Chapter 467

Ji Chang's words caught the attention of everyone around him.

Voices within the Han state that Liu Yan should proclaim himself emperor have long appeared. At that time, Qingzhou had just been fully recovered, and the war with Shijie was not clear.Once again, the voice of proclaiming the emperor was the most enthusiastic, Liu Yan ordered the construction of the Yanhuang Temple on Mount Tai. After all, once the Yanhuang Temple was built, it would be a competition for the name of Zhengshuo.

During the second year of Yuan Shuo's worship of the ancestors of the Yanhuang Temple, Ji Chang originally wanted to take the lead in agitating Liu Yan to proclaim himself emperor, but the matter was over before it even started. It is not very appropriate for a powerful invasion to mention proclaiming the emperor.

The proclaiming of emperor was delayed for various reasons. The Han Kingdom had always been in a state of war. During the second year of Yuanshuo, Liu Yan was basically on patrol.In the third year of Yuanshuo, it was stable for a few months, but during this period, the wars in various places changed again and again, and it was really difficult to mention proclaiming emperor again.

"Calling the emperor?" Liu Yan heard Ji Chang's temptation on the way to the military camp, and said with a wry smile: "The old land is only two or three out of ten, what are you talking about calling the emperor?"

Although the army of the Han State has repeatedly expanded its territory, Youzhou, Liangzhou, Jingzhou, Yangzhou, Liangzhou, Guangzhou, Jiaozhou, Bingzhou, Ningzhou, and the Western Regions have not yet recovered.

Seriously, according to the scale of the twelve states in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Han State currently has four states, Bingzhou and Heshuo are still in the hands of Shijie Zhao State, Youzhou has Murong Yan State, and there is a Li family in the west and north of Yizhou. In Chenghan, Jingzhou, Yangzhou, Jiaozhou and the southern part of Yizhou were the small imperial courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Liangzhou and half of the Western Regions had the Liang Kingdom of the Zhang family.

The current state of the territory makes Liu Yan really not have the slightest idea of ​​proclaiming the emperor. He feels that proclaiming the emperor on such a scale will appear to be too small-minded. Claims will become more complicated and cumbersome.

After a long time, Ji Chang expressed his inner expectation, and when he heard Liu Yan say that, he shut up.It's not that he gave up, but he was thinking of more convincing language.

According to Liu Yan's true thoughts, proclaiming himself emperor should only be done after the Shijie Zhao Kingdom and the Eastern Jin Dynasty were destroyed. At that time, the Han family's old land would be restored to its full extent. It would not be too shameful to proclaim himself emperor.The Zhao Kingdom of Shijie and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were destroyed, and the Li family became Han Dynasty. The remaining Liang Kingdom and Murong Yan Kingdom of Zhang family were annexed and eliminated step by step.

Back at the military camp, Liu Yangang wanted to take a nap, but as soon as he lay down, Xun Xian came to report that Ran Min had requested an audience.

Ran Min came to see him for no other reason, but because he needed to know the answer about Shijie Zhao Guo's peace request from Liu Yan.

Shi Hu sent his men to Linzi via the war zone in January of the fourth year of Yuanshuo, and proposed a truce between the two countries, with the two sides taking their respective control areas as the border.

The Han State still did not stop military operations when it received the Shihu envoys, but did not give a clear rejection. Shihu regarded Liu Yan's behavior as negotiable, and then sent several new envoys, the latest envoy The regiment is on the side of Xiangguo.

The last wave of Shijie envoys presented a new letter of credence. While accepting the fact of defeat, it also confirmed the handover of the existing territory of the Han Kingdom based on legal principles. It promised that the two sides would not fight again after the truce, and could follow the example of the Huns and the Han Empire. Marrying in that way enters into a friendship of non-aggression.

Did the Han Empire and the Huns have any friendly past?It really did. There was a period of time when the Huns really entered the honeymoon period. During the Western Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu did not go south for several years. It was just that the Han Empire married a princess and brought a huge dowry to the Xiongnu as the Yan family. The two sides also set up borders. Remind the market to communicate with each other.

What is Shihu's psychology? The Han Dynasty didn't try to figure it out at all, and it seems that there is no need to figure it out.Liu Yan didn't know what credentials Shijie's last envoys carried. The reason why he never replied to Shihu was very simple. It was that there was no need for the two sides to talk.

"Yong Zeng." Liu Yan looked at Ran Min who was wearing a uniform, and said bluntly: "Han and Jie are not in conflict. What we have to do is to eliminate, completely eliminate, and leave no Jie people behind."

Ran Min immediately showed a child-like innocent smile. He liked Liu Yan's words not only because of his previous humiliation, but as a contemporary person with a somewhat Han supremacist mentality, it is very important to be able to eliminate more barbarians. happy to do.

"Anyone who is hostile to the big man, as a warrior, will use the sword and gun in his hand to eliminate one by one." Liu Yan never beat around the bush when talking with Ran Min, mainly because he was afraid that Ran Min would not understand or misunderstand: "The mission of the Northern Expedition Corps Just keep heading north until I order you to stop."

"Sir, I understand." Ran Min looked extremely excited, with the military power in his hand and no shortage of supplies, as a war madman, he should feel excited and excited.He suddenly restrained his excitement, and said with rare hesitation: "I heard some remarks about the expansion of the army."

The number of personnel under the establishment of the Northern Expedition Corps expanded to nearly 40. About [-] were from the original establishment, and the rest were recruited and recruited from the Guangfu Area.Three to four tenths of the soldiers in the Guangfu District who were admitted into the Northern Expedition Corps were unorganized common people, and the rest were actually families, powerful people, and the like.

There is absolutely no misunderstanding to regard the Northern Expedition Corps under Ran Min's command as another beggar army. What is being said is the structure of most of the army's military sources, including uniforms, weapons, and so on.

For the Northern Expedition Corps to become complicated, Liu Yan didn't have no opinion in his heart. Improper operation means the rise of a military group. Naturally, he is not afraid of destroying it after an accident, but the country will inevitably have great turmoil.

The army of the Northern Expedition Corps, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and armor and equipment, the newly recruited ones are only nominally under the Northern Expedition Corps organization. The center did not provide battle robes and weapons except for the supply of military supplies. After begging, the center finds various reasons to shirk.

"I gave you the power to expand the army." Liu Yan put away the smile on his face and said expressionlessly: "The speed of the army expansion was far beyond my expectation."

"You can't say that, Your Majesty." Ran Min put on a reasonable demeanor, and said: "When all the people attack the barbarian, everyone is a soldier. It is better for the country to take advantage of the situation and control it than to have no organization and no discipline, right?"

The words made sense, but the problem was that Liu Yan could never admit it. He looked at Ran Min quietly, as if waiting for an explanation.

Ran Min is not a person who is good at words, he was a little embarrassed, and he was silent for a while before he said: "Yes, the minister expanded too quickly, the minister once called the king, it will make the king have doubts to some extent, but The minister has no two hearts."

Liu Yan frowned, and had to admit that Ran Min was Ran Min, he could say anything, and other people would never say such things.

"Yes, I didn't just accept Han people..." Ran Min blushed a little, took a few deep breaths, and then continued embarrassingly: "I also accepted a lot of foreigners."

This is something worth studying. On the one hand, Ran Min hates Hu people, but on the other hand, he is willing to accept Hu people for his own use. He must say that he is a realist, that is, anyone who can be used by him does not care about his origin.

It is not a secret that Ran Min accepted the Hu people. His method is to let the Hu people change their Han surnames and join the army as slave soldiers. They will be sent wherever they are most likely to die. If they survive, they can be transferred until they become slaves. There is nothing wrong with a real Han soldier.

Actively rather than passively integrating Hu people is something Liu Yan is happy to see. Although Han people talk about blood, they also talk about cultural identity. We must understand that in the age when everything depends on manpower, more people will recognize themselves as Han people. , I believe that no ruler will refuse.

"I am recruiting the barbarians to drive them to work for their lives. There is absolutely no other purpose." Ran Min began to sound confident again: "If one less Han family member is killed, one less man will die. It is very cost-effective to let the foreigners fight for their lives. matter."

There is still nothing wrong with Ran Min's starting point. The mistake is that he did not explain it to the center. No wonder Liu Yan is worried, and the officials of the center are also very wary of Ran Min.

"Yong Zeng..." Liu Yan was very melancholy, so far Ran Min hadn't figured out the facts, so he reminded: "Have you forgotten something?"

Ran Min was stunned and murmured: "Forgot what?"

I don’t know if there was no way or they didn’t care about the source of soldiers recruited behind the Northern Expeditionary Corps. There were very few people registered and compiled when they were recruited, and the organization was so chaotic that it didn’t look like an army. Army" to describe?

The begging army is a group of fierce people who gather together to survive. Very few core elites will have a clear organizational system, and most of them have leaders but no officers. As a result, no one knows the exact number of the begging army. Units of bravery swarmed up.

Reasonably speaking, according to Ran Min's military literacy, he shouldn't ignore the matter of the army establishment, but it really happened. If he doesn't give an explanation, Liu Yan will not be allowed to think too much, and the center will have bad thoughts.

It was Liu Yan's repeated reminders that finally made Ran Min wake up.

"That's called chaos." Ran Min began to reason again: "Since going north, there has been no day without fighting, and people have heard of it all the time. People in the army are extremely lacking in literacy. It's not that they don't want to do it, but they really can't do it. .”

Liu Yan turned his head to the side, his cheeks twitched uncontrollably a few times.

To put it in a very ugly way, in terms of the current literacy rate, there may not be one literate person in a thousand people.Literacy alone is not enough. The army rank book has its own process, which is related to organization and control. To put it simply, it is order, and order is a luxury in the Xinguang District.

"Except for the original establishment..." Liu Yan turned his head to look at Ran Min again, and asked with piercing eyes: "The rest of the transfers will be registered and compiled backwards. Is there any problem?"

The Northern Expeditionary Corps is now spread out relatively widely. Huguan and Hukou Pass need to directly exert pressure on Shijie Zhao Jun. The direction of Jizhou is also deployed as the Lv Tai Corps returns. It is not a simple matter to mobilize.

"You are the king, so you can do whatever you want." Ran Min didn't hide his repulsion, maybe he thought it was not good to speak like this, and explained later: "There is no problem with the transfer, but I am afraid of accidents."

Liu Yan worked very hard to control his cheeks from twitching. He is someone who understands Ran Min. He is a bohemian and iron-blooded man. Maybe he didn't think much about what he said, but it was out of his most real needs.

"Southern tune, how to tune..." Liu Yan drew an ending tone, tried hard to hide his disgust, and continued: "That's your business."

"Oh, it's not all the southern tunes at once." Ran Min immediately showed a happy smile and said, "If the king said so, I will have a score in my heart."

What Liu Yan and the officials of the central government paid attention to was whether Ran Min was willing to order the newly recruited people to be transferred to the south. It was a matter of attitude and mentality. Ran Min's acceptance of orders was more important than anything else.

Xun Xian, who had been standing on the side to record, could not help envying Ran Min.It's nothing, he is envious of Liu Yan's attitude towards Ran Min, the king is willing to be with his ministers... especially the generals who command the army speak freely, other than love, it can only be explained by maintenance.

People in the south of the Yangtze River have never had a good impression of Ran Min, while people in the Central Plains have polarized attitudes towards Ran Min.The so-called polarization is worship to the extreme and loathing to the extreme, the difference is whether he has been taken care of by Ran Min and whether he has been suppressed.

The conversation between Liu Yan and Ran Min was just to set the tone. Later, Prime Minister Zuo Ji Chang would specifically discuss the details with Ran Min.

Ran Min left Wang's tent and went straight to Ji Chang's tent.What he saw outside the tent was people coming and going, but when he entered, he saw paperwork everywhere.

When the king is on tour, the team that governs the country is also out, and the local reports are of course sent to Xingyuan.

At present, paper has not been widely used. Most of them are wooden calf signs and bamboo slips, and a small amount of silk cloth is used. As a result, Jichang's tent is really full of things.

Ji Chang saw Ran Min stop working and stood up. They bowed to each other and then sat down.

Prime Minister Zuo was in charge of the military, Ji Chang did not get to the point right away, but personally heard from Ran Min about the progress of the war against Shijie Zhao.

When it comes to the military, Ran Min has a clear mind and concise language, and it didn't take long for him to explain the situation clearly, and finally brought up the matter himself: "The king wants the new troops to be reorganized in the south, and what Min means is according to actual needs. , First transfer the troops that are not needed to the south, and dispatch them in batches."

Ji Chang nodded in approval very formally.

The Northern Expeditionary Corps is currently dealing with a very large war zone, spanning more than [-] miles from west to east, from Youzhou in the east to Bingzhou in the west. The main fronts are Shangdang County in Bingzhou and Fanyang County in Youzhou. In addition, Shangdang County has the most troops stationed here, while Fanyang County only makes defenses.

"Murong Xianbei was handed over from Shijie to Youzhou, and the temporary actions are not big." Ji Chang said some news about the national level, but the description was not detailed. He mainly mentioned that Murong Yanguo also had the intention of a truce. The topic will be discussed later. Turning around, he asked suddenly: "For the source of troops recruited by General Zhengbei, those tyrants and families still maintain control over the armed forces?"

Ran Min was very sensitive, his eyes were sharp, his face was rather stiff, and he replied dully: "Yes."

……Dividing line……

The previous chapter was about the Green Forest Rebellion, but I was confused and wrote it as the Huangchao Rebellion.

(End of this chapter)

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