sweeping the world

Chapter 873 Samadhara Gupta

Chapter 873 Samadhara Gupta
Ah San naturally regarded the Han army's voluntary retreat from the captured camp as a victory, or the kind of victory he tasted for the first time after being sluggish for so long.

As for the about 8000 ambush soldiers being wiped out, none of the more than [-] people who launched the attack overnight escaped back. For Ah San's high-level decision makers, those are not important, okay, the important thing is that the Han army has retreated.

The Han army voluntarily withdrew from the captured camp, Ah San naturally wanted to take over the camp, and the front lines of both sides returned to the original boundary.

"You can't completely stop the attack, but you can't be too serious." One of Yuan Qiao's responsibilities is to deal with the follow-up: "A complete stop will make Ah San suspicious, and the attack is too fierce to stop."

Huan Wen's attention was no longer on the current Asan army, what he paid attention to was the movement of Samadhara Gupta.

"Ah San on the opposite side of us can be regarded as a regular army with only 6 to [-] troops." Yuan Qiao still admires Ah San's tenacity: "They have thrown [-] to [-] people in succession, but they don't care at all. No."

Huan Wen casually replied, "Ah San doesn't treat untouchables as adults."

Compared with Ah San's high caste, the Han people at least still regard the lower-level Ah San as human beings.

Slaves are at least one type of human being, and the Han people did not denounce all Ah Sans as slaves, and Ah Sans who were not in the way were still free citizens in front of them.Even if the Han people wanted to obtain labor, they hired them by means of employment. Some of the hired Asan worked locally, and a considerable part of them were sent to the mainland of Han.

"We are here to enforce the rule, not simply to burn, kill, and loot." Huan Wen never concealed his thoughts from Yuan Qiao: "The emperor wants to restore the distribution of feudal titles in the Asan Continent, so it is for his own fiefdom, so there shouldn't be too much Stimulate Ah San."

The matter of enfeoffment has been finalized, and it will be implemented after Liu Yan holds the ceremony of proclaiming the emperor.

The first area to be enfeoffed was the Asan Continent. As long as Jieshi was a Marquis, he could get his own Marquis, but the size of the Marquis depended on the achievements made in the past.

The old land of the Han family, including the Western Regions and Indochina Peninsula, together with the Pacific Islands, a large area of ​​land has been confirmed to be outside the scope of enfeoffment.If you look at a modern globe, you will find that it reaches Kazakhstan and Siberia in the west, the Arctic Circle in the north, the Bering Strait in the east, and the depths of the Pacific Ocean in the south. Not counting the sea area, more than 100 million square kilometers are counted. native range.

"The Asan Continent is big enough." Huan Wen actually couldn't calculate the exact land area, he only knew that it was one-third the size of the current Han Kingdom: "The Gupta Dynasty will only be the first target of the Han Dynasty."

The territory of the Gupta Dynasty only occupied the northeast of the Asan Continent, almost one-third of the Asan Continent, and there were 25 other countries (states) in other places.

In the southeast of Asan Continent are some small city-states, and Jitanado is one of them.Ye Luo can be called a regional Xiaoqiang in the southeast of Asan Continent, but it is such a small region that was pushed down by the Han army and wiped out half of the country.

Vagathaga, Rangsatrapu, Abira, Arhaoyan, Youdhia, and Calabasas, the above-mentioned countries are considered to be countries with a reasonable territory.Among them, Vagathaka, Abhira, and Liangsatrapu are not as powerful and national as the Gupta Dynasty, but they are not 01:30 stronger than other countries.

In that country called Abhiro, they were able to withstand the expansion of the Persians to the south again and again.Although they are taking advantage of the terrain, it is considered pretty good if they can withstand it, and they are respected by the surrounding countries that belong to the same culture.

Yuan Qiao knew that Huan Wen coveted the lower reaches of the Ganges River, but felt that Huan Wen was a little dazed.

The essence of Asan Continent is located in the Ganges River and the Indus River, which are treasure lands that can feed the entire population of Han every year. As long as there is nothing wrong with the center, it will never be divided.

In fact, even if the central government is willing to seal off the grain-producing area in Asan, how big of a heart do you have to be a subordinate to dare to seal it?The saying that a man is not guilty but possesses a jade is a crime that surrounds the history of Zhuxia. How many people ended up tragically because they were too self-sufficient.

"Those guys don't want to wait any longer?" Huan Wen was referring to the envoys: "It's indeed been seven or eight months since we set off and then got delayed here!"

The main reason is that the Persians really don’t want to wait anymore. They think that there is no suspense about the victory or defeat of the war between the Han Dynasty and the Gupta Dynasty. Even if the Han army fails once or twice, so what? Lost the Gupta Dynasty.

The Romans recognized the views of the Persians. The ongoing war clearly meant that the Han army could withstand repeated defeats, but the Gupta Dynasty, which fought on the mainland and defended the country, could not withstand repeated defeats. It is a matter determined by the comprehensive strength of the country itself.

"You can let them wait." Yuan Qiao didn't care what the foreign envoys' thoughts or decisions were: "Samodragupta will arrive at the battlefield within twelve days at the earliest."

A long time ago, the Han people had a saying that "there is no power without being strong", not only can it give the greatest visual shocking effect to foreign races on buildings, but it is also the most effective way to show military power.

"I haven't used any firearms. I just prepared them for Samadragupta." Huan Wen couldn't help feeling elated when he thought of the 110 artillery pieces of various calibers in the army, as well as the hoarded explosives and gunpowder.He mocked as if thinking of something: "Those guys only saw our small fights, and they probably thought it was quite boring. How could they know that this is the true essence of an army."

Being able to follow the order means controlling the rhythm of the war, pressing down on the enemy at a speed determined by oneself represents absolute superiority, and the army can do everything well in accordance with the orders of the command center, which is precisely the proof of the elite troops.

The elite is really not only reflected in the aspect of aggression like fire, it destroys the enemy army in a hurry, and any army can do it when fighting with the wind, but how many troops can control it in a way that completely controls the rhythm? War progress?

Twelve days is not a long time for a war that has been going on for more than three years, but it is like a year for Ah San, who is on the main battlefield in a state of war. They are really fed up with being shot all the time.

When the king's flag representing the Gupta royal family appeared within [-] miles of the main battlefield, the cavalry of the Han army who had been cruising behind Ah San made a shrinking movement, and the Han army on the front battlefield also stopped a series of military actions.

Samadragupta brought an army of 30, and there was a steady stream of Asan troops coming from farther behind.

Even now, the vast majority of Ah San have not figured out why the Han people beat them. They have been thinking about what offended the Han people day and night, but after thinking about it carefully, there may be misunderstandings, but they are not dead. Hatred!
Little do they know that country-to-country wars don't require enmity at all. Country A has taken a fancy to country B's beautiful country, so it can just find an excuse and kill it.

"As long as the Han people don't increase their troops, we can at least force them this time." Singh Avery Nar Yadu, the finance minister of the Gupta Dynasty, looked older than the previous year. It was war Not only did the Gupta Dynasty bleed, but gold coins also flowed out: "After countless discussions, even if the Han Chinese who landed can be driven into the sea, they can still land on our border for the second, third time.... "

Samadhara Gupta was a wise monarch in the history of the Gupta Dynasty. Not to mention the expansion of the country’s land area by more than three times, if the Han people did not come to disrupt the situation, it would continue to expand. The history of Asan Inevitably, there will be a title of "one emperor through the ages".

Regarding the gap between the Gupta Dynasty and the Han Kingdom, Samadhara Gupta sees it better than anyone else. Let’s not talk about the records about the strength of the Han people in the long history. At present, the Han people have a navy that is so powerful that it is incomprehensible. The navy of the Gupta Dynasty However, the entire army was wiped out. One side can come if they want, but the other side has lost even the basic coastal defense force. The extravagant hope of winning the national war, it is better to think about how to ensure the continuation of the country without bleeding.

"Promoting peace through war is our only way to deal with it." Samadragupta said that it was impossible to be reconciled, but he knew that there was only this solution: "We have used all our strength to fight against Han The army may only be less than one-tenth of the power of the Han Empire, and we cannot expect more."

"His Royal Highness is also ready." Singh Avery Nar Yadu was talking about Samadragupta's eldest son, Zhan Luoluo: "Once this battle is over, he will go to the Han Empire as a hostage."

Samadhara Gupta has many, many children, but any country or nation actually follows the law of primogeniture, and Chanara is the current prince of the Gupta Dynasty.

"Yes, the Han people have a proton culture, and it is the greatest sincerity for Zhan Luoluo to be a hostage." Samadragupta did not only arrange for a person like Zhan Luoluo, but he heard that the Persians and Romans arranged for several people. Qian Jiali: "You don't need to consider my feelings, let alone the feelings of the nobles, as long as they are beautiful, they are all candidates for the Han Empire."

The Romans and Persians were already famous, and the news that they had chosen so many beauties could not be blocked at all. As long as it was not a country with too little news, they more or less knew what the Romans and Persians did to curry favor with the emperor.

The phenomenon of laughing at the Romans and Persians certainly exists, but no one can deny the strength of Rome and Sasanian. They need to think about how they should deal with the Han people when they are so cowardly against the Han people. .

"I understand." Singer Aiweirui Naer Yadu really understood: "As long as the country can be guaranteed to continue, all sacrifices and sacrifices are worthwhile."

(End of this chapter)

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