sweeping the world

Chapter 890 Ran Min's tricks to die

Chapter 890 Ran Min's tricks to die

It is good for Liu Yan to smile more, and it is even better for the whole country.

There is such a kind of people in the world. When they are in a happy mood and laugh a lot, the country will be happy.Once they keep their faces dark all the time, the country will fall into all kinds of man-made turmoil.

That kind of person is generally a dictator who holds all the power. The happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy of any person in the country depends on his mood. If he is happy, things can go bad no matter how bad they are, and if they are unhappy, even great good things can be turned into worst thing ever.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at Liu Yan all the time.

If Liu Yan had a gloomy face for several days in a row, Miyagi would be the first to be investigated, and he would investigate who caused the upset.

It is inevitable that some innocent people in Miyagi will be unlucky during this period. Some people will definitely go missing. They will be imprisoned first. After a long time, no noble people ask about their whereabouts. It is very likely that they found a random well and sunk them.

After the investigation, Miyagi did not find any results, so the investigation should be extended to the officialdom. Afterwards, some people who were already tainted were dealt with severely, and officials who had done nothing wrong would also be trembling.

When officials in a country start to tremble, the whole country will fall into a high degree of official control, and the government's actions will inevitably become stricter.That's because the officials know the wind direction is wrong, and they don't want any moths to attract attention, and they are stared at and bitten desperately. It's better to let the rule be unlucky than themselves, and they can't control how the lives of the people under the rule will be affected. .

If Liu Yan remains in a happy mood for a certain period of time, the first to benefit will be the Miyagi office staff. Not only will some minor mistakes be ignored, but major mistakes will also be punished lightly within the framework of the rules.

After all, the emperor is so happy, it is better not to have some unpleasant things happen.

Seeing Liu Yan happy, San Gong and Jiu Qing will greatly relax their mood.

Smile is a very magical expression. Even the three princes and nine ministers are so happy, and their subordinates will also be happy. By extension, the atmosphere in the center is very good. The local government will not feel uncomfortable knowing that the atmosphere in the center is very good. The tension needed.

An administrative system that is not maliciously manipulated can maintain a good operation, and the government will do less nonsensical things, which is the greatest gift to the people.

On the ninth day of November in the 12th year of Yuanshuo, the weather was sunny and sunny.

The weather was good, Liu Yan was in a good mood, all the ministers had nothing to worry about, and the atmosphere in the side hall of Jianzhang Palace was very relaxed.

If there are no special events or accidents, there will be a grand court meeting every six days in the center of the Han Dynasty.

That is to say, officials who are qualified in the capital, they get up early and dark into the palace city every six days to participate in the government affairs, and most of them participate only with their ears.

The small pilgrimage is held every three days, and the location of the small pilgrimage is not fixed, it is only limited to the Sangong Jiuqing and those who are specially summoned.However, the number of participants in Umrah is not fixed.

Regarding the Grand Court Meeting, there is no dynasty that has a Grand Court Meeting every day. The more diligent emperors hold a Great Court Meeting once every three days, while the lazy emperors do not even participate in the Great Court Meeting, or are even too lazy to even care about state affairs.

Xiaochaohui can be regarded as a high-level internal discussion meeting.

There is often no pre-set theme in the Xiaochaohui. The chief officers of each major department report to the boss their recent work status and look forward to their own small goals.

The place where everyone is seated is the side hall. Except for the maids serving the side and the guards who stand guard, all officials can have their own seats, including the female officials of Miyagi.

This side hall is on the third floor, needless to say inside the hall, Liu Yan asked the maids to arrange seats in the glass room outside, and everyone stayed in the glass room full of light.

Since there was no unexpected big event, various drinks, fruits, and desserts were prepared for people to eat.

Just now Ji Chang was talking about the recovery of various places after the drought, when he saw Ran Min striding in out of the corner of his eye, he paused.

Ran Min returned to the mainland from Xigaoche before the season entered winter. Because he was too rough during the battle, he was hit by an arrow in his shoulder joint. Those who are called to participate in the Xiaochaohui generally do not go out, and they have only recently become active again.

"Yong Zeng?" What Liu Yan saw was Ran Min with a rosy face, but for some reason he had to hang his hand in a sling: "Your injured part seems to be the other arm. Besides... isn't it healed? "

Ran Min paused for a few tenths of a second, with an awkward yet polite smile on his face, and continued walking while saying, "Your Majesty, this is a new injury."

Now their names for Liu Yan are a bit messy, some continue to call him the king, some call him your majesty, and some even call him the king habitually.

"Didn't I come home with a firecracker?" Ran Min grinned and said nonchalantly, "I got hit by accident."

The real situation is that Ran Min put on heavy armor himself. He didn't believe that the fire cannon could penetrate the heavy armor, but he didn't want to kill himself by hitting his body. He ordered his retainers to shoot at his arm at close range. The projectile did not penetrate the armor. , but the impact force was enough for him to bear. His arm was dislocated and reattached, but the doctor suggested hanging it.

Everyone was stunned by one of them.

"You mean, you ordered Liu Yi to shoot at your arm just because you didn't believe that muskets could penetrate armor?" Xu Zheng tried his best to suppress a smile: "Looking at your appearance, you must not have pierced through your armor. Should it hang for a while?"

The firecracker they are talking about is really a firecracker, not a newly researched flintlock.

The caliber of the gun is much larger than that of a flintlock. It is not too much to say that it is a portable gun, and its power is much greater than that of a flintlock.

Ran Min must have put on several layers of armor, or only one layer of armor would not be able to withstand close-range fire from the musket.

"Anyway, there is nothing to do." Ran Min sat down on the palace maid's newly moved seat, looked around, and saw everyone looking at him with suppressed smiles. He was not angry at all: "Didn't you say that firearms will dominate the battlefield in the future? ? Always test each weapon first.”

The corner of Liu Yan's mouth twitched immediately.All he knew was that Ran Min really didn't calm down when he returned to the capital.

After Ran Min returned to the capital, he first played with the guns of each caliber. Three of the guns with the largest caliber were knocked out, and he claimed that he was testing the quality for the army.

After playing with cannons enough, Ran Min became interested in all kinds of blasting. He applied for a box of detonators to blow up fish, and even went to the big river (Yellow River) to blow up fish.After blowing up the river, he started to blow up the mountains.

Those who knew what Ran Min was doing thought that Ran Min should stop after he bombed the mountain, but they were very wrong. Ran Min played with muskets when he returned to the capital again, from the first generation to the latest scientific research products.

Can Liu Yan regard Ran Min as a protest?
The Han State is now strictly separated from the military and the government. After reaching a certain level, unless they are directly ordered, they have no right to continue to command the army when they return to the capital. That is why Ran Min said that there is nothing to do.

It's November, and the generals who are not in the country have basically embarked on their way back to the country early, and the generals who are in the country are also on their way to the capital.

Every year from November to the last day of December, it is the time when civil and military officials of all levels go to the capital to report on their duties.

There will be a two-month debriefing time. It is impossible to keep the highest officials or lower-level officials from working at the same time. It is necessary to allow enough time for them to take turns.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to return to the center to report on your duties. For example, Huan Wen didn't return to China the year before. He was allowed by Liu Yan to stay in the Asan Continent to continue commanding operations, but Yuan Qiao, the chief of the expeditionary force, returned to China.

There is no big threat around the Han Kingdom, and there is no need for Ran Min, a hussar general, to lead the army. Liu Yan will agree with Ran Min to go to Xigaoche, mainly because Liu Yan knows that Ran Min is a quiet man at all. Those who do not come down.

No, Ran Min only stayed in the capital for two months, so he played around early this morning.

Ran Min was also lucky enough to play with himself until his arm was dislocated.If he wanted to try whether it would be okay to be hit by a firecracker while wearing a helmet, even if the helmet was not pierced, the thrust of the projectile would "drag" his neck off.

"Your Majesty." Seeing that everyone was silent, Ran Min took the opportunity to apply: "Can you allow me to go to the newly discovered continent?"

Nor can it be said that Africa is newly discovered. During the time when they traveled from Malacca to Asanyang and fought the Asan Continental War, the Han Kingdom had already discovered the existence of the African continent, but they would not have much time to explore for a while.

The Han people began to look at the African continent. It was Wang Meng’s fleet that sent people ashore when they found that there were so many black corns on that continent. interest of.

"Hussar General..." Ji Chang wasn't sure whether Ran Min had forgotten or something happened, and reminded him, "The war between the Han and Gupta is over."

Of course Ran Min knew that the war against Gupta was over.He also knew that Huan Wen had returned to the country privately without permission, and Xu Zheng had complained a lot about Huan Wen for causing trouble for him in the past period of time.

"I know." Ran Min said dully, "The war against Gupta was directed by Huan Wen, and he had nothing to do with Min."

With Liu Yan present, Ji Chang had no way to tell Ran Min directly, saying that since the war over there was over and the ceremony of proclaiming the emperor would be held soon, the country should enter the stage of substantive discussions on enfeoffment. Is it the right time to go out and surf?

"Okay." Liu Yan is not slow, and he knows what everyone is looking forward to, but what I want to talk about today has nothing to do with enfeoffment: "The war against Gupta is over, and the biggest war against the Han Dynasty will be over. Your Excellencies , Jinglue has reported back the news, you guys can talk about it."

By the way, what they want to discuss is what kind of posture Han used to contact other countries.

(End of this chapter)

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