sweeping the world

Chapter 799 Not from the Same Era

Chapter 799 Not the Same Era

It took Li Tan's troops two days to march, and it was only around noon on the third day that they advanced within ten miles of the coalition camp, which was dominated by Dingling troops.

The reason why it is said that Dingling people are the main ones is that there are other ethnic groups in the coalition army, such as nearly [-] Di people, and some other ethnic groups that are very unfamiliar to the Central Plains Dynasty.

The main habitat of the Dingling people is called Mobei by the Central Plains Dynasty, which is actually the area of ​​Novosibirsk and Siberia in later generations, and the more intuitive impression is that it belongs to the Asian part of Russia.

The combined territory of Xigaoche and Donggaoche is very vast. In terms of land area alone, it is larger than the Xinhan Kingdom, which recovered eighty-nine out of ten of the old land of the Han family. That is, the population of Xigaoche and Donggaoche is not too large. There are many Dingling people in total, about 300 to [-] million. The problem is that not only Dingling people inhabit those lands.

If the grassland is divided according to the skin color of the people, the people south of Mobei are mainly yellow people, the people north of Mobei are mostly white people, and the white-skinned people over Donggaoche are not. The majority of Xigaoche people are white-skinned.

Naturally, the Dingling people are the ruling class in Xigaoche, but there are also quite a few ethnic groups that do not belong to the Dingling people. Their names are many and mixed. If they belong to the Slavs according to the definition given by the Romans, they call themselves Qigu, Kun people, Yakut people, Samoyed people, etc. are called many names, but they are not considered as the same ethnic group, and there are differences in living habits and beliefs.

Just like when the Huns were powerful, those ethnic groups living in Xigaoche obeyed the Dingling people, usually paid tribute according to the season, and dispatched soldiers to serve when they were conscripted.

"Among them...some people are not much different from bears." Li Tan was talking about some warriors of the vassal race of Ding Lingren: "At least two meters tall, and the body is also very strong, but there is too much hair on the body."

In fact, there are not many tall and strong people in Zhuxia, but compared to the total population, they are relatively scarce.The average height of the Han people today is about 1.7 meters. People in the north get taller and their height gradually decreases as they go south.

According to some historical records, the mandatory rule for selecting soldiers during the Shang Dynasty was one foot tall, and the word "husband" did not mean "husband" at the beginning, but was similar to the meaning of "hero".In the Shang Dynasty, one zhang was 169.5 centimeters; in the Zhou Dynasty, the measure changed, and one zhang became 231 centimeters, and the requirement for conscription became more than eight feet, which is 184.8 centimeters.If you look at it this way, the Zhuxia ethnic group is really not a short race. It should be said that tall stature is a common phenomenon.

There is a saying that the Spring and Autumn Period will be a period of elimination of the strong and weak genes of the Zhuxia ethnic group. Cold weapons do not talk about "tricks". A battle means that the two armies are fighting head-to-head. In addition to relying on equipment, you must also have that body Quality, only the excellent party can get the right to continue to survive, and the loser will be eliminated.

"I heard that our ancestors once had a height of 1.8 meters was normal, and below 1.8 meters was abnormal?" Li Tan looked at some other enemies with a telescope. Those people stood next to the bear-like giant Short: "The same skin color, the facial features look the same."

Of course, among the Ding Ling people, there are also differences in stature, and the average height is definitely shorter than the Han people today.Now no one can have any scientific explanation for the obvious difference in stature of the same species, but simply think that it may not be the same ethnic group.

"The average height of our ancestors was about 1.8 meters, and the average height of our generation has dropped to 1.7 meters..." Li Tan looked at the enemies whose height may be less than 1.5 meters, and said in a very incomprehensible tone: "There is a word Come on? Yes, degeneration. Are we in the degeneration phase?"

For a long time, the average height of Zhuxia has been higher than that of the nomads on the grasslands, which is the difference in eating habits and nutrient intake, which also presents a genetic comparison.

It seems that the current Han Dynasty has absorbed too many naturalized Hus, which actually lowered the average height of the Han people.There is a saying that the reduction in the average height of the Han people is the result of combining with the Sinicized Hu people to produce offspring, but I don’t know whether it is reliable or not.

The Han army was not intercepted until it came within five miles of the coalition camp, but some scurrying animals caused trouble for them, which made Li Tan feel suspicious.

The Han army who came came to stop and camp when they were five miles away from the coalition camp. Li Tan personally led people to swim and investigate. Everything he could see showed a little bit. The enemy army built a position system to defend themselves. camp.

"General." Yang Su pointed to the enemy camp and said, "It's hard to tell how many people are stationed in the enemy camp."

Of course this Yang Su is not the famous general of the Sui Dynasty, but he may be the ancestor of the "Yang family general" in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The camp of the coalition forces occupies a large space, and it looks distorted as a whole. Since there is no high ground for an overview, it is difficult to see the distribution inside.

"Their composure is abnormal." The foreign race in Li Tan's perception should not be like this, especially the nomads should not react like this when an army comes to attack: "You lead people to test the wave first."

Yang Su responded with a "promise!" He applauded and left with his own soldiers.

Is there any "General Yang" in history?Perhaps there was one or more generals surnamed Yang who fought against the invasion of foreign races, but the well-known "General Yang" is of course a product of artistic processing.

In fact, the Northern Song Dynasty did not have such a group of "Yang Family Generals", let alone such a heaven-defying existence as "Tianbo Mansion".The names of Zhuxia are very particular. Although the "Huwei" of the old Zhao family is a relatively weak group among the royal families of all dynasties, it is not allowed to name the mansion of the courtiers "Tianbo Mansion".The emperor is the son of heaven, and the word "heaven" in the mansion is a provocation. There is no need to wait for the "general of the Yang family" to go to the battlefield to die, the emperor should clean up first.

If you look carefully, many "romances" are just stories, and the difference is how much they deviate from the historical facts. Speaking of which, "Yang Jiajiang" should be one of the most serious works that deviate from the historical facts. ", there is also the fact that the ancestors of the "General Yang" actually served the Hulu regime during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, shed blood for the Hulu rule, and made considerable contributions.However, their descendants did do a lot of things, for example, they achieved repeated victories in resisting the Khitan invasion.

Yang Su returned to the barracks under construction to order troops. Under the sound of war drums and horns, the troops for battle quickly assembled.

While the Han army was camping and observing, the coalition forces were also observing the incoming Han army.

The Di people have absorbed a lot of Han culture from some aspects. For example, the knowledge that Fu Jian presided over the construction of the coalition army came from the military books written in Chinese characters. It is a pity that the quality of the Dingling people is too poor, and the surrounding resources are limited. The knowledge learned is only three or four tenths.

At this moment, Fu Jian and Long Du were standing on the high platform that had been built. They did not have a telescope, but used their naked eyes to watch the movements of the Han army. I couldn't bear to send troops to harass, but was dissuaded by Fu Jian. Only when a Han army broke away from the main force and began to advance, did Fu Jian make any new moves.

"They are here to test." Fu Jian has already noticed that Ding Lingren is very easy to become irritable. He should stick to the camp, but he has to let Long Du vent: "If the general wants to attack, it is the right time."

Long Du's response was to throw away the horsewhip in his hand, and he continued to lift his hands up to the sky, opening his mouth and shouting: "Warriors, it's time to kill the Han people!"

The thick sound of cowhide drums being mobilized came from the camps of the coalition forces, in tents, shacks, and open places... People continued to respond to Longdu's call. Those who should mount their horses should ride on horseback, and they should meet people on foot. He moved his legs, and the scene looked a little messy.

Fu Jian was actually very contemptuous of the messy scene of Dingling people. He has been in Xigaoche for nearly a year and a half, and he fully understands that it is an out-and-out nomadic tribe, let alone a mature military system, and the ruling class is not obvious. In terms of social system, not only cannot it be compared with the Central Plains dynasty, but it is even worse than the past prairie overlords of the past dynasties.

"They don't look like an overlord at all." Li Cunxiao tried hard to hide his disdain, and said in a low voice: "The Dingling people in the west are worse than the Dingling people in the east."

"They are two tribes." Fu Jian has enough qualifications to make a judgment: "Xianbei people are called Gaoche people because they can use tall wheels. In fact, the Dingling people in the west were originally Tiele people and Dili people. The Dingling people in the east were Chile people earlier, so they were not from the same ethnic group.”

Li Cunxiao is a Han Chinese, and he was born in the begging army.His experience is that after Li Nong died, he fled around, and later defected to Fu Hong, and fled with the remnants of the Di tribe for some years. Because of his literacy and good military ability, he served the Fu family as a think tank. .

No matter what the name was before, the location where the Dingling people live is really far from "civilization", not only in some systems, but also in the services they wear and the weapons they use.

At a glance, most people on horseback or on foot don't have decent weapons in their hands. There are quite a few people holding sharpened wooden guns, some of them are tied with sharp stones or bones, and the strong ones are basically Will have a mace in his hand.In fact, speaking seriously, under the premise that nomads lack metal weapons, the mace is the most threatening to armored opponents.

After the Di tribe took refuge in Xigaoche, it was not without a price. Being a nominal vassal was not part of the price. A considerable part of the materials they brought from the Central Plains fell into the hands of the Dingling people, including nearly [-] various metal weapons. , There are almost a hundred sets of iron armor, but most of the equipment belongs to the khans of the Dingling people to equip the pro-army, and only a small amount is shed to the leaders of the tribes.

"The Han army we are facing is not the Jin army under the rule of the Sima royal family. It is an unattainable dream to fight back to the Central Plains." Li Cunxiao is not worried at all that Fu Jian will be angry. Those are also the words of Fu Jian's father, Fu Hong. : "The Han army has no shortage of cavalry, and they also have weapons that we cannot resist at all."

"Cannon, that's what the Han people call it." Fu Jian kept his eyes on the front, where the Dingling cavalry who rushed out first would soon come into contact with the Han army cavalry: "Murong Xianbei's fiasco was caused by the artillery, it's not human. A weapon that relies on flesh and blood to resist."

Fu Jian didn't know if the Han army brought firearms this time. Anyway, he didn't hear the roar of firearms for the time being, but he was highly alert to the sound of sudden explosion.

"With a huge number of cavalry and weapons that are irresistible to humans, what hope do we have?" Li Cunxiao was also looking ahead, but he was not at all interested in the upcoming battle: "Young master knows that Ding Lingren will not He is the opponent of the Han army, why do you still agree with Longdu to fight?"

"Dingling people have some knowledge of the Han army, but they obviously haven't really seen the power of the Han army." Fu Jian was talking about the repeated invasion of Xigaoche by Ran Min, but Ran Min only commanded about [-] cavalry at most. When entering the country, they fought some harassment wars, and rarely broke out in a confrontation: "Dingling people must understand the horror of the Han army, which is good for us (Di tribe)."

The Dingling cavalry is shouting, and it looks like they are full of expectations for the upcoming collision. As the distance between the two sides continues to narrow, some Dinglings are already preparing to ride and shoot, but when they really enter the distance, they are listening There was a chorus of "Han army mighty" battle horns, and the next moment dense arrows were shot from the Han army cavalry.

"Han cavalry is equipped with crossbows as standard equipment." Li Cunxiao watched the leading troops of the Dingling cavalry being shot down in pieces. He seemed to think of something and continued: "I heard that the emperor of the Han family annexed quite a few defeated ones. The defeated are willing to fight for the emperor of the Han family?"

"It is true that there are quite a few grassland warriors who are willing to fight for the emperor of Han, and those Tuoba Xianbei are the most enthusiastic group. With the example of Tuoba Xianbei before, the emperor of Han will never lack brave knights." Fu Jian saw The first scene is the collision between the cavalry of the Han army and the cavalry of the Dingling people, but the next scene is the cavalry of the Han army rolling forward continuously. Charge in person, and then be killed by the Han army. Although we will not be able to gain command of this army if he dies, there will still be many benefits."

On the battlefield, although both sides are cavalry, the pros and cons of the equipment presents an overwhelming situation.That is, most of the weapons of the Ding Lingren could not cause effective damage to the Han army wearing plate armor at all. Only some Ding Lingmen with maces could knock down the Han army knights from their horses, but the sharp weapons in the hands of the Han army were all Hitting can kill Ding Lingren.

"This is to delay as much as possible." Li Cunxiao looked to the northeast, and asked in a very uncertain tone: "Even if the partial division successfully raided the location of the emperor of the Han family by detour, it is impossible to kill the emperor of the Han family. What's the purpose of the young master's arrangement?"

Fu Jian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and asked back: "What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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