sweeping the world

Chapter 622 Practical Learning

Chapter 622 Practical Learning
"Orchid Pavilion Preface" has many names, such as "Orchid Pavilion Banquet Collection Preface", "Orchid Pavilion Preface", "Linhe Preface", "Xiao Preface" and "Xiao Tie". Senior officials wrote their own poems, and Wang Xizhi wrote the preface manuscripts for their poems.

Lanting is located in the mountain shade of Kuaiji. The background of Wang Xizhi's "Preface to Lanting" is not simple. It is the scenery of Wang's status as the first family in the south of the Yangtze River that makes so many people go to Lanting during the Xiuxi Festival. .

Liu Yan didn't know when Wang Xizhi wrote "Lanting Preface", nor did he know the background story. When he saw so many people watching Wang Xizhi writing, the first thing he thought of was the famous "Lanting Preface", but in fact Wang Xizhi did not write "Lanting Preface".

"It's a copy of "Yi Min Tie"." Lu Yi asked someone to go over to see the situation, and got a reply to understand Liu Yan, and then said: "Wang Xizhi is called the number one calligrapher in the south. He is good at cursive script, running script and calligraphy. Regular script, ten thousand gold is hard to find one."

The so-called post is not the style of an invitation post, but it is actually a traditional scroll, with a leather shaft or other rollable material as the base, and then the writing paper is pasted on it, which is very convenient for storage.

What Liu Yan knew was that Wang Xizhi was not only the number one calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but also the number one calligrapher in Chinese history, and the title of number one was not in any dispute.

There are not many calligraphers in history, especially in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, everyone who was a little bit famous had good calligraphy. If the sons of the aristocratic family were not good at calligraphy, they would not be able to enter the circle of celebrities. If they had good calligraphy, they would easily be appreciated by the superiors. This is probably because of the social atmosphere in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Wang Xizhi's "Yi Min Tie" is one of the "Seventeen Tie". At present, he has only written "Xi Sima Tie" and "Yi Min Tie", and the others have not been created. Therefore, the collective name "Seventeen Tie" is actually is not there yet.

The creation time of "Seventeen Posts" was from 14 to [-] AD, with a total duration of [-] years, all of which were written in the form of cursive script.

There are not many characters in "Yi Min Tie", the whole text only has 39 characters. After Wang Xizhi finished writing, "Yi Min Tie" was presented to Liu Yan not long after.

"Hehe, this great calligrapher just wants to enjoy himself among mountains and rivers." Sang Yu didn't comment on calligraphy, but talked about Wang Xizhi's secluded content in "Yi Min Tie".Seeing the obvious love on Liu Yan's face, he no longer gave Wang Xishang eye drops, but said: "This post is from Wang Xizhi to Zhou Daohe."

Daohe is a watch character, and his name is Zhou Fu. He was a general in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and once assisted Wang Dun in the rebellion.After Wang Dun was defeated, he fled. Later, he was pardoned and became an official again.

The current "tie" is a kind of letter, and the exchanges between celebrities are not called letters, but posting posts.The latter habit has been preserved and evolved. For example, if someone is going to someone's home, according to etiquette, the greeting card should be presented first.The format of the greeting post has its own particulars. Instead of directly writing who is asking to see which host, you need to write your family background and official status, or have some famous deeds, or even write poems.

The existence of greeting cards also has another meaning, that is, to let the host family see how the visitor's handwriting is. Strange visitors who do not have a reputation for writing good handwriting can also be received by the host family.

At this moment in Chinese history, there has not been a "literary prison", that is, no one will extract words and other characters to convict anyone. Even if a literary work written by a literati is to mock the current emperor, it is not a crime. Therefore, Sang Yu gave Wang Xishang No one agrees when taking medicine.

What Liu Yan didn't know was that although Wang Xizhi is known as the number one calligrapher in the south, his works are not many.

In history, Wang Xizhi really began to "strength" in [-] AD. Although the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty still stayed in the south, the overall national conditions were still stable, which gave many literati and poets the opportunity to travel around the mountains and rivers. Time, those literary works were born in that stable environment.

In this historical version, the Han army went south in [-] AD, and the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty entered a state of war. The society was not stable. Top families like the Wang family were thinking about how to resist the invasion of the Han army, and other aristocratic families also If there is no free time for the children of the family to travel to the mountains and rivers, the number of literary works that appear will be pitifully small.

On the other side of the pavilion, Wang Xizhi stopped writing after only one article, and Sun Chuo was replaced by Sun Chuo.

Sun Chuo is a well-known Xuan Yan poet in the south, and a calligrapher who has been listed among the top.His most famous poem is "The Lover's Jasper Song". People who don't understand it will think it's about the concubine's love, but those who understand the allusions will think that the whole poem is extremely nostalgic and full of deep meaning.

The tree trunk was lying on the ground with his head tilted. After he had made a fool of himself enough, some guards finally appeared. Their arrival was to drive away all the guys who had taken five stone powder.

The big movement attracted the attention of many people, and they just stood there watching, and it was inevitable that someone would have a conversation.

"How malicious are the intentions?" Yuan Hong is by no means the modern star who traveled through time. He is a famous poet, calligrapher, and metaphysician in Jiangnan.At this moment, he saw those ugly scholars being expelled by the guards in various ways, and couldn't help saying: "These people are as stupid as pigs!"

Snacking five stone powder in the Wei and Jin Dynasties is a very famous behavior. When literati gather, they will definitely prepare a large number of five stone powder. After many literati eat five stone powder, no matter how absurd their behavior is, it is considered elegant taste, but it is not now. Cao Wei is no longer Sima Yijin, but a big man.

There are not many celebrities under Liu Yan's rule, and few people in the Central Plains would go to Wushi San for a long time.The state of Han did not prohibit the act of eating five stone powder, but there was an incident in which a sheriff of a certain county held a literary meeting and was dismissed from office.

It's not that everyone who ate Wushisan was dismissed during office hours, so it is undoubtedly a matter of being excluded in the Han Dynasty.Today is the time for Liu Yan to personally summon the southern literati. On such an occasion, you really have to be stupid enough to take Wushisan. After all, everyone knows that some behaviors after taking Wushisan are not good.

"Write down the names of those people." The disgust on Liu Yan's face was extremely obvious: "Never hire."

The prime minister was not there, but the imperial envoy doctor, one of the three princes, was present, and he was qualified to stand up and respond. Sang Yu agreed with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty is merciful." Sang Yu maintained a faint smile, "If not, it would not be too much to convict a king of disrespect."

It doesn't have to be that Liu Yan made a fool of himself when he was present to be considered a disrespect, but being seen by him is actually considered a disrespect.The crime of disrespect before the emperor can be big or small, never being an official is by no means the biggest punishment, and it is not unprecedented to punish the three clans for the crime of disrespect before the emperor.

It was only an episode when the guards expelled the literati who had taken five stone powder, and those who should do what they should do afterward still did their own thing.

The literati who were summoned to Donglin Garden knew the national conditions of the Han Dynasty very well. Liu Yan rose in Qingzhou. There is no doubt that people in Qingzhou will take advantage of it, and people of all colors from the north of the Yangtze River will absolutely want to Political advantages over southerners.Although these southerners have not been labeled, it is not easy to develop in Han.

Every time there is a change of dynasty, there is a so-called land of dragon prosperity. The group of people who follow the king most will definitely be the honorable group at the beginning of the dynasty. They will occupy most of the political resources, and it may take several generations to be changed. , and even the political pattern from the rise of a country to the end of a country.

Donglin Garden was going to hold a banquet, but it was not specially decorated, and there was no such thing as festoons and festoons.Even if it is the original scenery, if there are many people, it will appear popular, and there is no lack of excitement at all.

In the evening, the gate to the largest palace in the garden was opened. Neat tables and futons were already placed inside. Some palace maids were carrying oil buckets to add oil to the lamp stands, and more attendants were Doing final checks.

It was getting dark, and people in the forest garden began to gather in twos and threes towards the palace. Many people they had not seen for a long time wanted to exchange greetings, which made the square in front of the palace gate buzz with a buzzing sound.

"Everyone who is supposed to be here is present." Wang Shu is not a descendant of the Wang family of Langye. His ancestral home is in Taiyuan. He is a famous debater in the south. He was originally the Marquis of Lantian, General Jianwei and internal historian of Kuaiji in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Some of the people around him had military positions before, but now they are all alone. Looking at those people talking loudly, he said: "They may have a place in the Han Dynasty, but we don't know how."

There were many "big masters" in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The poets and calligraphers were among the more distinguished ones. Metaphysicians, thinkers and debaters were also able to enter the celebrity circle. However, although medical scientists and craftsmen were also recognized as highly ranked, they were not. No high status.

Speaking of medical scientists, Ge Hong, who has a reputation as a living god, was present at the scene. He was standing with some literati in Yuzhou, and the conversation was talking about the construction of Yuzhou canals.

Ge Hong is Ge Xuan's grandnephew, and he did not become an official in the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but was conferred the title of Marquis of Guan Nei.However, the incident of "Clothing Crowns Crossing to the South" happened later. Many titles and official positions in the Western Jin Dynasty were useless in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

"Sir." Xun Xian's appearance attracted the attention of countless people, but he ignored all the earnest gazes, walked up to Ge Hong, bowed, and said, "Your Majesty, please sir."

At this time, everyone knew that Liu Yan had come to Donglin Garden a long time ago. Some people who were not strong enough not only made meaningless calls but also looked around. More people were expelled for those who had taken Wu Shi Powder. People mourned.

Ge Hong is now 64 years old, but his face is still flushed when he looks at it, and his mental state is also very good.Unlike most people, he was wearing a scholar's robe, but a light blue robe. He returned the salute gracefully to Xun Xian, and walked behind Xun Xian with a smile.

There is no state religion in the Han Dynasty, but it is no secret that Liu Yan attaches great importance to Taoism.In fact, Ge Hong is also a Taoist priest. He calls himself Baopuzi and at the same time he is called Xiaoxianweng. Whoever is invited by Liu Yan to talk can have various interpretations, but Ge Hong will not have too much politics when he is invited. Influence.Because Ge Hong is not only a Taoist priest, but also a very famous medical scientist.

In fact, Liu Yan was already in the apse of the palace. When Ge Hong came, he stood up to meet him.

"I have read the old man's "Baopuzi"." Liu Yan did not claim to be a widow, and he could see that he really respected Ge Hong: "The study of alchemy may be illusory, and medicine can help the world and its philosophy is of great use to the country. "

The reason why Ge Hong called himself Baopuzi was because of that "Baopuzi". "Baopuzi" is divided into internal and external chapters, with a total of eight volumes. The inner chapter [-] discusses the art of governance by gods, and the outer chapter [-] discusses the gains and losses of current affairs.

Liu Yan just took a look at the techniques of those gods breathing out talismans and seals, many of which can be used for self-cultivation, and some can also be used to exercise and strengthen the body. Although talismans and seals cannot be verified, they are also one of the cultures of Chinese civilization .What he paid more attention to were the fifty articles on current affairs, which were Ge Hong's comments on the gains and losses of some current affairs in the Western Jin Dynasty and the early Eastern Jin Dynasty.

When Ge Hong saw that Liu Yan didn't claim to be a widower, he just went to the head-office ceremony.According to his understanding, Liu Yan probably started to be interested in immortality. As an alchemist, he should have hit a snake with a stick, but he said: "Alchemy is just a little old man's leisure time. So far, I haven't seen anyone who has eaten the pill for nothing." Those who have ascended to heaven have never heard of anyone who is immortal."

The ministers present had a sullen face at first, but immediately relaxed after hearing Ge Hong's words, and smiles appeared on their faces, seeing how pleased Ge Hong was.

The state of Han is engaged in the major task of expelling the Tartars and restoring China. As long as the Murong Yan state is destroyed, there will be no threat around the Central Plains. No matter how you look at it, it will be a time of prosperity for the country.

The former Emperor Shihuang completed the great cause of sweeping the wilderness and the six regions, and then attacked the Xiongnu in the north and conquered the southern border. The empire was originally in a state of prosperity, but he was obsessed with immortality. He wasted a lot of national power just to ask for medicine. Because of constantly taking elixir, the body collapsed.If he can live another ten years, it is not known whether the Qin Empire will last forever, but it will never perish in the second generation.

"I haven't seen anyone who ascends in the daytime, and I haven't heard of anyone who can't live forever. The old man is a wonderful person." Liu Yan burst into a 'haha' laugh, looking very happy, stretched out his hand to hold Ge Hong, and walked forward, Said: "The big man needs more people. The old man is good at medicine, but can he teach the widows?"

Liu Yan had a time-traveling event on his body, and he carried a "system" with him. He was naturally in awe of the unknown things that should be in awe, but he never thought about immortality.What is more urgent for him is that with the implementation of the birth incentive policy, the medical status of the states and counties must be improved, otherwise the encouragement of birth may become a murderous strategy.

"The barbarians have been raging for many years, and there are only ten Han people left in the Central Plains. It is reasonable for the king to move the south and transfer the population to the north." Ge Hong is a medical master, but he does not dare to do everything: "There are many types of medicine, and I am not specialized in women." One person’s skills may have suggestions, but it requires the collective efforts of like-minded people.”

Liu Yan immediately felt that there are still moral and sensible people in the south.

(End of this chapter)

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