sweeping the world

Chapter 784 Games Are Everywhere

Chapter 784 Games Are Everywhere
Huan Wen soon got feedback from Yuan Qiao, and the first thing he did after getting the letter of loyalty was to throw it away casually, as if he didn't take it seriously.

It has been six days since the Han army landed in Jitanado, and the port area has entered the final stage of construction, but the construction of the water village is a bit slow.

The second batch of [-] follow-up troops arrived on the third day. They took over some areas captured by the first batch of troops, mainly some highlands with strategic value.

The first batch of landing troops swept around after landing. The main expansion directions were east and north. They did not encounter stubborn resistance. It only took five days to move east and north with the landing point as the core. After advancing for more than 120 miles, the east has been blocked by mountains before stopping, and the north is stopped in a forest area.

The third batch of follow-up troops arrived on the sixth day. It happened that Yuan Qiao returned to the camp area, and the newly arrived fleet was also unloading troops through the built port. Their arrival increased the number of troops landing in Jitanado to 12. .

"Our scouts at the forefront have begun spying on the enemy's intelligence." Huan Wen stood up and walked to the shelf hanging the map of mountains and rivers, pointing to the area in the eastern mountainous area: "There are about [-] enemy troops here, and they stopped to rely on the terrain. Building fortifications, putting on a defensive posture."

Yuan Qiao looked at the relatively simple military map and nodded to express his understanding, and saw Huan Wen's hand drawing the northern area.

"Most of Ah San's place is virgin forest area, almost undeveloped." Huan Wen pointed at the map with his index finger, drawing circles one after another in some areas: "There are also a group of enemy troops here, the number should be Around 11."

The degree of development of the Gupta Dynasty, especially the surrounding and coastal areas of the capital, is said to be highly developed, and the density of cities and villages is quite dense.

Jitanado is a small country, and the highly developed area is only the capital of Sartre and its surrounding areas. The number of cities is very small, and there are village-level gathering places.There may be people in the vast majority of their territory, but it is really almost wild, which is also confirmed by Misap.

"It is estimated that there are more than 17 enemy troops in the east and north?" Yuan Qiao attached great importance to this information, and said with some emotion: "The population of Gupta seems to be very large!"

The population of the Gupta Dynasty was indeed quite large, probably around 2000 million, but most of them were so-called untouchables.

The Han State still cannot clearly distinguish the military structure of the Gupta Dynasty. Furthermore, the area where the enemy troops are located is not easy to investigate. It is difficult to figure out how many of the 17 enemy troops that have been discovered are Kshatriya legions and how many are fatal. Valuable untouchable armed.

"We found the elephant soldiers in the northern region." Huan Wen was actually mentally prepared for the encounter with the elephant soldiers, and he also got to know Urgutai Bahram specifically for this: "The elephant soldiers in the forest war are not easy to deal with. "

How could Ah San not have the existence of elephant soldiers?Their history of taming elephants can be traced back to ancient times. The first Asan Dynasty to use elephant soldiers in large numbers was the Mauryan Dynasty. They relied on elephant soldiers to defeat Alexander the Great, who was conquering the east, and forced the Greek-Macedonian coalition forces to withdraw from the Asan territory.

Persian Sasanian also had elephant soldiers, but they were not comparable in number to the Gupta Dynasty. Their elephant soldiers had made great achievements in the contest with Rome. They were another army besides armored horses and horse archers trump card.

The Romans actually had their own elephant soldiers, and the history of using elephant soldiers was earlier than that of the Persians.They realized that the power of the elephant soldiers came from Carthage, and they had to know that Rome became the overlord of the Mediterranean only after overthrowing Carthage.

Carthage’s archers and elephant soldiers are very powerful. Hannibal’s expedition to Rome included elephant soldiers. Even after the long journey, the number of elephants surviving was rare, but they still gave the Roman army a great shock. It even destroyed the tortoise shell formation in Rome several times head-on.

Although the Persian Sassanid has formed a partial alliance with Han, the Persians will not really put their hearts out. When Urgutai Bahram introduced the elephant soldiers to Huan Wen, he said that he was powerful, and he said some things to deal with method, but the aspect that elephants are afraid of fire is not mentioned at all.

"So the Persians are not reliable."

Yuan Qiao didn't think there was anything wrong. No one stipulated that allies must share information in an all-round way. Just like Han would not tell the Persians the real operation methods and weaknesses of the crossbow and other equipment, how could the Persians tell the weaknesses of the troops they relied on? ?
ally?It was just an existence that came together temporarily because of the needs of interests, and Zhu Xia had recognized this very early on.

The real situation is that since the Qin Empire swept through the Eight Wastelands and Liuhe and established a unified dynasty, the Qin Empire has no allies.

Or it should be said that the unified dynasties in the history of Zhuxia never had allies.

Allies are established on the basis of equal strength. The unified dynasty of Zhuxia is not a giant, and those with similar strength in the surrounding area are basically hostile, so there are no allies.

The Zhuxia Dynasty under the great unification should also be a vassal state or a vassal state, or a vassal state or a vassal state that is played around and has no extravagant hope of being able to help.

Elephant soldiers generally refer to elephants controlled by people, and elephants are usually very huge.There are elephant soldiers who simply rely on getting ropes on the elephant's ears, and there are also elephant soldiers who put on baskets and bring a few archers.

The elephants on Ah San's side are relatively small in size, and basically only rely on the ropes attached to the elephant's ear piercing holes, and the drivers drive the elephants to collide or trample on them.

In Carthage, their elephants were very large in size. According to some historical records in Rome, the elephants at the peak of Carthage were five or six meters high, and there were even elephants seven meters high. After the basket, in addition to the driver, six or seven archers can be carried.

In contrast, the elephants on Ah San's side are generally about three meters in height, a few can reach four meters, and very few can reach five meters. It really can't be compared with Carthage, who also plays elephant soldiers.

Huan Wen knew that elephants were afraid of fire from the Romans who accompanied the army, and also learned that although elephants were huge, they were timid.

There are no elephant soldiers in Rome now. It doesn’t mean that they don’t have any in their territories, nor does it lack the means to tame elephants (slaves). It’s because elephants are delicate animals, and Rome, which is divided and in financial trouble However, no one of the three parties can afford to support a huge elephant army, and a small number of elephant soldiers will not have any key effect.

"In terms of geopolitics, our alliance with the Persians is doomed to rupture. The difference is when we expand to their borders." Huan Wen is still quite interested in the expedition to Persia: "They also know this."

The Persian Sasanian is also an empire, and it will not be like some small countries that only think about the present and not the future.They dealt with the Gupta Dynasty together with the Han Dynasty, in order to cut off the long-range "blood replenishment" of the Gupta Dynasty to Rome.During the process of the alliance, the Persian Sassanid used its political prestige to pull several countries such as Liangsatrapu and Vajathaka into the alliance. If you think in a malicious direction, you will not see the Han Dynasty conquering the Gupta Dynasty by itself. benefit.

Both Satrapu and Vajathaka are connected to the Gupta Dynasty by land borders. Compared with Han, a country that needs to transport troops tens of thousands of miles across the sea to fight, it will not only take advantage of it. 01:30 Point, not to mention wealth plundering, how much land can be occupied can be digested to the greatest extent.

"The Persians are very smart." Yuan Qiao could already predict one thing: "Once Gupta is destroyed, there will inevitably be disputes between the big man and the two satraps and Vagataka."

Before the start of the war, the Persian Sassanid had solemnly declared that it would not occupy even an inch of Gupta land. Their suggestion was that apart from the Persian Sassanian, as much land as the allied countries captured during the war would be considered as the possession of the occupying country.

It's not that Han Guo didn't see it through, but he still didn't respond after seeing it through.The Persians want Han to have a conflict with Liangsatrapu and Vagataka, which is actually in the hands of Han. The Han army coming to the Asan Continent is not a Gupta dynasty that can satisfy the appetite, so we can find it later An excuse to start a war is not as good as pushing the boat along.

"Wen really wants to see what choices the Persians will have then." Huan Wen doesn't care how many enemies there are. The more wars he can make achievements in, the happier he will be: "If they choose to support those two small countries, the Han Dynasty can definitely help the Qin Dynasty. people."

Yuan Qiao agrees with many of his colleagues. If Han is to choose a long-term ally, there is no more suitable partner than Rome in the known world.

That is determined by the positions of the two countries. Han is in the east and Rome is in the west. The two countries also control all the land from the land to the ocean, but there is a vast and exaggerated continent in the middle, and there is not much conflict of interest. At the same time, isn't it a good choice for the two sides to form allies and expand to the middle?
The idea of ​​forming an alliance with Rome has long been mentioned to Liu Yan. The support point is the one above. The doubt is that Rome will split itself. If you really want to discuss an alliance, you have to wait for Rome to reunify.

Of course, if the Han Kingdom and Rome really form an alliance, the alliance will only be maintained until the borders of the two countries meet, and they may live in peace for a few years in the middle, and then an unprecedented war will break out, and the only one who will win the World Island Owner.

"We probably won't live until that time." Huan Wen was obviously disappointed, but he soon cheered up: "Our generation can lay the foundation for future generations, and we are born at the right time."

Yuan Qiao didn't think too far, and focused on the current war.He stopped talking and walked to one side to watch the information that he hadn't had time to read in the past few days, focusing on the war situation in the west of the Gupta Dynasty.

"The Liangsatrapu and Vajathaka, which are connected to the western border of Gupta, are both big countries capable of dispatching tens of thousands of troops." Yuan Qiao said while watching the information, "They have already started to attack Gupta as agreed."

Huan Wen had read the information a long time ago, otherwise he would not have had some of the conversations above.

Vajathaka had border conflicts with the Gupta Dynasty for a long time, and both countries usually had large troops on the border.Vajathaka's attack on the Gupta Dynasty not only had to face the Gupta Dynasty's army, but also had to fight through one fortification after another.

The relationship between the two Satraps and the Gupta Dynasty was not bad before, and it was considered friendly to a certain extent, but this time the two Satraps didn't care about friendship.It is precisely because the relationship between the two countries was not tense before that the Gupta Dynasty only deployed a small number of troops on the border, waiting for the two Satraps to suddenly turn their faces and deny people. No matter how fast it is, it will seem hasty, and the two satraps used cavalry as their first move, and they invaded within a hundred miles of the border of the Gupta Dynasty in just ten days.

"There will be a good show in the future." Huan Wen said maliciously: "Vagataka's advance is difficult, and the casualties must be very serious. They see their neighbors easily going from one victory to another, but they themselves are blocked. Any ideas?"

"The agreement is how many territories to capture, and those territories will be owned by the country that conquered one side in the future." Yuan Qiao was thinking about the other side: "In order to achieve a balance, the Persians should support Vagataka."

"Inevitable." Huan Wen is not optimistic about the balance policy played by the Persians: "There are constant turmoil in Persia and the real threat of the Great Qin people. How many troops can be mobilized? Even if they can be mobilized, the Persians must Wouldn't you be willing to use your own army to help Vaja Toka open up territories and shed blood? To support equipment? I heard that Persia's finances are not optimistic."

If the Persians didn't want to be chess players and didn't hide the elephant's weakness, Huan Wen wouldn't be so gloating. Since the Persians are not authentic, don't blame him for wanting to see jokes from his allies.Besides, he didn't have much integrity, and if the Persians didn't screw up, he would have tripped up.

While the two were talking, someone outside informed Chianoush Arta Ardashir to come by boat, and he had sent his followers to report that he would come to Huan Wen soon.

"Bet five copper coins." Huan Wen tapped his fingers rhythmically on the desk: "He's here to ask for help."

"Purchase ordnance." Yuan Qiao looked thoughtful and said slowly: "I wonder if the country agrees?"

Kianoush Arta Ardashir arrived at the Pingman Colonel's Department from the mainland of Han a month ago. He should have received some instructions from the country. It is very likely that Huan Wen and Yuan Qiao just said to support the army. Kathaka thing.He had just left Han, and it was not impossible to go back immediately, but the current monsoon was obviously not right, and it would take too long to go to Han, so finding Huan Wen became the best choice.

Not long after, Chianoush Arta Ardashir entered the military tent after being notified with a dusty appearance. After a few polite words, he went straight to the main topic. Huan Wenwen and Yuan Qiao really guessed that it was a negotiation To buy military equipment.

Yuan Qiao went out, came back quickly, handed Huan Wen five copper coins, and then went to the side without saying a word.

Huan Wen played with the five coins and looked at Kianush Alta Aldashir with an unpredictable expression, which made the latter feel a little scared.

(End of this chapter)

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