sweeping the world

Chapter 865 Reminder 1 Reminder

Chapter 865: Urgent

There is only one reason why Jawala Kunal Jeding said those words. They lost consecutive battles with the Han army. Sure enough, it was not because they were too incompetent. Being cowardly is enough to prove the strength of the Han people, so it is only natural that he lost, right?
The weaker party can always find a way to comfort himself after being hurt. Thinking about who is worse than himself is the best way to heal the wound, or listing who is stronger than himself but was hurt by the same people.

The power of Rome and Sasanian is well known all over the world, and it can even be said that all countries in the world know the power of Rome and Sasanian far better than that country in the East.

That is the premise determined by the geographical location. It is not easy for Zhuxia to go to the west. The road is either Gobi or desert, or it is simply a grassland or desert without any human habitation, and there are even swamps blocking the road. Want to Inquiring about news is really not an easy task.

Many countries have a strong impression of the powerful country in the east because the Huns were defeated and fled to the west, and then the Huns left legends that the Han people were invincible wherever they went.

The problem is that personal experience and close comparison are different from hearing...or rumors that are far away, the understanding and senses are really different.

The people of the Gupta Dynasty felt that they were very strong, but they also knew that they were not as strong as Rome and Sassanid. They knew that Rome and Sasanian were very timid when facing the Han people. In addition to finding comfort in their repeated failures, they suddenly felt that they had failed. It seems to be normal. On the contrary, it would be abnormal if he wins.

That night, Zapt Warren was very active, finding all kinds of excuses to go to each tent, and chatting with the people he came into contact with for a long time or a short time.

Zapter Warren visited those people who he felt could be drawn into "fellow-minded people". What made him wonder was that there were a few who hadn't tried it yet, but were tried instead. They felt that something was wrong with each other. First they looked at each other for a while, and then showed a tacit expression.

Suddenly discovering that there is a "fellow man" Zamput Warren is both happy and nervous, happy because "my way is not alone", nervous because he is afraid that the credit will be encroached, and the next action seems a bit big .

Perhaps those "comrades" had the same idea, and it turned out that there were quite a lot of birds flying out of the camp of the Gupta Dynasty in the middle of the night. Among them were pigeons, eagles, and falcons, and almost all of them landed somewhere in the camp of the Han army. .

"It's interesting." Yuan Qiao is the chief officer in charge of summarizing information, including but not limited to military and espionage information: "Ah San really intends to gather millions, and the poet king will also arrive on the battlefield in person."

Huan Wen was holding a dagger and didn't know what he wanted to carve the small piece of wood into. Hearing this, he smiled silently, really not nervous at all.

"Millions of troops!" Yuan Qiao sighed more or less: "Only Shi Hu had ever assembled such an army, but the million troops that Shi Hu had assembled disbanded without any action."

That happened a long time ago. It happened in the fifth year of Xiankang, Emperor Cheng of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD [-]). Shihu's decision to recruit millions of troops was very random, and the reason for his dissolution was full of metaphysics. During the tiger parade, a group of white geese hovered in the air and refused to leave, so the million-strong army that had been conscripted was disbanded...disbanded....

"Doesn't the profile mean that we've come to the right place?" Huan Wen didn't stop the carving in his hand, and didn't lift his head: "Ah San's ability to gather millions of troops just shows that this place has abundant food production."

Yuan Qiao was still a little stressed, but she smiled subconsciously after hearing this: "It's true, for a country that can easily support the recruitment of millions of troops for actual combat, it will not be wrong for the big man to destroy her."

Huan Wen was interested: "When will the poet king arrive?"

Yuan Qiao had read all the information he needed to read, and shook his head: "At least he is the king of a country, and he wants to come to the front line in person, so how can there be an exact time?"

What Huan Wen wants is for Yuan Qiao to make speculations based on a series of intelligence bases.

"The speed at which a million-strong army will gather will not be that fast." Yuan Qiao made a serious guess and said in an uncertain tone: "Two months at the most, it will be too late... Qiao really can't guess."

Huan Wen stopped talking, and seemed to be focusing all his attention on the sculpture.

Yuan Qiao is also busy with her own work. Apart from summarizing information, she will go to the side where the map of mountains and rivers hangs, either staring at the map of mountains and rivers, or going back to the side of the case to write on the topographic map on it. draw.

There are many maps of mountains and rivers hanging in the Chinese army's tent, and there are also several large-looking sand tables placed in the middle.

Each map of mountains and rivers represents a different geographical location, or has lines of different colors on it.

The lines are not only different in color, but in fact there are many styles, each of which has its own meaning.

The map that depicts the entire terrain of the main battlefield is the largest, and the hanging position is also the most conspicuous, but compared with other mountain maps with lines, it looks very clean and tidy.

The sand table is also divided into different areas, but there is no sand table specifically designed to create a panoramic view.

In fact, the terrain on this side makes it really easy to create a sandbox. The entire area is a large plain. The difference is that there are rivers or large forests in some locations. The only troublesome thing is to spy on the location and form of the enemy's camp.

"What are those guys doing recently?" Huan Wen took the lead in breaking the long silence in the military camp. Those guys were referring to the international friends in the military camp: "Still looking around?"

"They are very curious about big men." Yuan Qiao didn't stop writing and drawing: "They pay special attention to observing our army."

"Just take a look." Huan Wen put down the half-finished sculpture in his hand, took the whetstone and sharpened the dagger: "Even if you continue to learn, you will only learn the form and not reach the spirit."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this point. If observing the strong army of a powerful country can completely imitate and train its own elite, then the elite is too cheap.

The strong foundation of a country's army is first of all the conditions for deploying armaments. It cannot be said that training subjects are not important, but the shaping of the spirit of an army is more important.

The army of the same country also has a distinction between a strong army and a rookie. It is not simply a difference in equipment. The real difference lies in the fact that the army has a different spirit.

"Uncle Yan..." Huan Wen called out first, but he didn't continue immediately, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After a long delay, he said: "We have to remind the poet king, we can't It's just wasted."

(End of this chapter)

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