sweeping the world

Chapter 798 The Situation Is Somewhat Serious

Chapter 798 The Situation Is Somewhat Serious
The grassland that burned in a large area is very terrifying, not only the horror of the raging fire, but also the ethnic groups that originally lived on that piece of land... Not only humans, but also some other animals, they began to gather in groups to avoid the fire fled in teams.

The fire on the grassland was really too big, or it burned too many plants. Black smoke billowed into the sky, covering an unknown amount of the sky. Even in the Yanmen Pass area, you could see the dark sky in the distance. one slice.

"Bison herds, wild horses, wolves..., leopards, jackals... all kinds of animals are fleeing in groups to the southeast." Li Tan was talking about the information collected by the scouts: "Those Animals aren't attacking each other like they usually do, with no one caring about the other."

They will all be burned to death. Probably only human beings will continue to kill each other knowing that natural disasters are coming. Animals will only obey their instincts and stay away from disasters that they cannot resist.So, if one day you see all kinds of animals that are supposed to attack each other in the food chain "harmoniously" running together, you should know that some disaster must be coming.

"The southeast direction where those animals fled is the direction of the enemy army?" Yu Yi couldn't help gloating when he got the answer: "They must be panicking now."

According to the scout's description, the animals he saw in his life were not as many as those he saw at the time. There were so many species that they could not be identified clearly. The big animals trampled the small animals, and their migration was a scene of blood flowing into rivers. in progress.

Liu Yan can imagine what kind of scene it was. It is not an exaggeration to call it the cruelest elimination of strong and weak under a round of disasters. Insufficient physical strength, insufficient endurance, and insufficient intelligence all became victims in that round of elimination.

There is a large-scale migration of animal populations on the African continent every year. Regardless of the reason for their migration, the old, weak, sick and disabled will die in the middle of the migration, leaving behind some healthy and strong animals.Although it seems cruel, the animals that can successfully reach the new habitat compete for the opportunity to leave offspring, and the genes of the strong are passed on.

"Race competition has never been gentle." Liu Yan didn't need everyone to understand, and continued: "Nation and nation have always been in the process of competition for survival, and there is no difference between human beings and animals."

In order to survive, almost all methods can be used, including setting fire on the grassland, but this time the goal of the Han army setting fire to the grassland at the beginning was not to target the hostile ethnic group, but to prevent the locusts in Xigaoche from going south. It must be said What's more, the goal seems to have been achieved, but the consequences are too serious.

Liu Yan asked very pointedly: "How is Rouran going?"

Sang Yu took on the role of the marching commander in the patrol team, and sorting out information was one of his jobs.He said with an inexplicable expression and tone: "After returning home, Yu Jiulu Bati's first order was to shrink the troops, including sending people to the front line with Donggaoche, Tuoba remnants and Murong remnants."

They have gradually realized that the grassland is really important to the nomads, so important that no matter which area they set fire to, as long as they do it, they must have the consciousness to become the public enemy of the grassland.

"We caught some Dingling people." Li Tan said with some embarrassment: "Their mission is to go to any place where there are people and spread the news that we set fire to the grassland."

"We have made relevant speculations." Sang Yu took the topic and said: "The relationship between the Rouran people and the big man will plunge into a freezing point, and some of them may turn into hostile relations. The rest of the grassland people, including those who have already been with us Those that go into a state of war and those that don't, there's a good chance they'll band together and turn it on us."

Sang Yu's so-called "we" does not refer to the entire Han country in general, but believes that if the patrol team does not withdraw, it is almost inevitable to fall into siege.

Li Tan had to express his speculation: "Your Majesty, there is another matter." He continued with an expression as if he had eaten a fly: "The news of arson on the grassland may also affect us internally..."

The Han State has merged a considerable number of ethnic groups. Except for the Jie people who invaded the Central Plains, which must be exterminated, a considerable number of Qiang people, Di people, Huns and some messy people have become part of the Han State.

"Change" from the identity of Hu people to Han people is based on the premise that Han people have become the overlord again. It is impossible to judge whether they are sincere or hypocritical.

The time for the Han people to become the overlord is still too short, and the time for absorbing the Huns is also long or short, and the methods are not even gentle. They only force those people to accept being annexed in the face of death.

In the era when there was no clear concept of nationality, especially when the Hu people had just accepted the concept of nation, it was a natural means of survival for them to attach themselves to the strong.

In the past few years, there were naturally some negative conflicts in the integration process, but generally speaking, it showed a good trend.That was based on the fact that the Han army had won many battles and won many battles. Furthermore, they did not suffer any obvious discrimination, and they were blamed on the fact that they did not receive much stimulation.

"Do you think that when they hear the news from the grassland, there will be a rebellion?" Liu Yan is actually hard to make a clear judgment, but he must pay attention to this guess: "Then, your opinion is to stop the patrol and let the widow return to Chang'an?"

Will setting fire to the grasslands really force those "Han people" who have settled down?No one can give a definite answer to this.All they knew was that setting fire to the grasslands would drive the nomads mad, and that the patrols would be besieged.

"Your Majesty, you are here." Yu Yi's background was destined to be one of the group of high-ranking and powerful people from the beginning. He also once stood at the top of the 'minority', and he is also a member of the 'minority' now. Members, the angle of view of things is destined to not be just a corner: "You are besieged itself must affect the whole big man."

It seems to be the case, Liu Yan is destined to be the gathering point of many eyes, and too many people are watching his every move, every word and deed.Once an attack occurs, the entire country will be shaken, and it will also affect other countries' possible next actions against Han.

"There is a siege where you are, and the country must send troops to serve the king." Yu Yi said that he was besieged, not a battle in the usual sense. He said very seriously: "Your Majesty, in terms of the current situation, you need to Return to Chang'an."

Out of dignity, Liu Yan rejects retreating from the front line when a war is about to break out, which is no different from running away in despair.

Liu Yan wants to think about Yu Yi's words. Although he is unwilling to admit it, things will probably develop as Yu Yi said. He had an idea that "there is always XX who wants to harm me".

The rest of the people were making eye contact. In fact, a small part of them agreed with Yu Yi's suggestion that there was no need to stay here and wait to be besieged. The rest had different opinions.It's just that they can't all advise Liu Yan together, otherwise, even if they are kind to Liu Yan, they are also considering the country, and it will inevitably become a situation of persecution by everyone.

"The army in the northwest?" Liu Yan was silent for a while, and then asked again: "Is General Zhengbei confident that he will be defeated within ten days?"

Li Tan didn't dare to hesitate, he saluted and replied: "I have confidence."

Liu Yan nodded: "Very well, let's send troops."

Everyone communicated with their eyes again, and they could probably guess Liu Yan's mood. Even if they really wanted to leave, it was a prerequisite to deal with the enemy army first.

"Besides, the widow is not going back to Chang'an." Liu Yan thought carefully, looked around everyone, and said calmly: "The tour cannot stop."

Fleeing back to the nest like a frightened bird in a little crisis is not something Liu Yan can do.He is not obsessed with wanting to maintain his dignity. It is because the tour has been announced to the world a long time ago, but it was terminated halfway through the tour. It will give the world the impression that the old Liu family's rule of the country is not as strong as imagined. Open a door called Challenge the Majesty of the Emperor.

Cold sweat broke out on Yu Yi's forehead in an instant, and he finally realized that the object of allegiance was not the emperor of Taiping, but the founding king killed on horseback.He also has a new understanding that the current state of Han is definitely not the state of Jin that it used to be. In the face of crises, it has never been evasive or passive, and it should be to actively smash the crisis.

"Your Majesty, minister... minister..." After Yu Yi reacted, he saluted Liu Yan in fear. It may be because of fear or other reasons that caused his speech to stutter: "Minister... guilty, shouldn't..."

Liu Yan knew that Yu Yi had already understood the seriousness. The ruler is doomed not to show his weakness, and any weakness cannot be shown. Even if the troops here will be wiped out, it is definitely not a choice to walk away. , it is related to the stability of the rule, not simply whether a person's dynasty is shaken.

To be clear, once the ruler is weak, how many people will have the idea of ​​"I can sit on that throne"?If the rule of a dynasty with one family name is not stable, it is the seeds of challenges that have been planted.

If the current ruler is cruel, paying a price to overthrow it is of course a just cause, but it is a "just cause" to change the dynasty very rarely, and more times are just someone or a certain group that breeds something that shouldn't exist Ambition caused the flames of war to burn the entire land. I don’t know how many people shed blood on the battlefield for someone’s ambition, and how many innocent people died in the wars of dynasty replacement again and again.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that whoever has to be loyal to whom, if you can’t survive, you still have to be patient, but as long as there is a ruling class in society, the dynasty or other forms of rule just change the way, but a few people ignite the flames of war for their own ambitions, Except for the achievement of the ambitions of a few people, who is good for it?More are actually victims.

Li Tan led his army into battle under great pressure. His speech to the military generals was very clear. Their attack was not to completely annihilate the enemy force, but to complete the defeat of that enemy force in the shortest possible time. .

The generals and school class will not be complete idiots. They more or less know what prompted such a military order, but they will inevitably be a little complicated in their hearts. After all, if they are patient, they can really complete the attack on the enemy army. total annihilation.

Naturally, the commander-in-chief will not say that to the soldiers. On the contrary, they will repeatedly emphasize that the purpose of the expedition is to wipe out the enemy army, which encourages the tyranny of the soldiers, and with some spiritual encouragement, their goals for this battle are not only In addition to the inevitable reward for meritorious service, he also has the great mission of protecting the emperor.

If the Han army made an action, the coalition army would naturally get feedback from the reconnaissance cavalry.

On the grassland, as long as you can see who you are, then the other party must also find out, especially the actions of a large army, unless you have not noticed the existence of the army in advance, or it can be said that it is in the eyes of the other party anytime, anywhere under.

"We have no retreat." Longdu looked very irritable and roared: "Besides the endless ashes behind us, there is a burning wildfire!"

Fires are sweeping across the grasslands, leaving a trail of ash wherever the fires have raged.If you think that after the fire on the grassland is extinguished, it means safety, then you definitely have no basic common sense. They will enter an environment where not a single blade of grass grows, and people will be covered in ashes if they move around a little. , Even when the wind is stronger, ashes are flying all over the sky.Putting aside the water source, if a person inhales too much ash, what else can happen but death?
Fu Jian was also a little impatient, he thought of countless possibilities, and retreating from the way he came was definitely not one of the options.

"In addition to the fact that we have no way out, we are still constantly being attacked by wild beasts. Thousands of soldiers have already fallen under the hooves of wild beasts." Charge, anyone who blocks the way will be run over: "They don't know what death is, and the trenches can't stop them. They are the ones in the front who filled the trenches, and the ones behind continued to rush forward with the muddy meat. We can only burn Enough bonfires to make them afraid of the flames and not run amok."

In the past few days, Fu Jian has been sending scouts to investigate another direction, that is, the Hunxie Mountain. The scouts have also found the Han army there, but it is not clear whether it is the original garrison or a later transfer.He really wanted to suggest that Longdu break out from Hunxie Mountain, but that would conflict with his original purpose, so not only could he not suggest that, but he also wanted to discourage Longdu from breaking out from Hunxie Mountain.

"We were going to attack the team where the Great Han Emperor is." Fu Jian said with a righteous expression and tone like a missionary with firm belief: "When we came, we had the consciousness of dying in battle. Let's complete the goal from the beginning!"

(End of this chapter)

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