sweeping the world

Chapter 597 The Difficulty of Governing a Country

Chapter 597 The Difficulty of Governing a Country
The population growth of a country is related to many aspects. It is not simply that the country encourages more children, so that the country's population can increase.

First of all, there must be enough men and women of the right age. A couple can give birth to one child in about two years. One million couples can add one million babies to the country, but these one million babies will not be accurate data. We have to take into account Hygienic conditions and delivery conditions, and even the health of the mother's body must be taken into consideration.

Until modern times, mothers who give birth naturally are very dangerous, and mothers who died in childbirth did not happen uncommonly, let alone in AD [-]?

The mother and child are safe during the delivery process, but how to raise the child is another problem. In an era when medical conditions are insufficient, adults will not die if they catch a cold, and babies with weaker immunity are in high danger if they get sick.

"...If you want to increase the population, the big man needs to make too much preparation." Ji Chang was full of embarrassment. He didn't dare to tell Liu Yan that it couldn't be done. He could only talk about the difficulties: "First of all, the food, the people There must be enough food in the family to dare to have more children."

Liu Yan nodded, of course he knew this.

"Women are also laborers. People do not have the qualifications for women not to participate in labor when they are pregnant. Even if they are about to give birth, they should still work." Ji Chang was not born in a family. He was a local commoner in his early years. It is very clear: "But working during pregnancy... there are many accidents."

To be honest, Liu Yan also farmed at home when he was young, and his mother also worked when she was pregnant with him, and she also did a lot of work on harvesting rice. Of course, she knew what was going on in common people's families.

Modern medicine advises pregnant women to exercise more. It is said that more exercise can help give birth naturally. However, exercise and labor are two concepts. The most recommended by doctors is to walk more. Something more drastic.

For the common people nowadays, don’t expect to avoid participating in childbirth if you become pregnant. That is a blessing that can only be enjoyed by powerful, aristocratic families, and official young wives. Therefore, the emergence of large-scale pregnant women in society is definitely a matter of great importance. matter.

Liu Yan thought of something, and asked suddenly: "How is the bean planting research going?"

Just like many modern people, Liu Yan has been exposed to too much information intentionally or unintentionally. Knowing that something is one thing, but how to do it is another matter. It’s like knowing how to use a mobile phone but not knowing how to make one. The same principle.

The so-called soybean cultivation is actually the study of using pox on cows to create vaccines. Liu Yan doesn't have the ability to do it himself. He knows a rough idea and can only write a charter. How to get the results is the business of the people below. .

"A lot of prisoners of war died..." Ji Chang was actually full of doubts. He couldn't figure out why vaccination of people's arms could prevent smallpox infection: "But there are preliminary signs."

Vaccinia?In fact, it was human vaccinia at the beginning, which was vaccinated from some people who had smallpox. It was first researched in the 1th century in China, and it was not until the end of the 1th century that a British doctor named Jenner developed vaccinia.It was not until 1 that the World Health Organization solemnly announced that "smallpox will be extinct on the earth." This is another great contribution made by the Chinese people to the world besides the four great inventions and rice hybridization. (But in fact no one is grateful to the people of the Tian Dynasty, and the thanks are also thanks to the foreign devils)

To advance medicine, clinical trials are absolutely indispensable.Medicine began to enter the peak period of research. It was during World War II. The Germans first conducted various experiments on prisoners of war (mostly Jews). All kinds of experiments were carried out. Among them, the Yankees used their own soldiers as experiments and had a big accident.

If the Han State wants to improve medical methods, various reliable or unreliable experiments of course need live bodies. It is better to use foreign captives as test subjects than to use your own comrades for surgery.

The law of the jungle is the truth, there is only a position but no right or wrong, and there are no human rights organizations at present. The Han Dynasty can even do a large-scale murder, and other things will not be taken seriously at all. He is the enemy of the bandit".

Liu Yan was stunned for a moment, and asked angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Ji Chang hurriedly apologized, and then looked for a new topic.

Smallpox is actually a plague. Plague outbreaks in history have always caused large-scale population drops. The first nation to create a "biochemical virus" such as plague was the Huns. They used this method of self-mutilation to stop the plague For a period of time, the northern counties of the Western Han Dynasty suffered greatly from the fierce pursuit of the Han army, and the Han army who went on an expedition to the grassland also suffered heavy losses.

Except for the Xiongnu, the Mongol Empire who used the "biochemical virus" most thoroughly was the Temujin period. The Mongolian army would inevitably collect corpses and throw them into the city when encountering a siege battle, and used the original "biochemical offensive" to conquer the world. The largest empire in the world.They were able to kill at least [-] million people in the era of cold weapons, and the biggest method of killing was to create a plague, which was truly unprecedented.

"...It must be to let the people have land to raise children." Ji Chang just talked about how to encourage births. One suggestion is to reward land. He said with a serious face: "The big man is constantly expanding, too many The place was conquered but there were no people to live in. This kind of expansion is only to increase the territory of the picture book, and it has no real benefit to the country.”

The territory of the Han State is increasing all the time, but the population distribution is mostly concentrated in the abdomen. Among them, the population of Qingzhou, which was captured at the earliest, is the most densely populated. The second most populous state is Yangzhou, which was captured not long ago, and the third is Yuzhou, among the remaining states, Guanzhong, Bingzhou, Shuozhou, Jiangzhou, and Guangzhou have the least population.

According to the census data that has been counted, Qingzhou alone accounts for more than [-] million people. This is an effect of Liu Yan's early use of Qingzhou as his base. Waiting for the center to be relocated to Xiangguo has driven some population flows. But the population diversion to Qingzhou is actually very limited.

There is a city in Yangzhou called Jiankang. When Jiankang was the capital of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, its population exceeded 170 million. If history had not changed, the peak population would have been 230 million.

Yangzhou has 170 million people in Jiankang alone. As the capital of a country, the development around it must be good. The density of counties and counties far exceeds that of previous dynasties. To the south and southwest, the land is more sparsely populated.

Liu Yan's cheeks twitched a few times when he heard the phrase "the country has no real interests", but he had nothing to refute.

The territory of each dynasty was large or small, the more the center of the empire, the more populous it would be, and the farther the frontier, the more sparsely populated the land would be.This point has not changed even in modern times, and even the population of a modern metropolis can surpass that of some remote provinces (states).

The current era is somewhat special. The Central Plains has been ruled by the Hu people for decades. The Hu people have long carried out a policy of reducing the population of the Han people, so that the core areas of the Central Plains are no longer densely populated.

For example, during the reign of Shihu and Shile, except for Xiangguo (including the surrounding area) with a settled population of more than 300 million, the distribution of population in various places is actually very abnormal. The most exaggerated thing is that there is not even a single person in a certain area.

In addition to Shijie Zhao, similar situations also include the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Yangzhou was the most densely populated small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Jiaozhi was the least populated. After the Han Dynasty took over the rule of Jiaozhi, there were only a pitiful 210 Han descendants counted by the garrison.

"Then come up with an effective and enforceable policy." Liu Yan agrees with the policy of rewarding land for giving birth, and is equally worried about the abnormal population distribution: "The center has encouraged people to migrate, but the effect..."

Ji Chang showed an overjoyed expression without concealing it. He had already begun to think that the military of the Han Dynasty needed to be suppressed. Naturally, direct suppression was not a good way, but he could start with the land first, at least breaking the restriction that land cannot be obtained without military merit.

"Your ministers must do their best..." Ji Chang paused, then said intentionally or unintentionally: "It is a good idea for the king to let the retired soldiers resettle in place."

"Even if that's the case, how many people can be arranged?" Liu Yan was very clear about Ji Chang's careful thinking, but he didn't intend to stop him at all. He is the ruler of the entire country, not just the spokesperson of the military. The way of the king: "The prime minister should know that only the source of veterans is far from enough!"

It is a good phenomenon for Ji Chang that the king of a country begins to think about balance, but he did not expect that Liu Yan would go to the general to suppress him to a bad state, and he did not even think that there would be a day when the status of civil servants would surpass that of military commanders. Because it is clear that Liu Yan is a king who will not stop his ambitions for the land.

"The capital given to the people to support their families is not limited to the one-third of an acre of land." Liu Yan never focused only on agricultural production. He said in a serious tone: "We have set up a collective farm. There is also manual production, and the prime minister should pay equal attention to it, so it should not be sloppy."

Ji Chang understood Liu Yan's meaning very clearly, that is, pay equal attention to agriculture and industry, not only to pay attention to agricultural production, but also not to forget about industrial development, and even noticed the encouragement of business.

"Your Majesty, in the fourth year of Yuanshuo... the big man is so short of food that he needs to apply..." Ji Chang was cautious when he said this, he even swallowed a mouthful of saliva, observing Liu Yan's face before continuing. Xia said: "The country's most important thing is food. Without food, people's hearts will be unstable, which will easily cause social turmoil. The king's hope for population growth is the most important thing."

Liu Yan's face was twitching again. He knew a lot of things, but he was completely new to how to govern a country. At least he was not like some princes or descendants of aristocratic families who had relevant training since childhood. He knew that some things should not be too much. Take it for granted.

Of course, food is the most important resource of a country, and all development is based on the premise of having enough food. Before that, it would be unrealistic to talk about industry and the like, and it is even necessary to suppress all things that can affect agricultural production. Matters designed to increase the labor force involved in agricultural production.

"..., the army is conquering Linyi and Funan, and they have repeatedly seized large quantities of grain and transported it back to the Han mainland, but..." Ji Chang wanted to go all out today, regardless of Liu Yan's ugly face, and continued: "If Thinking that relying solely on looting can maintain the country's food needs, the big man is in danger."

It took only a year or two for Han to plunder grain from the southwest. In the early period of time, apart from farming, grain was obtained from the sea and plundered livestock from the Hu people.

Although Liu Yan has restored the old land of the Han family in sevens and eighties, there are not many counties that have re-developed agriculture. The best recovery is Qingzhou. After settling down, Yanzhou, Xuzhou and Yuzhou are also good. , but Yanzhou is mountainous and has little output, and Yuzhou, which is relatively south, has relatively considerable grain output.

Liu Yan quickly realized that he knew where Ji Chang's "boldness" today came from. The country is about to be conquered, and there are all signs that the Han army can conquer fewer and fewer enemy countries, and the civil servants want to draw the country's focus to internal affairs.

"The Han Dynasty has a lot of arable land, but there are really no people in those places. The grassland is not a place without production. It can be grazed to maintain the needs of military horses. Cattle can be used for production and their meat can be eaten. Sheep can be woven and eaten. Its meat..." Ji Chang said with great sincerity: "Everything is in vain, Your Majesty!"

Liu Yan smiled, not a negative smile.

Now the distinction between civil and military is not so big, there is no real division of civil servants or military generals, it belongs to the beautiful era when a horse can be a general, and a horse can be a government, there is competition between each other, but it is not for the sake of competition. rolling.

The reason why Liu Yan laughed was that he was happy to know that the country finally did not regard the grassland as a burden. He knew how to use the grassland from the textile, dairy industry, and meat industry. Then the grassland is no longer a pity for the country to lose. place.

The threat of the Central Plains Dynasty has always been in the north. Many dynasties are not incapable of attacking the grassland, but they really don’t know how to use it after they take down the grassland. Alien races repeatedly encountered invasion and extinction from the grasslands.

"I heard that there are other countries in the west of the Western Regions. Wusun was still alive in the pre-Han period, and the remnants of the Da Yue clan established his country. There is also the Sasan Kingdom (Sassan Dynasty) descended from Anxi. There is a sea farther away. The Great Qin Inner Sea, the Great Qin is not the pre-Qin, but the 1000-year empire..." Ji Chang didn't know where he got the news, and talked about it for a long time, some of which even Liu Yan had never heard of, and then changed the subject: "Mr. I firmly believe what the king said, the world is far bigger than the "world" in the mouths of the sages of the past dynasties, and the king has the ambition to make the sun shine on all the land of Han, but if the internal affairs are not governed, why are there troops everywhere?"

(End of this chapter)

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