sweeping the world

Chapter 874 To Teacher?nonexistent!

Chapter 874 To Teacher?nonexistent!
Samadhara Gupta came with a mighty army.

Of the [-] imperial guards belonging to the Gupta royal family, except for the [-] left to guard Huashi City, the remaining [-] were brought by Samadhara Gupta. They were [-] cavalry, [-] chariot soldiers, [-] elephant soldiers and Twenty thousand infantry.

In addition, the number of troops belonging to the Kshatriya Legion reached 12, of which [-] came from allied countries, and the rest were armed forces gathered by untouchables.

The Kshatriya Army is also divided into arms. The number of cavalry is almost 1, [-] are chariot soldiers, and the rest are infantry.

The eight allies of the Gupta Dynasty gathered together [-] cavalry, [-] chariot troops, [-] elephant troops, and the rest were infantry.

A population of 30 is boundless, and [-] people seem to be densely packed on the ground, not to mention horses and other animal power, carriages and mule carts.

On such a large plain, so many people marched over in darkness, and military flags were flying everywhere, which looked incomparably spectacular.

"It's really like a moving forest!" Marcus had never seen so many people marching together, and couldn't help being shocked: "Among the history I know, only Darius of Persia gathered so many people. A large number of troops marched to the battlefield."

Cambyses turned dark when he heard that.

Darius?No matter how many generations it is, as long as the Europeans mention Darius, there will be a dark history about the Persians.Who made the ancestors of the Persians fall at the feet of the Europas again and again?
The Romans rarely used more than 10 troops in battles. They could usually defeat the surrounding barbarians with less than [-] troops.Especially after the Romans gained hegemony in the Mediterranean, their approximately [-] troops were only used when fighting the Persians. To deal with other barbarians, it was basically just a legion with some vassal barbarians.

Coincidentally, in recent decades, the Persians have rarely deployed more than [-] troops to a certain battlefield at once. The largest number of troops invested in a battlefield at once in ten years was the battle with the Romans for Syria, but it was only embarrassing. Eighty-seven thousand, which is still thirteen thousand away from the number of one hundred thousand.

It’s not that the Romans and Persians didn’t want to gather a large number of troops to fight. Rome just came out of civil strife, and Persia was still in civil strife. The Romans didn’t have the money to arm too many troops, and the Persian troops needed to be dispersed in various places to maintain stability or Suppress rebellion.

"Samodragupta really came in person." Yulian was a little sad: "The Seres really want to use the existing army to fight a decisive battle with so many Xindu troops?"

On the other side of Ah San's barracks, after knowing that Samadhara Gupta had arrived on the battlefield in person, there were waves of cheers, which seemed to boost the morale of the army.

In contrast, the Han army seemed very quiet here, and they didn't even shoot arrows, but they didn't see any reinforcements or anything.

The number of Asan who originally confronted and fought with the Han army was more than 30. Even if it lost 25 to 30, there are still about 55 left. The newly arrived Asan army on the battlefield is at least [-]. At least [-] troops, followed by Ah San's troops coming continuously.

"The Han Empire has two standing armies here, [-] elite soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles." Xeas more or less wanted to speak for his allies: "There are also [-] county soldiers who will never lose to Gupta professional soldiers. Wan is a Japanese servant who does not hesitate to fight."

It's fine if Xeas doesn't say anything, but it makes more people feel guilty.

It is a recognized fact that the Han Chinese can fight in the known world!
According to the Romans themselves, there is no reference value for one-on-one between the Han and the Romans. The difference between the same type of arms and no weapons and armor, the base number is [-], and the Han will win when they collide.

The Persians admitted that a thousand Han troops needed at least three thousand Persian soldiers to contend with them.

After some research, [-] soldiers of the Han army are worth at least [-] soldiers of the Kshatriya army. If they are untouchables...they have always given their heads away!
The 30 elite professional soldiers of the Han army are equivalent to 30 Kshatriya soldiers, and the Kshatriya army of the Gupta Dynasty is by no means as many as [-] soldiers.

So Julian's melancholy is not whether the Han army can win, but how to face such a powerful Han.

It is the Persians who are more troubled. On the one hand, they are surprised by the strength of the Han people, and on the other hand, they are afraid of the strength of the Han people.

What the Persians like about the strength of the Han people is that once they get the Han people together and have trouble with the Romans, can they beat the Romans every minute?
In the same way, if the powerful Han people are unwilling to be friends with the Persians, even if the Han people have not colluded with the Romans, both the Romans and the Han people can beat the Persians!

Xyas found something and said in surprise: "A cavalry team holding the flag of King Gupta came over. It should be King Gupta who invited General Huan Wen to talk before the battle."

Julian said blankly: "Samodara has been expanding since he became king, and has conquered a territory three times the size of his own country."

The Asan cavalry had a big heart, and they approached the Han army camp about [-] meters before stopping. They never thought about the problem that if the Han people didn't pay attention to direct shooting, they would hit the street.

Soon the Han army responded, and a cavalry of the same number as Ah San's cavalry left the camp, and the two sides communicated about five meters apart.

"Samodara, who can turn a weak Gupta into a powerful country, will not fail to see the reality." Julian looked quietly at the Gupta King's flag waving in the wind in the distance: "He must be thinking about how to end the war with dignity. "

As a Europa person, I have never rejected the idea of ​​admitting defeat if I can't beat it, and slowly developing after a wave. As long as it can survive, it means that everything is still possible.

Julian assumed the role of Samadragupta with Europa-style thinking. After thinking about it, the Gupta Dynasty really had only one way to choose.

One thing that Julian didn't know was that Samadragupta really wanted to fight first, and he had already found the reason. According to the Chinese culture, it is "able to stretch and bend" or "hard-working people" , the sky will live up to it, if you live on your salary and taste your courage, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu.".

The two waves of cavalry who spoke in front of the formation responded one after another. Not long after, the sound of war drums and horns appeared in the camps on both sides.

All the gates on the frontal battlefield of the Han army were opened, and groups of soldiers left the camp in an orderly manner.

The Gupta dynasty looked very miserable. The camp and other things had long been destroyed to a state of disgrace. There was no need to go through the military camp gate at all. Soldiers could be provided everywhere to get out of the camp.

Arranging troops is not something that will happen in a short time. How much time it takes depends entirely on what kind of formation you want to arrange. As onlookers, Julian, Xyas and other foreign visitors are from the perspective of appreciation. Watching the formation of troops on both sides.

It took about an hour and a half. The Han army took the lead in forming the formation, with the infantry in the center and the cavalry on both wings.

"What are those things?" Flavis pointed to some big guys covered by wooden boards: "It looks like even the horses are very difficult to pull. No doubt that whatever is being pulled is very heavy."

At the slightly front core of the infantry formation of the Han army, there are about a hundred large rectangular wooden crates, each about five meters apart, arranged in three rows of front, middle and rear. There are piles of boxes not far away, and some round rollers.

Naturally, Flavis didn't get the answer. He suspected that there were long-range equipment such as bed crossbows hidden, but he wondered why there were so many bed crossbows, cart crossbows, and catapults in the camp, so they were specially arranged in a place further forward.

The Gupta dynasty was still busy arranging their troops. I don’t know whether the Asans were showing off or intimidating. In the front row in the center were what looked like very large war elephants, but they all painted the elephants’ skin like He changed his color to white, and put on armor such as rattan armor, metal armor, and leather armor.I don’t know if the battle tower with a human on the back of the war elephant is intentional or just like that, but it looks gorgeous.

"At least [-] war elephants!" Cambyses said with a very serious expression, "Just this army of war elephants is enough to sweep away any small country in the surrounding area. Even if we meet them, it will be very troublesome!"

The Romans had not dealt with war elephant troops for a long time, but as a nobleman, they had to learn some Roman history. Understand that Roman history often encountered war elephant troops, and almost every time they fought extremely hard to win.

"Alexander the Great lost his confidence to continue his eastward expedition only when he encountered the war elephant troops of the Xindu people on his expedition to the East." Marus has Greek blood: "The pressure mountain encountered only dozens of war elephants. His Soldiers are no longer willing to fight."

The Gupta Dynasty displayed more than just war elephant troops. Behind the war elephant troops were densely packed chariot troops, and on both wings were even more cavalry. Judging from the lineup alone, it was very gorgeous.

On the battlefield, the sounds of drums, horns, elephants, and horses neighed one after another. Huan Wen rode on a majestic horse and was protected by his personal guard knights. On the battle tower, the elephant was carried and protected, and they were also moving forward. They stopped when they were three meters apart.

"Han generals from the far east, you have brought blood to this continent, and you will eventually sprinkle your blood on this land." Samadragupta looked at Huan Wen and advised: "Go back, you now There is still time to go back!"

A dedicated interpreter is present and will translate the conversation loudly.

When Samadhara Gupta finished speaking, first the guards around him cheered loudly, and then all the Asan on the battlefield cheered, making the translator embarrassed whether Huan Wen could hear his own translation.

Huan Wen came to confirm that Samadhara Gupta had personally arrived on the battlefield, and was especially close to the front of the battlefield, but he didn't really care what the other party wanted to say and what he said.

"Finished?" With a happy smile on Huan Wen's face, he nodded to Samadragupta: "Then I'm going back." Without giving Samdragupta any time to react, he turned his horse's head and yelled "Drive", gallop back neatly.

Samadhara Gupta was really stunned, he didn't even react, the responsible guard shouted and hurried back.

On the other side, the cannon that was blocked by the wooden plank revealed its real body and adjusted the shooting angle. Huan Wen galloped back while waving his hands and shouting: "Fire, fire, fire immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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