sweeping the world

Chapter 785 Does the conscience not hurt?

Chapter 785 Does the conscience not hurt?

Kianoush Arta Ardashir was actually a little scared by Huan Wen. The reason was naturally that the Persians were not very clever at playing. They were not so naive as to think that the Han side would not be aware of it.Since it is clear that the Han State can guess what the Persian Sasanian wants to do, or what all the layout is for, some behaviors are done secretly, and it is quite ridiculous to ask the Han State for help after messing up.

"Food." Kianoush Arta Ardashir had the courage to say that, because he had a bargaining chip: "The big man doesn't need to send troops directly, he just sells arms, and Vaja Toga uses grain to pay the bill."

The corner of Huan Wen's mouth kept curling, and he didn't sneer directly, but the ridicule was really on the surface.

The alliance of the five-nation alliance is clearly written, and whoever captures the land of the Gupta Dynasty belongs to the occupying party.

Are there any more important resources than land?Vaga Toga may not be short of manpower, and may not be short of food, but it really lacks enough high-quality ordnance. If it can be replenished with ordnance, it will definitely arm more people to go to war.For a war of extermination, as long as there is no shortage of food, as long as there are enough ordnance, not only can the damaged weapons be replaced in time, but also more people can be armed to participate in the war. The more troops invested, the better the situation will be opened up. It is bound to be able to occupy more land.

"All I know is that the big man is buying food in large quantities wherever he can buy it." Chianoush Alta Ardashir still had a face, and said with a sneer: "The big man has a disaster. Yes, isn't it? If the general can obtain a large amount of grain, the emperor of your country must be very happy. When the emperor of your country is happy, the general...isn't it?"

Seeing that Huan Wen didn't intend to speak at all, Yuan Qiao said slowly, "Only His Majesty can decide whether to sell weapons or not."

Huan Wen didn't know whether Chianoush Arta Ardashir was really naive or fake naive. He came to buy armaments from a general like him who led the army to fight abroad. Didn't he know that the general who commanded the army was always afraid of being killed? The central doubts loyalty?Not to mention the sale of arms, he didn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary, and he even wanted to purchase arms in large quantities, which made him wonder if the Persians were plotting against him.

"Ah?" Is that so?Kianoush Arta Ardashir did not pretend to be, and said with a surprised expression: "I thought that since the general can lead the army to go out, he will have autonomy."

At that moment, Huan Wen reached out to the hilt of the sword, and Yuan Qiao's face became quite ugly. If it was to sow dissension, Chianoush Arta Ardashir's actions were really low-level.

Kianoush Arta Ardashir is not stupid. Seeing the ugly expression on Huan Wenwen and Yuan Qiao's face, he explained in embarrassment: "There is no other meaning. There are many generals who lead our troops to fight abroad. Great autonomy, including the sale of profitable military supplies."

Every country is different, isn't it?Perhaps the situation in Persian Sassanid is what Kianush Arta Ardashir said, and it is more likely that the situation in some countries is freer than Persian Sasanian, but that is not the dynasty of Zhuxia.

"As far as I know, your country won a big victory in the last battle (the first defensive battle against barbarians), and the recent land war, and captured a lot of weapons from the Xindu army?" Keanu Shi Alta Ardashir obviously noticed the murderous intent from Huan Wen and Yuan Qiao's malice, but he didn't intend to stop, and tried his best to fight for it: "Your country's weapons cannot be sold. If you replace them with weapons from the battlefield What about the seizure?"

The Han army has its own standard equipment, which emphasizes the "tidyness" of the armament. If Ah San's equipment is captured, except for some bow and arrow arrows, most of it is of no use to the regular army, except for providing it to the servant army. , are randomly piled up in the warehouse waiting to replenish the servant army, and it is likely that they are just rusted.

Ah San's equipment was quite mixed. The Han army seized the largest number of short spears, which was the standard equipment when Ah San armed the so-called untouchables. On the battlefield, including the capture from the warehouse behind, the number was as high as 28.The rest of the battle swords, scimitars, daggers, spears... Some unnamed weapons are less than half of the short spears.In addition, there are nearly 37 pairs of longbows with Ah San's characteristics, and arrows of various colors... bamboo arrows are the most numerous, with a total of [-].Armors are even more complicated. There are less than [-] sets of iron armor and leather armor that can be pieced together. Wooden armor, bamboo armor, cloth jacket armor and some strange things are simply not bothering to do statistics.

Seeing Huan Wenwen and Yuan Qiao not replying for a long time, Kianush Arta Ardashir asked incredulously when he saw their expressions so gloomy that they could drip water, "Could it be that they can't even deal with the capture?"

In the history of Zhuxia, many courtiers who sold arms privately did not even have a tomb, and there was no such thing as dense grass growing on the grave, so they would not sell state-standard ordnance separately, or they were captured from the battlefield. Anyway, doing so in private will never end well.Not only is it selling arms privately, but it is also privately accumulating weapons that exceed the state's permission due to identity. The word "anti-thief" will appear on the forehead every minute, and I will be dragged to Caishikou at any time along with the three clans.In particular, the control of armor is the strictest. The court also allows civilians to have weapons, but the quantity and specifications do not exceed the regulations. However, no matter which family or individual dares to store more than ten sets of armor, once it is discovered, there is nothing to say. See you at the vegetable market.

"..." Chianoush Arta Ardashir faced Huan Wenwen and Yuan Qiao who remained silent and had a gloomy expression, expressing that the pressure in his heart was greater than that of a mountain.He remained silent for a while, murmuring as if talking to himself: "No wonder the big man is so stable..."

Again, the national conditions of each country are different. There was a time when Zhuxia could sell arms at will, and even armed troops as long as they had money, especially when merchants raised an army to protect Caravans are the most normal.

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, non-state armed forces appeared frequently, but private armed forces that could catch the national army and rub against the ground. Except for a very small number of theories, any prosperous theory basically has its own "guardian private army" ".For a period of time, the most powerful Mohist simply rode directly on the heads of at least six vassal states to do whatever they wanted, and even the Mohist was able to head-to-head with Qin, one of the Warring States, and pulled out the army to fight. The result was that Qin spent two generations fighting for the Mohist The support, it is estimated that after using it, the ink will be wiped out, even if it is not completely wiped out, it will also make the Mo family fall into a slump.

The "classical" era of Zhuxia ended in the prelude to the Warring States Period, and then the Qin Empire swept across the world and formulated new rules. After Liu Bang proclaimed himself emperor in the early Han Dynasty, he was running around to eliminate those he had sealed The princes and kings are here again. Liu Che has achieved the authority of "I am the only one" because he defeated the deadly enemy the Huns. In fact, his tolerance for civilians holding weapons is relatively high, but the control of personnel within the system is so strict that there is no limit. If the central court There is no sign of the end, some red lines are dead on touch.

At least before the Song Dynasty, in fact, the officials of Zhuxia encouraged the people to hold weapons, because they knew that the people who usually held weapons could be familiar with the use of weapons, and waited for the recruitment. A little emphasis on discipline is a weapon that can be pulled into the battlefield immediately. If the army is not even allowed to touch weapons at ordinary times, when the soldiers are needed, the recruited people will die if they are not trained and dragged into the battlefield, but it will take too much time to train the recruited people.

Encourage the common people to hold weapons, especially in the Han Dynasty, especially in the Western Han Dynasty, as long as an adult man should at least learn to use the bow as a weapon, it is a folk custom that as long as a boy is born, the parents must hold the baby's hand and shoot with a toy-like bow Quartet.The most important thing in the exquisite crown ceremony is archery, martial arts, and driving skills. You may not be very proficient, but you must not be incapable.So, Liu Che wanted to go to war with the Xiongnu. Once the call-up order was issued, hundreds of thousands of troops would be pulled out in minutes. Later, he attached great importance to riding skills, and the Han cavalry began to sweep across the grassland.

To say that the first emperor made twelve golden men with all the weapons in the world, that is the weapon to capture the six kingdoms, not the weapon to capture the people of Qin.

Two Song Dynasties?They were influenced by the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. Of course, they prohibited the people from holding weapons for the sake of the stability of their rule. They then waited for the foreign armies to come over and killed them. They did not organize an army that could fight immediately, and the people were like lambs to be slaughtered.At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang repeatedly organized resistance, and the unoccupied areas responded accordingly. Fujian and Shanxi were located in the rear and retained considerable vitality due to the terrain. Most of the men in Fujian and Shanxi basically followed to fight against the invasion. That was still Fujian and Shanxi. Men in Shanxi have the attribute of "Southern Barbarians". During the Southern Song Dynasty, they were specially allowed to hold weapons, but the end of their successors was that they were wiped out repeatedly.

In other countries or nations, they may have had movements to centralize power, but they did not seem to be very successful. The rulers who basically wanted to hold all power in their hands either gave up halfway or were directly overthrown. Turned over the table.Of those rulers who forcibly took over power, eight out of ten were killed by their former subordinates, one was frightened to death by the sudden outbreak of rebellion, and the other committed suicide by various means.

"Feudalism" disappeared in Zhu Xia, but the rest of the civilization has always existed. The promising profession of "Lord" has not completely disappeared even in modern times.

"The Han Dynasty is different from all countries." Kianush Alta Aldashir did not give up the purpose of coming, but now is not the time to mess around. He talked about other topics to ease the atmosphere: "Take our country as an example. , we do not allow civilians to hold weapons, which is different from you. Our country's lords and generals, as long as their financial resources allow, can have weapons that they can afford, to defend their territories in peacetime, and to accompany the army in wartime."

Huan Wen and Yuan Qiao looked at each other, and it was certain that Kianush Alta Aldashir was not telling lies.

"What you call rest, that is, our Parthian period, the seven major families all had huge private armies." Chianoush Arta Ardashir was obviously caught in a kind of thinking, and his expression was pretty Important: "In Parthia's war with Rome, the troops have been repeatedly wiped out by the system. The Roman army came to the capital. Their choice is to wait and see."

In the history of Zhuxia, there has never been a case where the country was wiped out by a foreign race, and there was no situation where the country's field troops were wiped out, and the enemy troops had already attacked the imperial capital, but the armed forces in other places did not provide support or rescue.In the case of foreign troops approaching the imperial capital, among the princes of Zhuxia who knew the news, there is historical records that King You of Zhou, Ji Gongyan, was attacked by the dog army into the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Haojing. It may be that the dog army invaded too fast and the Or other reasons, anyway, it was not Zhou Youwang Ji Gongyan who did the "beacon fire drama princes" for Baosi, which caused the princes to renounce. One exception is that troops are sent everywhere to serve the king without a break.

Kianush Arta Ardashir was talking about the history of the fall of the Parthian Empire, but what he didn’t say was that after the Ardashir family saw that the country’s demise was irreversible, they betrayed the object of their oath of allegiance and simply controlled the last An armed force hibernates in the local area, like many others who have more or less armed forces in their hands, waiting for the Romans to sack the capital, and then looting all the way back, and then they take the lead in attacking their former allegiance objects, and later After defeating other competitors, the Sasanian country was established.

"What I learned is that anyone in the big man will have to pay taxes to the country as long as there is output?" Chianoush Alta Ardashir didn't expect to get a reply, and continued on his own: "The lord of our country does not need it, nor does Rome...that is, the Great Qin you call it."

This is really the case in Persian Sasanian and Rome, but the lords will offer in the form of tribute, and how much they give depends on their conscience.Under normal circumstances, such as now, in the turbulent Persian Sassan and Rome in civil war, Shapur II frantically asked his subjects to contribute more, and the "three sons" of Rome were also in the same situation, because of their fundamental national conditions, What has to be said is that the situation has not improved to some extent, on the contrary, it has further deteriorated.

Of course, Chianush Arta Ardashir will not talk about the scandal of Persian Sassanid, he just talked about the current situation in Rome, and he spoke very objectively and deeply. The meaning of the summary is: the system of the big man It is a very advanced system that can tap the greatest potential of a country. It is no wonder that it can launch wars anytime and anywhere.

Facing Chianoush Arta Ardashir who vaguely expressed "seeking guidance", Huan Wenwen and Yuan Qiao once again looked at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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