sweeping the world

Chapter 793 Tour before proclaiming emperor

Chapter 793 Tour before proclaiming emperor
Any group in the world that concentrates most of the wealth without giving anything back to society is harmful, not just a certain group, but all similar groups. No matter how their wealth is obtained, basically there will be no society. what good.

It is very difficult to avoid the concentration of a large amount of wealth in the hands of a few people. The powerful are easy to plunder and seize, and they will always guarantee power because of their amazing wealth. The most direct way to change this pattern is to Make a revolution.

However, it must be said that any revolution that breaks the concentration of the majority of wealth (resources) by a few people is just another reincarnation brewing. The old road of the target has once again become the group of the minority who control the vast majority of resources. Let's just call them the vested interests after the victory of the revolution.

Making everyone rich is a fundamentally impossible thing, no matter what kind of system is adopted, it is an inevitability of social development and has nothing to do with fairness or anything.

Exploitation and being exploited will become eternal existence, and different classes will also exist forever, which is what the social structure itself is destined to do.

"For the group of people who hold wealth, their source of wealth is not based on plundering or exploiting their own nation. For their own nation or country, it is the most healthy way to accumulate wealth." Liu Yan said Foreign colonization, with plunder and exploitation of foreign races (other countries) as the main means: "It is impossible to completely avoid the plunder and exploitation of the same nation, but it can minimize the internal confrontation of the nation."

Liu Yan will talk about this. It is he who went on a tour again. He left Chang'an and came to Guzang. The next stop will be Yangguan.

From Chang'an to Guzang, a highway of national highway level is being built, and busy labor can be seen everywhere.A little different from the past is that slaves from the Western Regions replaced a large number of working Han Chinese, and those Han Chinese moved to other places to participate in the construction of water conservancy projects.

The re-entry of the Han people to the Western Regions happened at the end of the eighth year of Yuanshuo, and nearly eight months have passed.

At present, the Han people have regained control of Shanshan. The frontier to the west is to penetrate into the western territory of Qiuci, and to the north is to conquer Iron Gate and enter the hinterland of Yanqi.

At first, the Han people did not enter the Western Regions with the goal of sieging cities and plundering land, but to stop losses from natural disasters. When they invaded, they did not have to stare at a certain city and fight recklessly. Where can we better rob? Wherever you want to go.Facts have also proved that this model is very useful for the Western Regions. Under the invasion behavior without an established system and no fixed target, the people of the Western Regions do not know where to choose to stick to it, and they are facing attacks everywhere. keep where.

Under the invasion behavior aimed at plundering, there is no fixed attack target, and it can even be said that there is no comprehensive strategy and tactics at all. Kucha was completely paralyzed under the beating of random punches, and Yanqi and Shule were able to claim the title in the Western Regions. The two countries that can be regarded as big countries are also struggling to deal with it.

"We have done very well in the Indochina Peninsula and the Western Regions." Liu Yan was standing on the city tower of Guzang, looking at the yellow earth in the distance, and a mountain with no name in the distance: "A group of rich people who are brave The adventurous class did little harm to the people of the country. At the same time, we (the country) got a lot of cheap labor."

Of course, those who directly obtained dividends from foreign plunder were those who directly participated in the plunder. They brought back the captured slaves. Although the law stipulated that they should be sold to the government first, but the government used those slaves for various national projects. , In fact, a small amount flows to the people.

Not only labor, those who went out to plunder also brought back a huge amount of wealth. When they transported the wealth into the country, they paid the necessary fees. When the wealth was brought back to their hometown, it must be consumed, and consumption would inevitably drive production, forming a series of loops.

Xie Ai witnessed the natural disaster in the northwest from the beginning to the end.

At the beginning, there were unavoidable riots in the northwest, and there were some instigations and actions by the so-called remnants. It must be said that the northwest was really chaotic for a while. Fortunately, it was quickly suppressed and no corruption occurred. trend.

The government called on the people to go to the Western Regions to plunder and stop losses. At the harvest stage, all kinds of wealth were continuously transported back to the mainland, and those who made meritorious deeds were also awarded titles.

The acquisition of wealth made the vast majority of people break away from the proletariat. Those who obtained titles not only changed their identities, but also acquired the land brought by the title itself. In short, they became part of the vested interests.

"With wealth, they try their best to obtain food, even though it is not much..." Xie Ai said with emotion the most: "Those who have won the title, they will not allow anyone to destroy their current life, and they are very active in cooperating with the authorities."

That is an inevitable thing, everyone has become a part of the vested interests, and anything harmful to them will be rejected.The so-called harmful, of course, refers to any behavior that wants to overthrow Liu Yan's rule. After they become titled people, whether it is the change of status or related privileges, isn't it based on Liu Yan's rule of this country?

Liu Yan has been absorbing more people to become vested interests, but it is difficult to do more due to some "rules".

Only when more people enjoy the dividends from the ruling class, will the country be more stable. Liu Yan now desperately needs stability, and this is the reason why he came to the northwest.

The construction of the first batch of projects in New Chang'an has entered the final stage. Seeing the last moment of proclaiming himself emperor, Liu Yan's arranged tour will be the last time he inspects the place as a "king". Unless there is a special need after proclaiming emperor, It's hard to hang out anymore.

Liu Yanhui will first patrol the northwest. One of his goals is to coerce those who are dissatisfied. The purpose of appeasing the local areas is more clear.When he came to Yangguan, he followed the ancient system and greeted the fallen in the battle as a king. Naturally, it would not be all the fallen, but some of the fallen who had meritorious service or greater reputation. He affirmed the dedication of the military and civilians in the most obvious manner. We encourage the military and civilians to continue their efforts.

After touring the northwest, including finishing things in Yangguan, he will switch to the grassland route, first taking the Junji Mountain route, and then entering Rouran Mountain, and patrolling most of the grassland along the line where Han troops are stationed. , then enter northern Xinjiang through Yanmen Pass, then head to Liaodong, and walk around the northeastern area under development. Finally, take a boat from the peninsula to the south, land at Jingkou, and then return via the Jiankang-Tongguan National Highway under construction. To Guanzhong.

It is estimated that the entire inspection will take about a year. Naturally, Liu Yan will bring some of the Sangong and Jiuqing along. It is also the first time that the eldest son Liu Shen will stay in New Chang'an to take on the important task of supervising the country.

Liu Shen will soon be eight years old and has already received elementary education.

In the eighth year of Yuanshuo, Liu Yan appointed Prime Minister Ji Chang as Liu Shen's teacher, and assigned some doctors to teach knowledge.

The education process of the royal family has been in place since ancient times. It usually starts at around three years old. The enlightenment stage lasts for about one to two years. Then, depending on which school of thought the dynasty advocates at that time, someone who is proficient in that knowledge will be appointed...for example, "Dr. Shangshu" will teach "Dr. Shangshu". "Shang Shu".If you are selected as the heir, you must definitely learn "Zhou Rites", "Spring and Autumn", and "Shang Jun Shu". Other members of the royal family do not need to learn the above three books.

Liu Shen's appointment as Supervisor was considered to be a signal, that is, Liu Yan finally expressed his intention to establish a crown prince, which greatly boosted the morale of his subordinates, and at the same time, it also inspired the whole country.

That is a very simple truth. Zhuxia pays attention to the fact that the country cannot live without a king, and it also pays attention to the fact that the country cannot live without a prince. It is a concept that connects the past and the future at work.To put it simply, the contemporary people already know who they should be loyal to, but they still need to whom they should be loyal to in the future when they are loyal to the contemporary king. They think that the existence of a clear heir will avoid unnecessary political risks.

Those who hope for the stability of the country are of course happy to have a clear crown prince. There is no shortage of princes competing for the throne in history.Then, the various officials stand in their own teams. If you choose the right one, you may not be able to achieve great success. If you choose the wrong one, you will be exiled if you choose the wrong one.

There were also cases where the country entered civil war because of the competition among princes, especially the "Eight Kings Attacking each other" during the Western Jin Dynasty, which had the greatest impact. Anyway, no one in the Han Dynasty wanted to see the enslavement of foreign races happen again because of civil war.

Liu Shen supervises the country, and his eight-year-old child... Even if children are more precocious now, especially those from the ruler's family, it is a joke to say that he can govern the country.When he stayed in New Chang'an, the people who were really doing the work were Prime Minister Ji Chang and other important ministers. Matters that the ministers could not decide would be sent to Liu Yan as quickly as possible.

The northwest land is the territory of the Han family where the drought first broke out. More than a year has passed, and a large number of plants have dried up and died due to lack of water. Although the land is not dry and cracked everywhere, most places are really yellowish. It is also extremely easy to get dusty when it is bigger.

"The number of people going to the Western Regions is still increasing. We are encouraging people to settle in Shanshan." Xie Ai was not reporting on behalf of Yuecu. He was later appointed with relevant powers: "In addition to the Western Regions, we are also arranging for people to enter the Naming Region. For the area of ​​​​Qinghai."

The Han people are raging in the Western Regions, and Tuyuhun, as a neighbor in the southern part of the Western Regions, is also a tragedy, especially if they send envoys to the Han Kingdom without being recognized, it means that the Han Kingdom does not recognize the existence of such a country as Tuyuhun, even the country does not recognize it , can you still expect to be treated kindly by the Han Dynasty?

Liu Yan asked: "What is the population of Northwest Territory now?"

This is difficult for Xie Ai. The current population flow in the northwest is at an unprecedented peak. People are leaving the northwest all the time, and people from other areas of Han are entering the northwest every day. Only those from other areas of Han are entering the northwest. The people in the region go to the Western Regions via the northwest, which makes it impossible to count how many people there are in the northwest.

Liu Yan also knew the difficulty, so he added: "About how much?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, it should be around 40?" Xie Ai replied with infinite emotion. People's infinite attraction to wealth and fame and fortune leads to outward flow of population. On the other hand, why not leave or wait to die? ?He hesitated for a moment, and asked: "The people who migrated are encouraged to settle in place. After the disaster year..."

"I will not migrate people from other places to the Northwest." Liu Yan gave an affirmative answer. He really felt that it would be better if the population in the Northwest should be less. Time will increase the population here, but the population must not be migrated. Filling: "The Prime Minister's Office will further adjust the land policy according to local needs."

Xie Ai actually had a lot to say. For example, the northwest is close to the Western Regions. If there are too few people, it will be detrimental to controlling the Western Regions. However, he is not the official and the nine ministers, and he is not qualified enough to intervene in some national policies. Secondly, he does not understand Liu Yan’s specific thoughts.

Liu Yan didn't have any special ideas, it's just that the environment in the northwest has a pivotal position to the whole country. It's more obvious that once the northwest becomes bare, the Yellow River will really be "yellow".

The current Yellow River is not called the Yellow River, it is called a big river, because of course it has not "turned yellow", and it should be said that the river water is still very clear.

Liu Yan's reluctance to worry about the deterioration of the environment due to the overpopulation of the Northwest is not unfounded. In fact, the Northwest is really not a good farming area, and even grazing must be done in moderation.

The Han State has been doing population migration, and currently the top priority is to fill the land of Jingchu, the Northeast Plain, and the Indochina Peninsula.Of these three places, Jingchu will be the largest grain-producing area in the hinterland of the original land, Northeast Plains will be the largest grain-producing area in the north, and the Indochina Peninsula will have a long way to go to become a "local".

Xie Ai showed sincerity and fear because of Liu Yan's explanation.His current job is Yushi Zhongcheng. The country's supreme ruler personally explains the country's core policies. Even the prime minister dare not take it for granted.

Liu Yan stayed in Guzang for three days. The background of his departure for Yangguan was that there were dozens of heads hanging from the city of Guzang.

In the original matter, there is no bloodshed when the king goes on tour. Everywhere he goes, he cuts off unstable elements, including some who are deliberately planning to rebel, and some corrupt officials. Liu Yan can also "distinguish between ourselves and the enemy" and kill It is absolutely impossible to kill wrong.

The authority of the ruler is based on blood, and Liu Yan has long been used to this phenomenon.He went to Yangguan to demonstrate another function of the ruler, that is, the responsibility of being the patriarch.

The ceremony to welcome the fallen was very formal and solemn, because relevant preparations had been made in advance, and it took place the day after Liu Yan's arrival.

The entire patrol team spent a total of three days in Yangguan, and then headed for the grassland in a mighty manner.

Liu Yan did not arrange for Xie Ai to accompany him, but he had a conversation with Xie Ai about the Rouran tribal alliance before leaving.He didn't visit the grassland secretly, he would meet quite a lot of people, including Rouran Khan Yujiulubati.

(End of this chapter)

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