sweeping the world

Chapter 864 A Legend From Afar

Chapter 864 A Legend From Afar

Yes, yes, the position of the northerners is indescribable, and everything is right.

Well, the northerners are still poor, but they have a huge army and sufficient food. During the war, there is nothing louder than being able to speak louder than holding a heavy army and no shortage of food.

The Ganges River Basin and the Indus River Basin have been the most densely populated areas on Asan’s side since ancient times (there is no one). Whenever a war breaks out between Asan and other countries (other tribes), more than sixty-seven out of ten soldiers need to rely on The Mesopotamia mentioned above.

What is even more rare is that the Ganges River Basin and the Indus River Basin (including multiple tributaries) have always been the largest grain-producing areas in the Asan Continent. It is precisely because of the meekness of the two river basins that the land has natural advantages in agriculture. Unless it was a man-made disaster in Ah San's history, there were very few large-scale famines.

It is no exaggeration to say that the annual grain production in the Ganges and Indus river basins alone can supply one-third of the human food consumption on the earth in AD [-]. Then one can imagine how much grain production is The quantity is huge.

Among the countries in the world known to the Han people today, the Romans rely heavily on Egypt and Spain for food, and the Persians rely on the Nile Valley and Mesopotamia (the Mesopotamian plain between the Tigris and Euphrates). For the Ganges River Basin (triangular area) and the Indus River (including its tributaries), the above-mentioned three countries each hold a very wide range of agricultural areas with high yields, and the rest are not listed.

Han is also a vast country, but if you really want to take a closer look, there is no grain-producing area that can be compared with the above three countries.If there is, it is also the Northeast Plain, the land of Jingchu, and the Indochina Peninsula that have just entered the stage of reclamation. (The area and scale of the Chengdu Plain grain-producing area, which was first built in the Qin Dynasty, are not large in comparison.)
If the population wants to grow, it doesn't mean that you have to go all out to create people and then be done with it. You must first ensure that there is enough food, and it must be purchased by ordinary people without any financial pressure, otherwise they will not be able to feed them.

Ah San is very lucky to have the largest grain-producing area in the world. Even the most humble and humble class can afford to buy grain, and even find enough food in the wild. Giving birth to a baby?
Before the Gupta Dynasty, nearly 30 troops had been thrown in successively. Among them, 18 were buried in the two invasions of the Pingman Colonel, and the rest were wiped out (captured) during the local resistance.

Among the 30 troops buried, the southern Kshatriya Army accounted for about [-], the allies accounted for about [-], and the rest were all untouchables who were dragged into the battlefield as cannon fodder.

For a country with a population of close to 3000 million, burying 30 people is really not enough to hurt the bones. For the Gupta Dynasty, the only ones who feel distressed are the Kshatriya Legion of about [-].

After all, the total number of Kshatriya legions in the Gupta dynasty was less than 20.Eighty thousand of them are firmly in the hands of the Gupta royal family, which is the so-called royal guard.

At the extortion conference, the southern nobles "bleeded" more or less. They also knew that even if they successfully drove out the Han people, they could get back the real estate in the occupied areas, but they would definitely be blackmailed again. Naturally, they were very happy where to go.

"I heard that the Han people did not confiscate their (referring to the occupied area) property." Jawala Kunal Jading also had the experience of being defeated and captured, but compared with Zapt Warren, he only experienced it once : "Even... the Han people spend money to purchase supplies."

Zamput Warren and Jawala Kunal Jeding had some friendship, and when he heard the words, he turned his head and looked over, wanting to see something from his expression or eyes, such as the signal of a "kindred spirit".

"Don't look at me like that." Jawala Kunal Jeding was a little uncomfortable: "Those are not secrets."

Zamput Warren was almost sure that Jawala Kunal Jeding was not a "communist". He hesitated whether to recruit someone into the group, but chose not to take any action out of caution, and said along the topic: "On the contrary, those of us who chose to come to the north have all their assets confiscated. It is estimated that our assets were confiscated. The Han people do not lack wealth, and they do not want excessive exploitation to cause resistance."

There are many families in the south who choose to consider Han Chinese as their fathers, and many choose to flee.

If you do the math seriously, the assets confiscated by the Han army can definitely be called a huge amount. Anyway, this three-year cross-sea expedition not only recovered the cost, but also made a lot of money.That is, the real estate accounts for the largest proportion, and there is not too much cash.

"I was in contact with Gallus Utansis some time ago." Garvala Kunal Jiedin's family is engaged in ocean trade, and the trade volume with the Utansis family was very high before. , they had more contact with each other and became close friends: "He wrote to me and told me that the Han people's style of sending envoys to Rome was very arrogant, and they even directly used troops to fight the garrison in Constantinople."

Zaput Warren didn't know about this, and showed a curious expression.

"Constantius II doesn't know why he chose to remain silent." Gawala Kunale Jeddin had obvious bitterness on his face: "Rome is undoubtedly a powerful country, the most powerful in the West. There is no such country. When they faced the Han people, they chose to be weak.”

Zapt Warren showed a numb expression appropriately, but in his heart he felt extremely grateful for his choice, and praised that the Han daddy is really strong and doesn't care whether he has friends or not.

"First, the Persians tried their best to entertain the Han people, satisfied the needs of the Han people to the greatest extent, and even prepared two princesses of different generations as candidates for marriage." What Gawala Kunal Jeding said is still Ma It was revealed by Ruth Utancis.He sighed and went on to say: "Christianity in Rome covers the sky with one hand, and the result of offending the Han people is to kill their own bishop and pay for compensation."


"Constantius II also learned from Shapur II, tried his best to meet the requirements of the Han people, and selected two daughters as candidates for marriage." Jawala Kunal Jeding had no idea what it should be What kind of expression was used, but the tone turned into admiration: "The total number of women selected by the two countries to go to the mainland of the Han Empire is more than 5000, and all of them are randomly selected by the emperor of the Han Empire."

Although only two people were talking all the time, the nobles in the south were getting together to return to the camp where they were stationed. Jawala Kunal Jeding didn't notice that what he said caused the surrounding people to show various expressions , All kinds of thoughts in their hearts also breed with various...

(End of this chapter)

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