sweeping the world

Chapter 468 Let's Start the Southward Invasion

Chapter 468 Let's Start the Southward Invasion
A large area of ​​territory has just been recovered from the Shijie State of Zhao. The racial vendetta forces everyone to choose their own camp. The Hu people are in the same camp without exception.

Ordinary people stood in the camp of the Han army. They were integrated into the Northern Expedition Corps without their own system, and accepted the officers sent by the Han army to control them.

Haoqiang and his family had to choose the same position as the Han army. After they moved closer to the Northern Expedition Corps, they did not accept unconditional mercy. They would maintain the family's control over private armed forces, and even still divide the land to implement implicit autonomy.

Ran Min was born in the begging army, and he didn't dislike the local family's possession of private armed forces. Besides, he had too many things to deal with, and he didn't know whether to ignore or forget them. In short, he didn't take any action to digest the private armed forces.

It is not that the Han State does not allow private armed forces, it is the status quo determined by the national policy system, such as how many guards are there for what level of title, and how many personal soldiers are there for what level of general.Guards and bodyguards are actually a kind of private armed force, so the Han State allowed private power under a class boundary, and it was placed in the open to accept supervision, rather than allowing anyone to arm as many people as possible.

It is impossible to completely ban private armed forces at any time. Supervision and quantity are the key. There are also strict restrictions on some weapons. For example, no dynasty allows private individuals to master crossbows, a deadly weapon.In addition to the crossbow's powerful armor-piercing ability, the crossbow's range and portability are also hard to guard against when used for assassination.

In addition to crossbows, various dynasties also restricted civilian ownership of armor.The limitation on armor is that it is not illegal for an individual to own a set of armor, but if the number exceeds one, it is regarded as suspected of treason. In the past dynasties, there are countless people who were regarded as treason and killed because they personally owned more than one armor.

As for other weapons, until the Yuan Dynasty, the possession of knives, guns, swords, halberds, and bows by Han people was regarded as martial arts. The government not only did not restrict them, but encouraged the people to own their own self-defense weapons.Of course, the number of possessions cannot be exaggerated.

Governments that are afraid of civilians possessing weapons will only appear in certain periods, such as when a minority ethnic group dominates the majority ethnic group, or when the government simply treats the people as enemies and is on guard...

"Of course it is not to restrict the common people from owning weapons. It is to allow organized groups to hold weapons without accepting control." Ji Chang suddenly found that it is difficult for Ran Min to mess around. They just talked about the disintegration and control of the powerful , Ran Min seemed very disapproving of this.He frowned and said: "The national policy of the big man is to promote the spirit of martial arts, and the local control over the tyrants is to be weakened, so that the tyrants become a help instead of a cancer."

"There are too many contradictions." Ran Min also frowned, and he said: "We must encourage martial arts, but do not allow the emergence of cliques."

"There is no contradiction." Ji Chang felt that his words had been made very clear, and he emphasized very depressedly: "Organized by the government, it is to carry out various martial arts propaganda and training under a kind of supervision and control, to achieve The ultimate goal is to strengthen the quality of the country's military resources."

Ran Min actually understood.What he feels puzzled is that no matter what system is implemented by people?As long as it is implemented by people, no matter how beautiful the system is, it can be played out of its original intention. The other is to doubt the consciousness of the people.

"Don't worry about other things." Ji Chang found that he and Ran Min couldn't continue chatting at all, and said seriously: "How to mobilize the troops is a matter for the Northern General's shogunate, and how to reorganize after the southern transfer is our matter."

Ran Min said "hehe" a few times, stood up and saluted, and left without waiting for Ji Chang's reaction.

Ji Chang silently watched Ran Min, who had a stalwart back, gradually leave.He raised the corners of his lips, but he was definitely not sneering. This kind of Ran Min is the reassuring Ran Min.

Han's current war on the northern front has calmed down, but the war on the south seems imminent.

Shijie Zhao Guo has not yet recovered from a series of blows. All the information shows that Shihu is really concentrating on managing the existing territory. They are all going on, and on the whole they choose to enter the dormant period.

Murong Yanguo conquered Goguryeo again last year. Faced with the Han army gathering Baekje, Silla, and Goguryeo to go northward to resist, the anti-double front was back and forth around Wandu City.In addition to the conquest of Goguryeo by the Murong Yan Kingdom, they also dispatched everywhere, such as clearing up the resurgent Fuyu people, teaching the Tuoba Dai Kingdom a lesson, and even fighting a guerrilla war with the Quwo people.

It was precisely because Shijie Zhao State had more than enough defense and insufficient attack, coupled with the fact that Murong Yan State was in a quagmire, that the Han army's southward invasion plan was launched.

Han's southern invasion was divided into two major steps, Huan Wen attacked Li's Cheng Han and Xu Zheng invaded the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Huan Wen is currently in Chencang in Guanzhong, and further south from here is Hanzhong County, which is the north of Li's Chenghan.

The current situation in Guanzhong is relatively complicated. The entire territory of Yongzhou has been reintroduced into the territory of the Han Dynasty. Qinzhou in the upper reaches of the Weishui River is constantly fighting and see-sawing between Zhang's Liangguo and Fuhong Group.

The Han State re-entered Guanzhong, and the attitude adopted at this stage is to ignore other things first, and the goal is to destroy the Li family Chenghan.The Han State had its own plan, but the reappearance of the army in Guanzhong, and its aggressive intrusion posture, would affect all aspects, not only the Zhang Liang State and the Fu Hong Group, but even the Qiu Chi State was frightened.

The Qiuchi Kingdom was founded by the Yang family of the Di people. The first generation leader was named Yang Maosou, who called himself General Fuguo and King Youxian. He was named Hussar General and King Zuoxian by the Western Jin Dynasty.The current Yang Chu is the fourth generation king. He usurped the throne and worked very hard to consolidate his power.

In fact, the presence of Qiu Chi Kingdom is very low. They are aware of their own weight, and they always stay in their own small world. They are trying to seek recognition from the outside world, and have successively requested canonization from the Shijie Zhao Kingdom and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Before Chen Bing of the Han Army came to the border of Qiu Chi State, the fourth monarch of Qiu Chi State sent people to Jiankang many times to ask the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to recognize his rule over the State of Qiu Chi. According to relevant information, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had already accepted Yang Chu’s request Fan, intending to be canonized as envoy Chijie, general who conquers the south, governor of Yongzhou, and Duke Qiuchi.On the one hand, Yang Chu was flattering the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but on the other hand, of course, he was eager to be recognized by the Han Kingdom. The difference was that there was never such a country as the Qiu Chi Kingdom on the Han Kingdom.

In the middle of Huan Wen's big tent were several opened boxes, some of which were filled with horseshoe-like metal (copper, called gold at this time), and other boxes were filled with jade and emeralds. There are some rare treasures like pearls and corals.

A short, fat middle-aged man with a goatee and a goatee. From the very beginning, he looked so flattering that he looked very vulgar.

"My master has no other intentions, just asking for a few words of kindness from the general." The short, fat middle-aged man is called Jian Dai, and he holds the position of chief executive in the Qiuchi state.The official positions in Qiu Chi Kingdom are quite chaotic, there are Huaxia system and nomadic system, and the general manager is not cut off from the special official position of ** to manage the harem, similar to the position of Shangshu.He humbly smiled and said: "It doesn't matter what kind of reward, as long as there is a canon, the army of the big man can enter and leave our country at will."

Qiuchi Kingdom's territory is very small, it has Wudu County and Yangping County, and there are only two decent cities in the whole country, namely Xiabian and the capital Qiuchi.Their total population is close to 30, and the army should have [-] to [-].Borderlands is a mountainous basin located to the east of the plateau.

In fact, the state of Han has no plan to attack Qiu Chi now. It can even be said that the state of Qiu Chi is regarded as not existing at all.

"En, um." Huan Wen looked at the boxes with relatively greedy eyes, without looking at Jian Dai, and promised: "I will speak well, I will definitely speak well. Don't worry, you can definitely rest assured."

Jian Dai was even more flattering, full of gratitude and gratitude, and talked a lot of nonsense, Huan Wen kept hearing that this person took the initiative to leave for the sake of gold and silver treasures.

Yin Hao, who was in the tent..., that is, the general of the Jin army who was defeated and captured following the country's patriarch Chu Po, was quietly watching Huan Wen order the box to be packed properly, and found Yuan Qiao's eyes on the other side He came over and looked at him for a while, then moved away quickly.

Huan Wen was the chief general in the conquest of Cheng Han of the Li family, Yin Hao was appointed as the deputy general, and Yuan Qiao took up the job of the commander of the army. The three were the high-level figures in the Han invasion of the Cheng Han of the Li family.They are not yet qualified to form a shogunate. The troops under their command consist of [-] troops, [-] of which are soldiers of various arms, and the other [-] are auxiliary soldiers and new recruits (from the new recovery area).

At present, the Han army on Huanwen's side has finished preparing for battle, and is waiting for the attack order from the center.

"I didn't expect Qiu Chi to be so rich." Huan Wen looked very happy, and he didn't even take it seriously when he was seen accepting gifts: "I didn't think about it at first, but now I suggest that Qiu Chi be cleaned up by the way."

In fact, Yuan Qiao and Yin Hao will definitely be offered gifts by Qiu Chi, that is, the value will not be more than that of Huan Wen, and everyone will benefit, and no one should try to laugh at anyone, and they will all accept it again. Don't do what you promise, just look at your personal integrity.

After receiving someone else's gift, he immediately felt that he should clean it up. Huan Wen didn't have any embarrassing thoughts. It could even be said that he took it for granted, but Yuan Qiao and Yin Hao could feel a little bit of embarrassment when they looked at each other subconsciously.

Huan Wen just mentioned it casually and didn't take it seriously. The next moment he said, "Zan Jian is stationed in Nanzheng. Li Fu is leading the army as the rear wing. Let's talk about how to deal with it."

Zan Jian was a former general of the Li family who became the Han Dynasty. He had also served as an envoy to the Han Dynasty before.

Li Fu is a clan relative of Li Shi, and he was also the right-guard general of Li's Chenghan Dynasty.

"Chengguo almost mobilized the whole country's capable soldiers to go north, and only Hanzhong County has [-] troops." Yuan Qiao, the commander of the march, was supposed to make suggestions. He talked eloquently while talking: "Hanzhong is mountainous, and you need to cross the Nanshan (Qinling) from north to south. Zan Jian will definitely not give up fighting with our army in Qinling. It depends on whether Li Fu will go north to meet him."

Huan Wen's troops are now divided into two parts, one in Chencang and the other in Shangyong. The main force is of course led by Huan Wen himself, and Yin Hao will soon go to Shangyong to command the partial division.

After Li's Chenghan realized that the Han army had the intention of invading, he passively deployed defenses based on the detected movements of the Han army, because Huan Wen did not conceal the relationship between the main force, and their main defense direction was of course in the direction of Chen Cang.

What Huan Wen wants is to use the minimum cost to complete the goal of eliminating Li's Chenghan. Only in this way can he show his value, so it is naturally not possible to advance head-on. Sufficient strategies should be used to avoid losses.

Using the main force to attract Li's Chenghan's main force and creating enough fighters to allow the partial division to easily enter the core of Li's Chenghan is the essence of Huan Wen's long-established plan.They have enough reasons to be sure of one thing, that is, after Li Shi came to power, he messed around, which made Li's Chenghan extremely fragile. There is no need to attack every city and place, and show absolute strength to obtain the airport. Victory, at the time of introduction, there were many heroes who knew the current affairs and appeared in Chenghan.

"The more troublesome thing is the weather." Yuan Qiao frowned and said, "It is the will of the soldiers that will be tested."

Huan Wen immediately looked at Yin Hao.

The part of the Han army that attacked Li's Chenghan is basically infantry, and the main part is light infantry suitable for fighting in the mountains. After all, the terrain determines the composition of the force, and the test is the choice of fighters. Naturally, there is no shortage of opponents. Execution of the battle plan.

"Rainbow gear, medicinal materials and other supplies have been prepared long ago, and all the soldiers are good." Yin Hao seemed to be full of confidence, and he said with a determined expression and tone: "The rainy season will not be a trouble, on the contrary it will be a problem." help."

The reason why the invasion of Li's Chenghan began in the spring was because of the war against the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The Han State despised the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty strategically, and paid attention to the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty tactically.

Li's Chenghan is located in the northwest of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Once the Han Dynasty eliminates Li's Chenghan, the northwest and west of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty will be fully exposed to the attackable position of the Han army. Regardless of how the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is Desperately defending the east, the loss of the northwest and the west will inevitably reduce national strength, and it can still play a key role in the process of the war of annihilation.

"Eliminate Chengguo before autumn..." Huan Wen laughed, and continued after laughing enough: "Only by destroying Chengguo can we participate in the Southern Invasion War and make more achievements. Do you agree?"

Even if they were born in the south of the Yangtze River, no one disagrees, and no one even thinks that there is anything wrong with invading the south. They are even absolutely interested in destroying the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and what they long for is to carve up in that feast. More than enough benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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