were all descendants of the Han family with roots of red seedlings. They just listened to Ran Min's remarks and would not react.

If Qian Jiantong, Su Wanwo and some Sinicized barbarians were present, they would not dare to confront Ran Min directly, but it is impossible to say that there is no grudge.

"Yong Zeng..." Liu Yan said with a smile, "I think about it carefully, maybe I should let you go to Africa."

Ran Min: "...", if you go to Africa, will the fiefdom be divided in Africa? I heard that there are all black people covered in black. It seems that you can kill..., oh, you can have a good time if you don't kill them?

Then there's the baby boom issue.

The center started to encourage more births in the fourth year of Yuanshuo, but the period from the fourth year of Yuanshuo to the eighth year of Yuanshuo did not usher in the outbreak of newborn babies, and the baby boom came after the ninth year of Yuanshuo.

In the fourth year of Yuanshuo, Liu Yan seemed to have just recovered the Shandong Peninsula, and he didn't even take Qingzhou as a whole.

When wars broke out, any responsible parents would not choose to have children. Not only is it difficult for pregnant mothers to get any nutritional supplements, but no one knows how long they will live, so how could they possibly want to have children.

The reason why the Han Dynasty ushered in a baby boom in the ninth year of Yuanshuo was because the Han army had already recovered the old land of the Han family, and the domestic unstable factors were basically eliminated, but the war was still going on abroad. The internal society is basically stabilizing.

According to relevant data, in the ninth year of Yuanshuo, the number of newborn babies nationwide reached 120 million, and in the tenth year of Yuanshuo, it increased to 150 million, and every subsequent year showed a steady increase.

The society is stable, and the country's large-scale projects have enabled most people to have a stable income, and their lives are not bad, so parents will think that they should work hard to create people.

The current state of Han looks strong, and it is indeed strong, but there are still many problems. Liu Yan is very clear that it is not the time to launch the jihad of unifying the world island.

In the current Han Dynasty, there are actually about 380 million male soldiers and about 190 million female soldiers. (These data include those who are already serving)
The so-called source of soldiers is not only those who are physically qualified, but also those who have undergone systematic military training.

The Han Dynasty has been conducting summer and winter military training in rural communities. From eight or nine-year-old children to 40-year-old men, both men and women will be recruited for training.

This also makes it clear why the Han Kingdom does not distinguish between men and women, and the reason why everyone from children to the elderly always carry weapons is actually a habit.

There are also grades for being recognized as a military source, that is, after a war breaks out, you can pick and choose high-quality military sources. Males aged 25 to 25 are the priority recruiting targets, 30 to [-] are the secondary recruiting targets, and males over [-] years old and the rest The mobilization of female soldiers was ordered only when they were forced to do so.

If it is not necessary, no country will engage in national mobilization.Any national mobilization will basically cause unimaginable damage to the entire country, not just the damage caused by economic regression.

"This time the war against the Gupta Dynasty, the Persians have no sense of presence throughout the whole process, and the rest of the countries are also playing soy sauce." Liu Yan thought that the "Five-Nation Alliance" was a joke from the beginning to the end: "The combined effect of the other four countries , not as much as Cabaragas."

Reminder, it is Calabagas, not Calabagas, but because Liu Yan made a mistake this time, the country of Calabagas will no longer be listed in the official records of the Han Dynasty, and there will only be Calabagas in any records. The name Garth.

A female official looked at the official historian who was scribbling, and then saw Ji Chang's undisguised reminder. Cui Zong retreated silently, and then looked at Liu Yan with infinite admiration.

Mouth containing Tianxian, it is the correct way to use it here!

Cui Zong will go to the relevant personnel to prepare the prerequisites first, and then officials from the Honglu Pavilion will sail to Calabasas by boat, find the king of the country, and throw the "name change letter" in his face.

However, the king of Calabasas seems to be on a ship coming to Han mainland?
Liu Yan didn't know what caused his slip of the tongue, and asked Ji Chang and Xu Zheng: "The Gupta Dynasty has come to an end, what kind of constitution is the 'Alliance of Five Kingdoms'?"

Ji Chang looked at Xu Zheng and indicated that military matters should be left to Xu Zheng, the military boss.

"The result of the discussions in the Taiwei Office is that the 'Alliance of Five Nations' can be kept first." When Xu Zheng spoke, his eyes were looking at Liu Yan, but his hands kept pressing down on Ran Min: "Your Majesty, we need This 'Alliance of Five'."

Liu Yan said "Well..." and nodded indifferently to express his approval.

By allowing the "Five-Nation Alliance" to continue to exist, it would not irritate the Persian Sassanids, but it would also be able to maintain its reputation and cause trouble in the Asan Continent, including Central Asia and West Asia.

(End of this chapter)

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