sweeping the world

Chapter 458 Talented women are usually bold

Chapter 458 Talented women are usually bold
After Wang Xizhi left, the two brothers Xie Wan and Xie Shi fell into a long silence.

The aristocratic family is all about face, and there is nothing more damaging to the foundation than feeling humiliated. The Wang family is the "king" who used to be "the king and the horse share the world". If the power among the people breaks out, it can still destroy any family that is also a powerful family.

"Although I was mentally prepared..." Xie Shi was still a little worried: "Their attitude is tougher than expected."

In view of the possibility of an unprecedented war between the North and South Poles next year, the southern family led by Chu Po and Xie Shi has made an agreement to put state affairs first, and the Wang family is also one of the families that signed the covenant.

The south of the Yangtze River is said to be ruled by the Sima royal family, rather than the status quo of co-governance by the family.In order to protect their own interests, under the premise of facing the Han army's southern invasion, it should be said that the various families showed a rare unity.

Under the situation where great unity is the most important thing, according to Xie Shi's guess, Xie and Wang did not get engaged in Xie Daoyun's and Wang Ningzhi's marriage, and Xie Daoyun's marriage changed. The Unity Stable will only choose the default.

It is very complicated for the Xie family to re-discuss the in-law marriage with the King of Han. Although the Xie family intends to leave a grand road for the family, it also paves the way for the entire family south of the Yangtze River.

The reason why Chu Po agreed with Xie's resumption of the marriage with the King of Han was that Xie Shi mentioned that the marriage might be able to influence Liu Yan after the marriage, even if the Jin army lost to the Han army in the end, and the southern aristocratic family would also There must be a channel of communication with Liu Yan.

After all, the military strength shown by the newly rising Han State is really too strong, and no one in the south dares to boast that he can definitely defeat the Han army.With no confidence in victory in the face of the Han army's southern invasion, more than one family is looking for a way out. In contrast, the Xie family's layout is not only for their own family, but also to bear the aftermath of a possible defeat.

"Of course, if things come to fruition, we will be the ones to gain the most. But..." Xie Wan shook his head and smiled wryly: "Looking at Wang Xizhi's appearance when he left, things really can't get better."

The Xie family tried to understand Liu Yan's personality through many channels, and the information they got was that Liu Yan was willing to work hard to protect his woman.

The concubine who was born in Tuoba Xianbei, her existence won many benefits for Tuoba Daiguo, and she was able to stabilize under the series of blows from Murong Xianbei, and even had enough supplies to use against the Huns.

The Cui family of Boling became the concubine of Liu Yan because the family had a daughter. After the prosperity of the Han Dynasty, it transformed from a prefect family into a family with great influence. Too many families and powerful families in the North were attached to their wings and became more ambitious. The trend of gate valve development.

Let’s talk about the little Zhang family. A daughter, Zhang Lan, entered the harem of the King of Han. The Zhang family changed from a powerful place to a prefect family, and a new family was forming.

"Unless the Wang family is willing to fight to the death and make enemies of many families, otherwise there will be no trouble." Xie Shi believed in his own judgment. Definitely attracting and not releasing, waiting for the situation to be completely unfavorable, the Wang family must have the reputation of being a pusher of subjugation."

The country is the country of the family, but the family does not have to have a country, the family's interests are the family's taboo, the country can perish, but the family's interests must last forever.The key now is Liu Yan's attitude towards the southern family, which determines the strength of the southern family's resistance.

Xie's renegotiation of the marriage is a big test. The intention of Yu Yi and the descendants of the family to go north is unclear.

The season is winter, but the attitudes presented on each front are different.

In the direction of Shouchun in Huainan, the Han army led by Xu Zhengzheng did not stop advancing southward due to the influence of the season.By November, the Han army on their way had advanced to a range of twenty miles south of Shouchun, and the two sides were on guard across a few short hills.

On the Dantu side of Danyang, the Han army fleet entered Jiangdu wantonly, and the Han army on the shore had to conduct drills every day. The noise caused the Jin army on the Jingkou side to police three times a day, but the Han army here only had movements. No real action.

The Han army who entered Shu and arrived in Xinye did not know when warships of the Han army began to appear on the Mian River.Mianshui can directly threaten many important towns in Jingzhou, and with the Han army stationed on the side of Dahong Mountain, one can imagine what kind of situation the Jin army on this front line should face when the weather is suitable for fighting.

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty has not had any smooth sailing recently, and there was a disadvantage on several fronts without fighting.There are still many things that have hit them hard. First of all, Shijie and Zhao Guo took the initiative to ask for peace with Han. Murong Yan also had rumors of a truce with Han. Changed attitude.

"The situation of mutual invasion between the north and the south has been decided!" Guo Ao is the son of Guo Pu.He said to Chu Suanzi in a slightly mysterious tone: "The barbarians will decline, and China will prosper. The situation is settled."

The Guo family of Guo Ao has nothing to do with the Guo family of the Central Plains. Their Guo family has always been a family of scholars. Strange alchemy.

Metaphysics was prominent in the small courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and was considered a branch of Confucianism. However, all scholars would study it. The impact was that no matter whether it was family affairs or the country's choices, it was extremely easy to be swayed by some mysterious metaphysics.

Regardless of whether it was the former Wang family or the Yu family who came from behind, the Chu family is now a fresh foreign relative. The little emperor is too young to talk about governing the country. After the death of He Chong, Chu Suanzi has full power to handle state affairs, so is it right? Said that the Chu family became the rulers of the country?
Chu Suanzi is actually very young, and she is not comfortable being an empress dowager, because the Sima royal family has long been powerless. Although the Chu family has many conveniences to develop, it lacks foundation and has no huge strength behind it. It is still a country of aristocratic families, not a country of the royal family or foreign relatives.

Through a gauze curtain, Chu Suanzi couldn't see Guo Ao's face clearly.She has been exhausted recently, the Han army is about to invade the south, and the more troublesome thing is Wang Xizhi is making a scene, so she can't help asking ghosts and gods.

"I heard that there is an eminent monk named Wu Jin in Shijie. He said that the Jin Dynasty will rise again, causing the King of Jianwu to persecute the people?" The eminent monk Chu Suanzi said was the guy who persuaded Shihu to kill all the Jin people in Shijie. The King of Jianwu is Shi Hu's name.Perhaps it was a common problem of early widowhood that caused her to believe in both religion and Buddhism. She rubbed a beaded bracelet in her hand and said softly, "The barbarians are weak, so the Huaxia that is about to rise is us Zhengshuo or a hypocrite?"

Any statement that has something to do with mystery is extremely cryptic, and even more ambiguous. In short, it is said, but the specifics are all up to the listener to guess. If the guess is correct, it is completely effective. Guess To be wrong is to understand wrongly.

Guo Ao originally wanted to be vague, but he didn't expect Chu Suanzi to ask so clearly later. He pondered for a while and said: "Fortune has its ups and downs, and changes in the sky can reveal everything. Under the sky at night, there are bright stars in the sky. Above Huainan, who should be lucky, I am afraid it depends on the changes in the situation in Huainan."

Chu Suanzi understood that it was the Shouchun battlefield that determined the rise and fall of the country. After presenting Guo Ao as a present, she went to the side hall to meet her father, Chu Po.

After saluting, the two knelt and knelt to each other for a long time without making a sound. During this period, a wet nurse brought the little emperor Sima Dan over once, waiting for the wet nurse to take Sima Dan away, and the silence was broken.

"Since the battle in Huainan will affect the fate of the country, we need to persuade Wang Xizhi more." Chu Suanzi frowned, and said firmly, "Don't cause the country to make waves when it faces a powerful enemy because of the family's private grievances."

Wang Xizhi has a great reputation, and many of his friends are great poets, great calligraphers, great metaphysicians and so on, which is very convenient for public opinion. The public opinion of the society is messed up.

Chu Po smiled wryly and said, "Now it's just verbal criticism, and the power of the family has not been used to attack each other."

"There is already a Yu family." Chu Suanzi's frown did not affect her beauty. She is only 21 years old this year, and Miao Ling's current age is the real Miao Ling.She sighed, and said: "The Yu family is just out of the way, if the Wang family and the Xie family fight..."

Family fighting in the south of the Yangtze River is not uncommon. It is usually a fight for wealth and hatred between each other. Nearly 2 people were killed, and it was simply a large-scale war.

In the past, it was still some small-scale families who were entangled with each other to stage the whole martial arts. If the Wang family really wanted to tear apart the face with the Xie family, the scale of the two behemoth families was unknown.

If the Han army hadn't invaded the south, Chu Suanzi would have liked to kill the family, and it would be better if they all died together, so that the control of the country could return to the royal family.The problem is that now that the Han army is about to fight over, what Chu Suanzi is asking is for the whole south to unite against the enemy and prevent any internal fighting.

"The main reason is that... the royal family is not...not up to date." Chu Po said intermittently before, but later said simply: "The princess of the royal family has a bad reputation, otherwise, the Wang family will be satisfied with the princess of the royal family in exchange for Xie Daoyun."

The women of the Sima family have more than just a bad reputation. It should be said that as soon as they heard that the Sima family was going to marry a princess, that person would definitely choose to run away.

Indeed, there are people who ran away when they heard that they were going to marry the princess. That person is still an official in the Han Dynasty, and I heard that he is doing quite well.That person is Xun Xian, who became Liu Yan's second personal secretary Lang after Wang Meng was demoted to a local official, and he saw that a new political star was about to rise again.

Chu Suanzi had been frowning deeply all the time, and didn't know how to respond to his father's arranging of the royal family because the things were true.

Speaking of which, the luck of the Sima family seems to have been completely exhausted from Sima Yi to Sima Zhao. After that, the descendants of the family will first become the king of Langya, and then Sima Yue, who became the emperor, is a little bit of a fight, but Sima Yue only served for two years. The emperor passed away, and none of the Sima family's children after Sima Yue could stand on the stage.

"They are just making trouble..." Chu Po was willing to think in a better direction, and said bluntly: "The false king has no clear attitude towards the family. For their own sake, they should persist in resisting."

Since Xie Yi talked about the marriage again, it has been more than two months since Liu Yan has not given a formal reply. Not only was the family of the Xie family suspended in mid-air, but the hearts of the entire family south of the Yangtze River have not been able to put it back properly.

The marriage of Xie Daoyun alone has become unusual under the special situation, which is regarded as the attitude adopted by Han Wang Liu Yan towards the southern family.

Chu Suanzi and Chu Po couldn’t talk about a decision that could determine the situation of the country. With Guo Ao’s prophecy, they realized that the country’s reliance on the Xie family was more important than ever, and they were inclined to the Xie family because of a prophecy. .

Speaking of which, no matter whether it was Chu Suanzi or Chu Po, they never thought that Xie's true marriage with Liu Yan would make Xie's family completely turn to Han.It's not that they have much trust in the character of the Xie family, it's because they are in it that they understand the nature of the family.

Halfway through the conversation between the two, an eunuch hurried in, saying that it was news about Xie Daoyun, the famous talented girl in the south of the Yangtze River left a handwritten letter and ran away from home!

"Ah?" Chu Suanzi looked stunned. After being stunned for a long time, she didn't know what she was thinking. She actually laughed a few times and said, "It should be going north."

Chu Po thought more, and he didn't believe that a woman from an aristocratic family ran away without being noticed at all. He said to his daughter: "That's okay. The false king is not an ordinary person, and daughter Xie's move will give enough deep respect. impression."

It was five or six days ago that Xie Daoyun ran away from home.Xie's family has been blocking the news all the time, and it was only after five or six days that they leaked it on purpose, otherwise they could have kept it under control with the strictness of family management.It is a very normal behavior for them to leak it on their own, and it is also an announcement to the outside world that no matter how much Wang stirs up the situation, Xie will not be swayed by it.

Xie Daoyun, who always thought that she really ran away without telling others, was not blocked on purpose in the Yangtze River... Or it could be said that the Jin army could not block it, and the Han army did not block it. They and their group crossed the river to the north bank very easily, even If you are brave enough to approach Jiangdu, you can see the Han army camps that are connected together from a distance, and naturally there is a fleet that can cover the sky and cover the sun in the water villages on the river.

Lolita has three good things... Uh, no, it’s because Lolita hasn’t fully developed yet, and she looks like a handsome young man dressed in men’s clothes, but the maids next to her don’t look good in disguise, causing the Han army When they gathered around to ask questions, they immediately discovered the weirdness of their team...

(End of this chapter)

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