Chapter 686
In fact, Liu Yan has been busy enough recently, and he didn't do it deliberately so that he didn't see the envoys of various countries.

A large-scale drought is coming, counties and counties are constantly preparing to resist the disaster, and the materials that need to be allocated by the center are calculated in huge quantities. At this time, the significance of Liu Yan's golden finger is highlighted, and a considerable amount of materials needs to be distributed by himself.

Another troublesome thing is that Sang Yu once again launched a big move. He patrolled various places to investigate illegal activities and severely punished a group of merchants who had noticed that the disaster was coming and maliciously hoarded food.What must be said is that behind the great merchants there must be people with a platform, either from the government or from local aristocratic families and wealthy families. Although the Han Dynasty repeatedly dealt with aristocratic families and wealthy families, it was not an indiscriminate attack. There were a considerable number of aristocratic families and wealthy families. In fact, it formed a community of interests with Han.

"You bastard!" Liu Yan patted the table with an angry face: "Isn't it enough to sleep with the country? The center is working hard to deal with the disaster year, but they took the opportunity to do something!"

Corruption and lawlessness cannot be eradicated in any era, but they are not serious.There are few people with high moral standards in the world. Corruption will inevitably occur after taking power. This is true regardless of whether supervision exists. Rigorous supervision can deter people to the greatest extent.

It is very easy for Liu Yan to investigate corruption. Most of the materials are allocated by him personally. After delivery, there is no so-called transportation loss. The materials delivered are put in In the warehouse, there will be relevant records for how much is withdrawn, and there must be relevant provisions for where it is used.

Where is the material used? If it is not sent out, it will be left alone, and the receiver must sign for it. Everything is clearly recorded. How brave or how stupid is the person who dares to stretch out his hand?There are always people who think that they are the only ones who are smart and everyone else is fools, so they really dare to reach out.

Sang Yu's visits to the local area are more of a deterrent. After the reform, although the imperial envoy doctor is still a Sangong, he can be said to be the highest justice. The Dali Temple is responsible for supervision, and the Ting Wei Department has the right to arrest people.

The central government, which had long been aware of the emergence of corruption and lawlessness, mobilized a large number of manpower to rush to counties and counties, some to intimidate people openly, and more to covertly.

Even though they have already put up a big battle to deter them, the main reason for Liu Yan's anger is the continuous occurrence of official corruption and the phenomenon of reaching out to the aristocratic and wealthy families.

"Kill a group, exile a group, and confiscate all the property of those involved." Cui Yue is the supervisor of the censor. When the imperial envoy doctor Sang Yu, the imperial censor Zhong Cheng Xie Ai, and the imperial censor Wang Jian are not in the center, it is he who Report to the king.Perhaps in order to reduce Liu Yan's anger, he said: "Their corruption and lawlessness have added a lot of grain to the big man."

Nowadays, those who can become officials are basically those with families behind them, and the aristocratic or powerful families who have the ability to reach out to public property are not much weaker. The perpetrators are brought to justice, and it is not the perpetrators themselves who are involved, but the people behind them. The family must also be implicated.

For quite a long time, the civilization of Zhuxia talked about one person breaking the law and the whole family committing the same crime, but it was aimed at aristocratic families and big clans, on the contrary, it was not so cruel to the common people.

There is nothing to say about aristocratic families and big clans being targeted. The benefits obtained by the aristocratic family's crimes are the interests of the family. From the old man with gray hair to the baby waiting to be fed, everyone can enjoy the benefits brought by the law.Since they enjoyed it, they naturally didn't have to run away while they were waiting to be dealt with. That's why the whole family was finished when they were finished in all dynasties.

"Lian Zuo" is not aimed at the people, it is not the benevolence of the government, it is that even if the people break the law, they usually cannot get much benefit, and the biggest law that can be committed is killing people, which is really not at the same level as the law committed by the aristocratic and wealthy families.Furthermore, the threats to the rulers of individual common people are different from those of aristocratic families and wealthy families. Even the rulers should pretend to be fake for the sake of benevolence. There is no big threat and they can win over a wave of people. Such a thing.

Cui Yue's so-called killing of a group of people, exile of a group of people, and confiscation of family property are not based on the wishes of the king or the investigators, but are clear sentencing in Han law. The person who dies is naturally the principal criminal, and the principal criminal's family and accomplices will be exiled, and the family property will be It is nationalized.

Nowadays, the exile of the Han Dynasty is to choose the Indochina Peninsula, which can be regarded as an alternative means of immigration, mainly for the purpose of enriching the population.

After Cui Yue finished his report, Lu Yi came over not long after he left.

"After negotiation, the countries have agreed to the big man's purchase of grain." Lu Yi felt that this pundit had only made a difference in the near future, or he had nothing to do, and as soon as he had something to do, the diplomatic missions from far away would arrive: "Your Majesty, look... When will the Hongru Hall send out its staff?"

Liu Yan was naturally very happy about this matter. The most scarce thing in the Han Dynasty now was food, and he could even conquer a country just to plunder food.

"Every country agrees that Han people go to their own country?" Liu Yan couldn't help laughing "haha" when he got the confirmation, and said after laughing: "That's very good!"

The Han Dynasty had a world map drawn by Liu Yan, but it was really unreliable. He drew an outline based on his own memory that he didn’t know was right or wrong. Don’t expect anything like latitude, and there was absolutely no reference for distance. sex.

Liu Yan knew where Rome was, and also knew where Sasanian Persia was, but he had no geographical concept at all for those other countries.

Besides, isn't the map unreliable?The countries agree that the Han people can go to the past, and they can carry out relevant exploration, make a serious map, and understand the situation of each country to the greatest extent. If they really want to get things done, not to mention providing the future goals of the Han army, so It is definitely a big event in history.

"Countries come from the sea, and the Han Dynasty will also leave from the sea." Lu Yi said happily: "In this way, the Han Dynasty will have more routes and no longer need to explore on its own."

Han is an offensive country, and Liu Yan’s desire for “endless conquests” is at least understood and recognized by the central ministers. After repeated studies, they have understood that even if Han regains control of the Western Regions and repeatedly attacks from land to The westward expansion will not be easy. The Western Region itself is full of Gobi and deserts, but there is a large desert farther to the west. After this invasion of the Gupta Dynasty, they discovered one thing, that is, attacking distant fortresses from the sea. More convenient than traveling by land.

The Han Kingdom has been exploring the South China Sea for five years, and it still dare not say that it has fully understood the waters of the South China Sea, and even the archipelago south of Luzon has not yet been explored.The exploration of Malacca has only lasted for one year. If it hadn’t been for the military operation to enter the territory of Asan to rob, in fact, it would not have entered Asanyang so quickly. The operation should be carried out after the greatest degree of exploration.

The fault tolerance rate of navigation is much lower than that of land. Even now, ships still get lost in the South China Sea, especially after entering the waters of the Sulu Sea in later generations. Getting lost has become a common phenomenon, which has led the Han people to The exploration of the sea area was very slow, and Liu Yan's expectation that he would soon find Australia in the future did not happen at all.

"Your Majesty." Lu Yi could tell that Liu Yan was very happy, but he didn't understand why.He also had other things to report: "The envoy from Rome has been making friends with officials of the Han Dynasty recently, and told the officials about the history of Rome."

Aulus Sextus Cicero was very worried that Han and Persian Sassan were getting closer. In order to let Han know more about Rome, he constantly invited Han officials he knew to banquets, and asked other Romans to Go around and advertise Rome.

"According to what the Romans said, their history can be traced back to the end of the Shang Dynasty in the Central Plains..." Lu Yi obviously had some understanding and talked about some history told by the Romans themselves. Those things were basically things that Liu Yan had some impressions of.After he finished telling what he knew, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Is the history of Rome really that long?"

how to say?Although Rome has always been called Rome, Rome also has its own dynasty change, such as from a parliamentary system to a republic, and from a republic to a dynasty (big giants), and then from a dynasty (consul) to an imperial system (Austria). Gustus), their rulers were not always continued by one family, but changed many times.

Speaking of the history of Rome, their civilization arose from the ninth century BC, and they entered the period of the Republic of 1 and 1 after the reign of the king, and gradually conquered the Italian Peninsula during the period of the 1 and 1 Kingdom. The basic disk has just begun to move towards the road of competing for hegemony in the Mediterranean.

"It's really that long." Liu Yan affirmed this point. He didn't want Lu Yi, who was a Dian Ke (equivalent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs), to appear ignorant, so he talked about some of the history of Rome that he knew, and finally said: " Any civilization has its own rise and fall, for example, there are not many ancient civilizations that have survived from Zhuxia, and those that can continue and always have a place are Zhuxia, Rome and Asan."

Lu Yi didn’t dare to ask Liu Yan why he knew so much. After hearing about the “Era of the Three Giants” in Rome, he also learned about the war between Rome and Parthia for more than a hundred years. After learning that Rome destroyed Parthia, it was inevitable that it would immediately weaken. Sigh, I also have my own ideas about "official chaos".

What Liu Yan knew was only a generalization. His description of Lu Yi was actually wrong. Rome and Parthia had not only fought a century-old war, but seriously fought it intermittently for nearly 300 years.

The first conflict between Rome and Parthia occurred in the 70st century BC in the [-]s. On the Roman side, Pompey clashed with Parthia in order to pursue the remnants of the enemy. The Parthian army fought in Armenia, and the fighting was temporarily suspended with a small victory for Rome.

The second was Crassus' Eastern Expedition. Rome used seven legions (about 5 people), [-] light cavalry and [-] light infantry to fight against the Parthian army with at least [-] cavalry (including [-] heavy cavalry).The battle ended with Crassus' death, and the Roman army was wiped out by the Parthian army. Crassus's head was filled with gold by the Parthians as a mockery.

Later, there were countless large and small wars between Rome and Parthia. In fact, the two sides had victories and defeats, with Parthia winning more times.There are clear records in the literature, indicating that the war between Rome and Parthia really lasted nearly 300 years. If you look at the history of world wars, the war between Rome and Parthia was only lost to Britain and the Netherlands, which took 330 years. of war (a long-term state of war).

Then again, if the Xiongnu invaded the Central Plains from the pre-Qin period, and then Liu Yuan destroyed the Western Jin Dynasty, there is a saying that the war between the Han people and the Xiongnu lasted for 500 years?

Liu Yan could probably guess why those Romans wanted to talk about their own history. It was nothing more than to let Han understand that Rome was not a small fish or shrimp. On the contrary, they wanted Han to know how great Rome was.

"They did this to let the big man weigh it." Lu Yi said about the alliance partner: "Otherwise...they don't have to bring up the matter of destroying the Parthian Empire again and again."

That's right, Zhuxia's official name for Parthia should be Anxi.

The Han State did not have to form an alliance with anyone, especially since the Han State did not have the ability to extend its hand that far. Therefore, regardless of whether it had been seeking an alliance with Persia, Sassanid or Rome, the Han State did not want to give any formal response at all.

"We don't need to join their war, but we can carry out some necessary strategies." Liu Yan actually agrees with some of Aulus Sextus Cicero's views, that is, the distance between near and far in geopolitics Bie: "The Romans want to buy weapons? Then sell them, and even let the Persians buy weapons from the big man. In terms of commodities, there is nothing that the big man can't sell except firearms."

If the strategy of long-distance friendship and short-term attack is followed, even if the Han Kingdom wants to choose an ally, Rome is suitable. The alliance between the two can really carve up the world island. No alliance required.

Lu Yi had no concept of making war fortune, but Liu Yan was deeply impressed by how the United States grew stronger. Moreover, the Han Dynasty was not only able to make war fortune by doing this, the more fierce the war between Rome and Persian Sassanid was against the Han Kingdom. In fact, the more beneficial it is, the Han Kingdom can't expand that far for the time being, but it can attack some small countries first when Rome and Persian Sasanian play their heads.

The country of Han needs to expand. At present, there are many lands without owners. There are many islands in the south, and the southwest has already begun to be managed. The country moves.

"I understand." Lu Yi really understood: "I will not reject the willingness of the two countries to form an alliance, but I will not give a formal reply, and use their conflicts to grab more benefits for the big man."

How did Liu Yan hear the feeling of "British shit stick"?But he greatly appreciated Lu Yi's awareness.

(End of this chapter)

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