sweeping the world

Chapter 685 Terrible Country

Chapter 685 Terrible Country
If the diplomatic missions from various countries saw prosperity in Jiankang, vigorous labor and post-war barrenness before arriving in Chang'an from Jiankang, then what they saw in Chang'an really didn't look like a prosperous city. The capital of an empire.

The old Chang'an city was repaired in the period of the former Zhao Liuyao. It should be said that the city wall was still very majestic, but the slaves of the Huns, the Jie tribe, rebelled behind them, and even the Di and Qiang tribes also took turns to rebel. The old Chang'an city was actually repeated. After the test of war, the majestic city wall was repeatedly damaged in repeated wars. After waiting for the Jie people to occupy the Central Plains, the capital was in Xiangguo, and the old Chang'an city was not repaired at all.

Today's old Chang'an City is not only full of gaps in the city walls, but also ten buildings in the city have collapsed and four or five buildings have collapsed. It's a complete rundown.

Liu Yan wanted to establish his capital in Guanzhong. Considering that the new Chang'an City could not be built in a short time, the officials had cleaned up the old Chang'an City. The main object of repair was the palace city, but a dilapidated city could not be short-lived. It can be recovered within time, and the old Chang'an city will be flattened after the new Chang'an city is established. It really didn't take much effort to repair it.

The officials cleared up the old Chang'an city to a certain extent. The roads were one of the objects to be cleared up, and then some areas were leveled. The army set up camps in the cleared out areas. As a result, the old Chang'an city became a large barracks full of tents.

The Han Dynasty arranged for the resting places of the envoys from various countries to be relatively intact houses in the city, and it was still relatively humane to carry out certain isolation. For example, the rivals of Persia, Sassanid and Rome were arranged far away.

"The most powerful empire of the Han people used this city as its capital?" Kianush Alta Aldashir got the consent and went up to a city tower. Looking at the entire city from a high place, he could find that the city was still very Da: "Although what we see are pieces of ruins, we can imagine that this city must have had its glory."

To be honest, the old Chang'an city was really huge. If it didn't have enough height, it would be impossible to see the end at all. If the suburban manors were included, it would appear even bigger.

"The Han people are building a new city there." Urgutai Bahram pointed to the south, only some vague outlines could be seen from too far away: "I heard that more than 150 million laborers were used?"

In the construction plan of New Chang'an, the city wall will no longer be built in New Chang'an City, but each "square" will be divided by road planning.The new city is at the southeast end of the old city, still in the middle of Fengshui and Bashui, but closer to Bashui.

The location of the new Chang'an City is actually Chang'an during the Li and Tang Dynasties. If the place is changed, there will be the Bashui Zheliu to see off friends. If the location is not changed, it can only be the city gate to see friends off. Therefore, there was no Bashui Zhe at all before Li Tang. Liu Songyou's record.

This time, the planning of the new Chang'an City directly erased Du County, and even partially covered Lantian. During the Li and Tang Dynasties, it also expanded southward repeatedly, and it was getting closer and closer to the Qinling Mountains.

"150 million?!" Kianush Alta Aldashir almost peed when he heard this: "We came from the south, and the labor force we saw along the way was at least 200 million! The Han Empire actually used 350 million in the same year labor force? It’s really terrible!”

In fact, it is far more than 350 million. After the end of the spring plowing, it is time to collect corvee. In addition to the normal corvee, there are also paid employment. More than 600 million people participated in the large-scale construction, most of which were concentrated in the construction of the national road from Jiankang to Guanzhong. , 150 million was used to build the new Chang'an city, and the rest was scattered around.

In the eighth year of Yuanshuo, the drought was getting closer and closer, and drought had already broken out in some areas. The government did not stand by and watch the disaster cause serious consequences. It took large-scale projects to gather the population, especially in the areas where the disaster had already occurred. Try your best.

The missions of various countries did not know that Han was facing a large-scale natural disaster, and that the purpose of starting a large-scale project was to achieve the purpose of labor-for-relief. They would only be shocked by the fact that Han was able to organize millions of people to work, and marveled at the organization of Han. ability, I am surprised why the Han people are extremely cooperative with the government.

"Don't talk about organizing 350 million people to work, we will make a mess even if we gather 10 people to work together." Urgutai Bahram knew exactly what Kianush Arta Ardashir was shocked, and said with a wry smile: "The last time we built the road from Tesiphon to Iraq, only 8 people were able to break out a riot."

What Egutay Bahram was talking about was seven years ago. At that time, the Persian Sasanians were planning to attack the eastern province of Rome again. In order to achieve rapid troop deployment and follow-up transportation of baggage, a considerable number of Arabs and Jews were recruited. , Egyptians and black Africans. As a result, the Arabs started fighting with the Jews before the road construction began.

How come there are so many ethnic groups in the Sasanian Dynasty?In fact, since the Parthian period, they have conquered a considerable number of countries and nations, some of which were persecuted by other countries and immigrated to the past. For example, the Jews who migrated all over the world long ago belonged to independent immigrants.

The conflict between the Jews and the Arabs has been a long time ago. It was after the "Jewish War" that took place from AD 1970 to [-]. The background was that the Jews rebelled against the rule of the Romans, and the Roman army captured Jerusalem as the end of the war. , after which the Jews began to flee all over the world.They were divided into many branches to find their own way out, mainly fleeing to non-Roman ruled areas, a considerable part fled to Nabata Thailand at that time, and more fled to the Parthian Empire and the Kingdom of Armenia.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the Jews still do not have their own homeland, and their ethnic groups are more dispersed than hundreds of years ago. Except for the Jews who were taken to Europe as slaves, a considerable number of Jews migrated to Europe on their own, but the number of Jews The largest number is still in the Middle East, and Iraq and Syria have the largest number of Jews.

To be serious, the Arabs and the Jews, who also do not have their own country, are actually suffering from the same disease, but the two sides do not sympathize with each other because of the same misery, on the contrary, the relationship is very bad.As for the reason, it is actually quite simple, but it cannot be described in depth.

"Let the people accompanying you open your eyes and use your brains!" Kianush Alta Aldashir took a deep breath: "Negotiate with the Han people? If you can get permission, you must learn their management knowledge."

Urgutai Bahram nodded immediately. There are many countries with tens of millions of people in the world, but there are really not many countries that can organize millions of people to work together. As far as he knows, there are only two countries. One, that is (ancient) Egypt, which has perished and cannot get back up, and the other is the Han civilization that has been reborn repeatedly from nirvana. There is really no other country that can do it. Whether it is Rome or them, there is obviously no shortage of manpower and material resources, but it is true. It just can't be done.

At another location, the group of Romans was allowed to enter the construction site directly.

The scope of the new Great Wall is very large, and it is divided into different areas and built in stages. The place where Aulus Sextus Cicero led his people was an area where the land was being cleared and leveled. What he saw was the division of labor Clear labor, some people shovel the soil, some load the soil, and some transport it out. There are many people but there is no chaos, on the contrary, it is orderly.

"Only slaves need supervisors, and Seres can work hard without supervision." Aulus Sextus Cicero is not only looking at the size of the engineering site, but also observing how to ensure order: "They all seem to know what they should do, and they don't need someone to urge them?"

In fact, both slaves and civilians are being supervised, but the sergeant who supervises the slaves is too obvious.After the people are divided into groups, they have their own group leaders, and above the group leaders there are captains. Both the group leaders and the captains personally participate in the labor, but they can urge and assign the same group what to do.

The discipline of the Han people did not appear overnight. Liu Yan would register the population and household registration every time he regained an area. The area would also be under military control for a period of time. It was inevitable that a set of militarized management would be carried out, and there would be its own civilization. The corvee system, coupled with the fact that each county had its own military training every summer and winter, discipline was established bit by bit.

If we summarize it in terminology, to put it bluntly, today's Han Dynasty is in the stage of militarism, including administrative construction and related military training systems, all of which are paving the way for outward expansion.

If you are far away, you will feel that the Han people are very orderly. After a close observation, as long as they have a military career, they don't need to pay too much attention to observe, and they can feel that they are very disciplined in the army.

"Jupiter!" Aulus Sextus Cicero would not sign the sign of the cross, and he would not call Jesus or God when he was shocked, but the main god of the original Roman belief: " That is to say, as long as the emperor of Seris is willing, he can have a disciplined army of millions of people at any time!"

What I want to say is that the Romans have always been polytheistic, one religion, and one religion. The main god is indeed Jupiter, but there are many other gods.Every time they conquered a place, they would incorporate the conquered target gods into their own religious system.

Then, because Constantine the Great (reigned AD 1 to AD 1) joined Christianity, Rome did not actually exclude Christianity anymore, but still existed and worshiped other gods .

The Romans with tens of millions of troops didn’t care. It’s not unheard of for an empire in Central Asia to invade Europe with 10 or even close to a million people. Rome itself was far less than the Parthian army. The actual ultimate victory is achieved by the number of troops, so the size of an army really doesn't matter that much.

What Aulus Sextus Cicero cared about was the discipline displayed by the Han people. Whether or not an army had discipline was fundamental. Only an army with discipline could be called an army, otherwise it would simply be a mob.Since he came into contact with the Han Dynasty, he has been making constant comparisons in his heart. He believes that the Han army he came into contact with at Pingman Xiaowei is equivalent to his own country's regular army. He found out that the Han Dynasty has thirteen standing legions and a very elite army. of the Praetorian Guards.

The standing army of the Han State plus the Imperial Guards totaled about 25 people, but they did not include county soldiers and servants.

At its peak, Rome had 56 legions. That was in AD 6000, when Rome was at its peak. Each legion consisted of 33 people, with a total strength of 6000.Four of them are distributed in Africa, nearly [-] are distributed in the Rhine and Danube, Romania (anti-Germanic and Slavic), a dozen are distributed in the Euphrates and Syria (anti-Persian), and another legion is permanently stationed in Rome (capital city), and several more are in England.

Rome had 56 legions during that period, but they were actually not of the same quality. Only twenty field legions could really be drawn out for field battles, and the rest were equivalent to garrison regiments.

Rome used twenty legions to destroy Parthia and recruited conquered barbarians to form eight legions.The number of barbarian legions organized by Rome was very fluid. For example, the number of the Teutonic legion at its peak exceeded 5000, while the smaller number of barbarian legions was only [-].

"Terrible!" Marius Ugli felt excited: "Because of this, we must win Siris to become our ally!"

"Yes! Yes! We must strive for it!" Aulus Sextus Cicero was extremely excited at first, but later said distressedly: "But... our request to meet with the Emperor Siris has been repeatedly rejected, I didn’t even have a chance to speak.”

Marius Ugli said: "Emperor Siris has not met the Persians either. Our chances are the same, and our advantage is even greater."

"The people of Seres don't know anything about Rome. The most important thing for us is to let them know what Rome is like." Aulus Sextus Cicero paused and added: " Especially the fact that we once destroyed Parthia."

Not to mention that the Han Kingdom knew nothing about Rome, in fact Rome also knew very little about the present Han Kingdom. envious.

In the following period, the envoys from various countries still did not receive an interview from Liu Yan. On the contrary, Lu Yi met with the envoys from various countries successively. He still did not respond to the alliance test between Rome and Sassanid. They only talked about trade.

Originating from the fact that they don’t know how to transport the purchased grain back to Han, the diplomatic missions from various countries felt that even Han would not buy too much grain. Except for the officially agreed grain transactions, they all agreed that Han people would enter the country to purchase grain, as a Correspondingly, Han State accepted trade requests from various countries.

Later, Aulus Sextus Cicero learned that the Persians had determined the time to meet Liu Yan. He was anxious and asked to see Lu Yi frequently, eager to know when he could see Liu Yan. .

(End of this chapter)

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