sweeping the world

Chapter 598 Remember This Day

Chapter 598 Remember this day

To be honest, Liu Yan is not such a hard-working king. He is not immersed in political affairs like the first emperor, and he can often take a stroll. The time spent going out for battle in a few years is definitely better than staying in Miyagi. Much more government affairs.

The first emperor read and reviewed as many official documents as many cars every day, and rarely slept more than three hours a day. The real reason for governing the country was to get up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, and work more than cows.He will be like this, diligence is an inevitable thing, in fact, it can also be interpreted as a hope to firmly grasp the power.

The king is too diligent, and the ministers are actually very tired.In fact, what the king should do is to take over the overall situation, and divide the work of what kind of people should do what kind of work, and only need to supervise.The king seized all the power, so what else should his ministers do?It will also exhaust myself to death.

There are not many kings who were too diligent in history. They were not greedy for beauty but did not live long. Except for some who tossed themselves to death by eating "elixir", most of them died of overwork.

For these hardworking kings, the country was not very strong when they were in power, and the state of the country was not even as good as some kings who left everything to their ministers.There are also kings who lost their efforts to the country because of too much diligence.Therefore, it is really important to understand one's own positioning, and knowing people and making good use of them is the way to be a king.

Liu Yan dare not consider himself an excellent king, let alone be as shameless and ignorant as those emperors in wild boar skin.He is aware of his limitations, can accept suggestions, and tries his best to make his mind bigger. Although he dare not say that he is always trembling, he is also deeply afraid of making mistakes.

The most shameless wild boar skin emperor, he obviously tossed the savings accumulated by his father on looking for beautiful women everywhere, leaving the country's treasury empty, and the government is also a mess.But this boar-skin emperor still has the face to put a "perfect" sign on his head. In terms of shamelessness, he is truly unparalleled in all ages and in all over the world.

When it comes to "one emperor through the ages", it is true that the wild boar skin dynasty has the largest number, but it is basically touted by the servants below, but many wild boar skin emperors are really useful, and even dare to write poems claiming that they are far superior to the strong man and prosperous Tang Dynasty.They seem to have the qualifications to boast about themselves. Whoever allows less than 30 wild boar skins can conquer a country with a population of nearly 1 million people, and they have brainwashed a lot of loyal slaves, and when the country is subjugated The preferential treatment received is also the best in all dynasties. Compared with those royal families who were slaughtered after the subjugation of the country, it is really incomparably flattering.It can be seen that the brainwashing skills of wild boar skin are powerful.

Brainwashing 1 is a very important and sacred skill, Liu Yan needs it to be used now, or if you think about half of the entire Han country are guys with a layer of "Han skin", that is really a little Thinking about it will make you feel cold from the soles of your feet.

When it comes to which brainwashing technique is better, there is no doubt that it is Confucianism, and Luru is the strongest brainwashing technique.They rely on the set of monarchs, ministers, fathers and sons to be loved by the rulers of all dynasties. What they talk about is to teach people how to be loyal to the ruler, even if the ruler wants to kill for fun, that is the law of nature and ethics.

For the sake of ruling, Liu Yan naturally attaches great importance to Confucianism...or it should be said that he favors Lu Ru, after all Lu Ru's remarks are in the interests of the ruler.But he knew what Lu Ru would bring, so he didn't need to say too much. Most of Lu Ru in the past dynasties were honest and gentlemen on the surface, but they were male thieves and prostitutes behind their backs.

Confucianism was respected exclusively in the early Han Dynasty, but no matter whether it was the Western Han Dynasty or the Eastern Han Dynasty, Confucianism could not actually achieve the point of "only self-respect".

During the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Che respected Confucianism only out of need, but he did not really reuse any Confucian scholars. What was needed was Confucianism, not those Confucian scholars.This can be seen from the fact that Liu Che did not chase after Confucius (Confucius) throughout his life.

Confucius was a great man, there is no doubt about it.He was posthumously granted the title of Nifu for the first time in the 41st year of King Jing of Zhou in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty ([-] B.C.) by Duke Ai of Lu.After that, it was not until Emperor Ping of the Western Han Dynasty in the first year of the first year of the Yuan Dynasty (which happened to be the first year of AD), that he was granted the posthumous title after a lapse of [-] years.

The posthumous title of Emperor Han Ping had a very complicated historical background. This Han Emperor named Liu Jin, his grandfather was Emperor Han Yuan Liu Shi.It was during Liu Shi's reign that the Han Empire fully appointed Confucian scholars as officials for the first time.

After Liu Shi died, the Western Han Dynasty went through two generations: Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty Liu Ao and Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty Liu Xin.During the decades when these two emperors were in power, there was an undercurrent of turmoil and constant strife above the court, the core of which was the strong retaliation by non-Confucian officials against Confucian scholars. Confucian victory.So, how could Liu Jin not repay Confucianism?
Continuing Emperor Ping of the Han Dynasty once again chased after Confucius, and there was nothing the same thing in the next 490 years, until the Emperor Xiaowen Tuoba Yuanhong of the Northern Wei Dynasty, a fan of Han culture... was the one who was born in Xianbei. The emperor of the country established by the nationalities is bent on pinching all the nationalities under his rule to become the Han people.It was he who was named Confucius again in the 16th year of Taihe (AD [-]), and this time the posthumous title was Wen Shengnifu.

Tuoba Yuanhong, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, certainly did not know the impact of what he did on future generations. He was not talking about sinicizing the entire country from top to bottom, but conferring the posthumous title of Confucius, which can be regarded as directly canonizing Confucius, or Wen Sheng.

Of course, because of the appearance of Liu Yan, history has gone for a fork since AD ​​[-]. What kind of treatment will Confucius have in the future... It's really not clear.

What Liu Yan hates is Lu Ru, not the whole Confucianism.Although he hated Lu Ru, he still had to use them when he needed them.

"The big Han has been combining villages and villages. Except for remote mountainous areas, most of the population is gathered into towns." With an inexplicable smile on his face, Liu Yan said to Lu Yi who had just arrived: "The Confucian scholars of the Lu sect It is a misunderstanding to keep saying that the widows are not willing to use them. The widows could not find a way to use them before, and now it is time to use them."

Lu Yi didn't know what Liu Yan and Ji Chang had said just now, and he was a bit at a loss to receive such an order, so he asked Ji Chang for advice in a low voice while Liu Yan was looking at the information about Murong Yan.

"In terms of population increase, the king has officially agreed that children can be rewarded with land." Ji Chang thinks this is the most important. They have made relevant suggestions before, but they were disturbed by the military that time.Seeing that Lu Yi narrowed his eyes, and the two congratulated each other while looking at each other, he continued: "Culture is the most important thing in various places. The people need to know who saved them from the fire and water, and they should also know who is under the rule of the Hu people." The misery of the people, don't ask the people to become educated and reasonable, but they should remember who they are."

It may be that Ji Chang spoke too vaguely, which made Lu Yi unable to understand for a while.

Lu Yi thought that he was going to launch a national education, but he couldn't help but frowned, and his heart was wrenched, thinking that it was an impossible task now.

Now there is paper, the kind made by Cai Lun. The rice paper that can be used for pen and ink writing is too expensive, and the cheap yellow paper is rough and does not absorb ink. As a result, bamboo slips are still popular, and the important ones with many characters are silk or silk. It is white silk.

At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang established a new dynasty on behalf of the Han Dynasty, but soon the whole country fell into war. To what extent was a large number of ancient books destroyed?Some classics needed to be completed by the great Confucianists at that time, which led to a saying that some classics such as the Analects of Confucius and the Book of Changes were not original works of the pre-Qin period at all.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Central Plains experienced more than a hundred years of melee wars among princes. I don’t know how many classics were destroyed in the flames of war. When Cai Yong was killed and his family was destroyed, more than [-] classics were burned, among which there were countless orphans. There are even more people whose traces are unknown in the ancient books.

When the Sima family usurped the throne and established the Jin Dynasty, it was a little bit stable in the past few years. Later, the Sima family continued to engage in civil strife, and a large number of classics disappeared or were destroyed by war.In the special period of "going south with clothes and hats", there are definitely not many lost classics.

The Han Dynasty was founded at the end of the country, and it was only seven years since the founding of the country. It is purely normal that the foundation is weak. Lu Yi, who has been twitching in his heart, first thought of how many classics the powerful families in various places had obtained. What are the general ones, is there a way for Guochao to carry out a large number of printings, and suddenly saw Ji Chang looking at himself with strange eyes.

"In other words, why are you so absent-minded?" Ji Chang was really curious, thinking that those Lu Confucians could not turn a Hu into a Han, so he couldn't help frowning: "If there is a need, the Prime Minister's Mansion will definitely not shirk."

Lu Yi was overjoyed immediately, and a series of requests were put forward, such as the classification and printing of classics, how to spread out the teachers, and then said with a bitter face: "Even so, education is still difficult. Besides... I'm afraid there will be strong Bounce."

"What backlash?" Liu Yangang read the information and listened to a tail: "I claim to be a Han Chinese in order to survive. If I don't want to become a real Han Chinese, I don't mind raising the butcher's knife again."

Today should be the period when the concept of ethnicity is the most vivid. After all, it has just experienced racial vendettas, and who is which ethnicity is definitely impressive.And the deep impression was built by the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

Liu Yan spoke very resolutely, he really didn't mind raising the butcher's knife.He has a very firm idea, and he is also clear about the current social and environmental needs. There is no such thing as multi-ethnic unity, and a country only needs one ethnicity.

Lu Yi was immediately stunned.

What era is it now?It is an era when knowledge is monopolized by a few people. Those who have cultural inheritance at home will only pass it on to the children of the family. Any educated person will not easily spread knowledge. The common people basically have no way to acquire knowledge.From the moment the characters were created, it was not better until the Song Dynasty, but how many years have passed?
It was an outrageous practice at the time for Confucius to accept disciples and spread knowledge regardless of whether he was rich or poor, high or low, high or low, but he opened a door for ordinary people to acquire knowledge.The reason why he became a saint is by no means simply because of the succession of the ruler, nor is it because of the creation of Confucianism. It is based on his contribution to the concept of knowledge dissemination, and he is also the first person to practice it.

Ji Chang also came to his senses, and finally realized that Lu Yi had misunderstood the matter, so he hurriedly explained it.

"Uh..." Lu Yi immediately came to his senses, and said straightforwardly, "If that's the case, it's easy to handle."

The Han Dynasty has been integrating villages and villages, breaking the normal state of one surname as one village. The social structure of a clan based on blood relationship has long been ended. People with multiple surnames and people from different places are resettled together. The Miao descendants of the Han family are neighbors with those who only have "Han Pi".

In every settlement, there are more or less veterans from the military. They either serve as grassroots officials or as ordinary people. They have cultivated a clear concept of country and nation in the army. Can be recruited again, which is another layer of guarantee for local law and order.

"There are people like this, and there are neighbors who are constantly watching over them. Forgive me, no one dares to show one thing and secretly another." Lu Yi is really confident, and he almost patted his chest: "Whether it's pretending or not, pretending to be fake for a long time." It will become true. Their next generation will grow up in such an environment, and they will definitely be an out-and-out Han Chinese.”

Liu Yan knew that this was the truth. When people decide what race they are, they don't just look at their bloodline. Unless their skin color and appearance are really different, otherwise what race they think they are is actually based on their thoughts.And thoughts are accumulated bit by bit from life, that is, the growth environment and exposure to information.

"An emperor, a country, a nation..." Ji Chang's face turned sacred as he spoke, as if he was taking an oath: "This is the foundation of the immortal empire."

Liu Yan dared to swear that he really had never instilled similar remarks into Ji Chang. He was a little angry at first, but then he curled up the corner of his mouth and showed a smile.

"That's how it should be." Lu Yi seemed to be addicted to exposure to brainwashing, so he said along the way: "If you want to do that, education is the most important thing."

Lu Yi is one of the Nine Ministers' Dianke, and one of his responsibilities is to be in charge of enlightenment. The Han Dynasty has been focusing on fighting all the year round, and the country's style of writing can be said to be almost non-existent.

Let’s talk about wars, Dianke is also responsible for diplomacy, the problem is that Han’s military strength is too strong, and the king doesn’t like to engage in those vain things. A sense of existence can only be found when bullying those vassal states.

"Your Majesty, the family is a malignant tumor, and the means of killing can only be used for a while. Perhaps cultivating more scholars can break this shackle." Seeing Liu Yan's thoughtfulness after being stunned for a moment, Lu Yi added fuel to the fire. : "If you don't want to achieve success in a day, you can spread it out slowly and slowly. Besides, didn't the king say that the foundation of a strong country is to develop people's wisdom."

Liu Yancai didn't say that. He said that people should not be treated as pigs, sheep, cows, horses... Anyway, they are animals without wisdom to herd. .

(End of this chapter)

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